UAE gave $100 MILLION in Katrina Aid


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
the plot thinkens.....

WASHINGTON - Weeks before one of its companies sought U.S. approval for its ports deal, the United Arab Emirates contributed $100 million to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, officials confirmed Thursday.

The Bush administration said the money it received from the United Arab Emirates was nearly four times as much as it received from all other countries combined. Other countries, including some in the Middle East, also pledged large contributions but have not yet sent the money.

The White House said the $100 million for storm victims demonstrates the close relationship between the two governments now caught in a firestorm over the potential security risks of state-owned Dubai Ports World running operations at six major U.S. ports.

The money from the United Arab Emirates was previously described by the State Department only as a "very large" contribution. The White House said so far it has received $126 million in international donations, including the UAE money.

The administration said there was no connection between the request for U.S. approval of the $6.8 billion ports deal and the UAE contribution. It disclosed details about the donation to support President Bush's description of the nations as important allies.

"There was no connection between the two events," said Adam Ereli, the deputy State Department spokesman.

Robert Kimmitt, deputy secretary at the Treasury Department, told senators Thursday that Dubai Ports World first approached U.S. officials Oct. 17 to discuss a proposed purchase of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., which runs significant operations at six large U.S. ports.

Kimmitt said the company informally approached Treasury officials to discuss preliminary stages of the purchase. A formal review of the proposed sale started on Dec. 16, Kimmitt told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The United Arab Emirates sent its $100 million Katrina donation on Sept. 21 using an electronic transfer to an account at the State Department, the White House said. Two-thirds of the money was given to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help coordinate aid to 100,000 families. The rest was sent to the Education Department to help rebuild schools and universities near New Orleans that were damaged by the storm.

The United Arab Emirates has long-standing ties to the Bush family. Records show the UAE and one of its sheikhs contributed at least $1 million before 1995 to the Bush Library Foundation, which established the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The executive chairman of Dubai Ports World, Ahmed bin Sulayem, is not listed among donors.
theHawk said:
The White House said the $100 million for storm victims demonstrates the close relationship between the two governments now caught in a firestorm over the potential security risks of state-owned Dubai Ports World running operations at six major U.S. ports.

The money from the United Arab Emirates was previously described by the State Department only as a "very large" contribution. The White House said so far it has received $126 million in international donations, including the UAE money.

The administration said there was no connection between the request for U.S. approval of the $6.8 billion ports deal and the UAE contribution. It disclosed details about the donation to support President Bush's description of the nations as important allies.
Sad, very sad.....Even the USA has a price...

Start practicing everyone... :bow3: :bow3: :bow3:

I'll say it...I hated Bill, but W is doing WAY more damage to the USA than he did. I'm ashamed I voted for the guy, TWICE!
Yeah, the US is such a mizer and recipient for disasters. Selfish bastards:
USAID Rebuilds Lives After the Tsunami
Update - January 20, 2006

Latest News

Tsunami Assistance, One Year Later - 12/21/05
USAID Publication: Tsunami Relief
Cover of the USAID Publication 'Tsunami Relief,' depicting a young Indonesian girl near the town of Glebruk on Indonesia's Sumatra Island, where most of the tsunami deaths occurred. Click to view this publication.
In December 2004, a major earthquake followed by a tsunami hit Asia and Africa, devastating many coastal areas. Almost 200,000 people in eight countries perished in a few hours, and over 100,000 are still missing. Many more had their homes and livelihoods swept away. The coastal areas of Indonesia and Sri Lanka and two Indian island chains bore the brunt of the calamity. They will require significant repair and reconstruction. In response to a Presidential request, Congress appropriated $907.3 million in long term U.S. support to help the tsunami victims rebuild their lives. $656 million was allocated for USAID’s Tsunami Recovery and Reconstruction Fund, with $25 million committed to Avian Flu.

USAID's historic commitment to these countries, 40 years of expertise with disaster assistance, and solid working relationships with the region's governments meant we were able to respond immediately, providing life-saving food, water, medical care and shelter.

Now, standing side-by-side with the survivors, we are rebuilding communities and lives. Our cash-for-work programs give families incomes. Loans, business advice and training in job skills help develop new businesses and sources of income. Longer-term projects to reconstruct water systems, roads and other critical systems are underway. The success of our work is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, learning from experience and the power of partnerships between nations.

Total USG Humanitarian and Recovery Assistance Pledged 12/31/04: $350,000,000
Tsunami Recovery and Reconstruction Fund: $631,000,000*
India: $17.9 million
Indonesia: $397.3 million
Maldives: $8.7 million
Sri Lanka: $134.6 million
Thailand: $5.1 million
Regional, other countries and program management: $33 million
*$656 million was approved for the Tsunami Recovery and Reconstruction Fund, but $25 million is committed to Avian Flu.

