ugh-Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan

As First Lady, she is basically the 'Queen', living in the White Palace with the 'King' is her job/responsibility to try to improve the lives of all her 'subjects'.

It is the reponsibility of the 'King' and 'Queen' to provide food, blankets, shelter etc for the poor and homeless.

Bright purple is unacceptable for the 'Queen' to be wearing to a 9/11 memorial service.
Mrs Biden was more respectful of the occasion and the dead and maimed for life.

wtf, are you on crack?? They're not a king and queen, they were elected by the people. They work for us, we are their boss.

Lending a helping hand to those in true need is fine; helping those who milk the system, who depend on it for everything, who are using it as a leg to stand on rather than a leg up, is crushing this country.

Actually they were not elected by the people. He was elected by the people. (Or the Bilderbergs or whomever makes those decisions out of sight of the voting public.) She got there on his coat tails.

True dat! Posting when tired fail on my part. :redface:
those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

As I've said in my other posts, I disagree with her forcing and policy making.

Having said that ... the kids are going hungry? wtf is wrong with their parents, they can't pack a lunch for their kids? Srsly, how lame is that??
Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

As I've said in my other posts, I disagree with her forcing and policy making.

Having said that ... the kids are going hungry? wtf is wrong with their parents, they can't pack a lunch for their kids? Srsly, how lame is that??

a lot of them have started too...the ones who are INVOLVED with their kids and what goes on in their school...too many who aren't..that is why this government thinks they can do any lab rat experiment in the schools and on OUR I'm for "healthy foods" but I worked in a grade school and the children just didn't care for what they were making us prepare... some of it was gawdaful and I wouldn't serve to my dog...they wanted to do away with peanut butter and jelly a big seller for when they didn't like anything else and give them cheese slapped on a tortilla instead...or the pretty name cheese quesadilla ...that went over like a lead balloon until we complained enough and they let us serve three days a week...I couldn't take watching the children cry over their lunches and watch so much of it go in the garbage, so I left...I'm am starting a new job wish me luck...
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those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

Promise us that you will stay clear of English classes in your school. Damn.
Looking at her causes a need for more than water!!
If ugly was an Olympic event, she would win gold!!

her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:
Looking at her causes a need for more than water!!
If ugly was an Olympic event, she would win gold!!

her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:

oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos
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her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:

oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos

...Want to force food and water down my kids throat? Feeding kids food and water is now a bad thing? What would be a good thing to you? Forcing GMO corn syrup laden soft drinks and twinkies down kids throats? Or letting them go hungry, would be better? WTF are you so outraged about? Is it the food, or is it just Obama derangement syndrome?
her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:

oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos

Food and water! Horrible.

Hey Staph? Have you thanked your fellow forum members yet today?
those first ladies only had ONE thing they championed...this one is all over the place as if she knows all

tiring and wearing on people nerves in my book...but you need to get a grip

Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

What I think is appalling is that these kids won't eat healthy food. They've apparently been raised their entire life on junk food, laden with sodium and fat, and the taste of low fat, reasonably seasoned healthy food is repugnant to them.

What have these parents done to their children??? Assured them a shorter lifespan, for one. Set them up for health problems.

She's not harming the children...the parents are harming the children.

But if you're an example of one of those parents...well, it's all beginning to make sense.
her interference in the schools cost them dearly...maybe that doesn't bother some of you, but I left after being with the school for four years because of she onto something else...

so I'll speak about her not needing to get any grip...

Regardless of what you did at the school, I think people like you should be kept far, far away from children trying to get an education. So I'm not sure your departure has cost anyone "dearly."

Where shall I start. The first word of every sentence should be capitalized.

"now she onto something else"? What is that? Do you mean, "Now she is on to something else."?

As for your last sentence, what is it you're trying to say? Are you trying to say, "So, I'll speak about her, I don't need to 'get a grip.'"?

I suppose you'd be in an uproar if the First Lady suggested we need stronger emphasis on English grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation in our schools. :lol:

P.S. Use ellipses (...) sparingly.
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Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

Promise us that you will stay clear of English classes in your school. Damn.

Oh, lol, I didn't see that you had made this comment. I thought the same thing.
No Child Left Behind

NCLB was a partisan initiative, Laura Bush had nothing to do with its passing. Nice try though.


