U.S. thinks underwear bomb was built by Al Qaeda in Yemen

Some other country obtained it an GAVE IT TO US and you're thanking Obama? You're more of an ass muncher than I thought.

Will what do you expect they have to dream up something good to say about obama, because his job performance is between 1and 10 is about a 2

i'd suggest you may not be the best gauge of that.

OK Jillian since you are one of the full liberals I can have a discussion with and not get in a cussing match let's go. obama's job performance
I say I say on a scale between 1 and 10 it's a 2 and you say?
BigReb I know you asked Jillian but could I take a stab at it?

I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 I give Barack a 10! He's doing everything that G.E., The Federal Reserve and the International Bankers that own him tell him to do.
Guess when we go through security at the airport now they will be sniffing our undies...
BigReb I know you asked Jillian but could I take a stab at it?

I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 I give Barack a 10! He's doing everything that G.E., The Federal Reserve and the International Bankers that own him tell him to do.

1 being poor and 10 being excellent and you give obama a 10?

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