ugh-Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan

so..if the government objective is to provide and tell people what they can eat... you would have zero problem with absolute restrictions on what food stamps will purchase.

you know, food stamps would only be for the purchase of ....real food.

There are restrictions. They are reasonable. Sorry if our working poor are not miserable enough for you.

No alcohol
No hot deli food

Now it would not bother me at all were there restricitons on the food that food stamps could buy. Restrictions to more basic food, and less processed food. However, you would never get it past Congress as the food industry would have their lobbyiest passing out cash to all to vote against such restrictions.
I hope the Obamas read message boards like this one. They must get a laugh out of the complete derangement that has engulfed the far right.

"She suggested that kids drink more water? How dare her!"

There are a lot of things President Obama is guilty of, but nobody takes you seriously when you attack his wife for suggesting children eat healthy, you whiny fucking psychos.

She didn't SUGGEST she forced schools to adapt a policy she dreamed up.
She has no mandate from the people to tell public employees what to do.
We do still elect our public servants don't we?

"She suggested". Do you understand the meaning of suggested, asshole?
Good for the First Lady, I really have no issue with drinking more water. Other than a morning cup of coffee, I drink water all day.

First Ladies have used their position for various projects. As long as it doesn't result in more laws and regs, she can say what she wishes. Laura Bush pushed reading.

Lets move on to the big issues.
Did Laura bush use her unelected position to bully school administrators to her will, without a mandate from the people?

Which eventually caused a loss of employment amongst those they claim to represent most?

No Child Left Behind

NCLB was a partisan initiative, Laura Bush had nothing to do with its passing. Nice try though.
This lady has way too much time on her hands...

and believes she is way more important than she is

she has that same sickness her hubby has, narcissist personality disorder

that is what's scary about him being President

Would you tell your doctor they had a narcissitic personality disorder, if they merely suggested you live a healthier lifestyle.

Seriously, why does this bother you?
Did Laura bush use her unelected position to bully school administrators to her will, without a mandate from the people?

Which eventually caused a loss of employment amongst those they claim to represent most?

No Child Left Behind

NCLB was a partisan initiative, Laura Bush had nothing to do with its passing. Nice try though.


George Bush did not give a shit about education. Most Republicans don't.
Education reform was a Laura Bush initiative that her husband pushed through in NCLB

Michelle Obama has no official powers either. Like most first ladies she uses the bully pulpit of her position to draw attention to her cause
I hope the Obamas read message boards like this one. They must get a laugh out of the complete derangement that has engulfed the far right.

"She suggested that kids drink more water? How dare her!"

There are a lot of things President Obama is guilty of, but nobody takes you seriously when you attack his wife for suggesting children eat healthy, you whiny fucking psychos.

blaaa, she is interfering old lady who can't keep her nose out of our lives...she didn't just SUGGEST children eat healthy...If you read this post you would see what she had a hand with the schools...but hey, rant on if it made you feel better
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It's not a cause, it's a COMMERCIAL! She was likely paid decent money for her endorsement.

Soda Wars: Michelle Obama tells kids to drink water |

On Thursday, America’s First Mom will join actress Eva Longoria to urge everyone to drink more water in a campaign dubbed “Drink Up.” The goal: replace a Coke with a bottle of Aquafina, or any of the other 14 water brands her campaign is endorsing - BEVERLY HILLS 9OH2O, DASANI, EVIAN Natural Spring Water, Hint, Voss, WAT-AAH!, North America’s Arrowhead, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Nestlé Pure Life, Ozarka, Poland Spring, resource and Zephyrhills.
She has no mandate from the people to decide schools policy.
She should fuck off, get her fat ass down the gym!!

Correct. And I disagree with what she did. School's shouldn't be in the food business, they're there to teach our kids. It's the parents job and responsibility to feed their own children.

She does go to the gym, she's in pretty good shape. Better now than a few years ago. You are berating her for something she has no control over. She carries her weight in her butt because she's pear shaped. Bashing her over that is like bashing her over her height ... and just as ridiculous.

So being obese is beyond ones control?
Why would old Lardy ass waste her time and OUR money forcing policies that she has no mandate to force, on public institutions that inevitably cause the people she claims to be "for" to lose their job?

I wouldn't advise a marathon runner on training schedules, fat ass shouldn't advise me on what I should drink.

She's not obese. Don't know where you get that from. Who said anything about obesity being out of one's control? Why don't you try reading what I actually said instead of what you think I said.

I never said I agreed with her making any kind of policy or forcing people to do anything.

When we have an R FLOTUS again and the left berates her, will you whine? Because I will remind you of how nasty you were.
Yup. And on that I disagree with what MO is doing. But encouraging healthier lifestyles is just that ... encouraging, and I don't have a problem with that. Like I said, the school's shouldn't be feeding the kids at all ... the parents should.

i have no problem with the first ladies having pet projects or encouraging people to do or be better. I do have a problem when they try and set or enact policy.

That's what I love about you Syrenn. Consistency.
well let me make it more clear for you if you did not understand it the first go round.

pet projects that do not set policy, make laws.... sure. Just say no to more. They are not forcing anything onto anyone.

