UFO Sightings on the Rise - Pentagon.

sure, imagine a culture a million years advanced of humans

what would their purpose be in visiting us?

Sure, we know they've had billions of years to evolve. Maybe there was intelligent life in 'our' universe a few billion years ago?

Not exactly a comforting thought for Christians!

And btw, do Christians believe in extraterrestrials?
You're welcome to leave the discussion or debate at any time.

You don't understand what I said about inventing them in the mind.

Too bad you're not interested enough to find out what mental health professional say.
It would be interesting I think to have you evaluated maybe to determine how you are so convinced the rest of us are 'inventing in the mind'. What makes you so skeptical that what we think is so questionable?
sure, imagine a culture a million years advanced of humans

what would their purpose be in visiting us?

I can imagine curiosity being a trait of highly developed sentient beings. Even our dog and cat and bird and horses and wild animals can be curious and prompted to inspect things. Certainly us humans are curious about our origins, the prehistoric critters and beings who preceded us, want to learn about them.

Maybe to a highly advanced culture compared to us, studying us would be like us having opportunity to study live dinosaurs or 'cavemen'. :)

There was a conversation in the movie "Starman' to the effect in which the space traveler explained that "We are interested in your species. You are like no other. And you would be surprised at how many there are. Intelligent but savage."

Just a line in a movie. But perhaps prophetic.
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It would be interesting I think to have you evaluated maybe to determine how you are so convinced the rest of us are 'inventing in the mind'. What makes you so skeptical that what we think is so questionable?
You said you weren't going to debate anymore and i was looking forward to you leaving. Oh well?

I'm not so convinced you're inventing something. You may have other reasons to believe. But I do know that mental health professionals have explanations for why people don't want to think we are alone.

If you're going to debate and discuss again, refer to my evidence I've presented in links. Don't just assume on account of your anger driving you.
You said you weren't going to debate anymore and i was looking forward to you leaving. Oh well?

I'm not so convinced you're inventing something. You may have other reasons to believe. But I do know that mental health professionals have explanations for why people don't want to think we are alone.

If you're going to debate and discuss again, refer to my evidence I've presented in links. Don't just assume on account of your anger driving you.
Um. I wasn't and am not debating. I am having a conversation here. I was just curious at why you presumed that I or others are somehow mentally confused or messed up because we are curious and even speculative about visitations from other worlds.

I debate things when there are presumed contradicting facts from which we can draw logical conclusions. I have conversations about interesting topics that logic and reason suggest as possibilities.

But hey, if I bother you and you want me to leave, you I believe you can mute me here? I suggest you do that.
Would one of the believers present the best case for extraterrestrials or their spacecraft?

It seems that none of them stick for more than a few years.

The creatures that are claimed to be seen also evolve in tune with science fiction movies or especially with the ET movie!

Nobody should be ashamed of being a believer, any more than a disbeliever shouldn't be shy about expressing an opinion.

However, Christians have to remain silent on the question for their own special reasons. Fair enough!
Um. I wasn't and am not debating. I am having a conversation here. I was just curious at why you presumed that I or others are somehow mentally confused or messed up because we are curious and even speculative about visitations from other worlds.

I debate things when there are presumed contradicting facts from which we can draw logical conclusions. I have conversations about interesting topics that logic and reason suggest as possibilities.

But hey, if I bother you and you want me to leave, you I believe you can mute me here? I suggest you do that.
Find somebody else. You nearly always burn your bridges with your extremist attitude.

I'm here if you make any point worth hearing about.
Maybe to a highly advanced culture compared to us, studying us would be like us having opportunity to study live dinosaurs or 'cavemen
Would one of the believers present the best case for extraterrestrials or their spacecraft?
Why would be my Q.

Would they visit out of curiosity wanting to study us?

Would they visit because they're concerned we're self destructive?

Does some sort of matrix exist for civilization to prosper , that they are more aware of than we are?