George Bush did not give a shit about education. Most Republicans don't.
Education reform was a Laura Bush initiative that her husband pushed through in NCLB

Michelle Obama has no official powers either. Like most first ladies she uses the bully pulpit of her position to draw attention to her cause

Seriously? You are absolutely fuckin dumb. It was a bipartisan bill that Ted Kennedy and George Bush worked on the bill.
yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

As I've said in my other posts, I disagree with her forcing and policy making.

Having said that ... the kids are going hungry? wtf is wrong with their parents, they can't pack a lunch for their kids? Srsly, how lame is that??

a lot of them have started too...the ones who are INVOLVED with their kids and what goes on in their school...too many who aren't..that is why this government thinks they can do any lab rat experiment in the schools and on OUR I'm for "healthy foods" but I worked in a grade school and the children just didn't care for what they were making us prepare... some of it was gawdaful and I wouldn't serve to my dog...they wanted to do away with peanut butter and jelly a big seller for when they didn't like anything else and give them cheese slapped on a tortilla instead...or the pretty name cheese quesadilla ...that went over like a lead balloon until we complained enough and they let us serve three days a week...I couldn't take watching the children cry over their lunches and watch so much of it go in the garbage, so I left...I'm am starting a new job wish me luck...

The bolded? Exactly.

I pack my kids lunches, always have. They've each eaten once or twice from the school's menu and were grossed out by it.

Good luck with the new job!
Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:

oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos

...Want to force food and water down my kids throat? Feeding kids food and water is now a bad thing? What would be a good thing to you? Forcing GMO corn syrup laden soft drinks and twinkies down kids throats? Or letting them go hungry, would be better? WTF are you so outraged about? Is it the food, or is it just Obama derangement syndrome?

You miss the point. It's the forcing that is objectionable.

And you know as well as I do that no kid would need any type of forcing of crap down their throats. That's just silly, they gobble it up like hungry, hungry hippos and it keeps them coming back for more again and again.
Sounds like YOU need to get a grip. What the First Lady is championing doesn't bother me at all. Maybe because she's right.

Oh, and by the way...good nutrition, exercise and drinking plenty of water...they're all related. All part of the same theme of "healthy lifestyle." So I wouldn't think of that as "all over the place."

yeah great, you can go to work for the school then..they are needing LOTS of help because of her MEDDLEING...and you should thank her if you have children in school.. she is helping with them going hungry during the school hours because they can't STAND THE FOOD and it going in the garbage can from her brilliant ideas... and you don't care the fact it is being FORCED on them that says more about you people who worship HER and not care about the children she is harming
But hey, you can bow down and kiss the ground she walks

What I think is appalling is that these kids won't eat healthy food. They've apparently been raised their entire life on junk food, laden with sodium and fat, and the taste of low fat, reasonably seasoned healthy food is repugnant to them.

What have these parents done to their children??? Assured them a shorter lifespan, for one. Set them up for health problems.

She's not harming the children...the parents are harming the children.

But if you're an example of one of those parents...well, it's all beginning to make sense.

It isn't the government's job to force or make policies on what people eat and drink. If parents want to fill their kid's bellies with crap... well, that sucks but it does not give uncle the right to step in and decide for them. Their body, their choice.
Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.

The difference.... bush and regan did not try and force anything onto children. They did not change school policy or programs to fit and agenda. What they did was try and get people to change on their own and for themselves.
AT a just say no rally....

Geez, maybe she should try reverse psychology on the RW nutters. Tell the schools that they must serve twinkies, GMO corn chips, Coke with corn syrup, and all the fat, salt, and sugar laden crap they can find. Then all the wingnuts will protest and demand water and healthy foods for the school kids. It's not about the message, it's about the messenger.
Geez, maybe she should try reverse psychology on the RW nutters. Tell the schools that they must serve twinkies, GMO corn chips, Coke with corn syrup, and all the fat, salt, and sugar laden crap they can find. Then all the wingnuts will protest and demand water and healthy foods for the school kids. It's not about the message, it's about the messenger.

gee, your message sucked just like her food suggestions don't like someone who worked in it (like I DID) putting down the poor queen, too bad
sulk off onto something else then
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Can we now conclude that the modern Conservative is either against nutrition and health or just so rabidly capricious as to oppose anything and everything that is proposed by the White House.

Conservatism: an un-ending desire to embrace the 18th century when there were no paved roads, rum was used as an anesthetic and only the white male landowners could vote.

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