ugh-Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan

Can we now conclude that the modern Conservative is either against nutrition and health or just so rabidly capricious as to oppose anything and everything that is proposed by the White House.

Conservatism: an un-ending desire to embrace the 18th century when there were no paved roads, rum was used as an anesthetic and only the white male landowners could vote. can conclude whatever blows your blows frikken skirt seems to be what some of you need to help your self esteem or something..or prove how high and mighty you are

embrace the 18th gawd that was DUMB...seems you want to embrace some stupid reality that DOESN'T EXIST except in that pee brain of yours
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Good grief! Does conservative hatred for all things Obama know no bounds? She suggests that schools offer food with actual nutritional value, and water instead of sugar and ketone laden soft drinks. She wants kids to exercize more. All these ideas are good, positive things, but idiots are here screaming about totalitarianism and comparing Michelle Obama to a cow.

Totalitarianism is Hitler gassing the Jews, Stalin sending dissidents to gulags, and Pol Pot exterminating millions. Offering a kid a healthy snack and a drink of water is not totalitarianism. Get a grip on reality!
lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard
The RW should show her how wrong she is by cutting way down on the water they drink.
Good grief! Does conservative hatred for all things Obama know no bounds? She suggests that schools offer food with actual nutritional value, and water instead of sugar and ketone laden soft drinks. She wants kids to exercize more. All these ideas are good, positive things, but idiots are here screaming about totalitarianism and comparing Michelle Obama to a cow.

Totalitarianism is Hitler gassing the Jews, Stalin sending dissidents to gulags, and Pol Pot exterminating millions. Offering a kid a healthy snack and a drink of water is not totalitarianism. Get a grip on reality!


How stupid are you??
As for water, I drink more than a gallon a day.
How much more should I drink to appease MOOOOOOOOOOOOOCHELLE of the Lardy hindquarters!!

They need to stick one of them "Wide Load" signs across her immense derrière.

You sure that what you're drinking is water and not vodka? I hear it makes a good mixer for right wing cool-aide.
lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard

This so-called "Drink More Water Plan", is probaly indirectly linked to Obamacare, by means of all the fluoridated water systems around the country.

We have been conditioned to believe that fluoride in the drinking water is good for you, but the opposite is true. Fluoride will have adverse effects on the body over time.

What are fluoride's health effects?

Exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults, and may result in effects on bone leading to pain and tenderness.

Children aged 8 years and younger exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride have an increased chance of developing pits in the tooth enamel, along with a range of cosmetic effects to teeth.

Flouride has also been linked to arthritis, cancer, cardiovasular disease, diabtes, endocrine disruption, gastrontestional effects, hypersensitivity, kidney disease, male fertility, skelatal flurosis.

This is nothing more than keeping the money flowing with supplies of sick people. Because if people are healthly, (the hospitals, the clinics, big pharma, etc. )don't make money. There is money in sickness and plenty of it.
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lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard

This so-called "Drink More Water Plan", is probaly indirectly linked to Obamacare, by means of all the fluoridated water systems around the country.

We have been conditioned to believe that fluoride in the drinking water is good for you, but the opposite is true. Fluoride will have adverse effects on the body over time.

What are fluoride's health effects?

Exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults, and may result in effects on bone leading to pain and tenderness.

Children aged 8 years and younger exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride have an increased chance of developing pits in the tooth enamel, along with a range of cosmetic effects to teeth.

Flouride has also been linked to arthritis, cancer, cardiovasular disease, diabtes, to name a few.

This is nothing more than keeping the money flowing with supplies of sick people. Because if people are healthly, (the hospitals, the clinics, big pharma, etc. )don't make money. There is money is sickness and plenty of it.

Source, source source! Because if it's from that one study I've been hearing about, that study is not peer-reviewed and is a bunch of unsubstantiated baloney.

That said, I take charge of things by distilling my drinking water. No particular problem with fluoride or chlorine or whatever, I just didn't like some of the tastes I was picking up on in my tap water. And here in Anchorage we have just about the best tap water in the world. But like I said...little hints of this or that...turned me off.
lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard

This so-called "Drink More Water Plan", is probaly indirectly linked to Obamacare, by means of all the fluoridated water systems around the country.

We have been conditioned to believe that fluoride in the drinking water is good for you, but the opposite is true. Fluoride will have adverse effects on the body over time.

What are fluoride's health effects?

Exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults, and may result in effects on bone leading to pain and tenderness.

Children aged 8 years and younger exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride have an increased chance of developing pits in the tooth enamel, along with a range of cosmetic effects to teeth.

Flouride has also been linked to arthritis, cancer, cardiovasular disease, diabtes, to name a few.

This is nothing more than keeping the money flowing with supplies of sick people. Because if people are healthly, (the hospitals, the clinics, big pharma, etc. )don't make money. There is money is sickness and plenty of it.