Or are we simply a curio for entertainment?

If we are being visited, the technology to travel light years is in the same category as cloaking, and not inconceivably, teleportation. Such a civilization would be fully capable of visiting and interacting with us undetected. If they made a habit of it, it's likely that they would occasionally get busted. It would be rare - as it has been.
If we are being visited, the technology to travel light years is in the same category as cloaking, and not inconceivably, teleportation. Such a civilization would be fully capable of visiting and interacting with us undetected. If they made a habit of it, it's likely that they would occasionally get busted. It would be rare - as it has been.
"Rare" is an interesting word to use for "never". Not one shred of evidence exists.

But maybe they are that clever.
I do take 2nd. hand, 3rd. hand, and 50th. hand information for what it's worth.

Nothing you've presented appears to be your own eye witness account of extraterrestrials.

If interest continues on this topic I might get around to presenting De Grasse Tyson's opinions. They're not in the affirmative.

The scientific argument for the non-existence of extraterrestrial life is that we have no evidence of it.
Yet, science (and particularly mathematics, physics and chemistry) shows a strong probability that it does exist.
Closing of one's mind to the evidence and possibility of extraterrestrial life is akin to the ancients denying that the earth is round.
My views :
Hoaxes are hoaxes. No more words. lol. :)

Facts :
Later analysis showed that the "UFOs" in his films and photos were put together using lightbulbs and other bits and bobs. Although Adamski was labelled a hoaxer, he continued to peddle strange stories throughout his life, claiming aliens lived on most planets in the solar system.

Top 10 Most Famous UFO Hoaxes Ever – Viral Ventura – Top 10 Most Famous UFO Hoaxes Ever
And so to conclude this thread on a positive note: The pro side on extraterrestrials visiting earth are not showing much commitment and that's surprising!
Other than myself here, I suspect few --- if any --- are prepared to hold themselves up to guaranteed minor ridicule and often repeated jibes for having a belief in ETs .

My main reason for belief are the monthly visits I have from a now good pal from Orion who regales me with endless interesting stories and pictures of possible futures . He is a biped and what is commonly known as a Tall White being 2.60 .
No real good news for our future but glad to tell you that here the centre of operations is what you now call the UK, , with Hybrid Affairs headed by one of my double brain family members . Of interest to Americans should be the historical footnote that the guy you called Biden was the first clone inserted into the Presidency with the original disposed of in 2020 and the first clone being withdrawn in 2023 .
Other than myself here, I suspect few --- if any --- are prepared to hold themselves up to guaranteed minor ridicule and often repeated jibes for having a belief in ETs .
Yes, I think that some fear ridicule. They come to realize that their pro beliefs have to be kept in pro circles. Evidence to the contrary makes some uncomfortable.
The scientific argument for the non-existence of extraterrestrial life is that we have no evidence of it.
No, science doesn't make any negative arguments.
Yet, science (and particularly mathematics, physics and chemistry) shows a strong probability that it does exist.
Closing of one's mind to the evidence and possibility of extraterrestrial life is akin to the ancients denying that the earth is round.
Those are science, as you carelessly started with
] Yet, science

Maybe your brain is too full right now?
Remember, we're talking about sightings, not their existence.
It would be interesting I think to have you evaluated maybe to determine how you are so convinced the rest of us are 'inventing in the mind'. What makes you so skeptical that what we think is so questionable?
Because there is no good evidence.
Because there is no good evidence.
At one time there was no 'good evidence' for many many MANY things that turned out to be realities. They became realities because of one or more open minds that believed in possibilities more than in what a person has actually experienced. Likewise many things once believed have been disproven by people with sufficient open minds, curiosity, and/or courage to test beliefs, theories, concepts.

Science/knowledge cannot progress in closed minds.

The fact that there are so many unexplained sightings and experiences reported by people who are not given to making up stories or lying--people who have no reason to lie--is sufficient 'evidence' to keep an open mind about it.

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