Forcing schools to change their menus to get federal funding to feed the poor hungry children.... a totally different type of... pet project.

drink more water..... is not forcing anyone to do anything. She is not trying to change laws or make policy.....
that isn't her JOB...they have PARENTS...she should tend to her own kids...we don't tell her how to run their lives..

As First Lady, she is basically the 'Queen', living in the White Palace with the 'King' is her job/responsibility to try to improve the lives of all her 'subjects'.

It is the reponsibility of the 'King' and 'Queen' to provide food, blankets, shelter etc for the poor and homeless.

Bright purple is unacceptable for the 'Queen' to be wearing to a 9/11 memorial service.
Mrs Biden was more respectful of the occasion and the dead and maimed for life.

wtf, are you on crack?? They're not a king and queen, they were elected by the people. They work for us, we are their boss.

Lending a helping hand to those in true need is fine; helping those who milk the system, who depend on it for everything, who are using it as a leg to stand on rather than a leg up, is crushing this country.

They are basically the 'king' and 'queen' and living in a palace.
Elected by the People to rule.

And rule they must, including for those who depend on them for everything.
Like the unemployed whose jobs they've allowed to be offshored to India, Philippines, Mexico etc...and have been taken by immigrants, legal and illegal.
that isn't her JOB...they have PARENTS...she should tend to her own kids...we don't tell her how to run their lives..

As First Lady, she is basically the 'Queen', living in the White Palace with the 'King' is her job/responsibility to try to improve the lives of all her 'subjects'.

It is the reponsibility of the 'King' and 'Queen' to provide food, blankets, shelter etc for the poor and homeless.

Bright purple is unacceptable for the 'Queen' to be wearing to a 9/11 memorial service.
Mrs Biden was more respectful of the occasion and the dead and maimed for life.

wtf, are you on crack?? They're not a king and queen, they were elected by the people. They work for us, we are their boss.

Lending a helping hand to those in true need is fine; helping those who milk the system, who depend on it for everything, who are using it as a leg to stand on rather than a leg up, is crushing this country.

Actually they were not elected by the people. He was elected by the people. (Or the Bilderbergs or whomever makes those decisions out of sight of the voting public.) She got there on his coat tails.
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As First Lady, she is basically the 'Queen', living in the White Palace with the 'King' is her job/responsibility to try to improve the lives of all her 'subjects'.

It is the reponsibility of the 'King' and 'Queen' to provide food, blankets, shelter etc for the poor and homeless.

Bright purple is unacceptable for the 'Queen' to be wearing to a 9/11 memorial service.
Mrs Biden was more respectful of the occasion and the dead and maimed for life.

wtf, are you on crack?? They're not a king and queen, they were elected by the people. They work for us, we are their boss.

Lending a helping hand to those in true need is fine; helping those who milk the system, who depend on it for everything, who are using it as a leg to stand on rather than a leg up, is crushing this country.

Actually they were not elected by the people. He was elected by the people. (Or the Bilderbergs or whomever makes those decisions out of sight of the voting public.) She got there on his coat tails.

Just like Hillary did with Billy boy....what is with Democrat women, I thought they were suppose to be so independent....pfeeesh

too bad Michelle can't have the class of the other first ladies...they had a project but they didn't get out there and try and SHOVE down your throat..she should try staying home and tend to her own family instead of gallivanting all over the place and leaving their tending to others...
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Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.

those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."
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obama's term as presidunce is starting to look more and more like The Truman Show. It's all about product placement. Drink Aquifina, drive a Volt, eat your arrugula. How much do they get for endorsements?
Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.

those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks
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i have no problem with the first ladies having pet projects or encouraging people to do or be better. I do have a problem when they try and set or enact policy.

That's what I love about you Syrenn. Consistency.
well let me make it more clear for you if you did not understand it the first go round.

pet projects that do not set policy, make laws.... sure. Just say no to more. They are not forcing anything onto anyone.

Forcing schools to change their menus to get federal funding to feed the poor hungry children.... a totally different type of... pet project.

drink more water..... is not forcing anyone to do anything. She is not trying to change laws or make policy.....

Michelle Obama has no authority to force anyone to do anything. She has not forced schools to do anything. You dislike her. We get it.
those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks


Its not as though the nutters on the right want to MEDDLE in the lives of consenting adults. They'd never try to control a woman's reproduction or who consenting adults marry.

Feed your kids ding dongs and twinkies. They'll be on the same life long weight loss diet you are.
those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

Yo! Steffy, I just noticed your nice new avatar.

Care to link to proof of wars that President Obama has started?

Thanks ever so much.

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

Yo! Steffy, I just noticed your nice new avatar.

Care to link to proof of wars that President Obama has started?

Thanks ever so much.


He's been at war on the Middle East the five years he and his regime has been in office
Libya, Egypt, and now wants to drop bombs on Syria..he nothing more than a blood thirsty war mongering KILLING MACHINE
but it's so cute you leftes have become like MY was you all I was thinking of when I saw it so I had to put it up there
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