Ugh, Our Government Names a Naval Vessel After Gabrielle Giffords


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Hey I have an idea. Lets name a ship after the woman who survived a shooting and is using her new found political poker chip to push a liberal agenda, and then, just forget about all those who died that day?

No, I'm not kidding. They really are naming a ship after Gabrielle Giffords. Can you think of anyone more deserving? Oh, I can think of a few hundred thousand, but let's not get bogged down with all those silly people who fought and died for their country in acts of heroism. Certainly a woman who has no more merit than any other government official other than the fact that she was shot deserves it more.

Do you think Mrs. Giffords will be upset when they put a gun on the boat?

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I guarantee if Giffords had an (R) next to her name, you and the other right wing hacks would be praising this as the most amazing thing ever, and even have a full ticker tape parade celebrating it on fox.
I guarantee if Giffords had an (R) next to her name, you and the other right wing hacks would be praising this as the most amazing thing ever, and even have a full ticker tape parade celebrating it on fox.

I will assure you, as a combat veteran with over a decade of military service, no I would not. But still, justifying a wrong with another wrong doesn’t grant credit to your stupid response. Just think how proud those seamen will be on the U.S.S. Giffords! The name alone strikes fear in those who would do us harm! Unless, of course, your Jared Lee Loughner.
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So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...
I guarantee if Giffords had an (R) next to her name, you and the other right wing hacks would be praising this as the most amazing thing ever, and even have a full ticker tape parade celebrating it on fox.

I will assure you, as a combat veteran with over a decade of military service, no I would not. But still, justifying a wrong with another wrong doesn’t grant credit to your stupid response. Just think how proud those seamen will be on the U.S.S. Giffords! The name alone strikes fear in those who would do us harm! Unless, of course, your this moron.


you're wasting your breath on a troll
So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...

Yeah, because "Gun-toting whacks" would in fact be the ONLY alternative to Gabrielle Giffords. *Sarcasm added*
So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...

holy smokes...what the hell did Giffords do to have a SHIP named after her, and why isn't one of our MILITARY members who served being picked?

you people have gone insane over this idiot administation
I guarantee if Giffords had an (R) next to her name, you and the other right wing hacks would be praising this as the most amazing thing ever, and even have a full ticker tape parade celebrating it on fox.

If Giff was an (R), the notion would never be considered to name a vessel after her.
So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...

holy smokes...what the hell did Giffords do to have a SHIP named after her, and why isn't one of our MILITARY members who served being picked?

you people have gone insane over this idiot administation

Evidently getting shot makes you more worthy than performing acts of heroism and getting killed at war. In any case, some Admirals working really hard for that promotion.
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Hey I have an idea. Lets name a ship after the woman who survived a shooting and is using her new found political poker chip to push a liberal agenda, and then, just forget about all those who died that day?

No, I'm not kidding. They really are naming a ship after Gabrielle Giffords. Can you think of anyone more deserving? Oh, I can think of a few hundred thousand, but let's not get bogged down with all those silly people who fought and died for their country in acts of heroism. Certainly a woman who has no more merit than any other government official other than the fact that she was shot deserves it more.

Former military brass ?shocked,? ?angered? over USS Gabrielle Giffords | The Daily Caller

Do you think Mrs. Giffords will be upset when they put a gun on the boat?


You folks should really be careful who you make enemies with..and who you are allies with..

Giffords showed enormous fortitude after an attack that would have killed most people and the Daily Caller showed it's scumbag druthers when it tried to frame Menedez as a person that uses the services of child prostitutes.
So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...

Yeah, because "Gun-toting whacks" would in fact be the ONLY alternative to Gabrielle Giffords. *Sarcasm added*

I'm still trying to get all the hostility on the right to Ms. Giffords, exactly.

Was it because you Teabaggers got the blame for her shooting after you put a target on her?

Because we all admit that was kind of a mistake.

