U.S. tells Moscow : " Putin to pull back from Ukraine or face painful sanctions". if Moscow invades Ukraine again, will Biden do what R. Reagan did ?

How would capitalism exist without dead children, debt, and arms sales?

"The United States and its NATO allies are busily arming Ukraine and engaging in other actions that encourage the leaders in Kiev to believe that they have strong Western backing in their confrontation with Russia and Russian‐backed separatists.

"The conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces in the Donbass region, which has remained at a low simmer in recent years, thanks to the fragile Minsk agreements, shows unmistakable signs of heating up.

"That development is exacerbating already dangerous tensions between Kiev and Moscow.

"There is growing speculation that Russia might even launch an invasion of Ukraine."

Nothing wrong with debt, and arms sales? Yeah well sure, you have to sell things to make money.

As far as dead children? Blaming the deaths of children in Ukraine due to Putin's invading, on capitalism is quite the stretch...with that said, leftist govts have killed far more people then any other form of Govt in modern world history. Capitalism has lifted far more people out of poverty then any other system

Capitalism Remains the Best Way to Combat Extreme Poverty​

As far as dead children? Blaming the deaths of children in Ukraine due to Putin's invading, on capitalism is quite the stretch...with that said, leftist govts have killed far more people then any other form of Govt in modern world history. Capitalism has lifted far more people out of poverty then any other system
How many children has the US military killed, maimed, and displaced over the past twenty years? How does that number compare to Putin's totals?

His words are as true today as they were in 1968.
Nothing wrong with debt, and arms sales? Yeah well sure, you have to sell things to make money.
What happens when debt grows faster than GDP or wages?

How much is too much debt?

Debt and Power | Michael Hudson

"Too much debt is when it’s beyond the ability to be paid.

"At a certain point every debt grows beyond the ability to be paid because of the magic of compound interest.

"At 5 percent interest, a debt doubles every 15 years.

"If you can imagine since the whole debt take-off in 1945, the first 15 years gets you to 1960.

"Then, the debt doubles again by 1975, and doubles again by 1990, then again by 2005, and then today – 64 times the relatively small debt owed back in 1945, some 75 years ago.

"And the creation of yet new credit (peoples’ debt to the banks and to wealthy savers) has grown at a similar rate even without new lending taking place, so the debt overhead actually has grown much, much more than that 5% a year.

"It’s grown more like 15% per year.

"That is much faster than national income or GDP.

"This disparity in expansion paths means that more and more income and GDP needs to be paid each year,"
The United States urged Russia on Wednesday to pull back its troops from the Ukrainian border, warning that a Russian invasion would provoke sanctions that would hit Moscow harder than any imposed until now.
Events move fast and so it's surprising how out of date this attempt to promote a threat this is now.
Biden says US troops in Ukraine are off the table but promises withering sanctions if Russia invades

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday ruled out sending US troops to Ukraine to defend the country from a Russian invasion a day after laying out the consequences for such an incursion during a stern phone call with President Vladimir Putin.

"It was Biden's first time describing Tuesday's two-hour conversation, which officials said grew tense at moments as the two men sparred over the massive build-up of 70,000 Russian troops surrounding Ukraine on three sides."

If there are US troops functioning as "trainers" currently stationed inside Ukraine and any of them die from Russian actions...o_O
The United States urged Russia on Wednesday to pull back its troops from the Ukrainian border, warning that a Russian invasion would provoke sanctions that would hit Moscow harder than any imposed until now.

"We don't know whether President (Vladimir) Putin has made the decision to invade. We do know that he is putting in place the capacity to do so on short order should he so decide," U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.

"Should Russia follow the path of confrontation, when it comes to Ukraine, we've made clear that we will respond resolutely, including with a range of high impact economic measures that we have refrained from pursuing in the past."

Its clear like a sunny day that USA sanctions from the hell can bring Putin´s empire down , if Moscow invades Ukraine again, will Biden do what R. Reagan did to ussr&Marxism ?


Sanctions? Why doesn't he just send Putin a sternly worded letter?

Biden is a total crack up. We should send Ukraine about 300 F16 fighters and 300 Abrams tanks. That will put a stop to any invasion plans immediately. Russia might still succeed, but it will be a pyrrhic victory.
Biden says US troops in Ukraine are off the table but promises withering sanctions if Russia invades

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday ruled out sending US troops to Ukraine to defend the country from a Russian invasion a day after laying out the consequences for such an incursion during a stern phone call with President Vladimir Putin.

"It was Biden's first time describing Tuesday's two-hour conversation, which officials said grew tense at moments as the two men sparred over the massive build-up of 70,000 Russian troops surrounding Ukraine on three sides."

If there are US troops functioning as "trainers" currently stationed inside Ukraine and any of them die from Russian actions...o_O
A "stern phone call?" Oh nooooo! There's no way Putin will invade now!
How many children has the US military killed, maimed, and displaced over the past twenty years? How does that number compare to Putin's totals?

His words are as true today as they were in 1968.
So you believe we should have done nothing after the World Trade Center bombing?
How does that prove that sanctions will work?

Are you able to string two coherent thoughts together?
Sanctions totally work, just ask southern Florida republics about their mission to keep them on Cuba after 70 years.....of successs....
Sanctions? Why doesn't he just send Putin a sternly worded letter?

Biden is a total crack up. We should send Ukraine about 300 F16 fighters and 300 Abrams tanks. That will put a stop to any invasion plans immediately. Russia might still succeed, but it will be a pyrrhic victory.

"We should send Ukraine about 300 F16 fighters and 300 Abrams tanks." agreed

how many 300 F16 fighters and 300 Abrams tanks sent Trump to Ukraine?
A "stern phone call?" Oh nooooo! There's no way Putin will invade now!
Biden's never left the Cold War, and he probably never will
He and his corporate hacks will also never mention why Russia is massing troops at its western border:


"It (the military press) reported that on October 30th, the USS Porter entered the Black Sea. About a week later, the USS Whitney and the 6th Fleet indicated that more ships were going into the Black Sea. This is tantamount to a Chinese or Russian military ship buildup on the Gulf of Mexico."
So you believe we should have done nothing after the World Trade Center bombing?
I believe we should have stopped supporting Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine and refrained from killing, maiming, and displacing millions of innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria..
Whether you actually intend to use military force or not, why would you EVER ADMIT OPENLY that you wont?

Stupid democrats.

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