ugh-Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan

Looking at her causes a need for more than water!!
If ugly was an Olympic event, she would win gold!!

her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

So wait, you got fired because you refused to serve children healthy food?

Or maybe the kids didn't want to eat food served by someone named "Staph".
her big school plans of FORCING fruits and veggies on the children isn't flying so well, they are now telling her to take and shove well she has caused the schools to LOSE many employees over it...I was one of many....way to go Nanny MaBell.....

so now it's onto WATER...

Yes, healthy foods and clean water are bad! We should go back to the Republican school lunches where ketchup is a vegetable with lots of tasty genetically modified pseudo food. You wackadoodles get up in arms over every little move or comment. :cuckoo:

oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos

Michelle Obama is not forcing people to live a healthy lifestyle. She is merely promoting a healthy lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with that.

You sound very silly and hysterical

Go take a Midol.

Actually, what I really need to see is peer-reviewed scientific papers on the matter. I don't think there are any that support the notion of fluoridated water being dangerous.

Believe what you want but fluoride is a poison that effects a person's health over time, and it shouldn't be in the damn water-supply at all.

EPA Scientists Oppose Water Fluoridation

This was a vote taken by less than 20 members of a 1000 member union.

All the info in your link has pretty much been debunked by quackwatch.

Is Fluoride Good to Have in Drinking Water?

Fluoride is not a poison at the levels added to drinking water, you gullible moron.
A public school isnt a private business ya fuckin retards - it s run by the Government in the first place. God damn you pussies will cry about any and everything someone you HATE HATE HATE does. Get a grip you bitter old tools.
great. this woman's husband is implementing new health care laws, or trying to, and she doesn't even understand the science surrounding the benefits of H20 ... comparing her to previous first ladys leaves me needing a drink of water - perhaps something stronger.

what a moron
No school kids are eating her food. It goes in the trash. How is that healthy.

Kids aren't eating their vegetables. How is that Michelle Obama's fault?

Not her fault.

Maybe, if the schools were serving 'baked dinners' ...roast meat etc, like at 'Thanksgiving'...and the 'Prom Queen' were eating it including the vegetables, there'd be a stampede to eat it the same.
in my opinion, first lady's should not be given pet platforms. We elected a president..... not a first couple.

So you were against "Just say no"..

I mean..for the record.

just say no didn't come into my cafeteria and forced us workers to force food on the children and then have to sit there and watch them go hungry because they just threw it all away...if you didn't work in this I don't expect any of you to understand..
now carry on

But but but this is different...somehow. Right? :eusa_whistle:

Jesus, you're a sad, petty thing, aren't you? Just shut the fuck up already.
Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.
oh are wackadoodle you had to make into Democrat and republican...
go on with you pathetic want to force food and water down your kids throats, have at it...I don't give a shit
you hateful pos

Michelle Obama is not forcing people to live a healthy lifestyle. She is merely promoting a healthy lifestyle, and there is nothing wrong with that.

You sound very silly and hysterical

Go take a Midol.

Promoting by forcing public institutions to implement her plans, though she has no mandate from the people.
Her failed healthy food programme that cost lunch ladies their jobs?

With no mandate from the people!!

She made some suggestions. She has freedom of speech too. She doesn't need a mandate to speak out about things that matter to her. You should reserve your outrage for the school boards and officials that agreed with her that it was a good idea to offer kids healthy meals to eat and water to drink.
Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.

For some kids, the only decent meal they get is what they get at school. You want to take that away from them? If concerned right wing parents don't want their kids to eat healthy school meals, they can always prepare food for their kids to take with them. I "brown bagged" when I was a kid.
lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard

^ This shit is why the country is where it is now. This stupid shit right here. With all that can be put on this president, like his screwed up foreign policy and his failed domestic policy retards from both party's focus on the whether or not one more glass of water does or does not benefit ones health. Retards who do this should have their right to vote revoked so that they cant do anymore damage to this country. Sad to see so many dazzled by the perty lights.
Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.

For some kids, the only decent meal they get is what they get at school. You want to take that away from them? If concerned right wing parents don't want their kids to eat healthy school meals, they can always prepare food for their kids to take with them. I "brown bagged" when I was a kid.

This is another lie. Food served at schools is about the worst garbage you can feed a growing body. I have never let my kids eat that slop, and to this day they are fit and healthy. Not the lard assed blubber balls with type 2 diabetes you see all over the news. The best thing we can do for our children is kill school lunches.
Did you guys bitch about Laura Bush when she encouraged reading and education? How about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign? You all act as if it's some new thing that "that damn Michelle Obama!" is doing. Get a grip already. So she's encouraging people to eat better, drink more water, and exercise. And???

As to the revamped school food plan? Schools shouldn't be feeding students, their job is to teach them. Providing food is the parent's job.

For some kids, the only decent meal they get is what they get at school. You want to take that away from them? If concerned right wing parents don't want their kids to eat healthy school meals, they can always prepare food for their kids to take with them. I "brown bagged" when I was a kid.

The school food that is crap is the only decent meal they're getting?

It isn't the government's job to feed the kids at school, it is the parents job, the parents responsibility to provide for their kids. The parents can pack a lunch for their kids, and feed them at home. That's what parents do. And if the parents are "too poor", they're receiving welfare and food stamps and money for their kids, they're already being supported ... but we're suppose to pick up even more of the tab.
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For some kids, the only decent meal they get is what they get at school. You want to take that away from them? If concerned right wing parents don't want their kids to eat healthy school meals, they can always prepare food for their kids to take with them. I "brown bagged" when I was a kid.

The school food that is crap is the only decent meal they're getting?