Reconstruction Update #29

January 17, 2006
Former President George Bush meets earthquake survivors

Islamabad, Pakistan. Former US President and now Special UN envoy George H.W. Bush traveled to Pakistan recently to view first hand the devastation brought by the October 8, 2005 earthquake that struck the country. During his visit, the former President spent time with earthquake-affected children in a temporary tent school. The school serves 2,000 students in grades 1-10. All of the students of the school lost homes and school facilities in last year's deadly earthquake. Former President Bush visits USAID-supported temporary school that serves earthquake affected children in Pakistan.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) supports the school by providing salaries for 30 teachers, as well as educational materials. This but one small element of the United States' $510 million program to help Pakistan revive communities by rebuilding schools and medical facilities in earthquake-affected areas.

During his visit, President Bush presented UNICEF classroom school kits that provide supplies such as chalk, stationary, educational posters and books. Chatting with 1 st grade students, President Bush handed out stationery packets from USAID. During the distribution, the President asked children about their hopes for the future. One six-year-old boy responded, “I want to go back home as soon as it is rebuilt.”
Former President Bush comforts one of the young victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Pakistan late last year.
US Ambassador Ryan Crocker stated during the visit, “The US Government is committed to continuing to provide educational support to affected communities when they return to their villages.” To date, the US government has pledged $510 million for earthquake relief and reconstruction and has already spent $65.5 million on shelter, food, medical services, and education supplies.

The majority of earthquake casualties and deaths were of women and children. President Bush learned that the earthquake left many men responsible for childcare for the first time in their lives. Although extended families and fellow neighbors help motherless children in the camp during the day, at night the children cry, unable to be comforted by loving albeit inexperienced fathers.

Speaking afterwards about the visit, President Bush said “It was very emotional.” Expressing appreciation for the relief efforts of USAID, local communities, the military, and the international community, he said, “We should all support these kids so they can have a better future.”

Lest is be forgotten, even to Iran we gave, post 9/11:

Assistance for Iranian Earthquake Victims
Map of Iran with earthquake epicenter highlighted

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, on December 26, 2003, at 05:27 local time, an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale struck southeastern Iran's Kerman Province. The epicenter of the earthquake, with a depth of 10 km, was near the city of Bam, 180 km southeast of the provincial capital of Kerman and 975 km southeast of Tehran. To view a PDF map illustrating the population directly affected by the earthquake, click here.

According to the USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team (USAID/DART), the GOI estimates that 85 percent of buildings have been destroyed in Bam and the surrounding area. Out of the original population of approximately 115,000, the Government of Iran (GOI) estimates that 45,000 people are homeless, and this number is expected to rise to 75,000 upon the return of those currently staying with relatives or being hospitalized outside Bam. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, (UN OCHA), the GOI estimates the earthquake resulted in the deaths of 30,000 people and injured 30,000 residents.

According to the USAID/DART, priority needs are water and sanitation, internally displaced persons, and shelter.

Total Population Killed (Estimate) 30,000 UN OCHA / GOI
Total Population Injured (Estimate) 30,000 UN OCHA / GOI
Total Homeless (Estimate) 45,000 - 75,000 UN OCHA / GOI
Earthquake-damaged buildings in Bam, Iran

