ugh, what can we do about brainwashed college aged libs? in all honesty.

This is a very interesting organization who pays close attention to potential jihad studies.

About Campus Watch

The University of Delaware subjects students in its residence halls to a shocking program of ideological reeducation that is referred to in the university’s own materials as a “treatment” for students’ incorrect attitudes and beliefs. The Orwellian program requires the approximately 7,000 students in Delaware’s residence halls to adopt highly specific university-approved views on issues ranging from politics to race, sexuality, sociology, moral philosophy, and environmentalism. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is calling for the total dismantling of the program, which is a flagrant violation of students’ rights to freedom of conscience and freedom from compelled speech.University of Delaware Requires Students to Undergo Ideological Reeducation - FIRE

These kids fought back. One was a friend of my son's.
Hey, but according to dumbshit, that sort of thing doesn't happen...unless the complaining students are EVIL.
My son is passionate about his beliefs, but he is not disrespectful. I believe his side of the story. This election was the most divided in all my memory. Anyone who paid attention prior to this election knew he was a Marxist. The rest of the country is only learning this now.

So, was the professor reprimanded for what he/she did? Oh, you said he was thrown out of multiple classes - correction - were those professors reprimanded? Because I know for a FACT that if that happened to any of my conservative classmates (or liberal) - they'd raise HELL with the school's administration. And they should, if something like that really happens.
According to the loonies, they're not exactly evil. They just need "treatment for their incorrect attitudes and beliefs". :cuckoo: One of the questions they had to agree to on the residential hall application was that homosexual unions were natural. It also asked for very specific sexual history. And the kids were just getting out of high school. - many who had no sexual history let alone homosexual experimentation. My son's friend wrote 'NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" and was told he could not reside in the dorm without filling the form out honestly and correctly.
And what is it with college conservatives and those damned bowties?

Are they all gay?
Some girl was spouting crap about how glenn beck sucks because he spreads conspiracy theories like fema camps and she heard it from a professor. Being college aged myself, I can't stand liberal professors (ill live with em though -.-) but it's like...what gives these people the right to spout straight up lies in attempt to brainwash the youth into believing falsehoods? I don't understand why the youth can't do their own research and formulate their own opinions. They just go by what they are told by others...I mean, a simple search will show that glenn beck had a whole show dedicated to debunking crazy conspiracy theories AND EVEN DEBUNKED FEMA CAMPS...

I can't reason with these people...all I can do is pray they are in the minority.

I haven't exactly seen the rightwingnuts deeply in touch with the truth.

As for "liberal professors", you sound really silly.. like you're trying to be older than you are.

Don't worry, though, hopefully you'll mature enough and learn enough so you become less rigid in your beliefs. But don't think for a second that at college age you have the wisdom you think you do. But don't worry... all college aged folks think they have all the answers. We get dissuaded of that as we get older. ;)

My son is passionate about his beliefs, but he is not disrespectful. I believe his side of the story. This election was the most divided in all my memory. Anyone who paid attention prior to this election knew he was a Marxist. The rest of the country is only learning this now.

So, was the professor reprimanded for what he/she did? Oh, you said he was thrown out of multiple classes - correction - were those professors reprimanded? Because I know for a FACT that if that happened to any of my conservative classmates (or liberal) - they'd raise HELL with the school's administration. And they should, if something like that really happens.

Always the same teacher. Believe it or not, there are some young adults who don't go crying to the administration because someone yelled at them. They suck it up and try again the next day. It's called maturity.
Hey, but according to dumbshit, that sort of thing doesn't happen...unless the complaining students are EVIL.

It does happen that students that have a closer opinion to that of their professors' get a better grade... It's bad, I hate it just as you do, and the professors should be reprimanded for it. However, I've NEVER seen a student being THROWN out of a class for voicing an opinion adverse to that of the professor - unless he was literally attacking the professor or others or was being generally impolite. I wasn't speaking of general ratio of liberal vs. conservative professors on campuses nor of a certain degree of 'discrimination' that happens. The only time I heard of any discrimination was of a friend of mine who the professor was always staring at every time he spoke of Al Quaeda and Islamic terrorists (my friend is a Libyan Muslim and felt that the professor was always and on purpose staring at him when he spoke of those matters)...

I'm not saying that any of the shit that Allie outlined for us didn't happen - I'm sure it did and the professors should be dealt with accordingly. I was only commenting on chanel's comment trying to figure out how much she really knows of what happened in the classroom before her son was thrown out of the class.

And Allie, chill the fuck out.
My son is passionate about his beliefs, but he is not disrespectful. I believe his side of the story. This election was the most divided in all my memory. Anyone who paid attention prior to this election knew he was a Marxist. The rest of the country is only learning this now.

This election???The most divided? What planet are you from? 365 electoral votes says it wasn't all that divided. If you want to talk about "divided", let's chat about Bush v Gore.

As for Marxist...once again, I'd suggest you study up on what that is since you like flinging the term around improperly.
My son is passionate about his beliefs, but he is not disrespectful. I believe his side of the story. This election was the most divided in all my memory. Anyone who paid attention prior to this election knew he was a Marxist. The rest of the country is only learning this now.

So, was the professor reprimanded for what he/she did? Oh, you said he was thrown out of multiple classes - correction - were those professors reprimanded? Because I know for a FACT that if that happened to any of my conservative classmates (or liberal) - they'd raise HELL with the school's administration. And they should, if something like that really happens.

Always the same teacher. Believe it or not, there are some young adults who don't go crying to the administration because someone yelled at them. They suck it up and try again the next day. It's called maturity.

