UFO Sightings on the Rise - Pentagon.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Does anybody believe in these UFO's being extraterrestrials?
Mainstream science isn't convinced and state valid reasons why not.

Then what is causing an increase in sightings? Mental health professionals have a theory to explain that too.
Note that the one pictured is the traditional model from the 50's with the viewing window on the top. Or does it look more like a big bird?

Does anybody believe in these UFO's being extraterrestrials?
Mainstream science isn't convinced and state valid reasons why not.

Then what is causing an increase in sightings? Mental health professionals have a theory to explain that too.
Note that the one pictured is the traditional model from the 50's with the viewing window on the top. Or does it look more like a big bird?
What is actually amazing is that it has taken 75 years for the government to move in position from "maybe they won't notice", to "weather balloons and swamp gas, nothing to see here", through "all these reporters are lunatic nut balls" to "Ok. It is no secret, we can't just keep blowing it off, as it is not working and everybody knows it" to "OK, there is this, this, and this". We deny knowing what it is, but we will investigate and maybe report, er.., uh.., Someday. Yah! That's the ticket that will give us a few more years before having to let out what we know!"
What is actually amazing is that it has taken 75 years for the government to move in position from "maybe they won't notice", to "weather balloons and swamp gas, nothing to see here", through "all these reporters are lunatic nut balls" to "Ok. It is no secret, we can't just keep blowing it off, as it is not working and everybody knows it" to "OK, there is this, this, and this". We deny knowing what it is, but we will investigate and maybe report, er.., uh.., Someday. Yah! That's the ticket that will give us a few more years before having to let out what we know!"

All that makes good sense IMO, except the last line which seems to suggest that you are of the opinion that some of the sightings are actual extraterrestrials. Did I get that right on your opinion? Or did I read too much into it?

The object of the OP was to determine how many believe, one way or another, with also accepting that some would believe that some are terrestrials too.
They exist .
Indisputable .
They behave intelligently and where recovered are made from materials not found here .
No on the material not being found here. There's no evidence of that, but there's still a possibility of something being hidden from the public.

To suggest that requires some proof.

Science presents a very powerful argument against extraterrestrials. We may get to discussing that too on this thread?
All that makes good sense IMO, except the last line which seems to suggest that you are of the opinion that some of the sightings are actual extraterrestrials. Did I get that right on your opinion? Or did I read too much into it?

The object of the OP was to determine how many believe, one way or another, with also accepting that some would believe that some are terrestrials too.
I could not swear on a bible, either way. Some things reported and in fact recorded on camera and radar while being followed by intercepting jet aircraft, appear to defy what many of us think of as the "laws" of known physics. Mind you, most of us have not taken a physic class, post high school physics class (before the majority of population 6 years old), much less one oriented to avionics and propulsion.
I have not seen anything first hand since the late 70s and that was explained as reflections of city lights on low flying geese at midnight. Beats me.
In the late 1990's my congressional representative, Steve Schiff, a truly honorable person, took on a personal project to get the government files on the reported Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and find out what really happened.

He tried every avenue he could find to get whatever information was available but nothing, not the Freedom of Information act or anything else, turned up that information. It is apprently sealed into some secret vault or was destroyed. He could find nothing on it.

But about that same time I had a job assignments that took me out to the area, in fact the very ranch, the crash happened on. And during that project I had opportunity to visit with two very old timers who told me they were there at the time, all ordered under penalty of arrest to say nothing. Anybody taking pictures had their film confiscated. They are 100% certain the wreckage they saw that day was no weather balloon or anything else the propaganda machines put out. They were ushered away from the site before they could examine anything closely. No, they didn't see any 'bodies'.

They were both 100% convinced it was extra terrestrial. Take that for what it is worth but I found it all--both Steve S's research and their casual testimony--really interesting.

I personally think we most likely have been and are visited by beings from other places. I also think their technology would have to be so far advanced from ours, maybe by hundreds or thousands of years, that they certainly would have the power to harm us if they chose to do so. Since they haven't chosen to do so, I think we are of interest, perhaps a curiosity, to them but they intend us no harm.
No on the material not being found here. There's no evidence of that, but there's still a possibility of something being hidden from the public.

To suggest that requires some proof.

Science presents a very powerful argument against extraterrestrials. We may get to discussing that too on this thread?
You cannot get any real discussion because this and related topics are classified Grey .
That is , above Black and way above Top Secret .
Your only access to info might be ( is ) through Whistleblowers which some will believe and many will not .And nobody on this site will have even a scrap of such information -- need to know etc

Most of what is apparently released by Governments is as controlled opposition -- you push the UFO community in the way you choose and always away from the parts which are totally off limit .

One of the more interesting sub topics is US Government direct involvement since the 50s from recovery missions .
That information is sparse and is 90% from three whistle blowers .imho
Russia is recognised as having matching information but I know even less about that .

If yes , then why ? Is always the obvious retort .
There are some very interesting good answers but this is not the place for such chats .
Does anybody believe in these UFO's being extraterrestrials?
Haha . . No. And this report just reinforces that.

Apparently this is how the Earth looks to aliens:

No on the material not being found here. There's no evidence of that, but there's still a possibility of something being hidden from the public.