Total USAID/OFDA Earthquake Assistance to Iran $3,702,645
Total USG Earthquake Assistance to Iran $5,714,930
o According to a January 15 UN OCHA report, the U.N. World Food Program (WFP) has distributed approximately 100,000 food rations to date. In addition, there are three mobile bakeries and three permanent bakeries with a total capacity of 4.4 metric tons (MT) of bread per day. Furthermore, 30 MT of bread, baked in Kerman, is distributed daily in Bam. WFP reports that residents have been issued ration cards to ensure an adequate and fair distribution of food.
o The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that an ancient system of underground irrigation canals, called qanats, may be badly damaged, threatening the long-term future of agriculture in the region. According to the local government, 25 out of 64 qanats in the region have been damaged.
o In the U.N. Flash Appeal, the FAO reports that, in addition to damage to the irrigation system, the agricultural infrastructure and livestock shelters will also need repairs.
o According to the FAO, agriculture provides employment for more than 25 percent of the population in the Bam region.
o On January 13, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Cross Societies (IFRC) reported that the IFRC hospital receives approximately 550 outpatients per day.
o On January 13, the IFRC announced that the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) will deploy approximately 75 volunteers in 11 teams to implement a psychological support program over the next six months. Each team will include a psychologist, a nurse, a relief expert, and educators. In each district, the IRCS will erect two large tents where people, particularly mothers and children, can participate in recreational activities and income generation activities. In addition, the program will use local radio to provide advice on coping with trauma as well as train local people in psychological support activities for the long term. The GOI Ministry of Health estimates that 25,000 people will need special psychological support to overcome the trauma of the earthquake.
Debris Removal
o According to a January 9 UN OCHA report, at least 12 million MT of debris needs to be salvaged, removed, and recycled. The USAID/DART reported that several trucks and diggers were carrying away debris, and residents were clearing debris with shovels and wheelbarrows.
Afghan Refugees
o According to UN OCHA, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that more than 400 Afghans were repatriated to Afghanistan from Bam on January 13. UNHCR facilitated the repatriation of 200 to 300 families to Afghanistan earlier in January. While there are no exact figures on the number of Afghan refugees who died in the earthquake, UNHCR reports that there were 3,300 registered Afghan refugees living in Bam
o The 81-member USAID/DART team arrived in country on December 30 via two C-17s and a C-130. The USAID members included a Team Leader, Deputy Team Leader, Operations Coordinator, Planning Coordinator, Communications Officer, Information Officer, and Security Officer. Other components of the DART included the 11 member Fairfax County USAR Task Force (VA-TF1) and the 57 member International Medical/Surgical Response Team (IMSuRT) and 6 member Management Support Team (MST) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
o While in Bam, the USAID/DART conducted needs and structural assessments and coordinated with the GOI, the U.N., and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). From December 31 to January 4, the IMSuRT field hospital treated 727 patients, 30 percent of whom had earthquake-related injuries, including surgeries and post-trauma mental health cases. The IMSuRT field hospital closed on January 5, and new patients were referred to the IFRC field hospital.
o As of January 14, all USAID/DART members had left Bam to return to the United States.
o Before departing Bam, the USAID/DART donated the IMSuRT field hospital and medical supplies to the IFRC as well as two trucks and select equipment to the IFRC, for use by IFRC and the Bam fire department. In addition, the USAID/DART donated a tent, vehicle, and various supplies to UN OCHA.
o USAID/OFDA has sent five airlifts of relief commodities, consisting of 430 rolls of plastic sheeting, approximately 12,500 blankets, 1,146 winterized tents, and 4,448 kitchen sets at a total cost of $543,605.
o To date, USAID/OFDA has provided $600,000 to the IFRC in support of the IFRC Preliminary Appeal and $211,610 to UN OCHA in support of the U.N. Flash Appeal.
o According to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), seven C-130s have airlifted approximately 68 MT of medical supplies, 2,000 blankets, and a 10K forklift to assist in offloading relief commodities in Bam.
o On January 8, at a donor conference in Bam, the IFRC and the U.N. launched joint appeals to address emergency needs. The IFRC appealed for $42 million, which includes the previous appeal of $12.3 million, to assist as many as 210,000 people for up to 8 months. The U.N. appealed for $31.3 million for relief and rehabilitation for the next 90 days. The ceremony was attended by 140 representatives from the U.N., foreign governments, International Organizations, NGOs, journalists, and the USAID/DART.
o The IFRC Appeal includes $12.3 million for shelter, $3.3 million for clothing, $4.3 million for food and seeds, $5.1 million for water and sanitation, $5.2 million for health, $298,000 for teaching materials, $4.3 million for utensils and tools, and $16.1 million for equipment, program support, and administrative services.
o The U.N. Flash Appeal includes $2.5 million for food and logistics, $5.7 million for water and sanitation, $6.3 million for health and nutrition, $3.7 million for the protection of children and women, $3.9 million for education, $200,000 for cultural heritage, $2.5 million for shelter, and $261,610 for coordination and security.
o According to UN OCHA, more than 44 countries sent personnel to assist in rescue and relief operations in Bam.
o On January 13, UN OCHA reported that 60 countries had pledged assistance to Iran to date.

Partner Activity Location Amount
USAID* Logistics and commodities Earthquake-affected regions $1,421,785
IFRC Contribution to Preliminary Appeal for commodities Earthquake-affected regions $600,000
UN OCHA Coordination Earthquake-affected regions $211,610
USAR* Urban search and rescue team support Earthquake-affected regions $668,200
FEMA* Medical assistance team support Earthquake-affected regions $720,000
Administrative Earthquake-affected regions $81,050
DOD* Commodities and air transportation Earthquake-affected regions $2,012,285
*These represent estimated costs as of January 15, 2004

Donors should be aware that donations for the Iran earthquake response are subject to compliance with the Iranian Transactions Regulations, issued by the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and with any law or other regulation applicable to such donation. More information is available at
Its kinda sad that all other countries only gave us 26 mill. Even a 100 mill isnt much, thats like one weekend box office for a big movie.
I still say that it doesn't repay the fact that no matter how much we press them, any terrorist or international criminal with any connections in the UAE government is immune to law enforcement in that country. Look it up. I can't remember the guy's name, but there's been a guy running illegal arms through Dubai for years. He doesn't even bother being covert about it. His cargo planes have his name all over them, and he's a known international criminal. However, one of his cousins or something is a sheik of some sort in the UAE, so they've never bothered to do anything to him.