If it really did happen to your son, he should have done something about it... otherwise he has nothing to bitch about - especially if it happens again. Maybe you should talk some sense into him. If it's broke - fix it. That would be a useful lesson. Also helps with the 'maturity' problem.

Besides that, it only proves to me that you are just using this unproven and possibly imaginary situation in order to engage in your little 'leftists-are-evil' circle-jerk.
Have fun with it, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to take you seriously.
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So, was the professor reprimanded for what he/she did? Oh, you said he was thrown out of multiple classes - correction - were those professors reprimanded? Because I know for a FACT that if that happened to any of my conservative classmates (or liberal) - they'd raise HELL with the school's administration. And they should, if something like that really happens.

Always the same teacher. Believe it or not, there are some young adults who don't go crying to the administration because someone yelled at them. They suck it up and try again the next day. It's called maturity.

If it really did happen to your son, he should have done something about it... otherwise he has nothing to bitch about - especially if it happens again. Maybe you should talk some sense into him. If it's broke - fix it. That would be a useful lesson. Also helps with the 'maturity' problem.

Besides that, it only proves to me that you are just using this unproven and possibly imaginary situation in order to engage in your little 'leftists-are-evil' circle-jerk.
Have fun with it, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to take you seriously.

1. don't tell people you don't even know how to be a parent, that just makes you seem like an asshole.
2. full brain only, actually.
Some girl was spouting crap about how glenn beck sucks because he spreads conspiracy theories like fema camps and she heard it from a professor. Being college aged myself, I can't stand liberal professors (ill live with em though -.-) but it's like...what gives these people the right to spout straight up lies in attempt to brainwash the youth into believing falsehoods? I don't understand why the youth can't do their own research and formulate their own opinions. They just go by what they are told by others...I mean, a simple search will show that glenn beck had a whole show dedicated to debunking crazy conspiracy theories AND EVEN DEBUNKED FEMA CAMPS...

I can't reason with these people...all I can do is pray they are in the minority.

365 electorial votes. 60 Dem Senators, 265 Dem Reps. Better pray real hard. :lol:
I've never come across an example of these highly intelligent Leftists. Not one...

That's because you overestimate your own intelligence and underestimate theirs.

I've seen bright people on both sides of the spectrum, but I've rarely seen a stupid leftie. A tonne of dumbarse conservatives though...
MM and PC...

I'm 49 years old... I've been debating since I my freshman year in HS... with an insatiable appetite for politics...

I've never come across an example of these highly intelligent Leftists. Not one...

I've met those who were potentially brighter than the next... but I must simply and respectfully disagree with you both on this one.

I see your point and I respect your respective opinions... but I've never encountered such.

To the individual, every human being which I have encountered that espouses such views has been an ignoramous across the board.

Now I'm prepared to accept that they're intellectually lazy... but that is par tand parcel of being an ignoramous.

Again... no disprespect intended; it just that given my experience, I simply disagree...

Ah Pubic, you do not have the intellect to even recognize anothers intellect. You are a blitherin' fool that is totally incapable of recognizing logic. But keep right on blitherin', we liberals can gain more votes with people like yourself in oppostion.
Always the same teacher. Believe it or not, there are some young adults who don't go crying to the administration because someone yelled at them. They suck it up and try again the next day. It's called maturity.

If it really did happen to your son, he should have done something about it... otherwise he has nothing to bitch about - especially if it happens again. Maybe you should talk some sense into him. If it's broke - fix it. That would be a useful lesson. Also helps with the 'maturity' problem.

Besides that, it only proves to me that you are just using this unproven and possibly imaginary situation in order to engage in your little 'leftists-are-evil' circle-jerk.
Have fun with it, but don't expect anyone with half a brain to take you seriously.

1. don't tell people you don't even know how to be a parent, that just makes you seem like an asshole.
2. full brain only, actually.

Swetpea, it has nothing to do with parenting. I'm calling her out on her bullshit. How can you claim something you don't even know to be true? She just used this little unproven story to further her own little agenda here... "watch out for them evil lefties!"
Some girl was spouting crap about how glenn beck sucks because he spreads conspiracy theories like fema camps and she heard it from a professor. Being college aged myself, I can't stand liberal professors (ill live with em though -.-) but it's like...what gives these people the right to spout straight up lies in attempt to brainwash the youth into believing falsehoods? I don't understand why the youth can't do their own research and formulate their own opinions. They just go by what they are told by others...I mean, a simple search will show that glenn beck had a whole show dedicated to debunking crazy conspiracy theories AND EVEN DEBUNKED FEMA CAMPS...

I can't reason with these people...all I can do is pray they are in the minority.

I haven't exactly seen the rightwingnuts deeply in touch with the truth.

As for "liberal professors", you sound really silly.. like you're trying to be older than you are.

Another lying, trolling post from the person who apparently thinks she's much smarter than everyone else. Show us some evidence of the crap you spout, Jillie. Specifically, evidence that "liberal professors" is a term that's laughable.
I've never come across an example of these highly intelligent Leftists. Not one...

That's because you overestimate your own intelligence and underestimate theirs.

I've seen bright people on both sides of the spectrum, but I've rarely seen a stupid leftie. A tonne of dumbarse conservatives though...

Lol. No stupid lefties.

Now that's funny. And a more bigoted statement I've yet to hear...from the side which professes to be more intelligent, enlightened and un-biased than anyone else in the world.
.from the side which professes to be more intelligent, enlightened and un-biased than anyone else in the world.

Lefties are compared to conservatives. If you want to help your cause Allie, STFU because you prove the point every time you open your trap..:cool:

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