To suggest that requires some proof.

Science presents a very powerful argument against extraterrestrials. We may get to discussing that too on this thread?

Evidence is unassailable but if you do not DYOR you will never know -- just chug along happy with your existing mind set .

How many recovery missions do you think there have been , excluding China and Russia?

Have you ever wondered how a not over bright US suddenly jumped exponentially in technological terms after the crashes in the forties and then later from the fifties .
Coincidence ?
Possibly .
Evidence is unassailable but if you do not DYOR you will never know -- just chug along happy with your existing mind set .

How many recovery missions do you think there have been , excluding China and Russia?

Recovery missions? What's that?
Have you ever wondered how a not over bright US suddenly jumped exponentially in technological terms after the crashes in the forties and then later from the fifties .
Coincidence ?
Possibly .
I don't see how that is on-topic unless you are tying in technology with extraterrestrials, etc. Do you want to explain?
I could not swear on a bible, either way. Some things reported and in fact recorded on camera and radar while being followed by intercepting jet aircraft, appear to defy what many of us think of as the "laws" of known physics. Mind you, most of us have not taken a physic class, post high school physics class (before the majority of population 6 years old), much less one oriented to avionics and propulsion.
I have not seen anything first hand since the late 70s and that was explained as reflections of city lights on low flying geese at midnight. Beats me.
There have been explanations of those viewed by intercepting jet aircraft and don't include the supernatural or extraterrestrials. I'm not sure anybody wants to explore that further?
In the late 1990's my congressional representative, Steve Schiff, a truly honorable person, took on a personal project to get the government files on the reported Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and find out what really happened.

He tried every avenue he could find to get whatever information was available but nothing, not the Freedom of Information act or anything else, turned up that information. It is apprently sealed into some secret vault or was destroyed. He could find nothing on it.

But about that same time I had a job assignments that took me out to the area, in fact the very ranch, the crash happened on. And during that project I had opportunity to visit with two very old timers who told me they were there at the time, all ordered under penalty of arrest to say nothing. Anybody taking pictures had their film confiscated. They are 100% certain the wreckage they saw that day was no weather balloon or anything else the propaganda machines put out. They were ushered away from the site before they could examine anything closely. No, they didn't see any 'bodies'.

They were both 100% convinced it was extra terrestrial. Take that for what it is worth but I found it all--both Steve S's research and their casual testimony--really interesting.
I do take 2nd. hand, 3rd. hand, and 50th. hand information for what it's worth.
I personally think we most likely have been and are visited by beings from other places. I also think their technology would have to be so far advanced from ours, maybe by hundreds or thousands of years, that they certainly would have the power to harm us if they chose to do so. Since they haven't chosen to do so, I think we are of interest, perhaps a curiosity, to them but they intend us no harm.
Nothing you've presented appears to be your own eye witness account of extraterrestrials.

If interest continues on this topic I might get around to presenting De Grasse Tyson's opinions. They're not in the affirmative.
Recovery missions? What's that?

I don't see how that is on-topic unless you are tying in technology with extraterrestrials, etc. Do you want to explain?

Ask the CIA . As if I know anything !

P.S. Over 20 recovery missions handled by the US .
Thousands of witnesses when you start adding all of them .

For simple evidence for beginners use MUFON .
Start with Cape Girardeau in Missouri , 1941. Two down at Roswell in '47 Not one etc etc etc etc
Ask the CIA . As if I know anything !

P.S. Over 20 recovery missions handled by the US .
Thousands of witnesses when you start adding all of them .
Then quote some, along with a reliable source.
Or don't if you think your loose innuendoes make a case for you.
For simple evidence for beginners use MUFON .
Start with Cape Girardeau in Missouri , 1941. Two down at Roswell in '47 Not one etc etc etc etc
I said 'reliable'.

How about Seti?
They are at least equipped to do the search, but have drawn a blank so far.
Or have a look at DeGrasse Tyson's opinions.
Then quote some, along with a reliable source.
Or don't if you think your loose innuendoes make a case for you.

I said 'reliable'.

How about Seti?
They are at least equipped to do the search, but have drawn a blank so far.
Or have a look at DeGrasse Tyson's opinions.
Have done you a favour by giving you some of my time FREE .
Now DYOR and stop imagining I am your free mummy , teacher , guru or mentor .
Plenty of good clues if you are really interested .

SETI are a joke but that is a very different subject .
And so to conclude this thread on a positive note: The pro side on extraterrestrials visiting earth are not showing much commitment and that's surprising!

DeGrasse Tyson:

very short utube and right to the point!
Have done you a favour by giving you some of my time FREE .
Now DYOR and stop imagining I am your free mummy , teacher , guru or mentor .
Plenty of good clues if you are really interested .

SETI are a joke but that is a very different subject .
No, SETI isn't a joke. although many think it's a waste of time and money to keep it up. I lean toward keeping up the search for the purpose of disproving the flying saucer claims.

And no, it's not a different subject, it's very closely related to the supposed sightings.

If you're going to turn to anger over having to discuss the topic, do it with somebody else mommy.

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