U.S. Supreme court deals major blow to the ten commandments

Key phrase...
Going back that far.

Do we have to annihilate the fuckers to civiize them?
I know you make a living finding them IT jobs here.
Now start using your brain.

Hey, not my fault Americans are too bad at math to get IT Jobs.

Here's the thing.... We stop fucking with their part of the world, they'll stop fucking with us.

The Ten Commandments were written for the Jews at the time. It was a set of laws that they were to abide by.Those laws are still followed today by Jews, Christians etc.

No they're fucking not! Jews and Christians constantly take the lord's name in vain, constantly don't recognize the Sabbath, constantly commit adultery, constantly disrespect their parents, constantly craft and worship graven images, constantly lie, cheat, steal, and murder. So here you are, representing that these Ten Commandments are somehow followed by people today when they're obviously not. Even you shitheads on this very thread break the Ten Commandments when you take the Lord's name in vain to insult us. Or when you lie about shit.

Ancient religious texts are not the basis for our law. Only 2 1/2 of the Ten Commandments are actually laws in our modern society and those 2 1/2 Commandments (Don't kill, don't steal, don't lie under oath) were laws in societies that pre-date Moses.

That's why any talk of putting up the Ten Commandments is a fucking joke since our law doesn't even base itself on them.

Some things that Jews may consider immoral (eating pork, for example) is not considered immoral by Christians because Christ added to the previous set of laws that were established by the Ten Commandments.

LOL! So Christ retconned the Ten Commandments. And you want us to take them seriously, why?

So of course there are things that wouldn't be considered moral by one society to another. Your point makes zero sense...it's a straw argument based on little knowledge of history and religions.

You think that before Moses bringing the Commandments down and Jesus' retconning of them, people thought murder was moral? You're fucking stupid. I was just giving you information about the Hammurabi Code which were the first set of criminal and civil laws that were recorded in their entirety. Among those laws; no murder and no stealing. Christians didn't introduce the concept of morality...they just try to usurp it.
Key phrase...
Going back that far.

Do we have to annihilate the fuckers to civiize them?
I know you make a living finding them IT jobs here.
Now start using your brain.

Hey, not my fault Americans are too bad at math to get IT Jobs.

Here's the thing.... We stop fucking with their part of the world, they'll stop fucking with us.

The Muslims have been fucking with everyone, including each other, since 600AD.

For a guy who seems intelligent you're pretty stupud.
I'm not sure what you don't get about the fact that MOST MAJOR CIVILIZED societies had laws regarding their societies.

Yes, and those were moral and criminal laws that were divined by people, not by some imaginary cloud being. That's my point. There's nothing special about The Ten Commandments...most of those Commandments were already laws in most civilized societies prior to Moses. Adding in things like "honor your father and mother" and "don't take the Lord's name in vain" aren't laws and never will be. "Recognizing the Sabbath"...not a law. Laws against adultery are antiquated and clearly not of anyone's concern today. That leaves crafting graven images, which isn't against any law; murder and theft, which are all against the law and have been since before the Ten Commandments; that leaves "Thou shalt not bear false witness"...and it's pretty obvious that lying is also not against the law (unless you do so in a court of law) so what exactly do the Ten Commandments add to the rule of law? Nothing. Only two-and-a-half of the Ten Commandments are actually "laws" as we know them today.

What does that have to do with the Ten Commandments? Just because other societies had laws (shocker) doesn't mean the Ten Commandments had anything to do with other societies' laws.

Ummm, again, many societies (including the Babylonians and Egyptians) had those laws before the Ten COmmandments. So the Ten Commandments didn't introduce anything new when it came to the rule of law. And only 2 1/2 of the Ten Commandments are actually laws today; thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not bear false witness (in court).

And I'm not sure what you're on about other societies not having "morals" etc...I never presented that argument.

The problem lies with you Christians who are trying to represent that your moral authority is the singular and one and only. When the reality is that Christianity is just a cult of personality that managed to proliferate because of evangelizing. Otherwise, there wouldn't be Christianity today without the cult members evangelizing it.

The Ten Commandments were written for the Jews at the time. It was a set of laws that they were times abide by. Those laws are still followed today by Jews, Christians etc. There are other laws followed by Christians that Jews don't follow and vice versa. Some things that Jews may consider immoral (eating pork, for example) is not considered immoral by Christians because Christ added to the previous set of laws that were established by the Ten Commandments.

So of course there are things that wouldn't be considered moral by one society to another. Your point makes zero sense...it's a straw argument based on little knowledge of history and religions.
I think what Derp is saying is that the Ten Commandments have no place in front of a County Courthouse. These "laws," while given to the Jews thousands of years ago, are no longer the primary laws of our society. They are now religious rather than civil laws. Put them in front of your church. Put them on the front lawn of your house (if the neighborhood association will let you) but don't try advertising them in front of a court of law. We are not Islamists. We do not take our rule of law from our religion.
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court took sides in a heated dispute over a Ten Commandments display on the lawn of a city hall building in Bloomfield, New Mexico, siding with lower courts that found its presence unconstitutional. It’s a conclusion to the City of Bloomfield v. Felix case that has the American Civil Liberties Union, among other groups, elated, heralding the move as a First Amendment victory. Meanwhile, conservative critics are less than content over the SCOTUS decision. David

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to the Ten Commandments

You leftist assholes have no clue what you are doing as you strip this nation of everything we were built upon and as you retards of the ANTI American hate groups go around turning America into N. Korea you rejects won't realize what you've done until years later. That's how works assholes..............then we all pay for your stupidity even people from other Countries see and understand what is going on yet the very fkning assholes who live here can't see a thing. gawd you fkrs are so beyond idiots.

