U.S. Supreme court deals major blow to the ten commandments

I hate to break it to you but the entire Arab world was in murderous chaos at the time...wars and changing borders were the order of the day.

I'm curious, what "murderous chaos' was that? Certainly nothing compared to what happened in Europe during hte World Wars. That's murderous chaos.

The oil field technology was the bribe in exchange for weapons to commit murder.

Um, dude, I think you are a little confused. They didn't have the Oil Field technology or did they need it. We interfered in that region because we wanted to oil, we backed a lot of the bad actors in there like Saddam because we wanted to keep the oil flowing.

Do you know what Saddam and Bin Laden had in common? They were both guys the CIA thought we could work with. Until they turned on us.

Oh! I forgot, the Liberal line that Muslims committing murder is because someone stole their lollypop.

No, because we steal their land, their resources, let the Jews set up a Zionist Apartheid state on their holy land, bomb their cities on regular basis, prop up truly horrible dictators like the Shah, and a lot of other really bad stuff.

None of which really benefits you or me or any other working American, but the rich do very well on this policy.
I hate to break it to you but the entire Arab world was in murderous chaos at the time...wars and changing borders were the order of the day.

I'm curious, what "murderous chaos' was that? Certainly nothing compared to what happened in Europe during hte World Wars. That's murderous chaos.

The oil field technology was the bribe in exchange for weapons to commit murder.

Um, dude, I think you are a little confused. They didn't have the Oil Field technology or did they need it. We interfered in that region because we wanted to oil, we backed a lot of the bad actors in there like Saddam because we wanted to keep the oil flowing.

Do you know what Saddam and Bin Laden had in common? They were both guys the CIA thought we could work with. Until they turned on us.

Oh! I forgot, the Liberal line that Muslims committing murder is because someone stole their lollypop.

No, because we steal their land, their resources, let the Jews set up a Zionist Apartheid state on their holy land, bomb their cities on regular basis, prop up truly horrible dictators like the Shah, and a lot of other really bad stuff.

None of which really benefits you or me or any other working American, but the rich do very well on this policy.
Ooh! Excuse me!
Murder by sword isn't as bad as murder by gun!
Are you for real with all the bullshit excuses you make for these animals?
They started it back 600AD and all you have is history purposely filled with gaps and revisions.
-smaller class sizes

There were 37 students in my 6th grade Catholic school class, all under the singular control of one nun who in hindsight resembled Darth Vader, black robes billowing and complete with a hickory map pointer-saber. There was no fucking around.

We excelled as a matter of survival. Why aren't they doing that now?
Private school...what happened to students if they disobeyed? were disrespectful? Heck....what happened to them if they wrote with their left hand? Plus private schools can kick out those students who screw up the testing scores.

Can Public schools do that today?
Ooh! Excuse me!
Murder by sword isn't as bad as murder by gun!
Are you for real with all the bullshit excuses you make for these animals?
They started it back 600AD and all you have is history purposely filled with gaps and revisions.

Um, if you want to go back that far, the Christian World was just as bad... maybe worse.

So let's concede that Human Beings are generally pretty shitty to each other regardless of what sky pixie they worship or even if they don't worship a sky pixie at all.

The fact that you refer to these people as "animals" kind of shows your racism. If you were subjected to the same thing, you'd probably engage int he same behavior.
And the difference is?

That the NRA has put so many guns out there that it's easy for crazy people to get them?

Back in the day, which I would have to assume is somewhere in the 1940's, because that's the last time bible reading in Public Schools was still a thing, we had less than 40 million privately owned guns, most of them hunting rifles.

Then a funny thing happened. People actually realized that shooting animals for fun was a barbaric and sadistic thing to do. So i guess the kind of sociopath who would shoot rabbits after school started getting a dose of Ritalin instead, and we are all better off for it.

This wasn't good enough for the gun industry, which started flooding the streets with more guns and bigger guns. And today we have more guns than we have people, and it shows.

Your history is off. The rest is just nuts.
Legislators have tried to ban both as an assault weapon ... They both do the same thing ... And can both be commonly used to hunt rabbits, squirrels and whatnot.
We don't care that you think the one pictured at the top looks scary ... Feel free to go change your underwear ...

No, what's scary is that you sociopaths think you need to own those things, and some of you use them.

Au contraire, what's scary is that you people are permitted to vote.
You're the kind of people we need protection from.

That's what I said nit-wit ... I'll protect you from me ... And can do so without legislation or government oversight ... :slap:
I understand that self control may be difficult for a child like you ... But don't be scared, you'll grow up some day (maybe).

They both do the same thing
And both are shit at it. A scoped bolt action .22 is much more practical.
Funny x 1
Fuck that ... A shotgun would be more practical ...
Easy to see who has done a lot of small game shooting and who has not.
Ooh! Excuse me!
Murder by sword isn't as bad as murder by gun!
Are you for real with all the bullshit excuses you make for these animals?
They started it back 600AD and all you have is history purposely filled with gaps and revisions.

Um, if you want to go back that far, the Christian World was just as bad... maybe worse.

So let's concede that Human Beings are generally pretty shitty to each other regardless of what sky pixie they worship or even if they don't worship a sky pixie at all.

The fact that you refer to these people as "animals" kind of shows your racism. If you were subjected to the same thing, you'd probably engage int he same behavior.
Key phrase...
Going back that far.

