U.S. Supreme court deals major blow to the ten commandments

I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Religion is great! I LMAO over it. Watching weak minded folks that follow the Greatest Flim-Flam Master Con-Man that abuses you today. LOL! The BS Con men today, who steal your time/life and money. And rape your kids you offer up for gods love..

So let see here. You voted for the Great Orange Douche as a leader.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.- The Great Orange Douche does not believe in gods. Just him and money
  2. You shall not make idols. -See the Great Orange Douche Red hat, and all the gods faces you worship.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -Do I need to explain how you fail here? And see the Great Orange Douche as well!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -LMAO! If you were to follow this for real. You would be in a shake in the backyard all day with a bucket to shit in.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a 30 do/70 don't.
  6. You shall not murder. -That's what man does best. For you, you pay others to do that for you.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. -See the great Orange Douche who has cheated on ALL three wives.
  8. You shall not steal. -See The Great Orange Douche. Most of what he has is from steal and a con Flim Flam man! And you voted for IT!
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -FFS! Every day you and the Great Orange Douche that dozen of times daily.
  10. You shall not covet.-LOL..You Voted for the Great Orange Douche here.!

I didn't vote for Trump. I'm independent. But it's the radical left like you, whose prejudice, bigotry and assumptions against anyone that they don't agree with, that got Trump elected. Trump was elected because people are disgusted with the radical left, like yourself. You only have yourself to blame.
The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Religion is great! I LMAO over it. Watching weak minded folks that follow the Greatest Flim-Flam Master Con-Man that abuses you today. LOL! The BS Con men today, who steal your time/life and money. And rape your kids you offer up for gods love..

So let see here. You voted for the Great Orange Douche as a leader.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.- The Great Orange Douche does not believe in gods. Just him and money
  2. You shall not make idols. -See the Great Orange Douche Red hat, and all the gods faces you worship.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -Do I need to explain how you fail here? And see the Great Orange Douche as well!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -LMAO! If you were to follow this for real. You would be in a shake in the backyard all day with a bucket to shit in.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a 30 do/70 don't.
  6. You shall not murder. -That's what man does best. For you, you pay others to do that for you.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. -See the great Orange Douche who has cheated on ALL three wives.
  8. You shall not steal. -See The Great Orange Douche. Most of what he has is from steal and a con Flim Flam man! And you voted for IT!
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -FFS! Every day you and the Great Orange Douche that dozen of times daily.
  10. You shall not covet.-LOL..You Voted for the Great Orange Douche here.!

I didn't vote for Trump. I'm independent. But it's the radical left like you, whose prejudice, bigotry and assumptions against anyone that they don't agree with, that got Trump elected. Trump was elected because people are disgusted with the radical left, like yourself. You only have yourself to blame.

So a weak cowardly repugger hiding under that independent BS! Check!
The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Religion is great! I LMAO over it. Watching weak minded folks that follow the Greatest Flim-Flam Master Con-Man that abuses you today. LOL! The BS Con men today, who steal your time/life and money. And rape your kids you offer up for gods love..

So let see here. You voted for the Great Orange Douche as a leader.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.- The Great Orange Douche does not believe in gods. Just him and money
  2. You shall not make idols. -See the Great Orange Douche Red hat, and all the gods faces you worship.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -Do I need to explain how you fail here? And see the Great Orange Douche as well!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -LMAO! If you were to follow this for real. You would be in a shake in the backyard all day with a bucket to shit in.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a 30 do/70 don't.
  6. You shall not murder. -That's what man does best. For you, you pay others to do that for you.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. -See the great Orange Douche who has cheated on ALL three wives.
  8. You shall not steal. -See The Great Orange Douche. Most of what he has is from steal and a con Flim Flam man! And you voted for IT!
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -FFS! Every day you and the Great Orange Douche that dozen of times daily.
  10. You shall not covet.-LOL..You Voted for the Great Orange Douche here.!

I didn't vote for Trump. I'm independent. But it's the radical left like you, whose prejudice, bigotry and assumptions against anyone that they don't agree with, that got Trump elected. Trump was elected because people are disgusted with the radical left, like yourself. You only have yourself to blame.

So a weak cowardly repugger hiding under that independent BS! Check!

Point proven. Keep isolating moderates and independents and you will have 7 more years of Trump.
Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Well........, Let's be fair then!
PUTTING Porn at newsstands, public buildings and schools uncovered would read better and be safer. As porn is not a supporter of a fake god, a leader in DEATH, in a mass planet genocide. You know that whole planet flooding thang. That killed babies in mother womb, and everyone else but a few on YUGE boat. That forgot to bring 40 days of food along.

Even better place Husler and the 10 commandments side by side.
Offering a free copy. Let's see what moves more.

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Religion is great! I LMAO over it. Watching weak minded folks that follow the Greatest Flim-Flam Master Con-Man that abuses you today. LOL! The BS Con men today, who steal your time/life and money. And rape your kids you offer up for gods love..