I wonder if they will make a new version of toilet paper Ten Commandment for home and public use.
Something like this for a nasty dirty job.

I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.
Classic left degeneracy.
The Muslims have been fucking with everyone, including each other, since 600AD.

For a guy who seems intelligent you're pretty stupud.

For a guy who seems bigoted... well you are pretty bigoted.

I kind of get bored discussing anything with Islamophobes, people who've probably never talked to a Muslim in their lives passing themselves off as experts on their religion and culture.
The Muslims have been fucking with everyone, including each other, since 600AD.

For a guy who seems intelligent you're pretty stupud.

For a guy who seems bigoted... well you are pretty bigoted.

I kind of get bored discussing anything with Islamophobes, people who've probably never talked to a Muslim in their lives passing themselves off as experts on their religion and culture.
Oh, poor little minority guy you who loves anyone who wants to kill White people.
I got news for you, Islam hates Black people and slaughters them left and right where the news cameras dare not go, even more than they hate White people.
The Muslims have been fucking with everyone, including each other, since 600AD.

For a guy who seems intelligent you're pretty stupud.

For a guy who seems bigoted... well you are pretty bigoted.

I kind of get bored discussing anything with Islamophobes, people who've probably never talked to a Muslim in their lives passing themselves off as experts on their religion and culture.
LOL! There he goes again! Calling someone who tells the truth a bigot. Muslims are sorry and untrustworthy, just like liberals. It's always the same with you little girls, someone says something you disagree with and the liberal crying game starts along with character assassination and lord knows what else. When are gonna get a gun and start killing conservatives?
Key phrase...
Going back that far.

Do we have to annihilate the fuckers to civiize them?
I know you make a living finding them IT jobs here.
Now start using your brain.

Hey, not my fault Americans are too bad at math to get IT Jobs.

Here's the thing.... We stop fucking with their part of the world, they'll stop fucking with us.

So why are they fucking with France and England and Australia and Belgium and Sweden and damn near every civilized country on the world? Huh?
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.
Classic left degeneracy.
You need to post more about dicks.
Key phrase...
Going back that far.

Do we have to annihilate the fuckers to civiize them?
I know you make a living finding them IT jobs here.
Now start using your brain.

Hey, not my fault Americans are too bad at math to get IT Jobs.

Here's the thing.... We stop fucking with their part of the world, they'll stop fucking with us.

So why are they fucking with France and England and Australia and Belgium and Sweden and damn near every civilized country on the world? Huh?
Quiet! Evil White Man!
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court took sides in a heated dispute over a Ten Commandments display on the lawn of a city hall building in Bloomfield, New Mexico, siding with lower courts that found its presence unconstitutional. It’s a conclusion to the City of Bloomfield v. Felix case that has the American Civil Liberties Union, among other groups, elated, heralding the move as a First Amendment victory. Meanwhile, conservative critics are less than content over the SCOTUS decision. David

U.S. Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to the Ten Commandments

You leftist assholes have no clue what you are doing as you strip this nation of everything we were built upon and as you retards of the ANTI American hate groups go around turning America into N. Korea you rejects won't realize what you've done until years later. That's how works assholes..............then we all pay for your stupidity even people from other Countries see and understand what is going on yet the very fkning assholes who live here can't see a thing. gawd you fkrs are so beyond idiots.
Here's the great thing....God is on the throne and in control!

Those who can discern the times and realize,
what is going on, knew these days would come
and are watching the beginning of sorrows
unfolding rapidly, right before our very eyes.

God is real, Jesus paved a way....
Search your hearts before it is too late
The return of Christ is eminent
and we are living on borrowed time!
Goddess....not god.
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Religion is great! I LMAO over it. Watching weak minded folks that follow the Greatest Flim-Flam Master Con-Man that abuses you today. LOL! The BS Con men today, who steal your time/life and money. And rape your kids you offer up for gods love..

So let see here. You voted for the Great Orange Douche as a leader.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.- The Great Orange Douche does not believe in gods. Just him and money. But you voted for IT!
  2. You shall not make idols. -See the Great Orange Douche Red Hat for your Orange god, and all the god face's you worship. As th e Great Orange Douche is real. There are no gods btw.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -Do I need to explain how you failed here? And see the Great Orange Douche as well!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -LMAO! If you were to follow this for real. You would be in a shake in the backyard all day with a bucket to shit in.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a 30%do ..and 68% don't.
  6. You shall not murder. -That's what man does best. For you, you pay others to do that for you. And your god murdered everyone on the planet but for a few on a boat. As we are made in his image, is it. Murder is in the blood.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. -See the great Orange Douche HERE! Who has cheated on ALL three wives. And you voted for IT!
  8. You shall not steal. -See The Great Orange Douche. Most of what he has is from stealing as a con Flim Flam man! And you voted for IT!
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -FFS! Every day you and the Great Orange Douche does this dozens of times daily.
  10. You shall not covet. -LOL..You Voted for the Great Orange Douche here.!
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