I appreciate the gift, but I wish they'd stop throwing money at us and actually act like allies for once.
It should be noted that the UAE provided the funds on September 19, 2005. On October 17, 2005, representatives of the UAE approached the Adminstration regarding the acquisition of the ports. Can you say "Quid pro quo..."?
Bullypulpit said:
It should be noted that the UAE provided the funds on September 19, 2005. On October 17, 2005, representatives of the UAE approached the Adminstration regarding the acquisition of the ports. Can you say "Quid pro quo..."?

It should also be noted that the hurricane struck on August 29th, meaning the money was provided about 3 weeks after the storm.

Would you have preferred they sent the money a few years ago so it didn't look suspicious, or maybe wait a few years (while the money can be used)?

I don't like the port agreement either but I don't think we can hold their donation to the victims against them. If the money had went somehow to the administration or one of the 'big oil companies', then I would agree with your thinking.

I say we let all the radical muslims take over our ports, and then bomb and sink all their ships as they arrive. :)
Hobbit said:
I still say that it doesn't repay the fact that no matter how much we press them, any terrorist or international criminal with any connections in the UAE government is immune to law enforcement in that country. Look it up. I can't remember the guy's name, but there's been a guy running illegal arms through Dubai for years. He doesn't even bother being covert about it. His cargo planes have his name all over them, and he's a known international criminal. However, one of his cousins or something is a sheik of some sort in the UAE, so they've never bothered to do anything to him.

Asounding....with a case like that, I am sure we can have them eliminated from the face of the earth!

I heard some guy heard that there is a possibility that some guys could maybe get a hold of a device that isn't really known to exist that could blow up a city block if his shoe would light that lives in Georgia.
Bullypulpit said:
It should be noted that the UAE provided the funds on September 19, 2005. On October 17, 2005, representatives of the UAE approached the Adminstration regarding the acquisition of the ports. Can you say "Quid pro quo..."?

Well hell--lets ban all muslim investment in the US, ban all imports from muslim countries, pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq and be done with it.
Hobbit said:
I still say that it doesn't repay the fact that no matter how much we press them, any terrorist or international criminal with any connections in the UAE government is immune to law enforcement in that country. Look it up. I can't remember the guy's name, but there's been a guy running illegal arms through Dubai for years. He doesn't even bother being covert about it. His cargo planes have his name all over them, and he's a known international criminal. However, one of his cousins or something is a sheik of some sort in the UAE, so they've never bothered to do anything to him.

I appreciate the gift, but I wish they'd stop throwing money at us and actually act like allies for once.

You are correct Hobbit: His name is Victor Anatoliyevich Bout...The air carrier he owns is "Air Cess"

see: for more details
Ya know... there's quite a bit of things I disagree w/ "W" on, but when it comes to the War on Terror there's nobody else I'd rather have doing the job of President...

If he says it's safe to use the UAE, then I trust him..
-Cp said:
Ya know... there's quite a bit of things I disagree w/ "W" on, but when it comes to the War on Terror there's nobody else I'd rather have doing the job of President...

If he says it's safe to use the UAE, then I trust him..

We have no problem trusting him with the lives of 150,000 American lives and billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We trust the UAE enough to harbor our warships and air force. I guess Americans arent all that trusting when it gets a bit too close to home.
dilloduck said:
We have no problem trusting him with the lives of 150,000 American lives and billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We trust the UAE enough to harbor our warships and air force. I guess Americans arent all that trusting when it gets a bit too close to home.
So yer okay with the OPEN southern border too? ;)
Mr. P said:

Then you fit that group too, right?

Our security is full of holes. It is merely a matter of time. Security needs to be stepped up everywhere to at least give ouselves a better chance. The current port deal will not change security one iota. If we want to talk about security issues then we should be talking about beefing up our coast guard AND our southern border guard instead of pretending this deal is about security.
dilloduck said:
Our security is full of holes. It is merely a matter of time. Security needs to be stepped up everywhere to at least give ouselves a better chance. The current port deal will not change security one iota. If we want to talk about security issues then we should be talking about beefing up our coast guard AND our southern border guard instead of pretending this deal is about security.

you should be very concerned...if you read my last addition the Treasury will clearly see a Syrian living amongst y'all in Texas...with very close connections to OBL...wake up fool! And he is also connected to Victor and the UAE!
archangel said:
you should be very concerned...if you read my last addition the Treasury will clearly see a Syrian living amongst y'all in Texas...with very close connections to OBL...wake up fool! And he is also connected to Victor and the UAE!

Muslims are ALL OVER the fricken place. Whose job is it to round em up or keep em out?

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