So let see here. You voted for the Great Orange Douche as a leader.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.- The Great Orange Douche does not believe in gods. Just him and money
  2. You shall not make idols. -See the Great Orange Douche Red hat, and all the gods faces you worship.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -Do I need to explain how you fail here? And see the Great Orange Douche as well!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -LMAO! If you were to follow this for real. You would be in a shake in the backyard all day with a bucket to shit in.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a 30 do/70 don't.
  6. You shall not murder. -That's what man does best. For you, you pay others to do that for you.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. -See the great Orange Douche who has cheated on ALL three wives.
  8. You shall not steal. -See The Great Orange Douche. Most of what he has is from steal and a con Flim Flam man! And you voted for IT!
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -FFS! Every day you and the Great Orange Douche that dozen of times daily.
  10. You shall not covet.-LOL..You Voted for the Great Orange Douche here.!

I didn't vote for Trump. I'm independent. But it's the radical left like you, whose prejudice, bigotry and assumptions against anyone that they don't agree with, that got Trump elected. Trump was elected because people are disgusted with the radical left, like yourself. You only have yourself to blame.

So a weak cowardly repugger hiding under that independent BS! Check!

Point proven. Keep isolating moderates and independents and you will have 7 more years of Trump.

I make conservatives look like anal weak morons, for what should be done.

Try again, indepanent coward.
You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

You sound like a typical, angry atheist. Why are you so angry?

Religion is great! I LMAO over it. Watching weak minded folks that follow the Greatest Flim-Flam Master Con-Man that abuses you today. LOL! The BS Con men today, who steal your time/life and money. And rape your kids you offer up for gods love..

So let see here. You voted for the Great Orange Douche as a leader.
  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.- The Great Orange Douche does not believe in gods. Just him and money
  2. You shall not make idols. -See the Great Orange Douche Red hat, and all the gods faces you worship.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -Do I need to explain how you fail here? And see the Great Orange Douche as well!
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -LMAO! If you were to follow this for real. You would be in a shake in the backyard all day with a bucket to shit in.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. This is a 30 do/70 don't.
  6. You shall not murder. -That's what man does best. For you, you pay others to do that for you.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. -See the great Orange Douche who has cheated on ALL three wives.
  8. You shall not steal. -See The Great Orange Douche. Most of what he has is from steal and a con Flim Flam man! And you voted for IT!
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -FFS! Every day you and the Great Orange Douche that dozen of times daily.
  10. You shall not covet.-LOL..You Voted for the Great Orange Douche here.!

I didn't vote for Trump. I'm independent. But it's the radical left like you, whose prejudice, bigotry and assumptions against anyone that they don't agree with, that got Trump elected. Trump was elected because people are disgusted with the radical left, like yourself. You only have yourself to blame.

So a weak cowardly repugger hiding under that independent BS! Check!

Point proven. Keep isolating moderates and independents and you will have 7 more years of Trump.

I make conservatives look like anal weak morons, for what should be done.

Try again, indepanent coward.
Really pajamaboy, you voted for an old crooked sickly vagina who with the lamestream media all in for her, she just couldn't get that gold ring. Pansy asses like every liberal I know, who has to have the government take care of them, cant even stack up with the guys who fought and still fight for this country, so shitfucks like you can post on this site.

Oh, poor little minority guy you who loves anyone who wants to kill White people.
I got news for you, Islam hates Black people and slaughters them left and right where the news cameras dare not go, even more than they hate White people.

sorry, dude, I'm white.

I'm just smart enough to see the one percent uses religion, racism, and sexual fears to keep us at each others throats.

The Muslims aren't our enemy. The one percenters who send young men off to die for oil are.
So why are they fucking with France and England and Australia and Belgium and Sweden and damn near every civilized country on the world? Huh?

who said those countries are "civilized"?

All of those countries are intervening or have intervened in the MIddle East. Except Sweden, maybe.

But do go on and on and on whining about how they "want to get you", because one lone Muslim or two launch an attack.

Of course, you are just as likely to be killed by a right wing nut who hates the darkies...
Really pajamaboy, you voted for an old crooked sickly vagina who with the lamestream media all in for her, she just couldn't get that gold ring. Pansy asses like every liberal I know, who has to have the government take care of them, cant even stack up with the guys who fought and still fight for this country, so shitfucks like you can post on this site.

Sorry, Barbie, more liberals are likely to have served than conservatives.
Oh, poor little minority guy you who loves anyone who wants to kill White people.
I got news for you, Islam hates Black people and slaughters them left and right where the news cameras dare not go, even more than they hate White people.

sorry, dude, I'm white.

I'm just smart enough to see the one percent uses religion, racism, and sexual fears to keep us at each others throats.