It isn't the government's job to feed the kids at school, it is the parents job, the parents responsibility to provide for their kids. The parents can pack a lunch for their kids, and feed them at home. That's what parents do.

Geez, You bitch that the meals they get are bad, then you bitch when Michell Obama suggests that Schools serve something healthy. Not every kid has a good home where mommy packs a nutritious meal for them. We get that you'd rather they just go hungry.
For some kids, the only decent meal they get is what they get at school. You want to take that away from them? If concerned right wing parents don't want their kids to eat healthy school meals, they can always prepare food for their kids to take with them. I "brown bagged" when I was a kid.

The school food that is crap is the only decent meal they're getting?

It isn't the government's job to feed the kids at school, it is the parents job, the parents responsibility to provide for their kids. The parents can pack a lunch for their kids, and feed them at home. That's what parents do.

Geez, You bitch that the meals they get are bad, then you bitch when Michell Obama suggests that Schools serve something healthy. Not every kid has a good home where mommy packs a nutritious meal for them. We get that you'd rather they just go hungry.

No, I didn't bitch. MO suggesting that the improve the quality of the school food is fine; setting legislation/forcing? No. She's suggesting drinking more water in place of soda, that's fine. When she starts forcing it 'for the children's sake'? Nope.

Once again, just because every kid does not have a good home where mommys pack a nutritious meal for them does not mean that it then becomes the government's job to do so.
oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...I hope the stores do and lose their asses, like the schools did with her meddling in the food would serve them right
but don't say anything mean about her, like she is bully and a fascist hell bent on telling us and companies what they should do...and remember, it's only a pet project like coxing people TO READ...
Michelle Obama to urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy foods to kids...

By Emily Goodin - 09/16/13 01:00 PM ET


Michelle Obama on Wednesday will urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy food choices to children.

The first lady will ask food and media executives to promote healthy choices while decreasing the marketing of unhealthy products to kids, according to a White House notice about the event.

The move could prove politically controversial, as Obama has come under fire from conservatives who charge the first lady is trying to dictate what people eat and drink.

The event on Wednesday, which will also feature government leaders, researchers and parents, is part of Obama's Let's Move! anti-obesity initiative and comes on the heels of her "Drink Up" campaign to promote water as the best beverage choice.

all of it here
Read more: Michelle Obama to urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy foods to kids - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

but she only has pet projects like asking people to
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oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...I hope the stores do and lose their asses, like the schools did with her meddling in the food would serve them right
but don't say anything mean about her, like she is bully and a fascist hell bent on telling us and companies what they should do...and remember, it's only a pet project like coxing people TO READ...
Michelle Obama to urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy foods to kids...

By Emily Goodin - 09/16/13 01:00 PM ET


Michelle Obama on Wednesday will urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy food choices to children.

The first lady will ask food and media executives to promote healthy choices while decreasing the marketing of unhealthy products to kids, according to a White House notice about the event.

The move could prove politically controversial, as Obama has come under fire from conservatives who charge the first lady is trying to dictate what people eat and drink.

The event on Wednesday, which will also feature government leaders, researchers and parents, is part of Obama's Let's Move! anti-obesity initiative and comes on the heels of her "Drink Up" campaign to promote water as the best beverage choice.

all of it here
Read more: Michelle Obama to urge companies to stop marketing unhealthy foods to kids - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

but she only has pet projects like asking people to

I hope the stores tell her to fuck off.
For some kids, the only decent meal they get is what they get at school. You want to take that away from them? If concerned right wing parents don't want their kids to eat healthy school meals, they can always prepare food for their kids to take with them. I "brown bagged" when I was a kid.

The school food that is crap is the only decent meal they're getting?

It isn't the government's job to feed the kids at school, it is the parents job, the parents responsibility to provide for their kids. The parents can pack a lunch for their kids, and feed them at home. That's what parents do.

Geez, You bitch that the meals they get are bad, then you bitch when Michell Obama suggests that Schools serve something healthy. Not every kid has a good home where mommy packs a nutritious meal for them. We get that you'd rather they just go hungry.

if you didn't work for a school then you don't know what you're talking about...she did more than suggest healthy food... and in the process PISSED on and off a lot of the workers who did work in the kitchens.... and if you've been paying with attention with the news, a lot of schools are bowing out of this lab rat experiment from these high and mighty people who don't have PREPARE these food and then watch the kids just throw it in the garbage...I was the one bitching because I worked for the school, but thanks to her (suggestions), not you can continue whining or not..
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The school food that is crap is the only decent meal they're getting?

It isn't the government's job to feed the kids at school, it is the parents job, the parents responsibility to provide for their kids. The parents can pack a lunch for their kids, and feed them at home. That's what parents do.

Geez, You bitch that the meals they get are bad, then you bitch when Michell Obama suggests that Schools serve something healthy. Not every kid has a good home where mommy packs a nutritious meal for them. We get that you'd rather they just go hungry.

No, I didn't bitch. MO suggesting that the improve the quality of the school food is fine; setting legislation/forcing? No. She's suggesting drinking more water in place of soda, that's fine. When she starts forcing it 'for the children's sake'? Nope.

Once again, just because every kid does not have a good home where mommys pack a nutritious meal for them does not mean that it then becomes the government's job to do so.

Michelle Obama doesn't have the power to force anybody to do anything. She is making suggestions. She is using her position as FLOTUS to use the bully pulpit to improve nutrition in schools. If for whatever reason you are opposed to this, write your school board, city council, mayor, state reps, governor, etc, and demand that schools don't kowtow to her (IMHO reasonable, commonsense) suggestions.

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