Do we have to annihilate the fuckers to civiize them?
I know you make a living finding them IT jobs here.
Now start using your brain.
-smaller class sizes

There were 37 students in my 6th grade Catholic school class, all under the singular control of one nun who in hindsight resembled Darth Vader, black robes billowing and complete with a hickory map pointer-saber. There was no fucking around.

We excelled as a matter of survival. Why aren't they doing that now?

Private school...what happened to students if they disobeyed?

Map pointer across the back of the legs. Stung like hell.

Alternative - on your knees in the Mother Superior's office for an hour, copying paragraphs.

were disrespectful?

Map pointer across the back of the legs. Stung like hell.

Heck....what happened to them if they wrote with their left hand?

They were called Lefties by the other kids. Today, it's quite an embarrassing political designation.

Plus private schools can kick out those students who screw up the testing scores.

Didn't happen in the Catholic schools. You got extra help. If you were lazy about it - map pointer across the back of the legs. Stung like hell.


Can Public schools do that today?

Well, there were once special schools for troubled kids. They were removed from the class so as not to slow down the others.

No reason for public schools to do that now, because public schools are not intended to educate, but only indoctrinate. Any education given is done solely to cement the indoctrination.
Unfortunately, we are all complicit in allowing the Left and the evil to undermine and destroy the nation.
Every immoral gesture we allow to go past due to political correctness or fear is helping them.
They have a plan, they have a path and they are not going to stop unless they are stopped.

All that is required for EVIL men to prevail is for GOOD men to do nothing.

This is pretty much how Rome fell. Too many do NOTHING. Same in Venezuela. Until it's too late.
People today are collectively too afraid of the personal consequences of their own sacrifices rather than the long term consequences of accepting evil.

Such a diabolically masterful plan for the conquest of good men wouldn't you agree?
I don't believe only Christians can save the world. Those who do not want religion of ANY sort mixed up in their laws are not EVIL; they are simply secular. Turning those with whom you disagree into EVIL doers is perhaps where real Evil hits the road.
My dad used to take his rifle to school so he could go rabbit hunting later. So did his buddies.

But in those days kids read the Bible in school.

Well, I'm not sure what days those were. Again, we aren't talking about rabbit rifles, we are talking about assault rifles

And the difference is?
I guess he thinks a blunderbuss is used for rabbit hunting.

Even still, guess what would happen if a kid was seen walking into school with a blunderbuss. Lockdown, SWAT, National news, etc etc.
Unfortunately, we are all complicit in allowing the Left and the evil to undermine and destroy the nation.
Every immoral gesture we allow to go past due to political correctness or fear is helping them.
They have a plan, they have a path and they are not going to stop unless they are stopped.

All that is required for EVIL men to prevail is for GOOD men to do nothing.

This is pretty much how Rome fell. Too many do NOTHING. Same in Venezuela. Until it's too late.
People today are collectively too afraid of the personal consequences of their own sacrifices rather than the long term consequences of accepting evil.

Such a diabolically masterful plan for the conquest of good men wouldn't you agree?
I don't believe only Christians can save the world. Those who do not want religion of ANY sort mixed up in their laws are not EVIL; they are simply secular. Turning those with whom you disagree into EVIL doers is perhaps where real Evil hits the road.
History has proven what occurs with a godless leadership. 262 million murdered by their own governments in just the past century.

I suggest you introduce yourself to 2 concepts...
Chronology and context.

Okay, let's look at "Chronology".

When did the first terror attack happen.
And when did the first time the Christian West start invading and bombing the middle east happen.

Oh, wait, no, Western invasions happened first. Pretty much in the 19th century when Europe started carving up what was left of the Ottoman Empire

Okay, now let's look at Context.

There was this great film called "The Battle for Algeirs", where the French capture a rebel leader, and they ask him, "Why do you hide bombs in women's baskets", and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd happily trade our baskets for your planes."

So when we do shit like this to them, either directly or by proxie (Yes, i mean you, Zionists!)


We really shouldn't whine and bitch when they do stuff like this in retaliation.


Our Middle East policy can be best described as sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung.
Sweden stayed out of the Middle East and simply took in refugees.
In exchange Islam has declared war upon Sweden.
And the difference is?

That the NRA has put so many guns out there that it's easy for crazy people to get them?

Back in the day, which I would have to assume is somewhere in the 1940's, because that's the last time bible reading in Public Schools was still a thing, we had less than 40 million privately owned guns, most of them hunting rifles.

Then a funny thing happened. People actually realized that shooting animals for fun was a barbaric and sadistic thing to do. So i guess the kind of sociopath who would shoot rabbits after school started getting a dose of Ritalin instead, and we are all better off for it.

This wasn't good enough for the gun industry, which started flooding the streets with more guns and bigger guns. And today we have more guns than we have people, and it shows.
Let's assume you are correct, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns in 1940.
Population of the US was 132M then, probably 100M were adults.

Which means every 2.5 citizens owned a gun.
Well, I'm not sure what days those were. Again, we aren't talking about rabbit rifles, we are talking about assault rifles are the problem.

This is a .22 cal semi-automatic


This is a .22 cal semi-automatic that holds 3 more bullets before reloading than the one above


Legislators have tried to ban both as an assault weapon ... They both do the same thing ... And can both be commonly used to hunt rabbits, squirrels and whatnot.
We don't care that you think the one pictured at the top looks scary ... Feel free to go change your underwear ... :dunno:

But they are so scary looking!

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