The Muslims aren't our enemy. The one percenters who send young men off to die for oil are.
You're ust another bleeding hearted liberal who finds today's minorities to be headed on the right track?
Sorry, guy, but I work with them and I have relatives and friends who work in such bastions of fidelity and partying as Detroit and LA and your philosophy is driving them, full force, back into the jungle.

You know how many times I have to hear that getting one pussy is pathetic because, "one" sounds like "none"?
How they can't live with the bar?
How every funeral is a fashion show without a tear shed in the chapel?
Forget about the $500.00 shoes that their overdrawn accounts pay for.

Yeah, yeah, I know; you're going to say this doesn't exist and I'm going to call you out as a shameless liar.

All because the White Democratics they vote for love them.
Last edited:
Your just another bleeding hearted liberal who finds today's minorities to be headed on the right track?
Sorry, guy, but I work with them and I have relatives and friends who work in such bastions of fidelity and partying as Detroit and LA and your philosophy is driving them, full force, back into the jungle.

Wow, didn't take you long to get to full on racism.

The problem with racists is that they like to think they are better than the people they look down on, but they really aren't.

You know how many times I have to hear that getting one pussy is pathetic because, "one" sounds like "none"?
How they can't live with the bar?
How every funeral is a fashion show without a tear shed in the chapel?
Forget about the $500.00 shoes that their overdrawn accounts pay for.

Yeah, yeah, I know; you're going to say this doesn't exist and I'm going to call you out as a shameless liar.

Guy, i think you are outing your racism pretty well without any help from me.

Typical White Trash... unable to identify your real tormentors....
Your just another bleeding hearted liberal who finds today's minorities to be headed on the right track?
Sorry, guy, but I work with them and I have relatives and friends who work in such bastions of fidelity and partying as Detroit and LA and your philosophy is driving them, full force, back into the jungle.

Wow, didn't take you long to get to full on racism.

The problem with racists is that they like to think they are better than the people they look down on, but they really aren't.

You know how many times I have to hear that getting one pussy is pathetic because, "one" sounds like "none"?
How they can't live with the bar?
How every funeral is a fashion show without a tear shed in the chapel?
Forget about the $500.00 shoes that their overdrawn accounts pay for.

Yeah, yeah, I know; you're going to say this doesn't exist and I'm going to call you out as a shameless liar.

Guy, i think you are outing your racism pretty well without any help from me.

Typical White Trash... unable to identify your real tormentors....
You find reality to be racist.
I find reality to be the first step towards social and self improvement.
You find reality to be racist.
I find reality to be the first step towards social and self improvement.

Okay, the thing is, you don't get to call your racist spew 'reality", bud.

My guess is you probably wet yourself when you find yourself in a room with a black or a Muslim.
Reality is reality regardless of the blind stupidity of Bleeding Heart Liberals.
Ever consider posting a fact as opposed to Liberal bullshit?

Ever consider your racism problems are something you need therapy for?
I'm not half the racist you are.

You see, I also encounter that small pocket of family oriented, upwardly mobile Blacks who send their kids to school, make them study, don't live for their "next piece of pussy" and live in beautiful homes.
But you can't tolerate those families because they have neither the need nor the sleightest inclination to blame Whitey for holding them down.
In fact, they are disgusted by their "brethern".

You are the racist.
I didn't know we were built on the ten commandments?
Take a look at the walls in Congress and SCOTUS...

Do those walls present ONLY the 10 Commandments? Or are there other displays as well? The SCOTUS building has many other displays that represent many sources of law. Muhammid is there, as is Confucious, Hammarabi ect ect.
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Displayed on gov'ty property? The first four commandments require that only Judaism or Christianity be followed.
I would think an issue like this should be left up to the state...and maybe even the local governments to decide. If the people of that area want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

Separation of Church & State only goes so far in terms of the United States not having an "official religion" imo

If not, then what will they rule to be unconstitutional next? The pledge of allegiance? "One Nation Under God
.."? Our currency " In God We Trust".?

The First Amendment ~ Freedom FROM religion, is not up for popular vote.

The first amendment doesn't state freedom FROM religion.

It states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Basically means Congress won't make a law forcing people to follow a certain religion nor will they make a law that prohibits people from following a certain religion.

How is displaying the Ten Commandments forcing people to follow a religion?

Displayed on gov'ty property? The first four commandments require that only Judaism or Christianity be followed.

I believe there are also other historical laws on display there...not just the Ten Commandments. It's a about context. In the context in which they are displayed, they are not forcing anyone to follow any religion.

Like I said earlier, the first ammendment states that the federal government won't make any laws to establish a religion or prevent people from following one. Basically means they stat out of it. Doesn't mean that the states or local governments can't "display" the Ten Commandments. In situations like this, when the federal government basically stays out of it....it leaves some leeway for state rights. I think this sort of issue should be left up to the states. If the people of that state want the Ten Commandments displayed, then they should be allowed to.

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