Or are you just mad because she's pointing out that she suffered horribly because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun, no questions asked.
in 1856, the harriet lane was named after the white house's hostess. no heroic acts or service.

in 1776 the lady washington was named after martha washington, no heroic acts or service.

in 1856, the bloomer was named after a feminist.

close to 100 more........
Hey I have an idea. Lets name a ship after the woman who survived a shooting and is using her new found political poker chip to push a liberal agenda, and then, just forget about all those who died that day?

No, I'm not kidding. They really are naming a ship after Gabrielle Giffords. Can you think of anyone more deserving? Oh, I can think of a few hundred thousand, but let's not get bogged down with all those silly people who fought and died for their country in acts of heroism. Certainly a woman who has no more merit than any other government official other than the fact that she was shot deserves it more.

Former military brass ?shocked,? ?angered? over USS Gabrielle Giffords | The Daily Caller

Do you think Mrs. Giffords will be upset when they put a gun on the boat?


You folks should really be careful who you make enemies with..and who you are allies with..

Giffords showed enormous fortitude after an attack that would have killed most people and the Daily Caller showed it's scumbag druthers when it tried to frame Menedez as a person that uses the services of child prostitutes.

Like I said, gone insane over this idiot administation..but if it make you feel better to stay on your knees for them..
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Hey I have an idea. Lets name a ship after the woman who survived a shooting and is using her new found political poker chip to push a liberal agenda, and then, just forget about all those who died that day?

No, I'm not kidding. They really are naming a ship after Gabrielle Giffords. Can you think of anyone more deserving? Oh, I can think of a few hundred thousand, but let's not get bogged down with all those silly people who fought and died for their country in acts of heroism. Certainly a woman who has no more merit than any other government official other than the fact that she was shot deserves it more.

Former military brass ?shocked,? ?angered? over USS Gabrielle Giffords | The Daily Caller

Do you think Mrs. Giffords will be upset when they put a gun on the boat?


You folks should really be careful who you make enemies with..and who you are allies with..

Giffords showed enormous fortitude after an attack that would have killed most people and the Daily Caller showed it's scumbag druthers when it tried to frame Menedez as a person that uses the services of child prostitutes.

I can think of about this many people who showed more fortitude and deserve it more.
Hey I have an idea. Lets name a ship after the woman who survived a shooting and is using her new found political poker chip to push a liberal agenda, and then, just forget about all those who died that day?

No, I'm not kidding. They really are naming a ship after Gabrielle Giffords. Can you think of anyone more deserving? Oh, I can think of a few hundred thousand, but let's not get bogged down with all those silly people who fought and died for their country in acts of heroism. Certainly a woman who has no more merit than any other government official other than the fact that she was shot deserves it more.

Former military brass ?shocked,? ?angered? over USS Gabrielle Giffords | The Daily Caller

Do you think Mrs. Giffords will be upset when they put a gun on the boat?


You folks should really be careful who you make enemies with..and who you are allies with..

Giffords showed enormous fortitude after an attack that would have killed most people and the Daily Caller showed it's scumbag druthers when it tried to frame Menedez as a person that uses the services of child prostitutes.

I can think of about this many people who showed more fortitude and deserve it more.

There will always be someone who deserves it more. There's no point in dwelling on that, it's not precedent to only pick war veterans.
Obama should appear on it with W's "mission accomplished" banner, as he was the one that actually got it done :clap2:
So maybe we need to name a bunch of ships after Gun-toting whacks to make the right wing happy.

USS Jared Loughner
USS Joker Holmes
USS Adam Lanza

Of course, we couldn't build the ships fast enough to keep up with the names...

Yeah, because "Gun-toting whacks" would in fact be the ONLY alternative to Gabrielle Giffords. *Sarcasm added*

I'm still trying to get all the hostility on the right to Ms. Giffords, exactly.

Was it because you Teabaggers got the blame for her shooting after you put a target on her?

Because we all admit that was kind of a mistake.

Or are you just mad because she's pointing out that she suffered horribly because a crazy person was able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun, no questions asked.

Nothing like a strawman fallacy to divert the topic of the thread amidst a losing argument. Thus far you've attempted 5 in two posts.
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