Source, source source! Because if it's from that one study I've been hearing about, that study is not peer-reviewed and is a bunch of unsubstantiated baloney.

That said, I take charge of things by distilling my drinking water. No particular problem with fluoride or chlorine or whatever, I just didn't like some of the tastes I was picking up on in my tap water. And here in Anchorage we have just about the best tap water in the world. But like I said...little hints of this or that...turned me off.

This might help you.

Fluoride Action Network | Health Effects
Wow I thought it was common knowledge drinking more water is better for you than drinking anything else. People find some weird things to bash people about.

well tell that to the QUEEN MaBell Obama...she evidently thinks a lot of you folks are stupid...
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Flouride has also been linked to arthritis, cancer, cardiovasular disease, diabtes, endocrine disruption, gastrontestional effects, hypersensitivity, kidney disease, male fertility, skelatal flurosis.
It will make me more fertile, no, not at my age!
This so-called "Drink More Water Plan", is probaly indirectly linked to Obamacare, by means of all the fluoridated water systems around the country.

We have been conditioned to believe that fluoride in the drinking water is good for you, but the opposite is true. Fluoride will have adverse effects on the body over time.

What are fluoride's health effects?

Exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults, and may result in effects on bone leading to pain and tenderness.

Children aged 8 years and younger exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride have an increased chance of developing pits in the tooth enamel, along with a range of cosmetic effects to teeth.

Flouride has also been linked to arthritis, cancer, cardiovasular disease, diabtes, to name a few.

This is nothing more than keeping the money flowing with supplies of sick people. Because if people are healthly, (the hospitals, the clinics, big pharma, etc. )don't make money. There is money is sickness and plenty of it.

Source, source source! Because if it's from that one study I've been hearing about, that study is not peer-reviewed and is a bunch of unsubstantiated baloney.

That said, I take charge of things by distilling my drinking water. No particular problem with fluoride or chlorine or whatever, I just didn't like some of the tastes I was picking up on in my tap water. And here in Anchorage we have just about the best tap water in the world. But like I said...little hints of this or that...turned me off.

This might help you.

Fluoride Action Network | Health Effects

Actually, what I really need to see is peer-reviewed scientific papers on the matter. I don't think there are any that support the notion of fluoridated water being dangerous.
I seriously would like to see the wives of some of the nutcases who are constantly talking about Michelle Obama's big butt. LOL I bet it would be very amusing! :)
her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:

oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos

You're calling BORILLAR a hateful piece of shit?? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wow, do you ever listen to YOURSELF?

You're kind of out of control. What is it that's really bothering you? Is it those doggone black people in the White House, is that what's got you all in a tizzy? I mean, how dare they!
Wow I thought it was common knowledge drinking more water is better for you than drinking anything else. People find some weird things to bash people about.

well tell that to the QUEEN MaBell Obama...she evidently thinks a lot of you folks are stupid...

Come on granny even you know the benefits of drinking water


Water makes up more than two-thirds of the weight of the human body. Without water, humans would die in a few days. All the cells and organs need water to function.

Water serves as a lubricant. It makes up saliva and the fluids surrounding the joints. Water regulates the body temperature through perspiration. It also helps prevent and relieve constipation by moving food through the intestines.

You also get water through liquid foods and beverages, such as soup, milk, and juices. Alcoholic beverages and beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee, tea, and colas) are not the best choices because they have a diuretic effect -- they cause the body to release water.

If you do not drink enough water each day, the body fluids will be out of balance, causing dehydration. When dehydration is severe, it can be life-threatening.

Water in Diet Nutrition - Nutrition, Function, Side Effects - NY Times Health Information
Wow I thought it was common knowledge drinking more water is better for you than drinking anything else. People find some weird things to bash people about.

well tell that to the QUEEN MaBell Obama...she evidently thinks a lot of you folks are stupid...

Why would you say that? Shes just making a recommendation. Thats what first ladies do.
lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard

This so-called "Drink More Water Plan", is probaly indirectly linked to Obamacare, by means of all the fluoridated water systems around the country.

We have been conditioned to believe that fluoride in the drinking water is good for you, but the opposite is true. Fluoride will have adverse effects on the body over time.

What are fluoride's health effects?

Exposure to excessive consumption of fluoride over a lifetime may lead to increased likelihood of bone fractures in adults, and may result in effects on bone leading to pain and tenderness.

Children aged 8 years and younger exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride have an increased chance of developing pits in the tooth enamel, along with a range of cosmetic effects to teeth.

Flouride has also been linked to arthritis, cancer, cardiovasular disease, diabtes, endocrine disruption, gastrontestional effects, hypersensitivity, kidney disease, male fertility, skelatal flurosis.

This is nothing more than keeping the money flowing with supplies of sick people. Because if people are healthly, (the hospitals, the clinics, big pharma, etc. )don't make money. There is money in sickness and plenty of it.

Sorry, no fluoride in my well water.

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