UH-OH....Abject FEAR Runs Through Congress As Watch Dog Group Asks For NAMES


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'...and the truth shall set you free.'
- Or sh!t yourself if you are one of the Congressional predators / sexual harassers who paid off women to remain silent about your sexual misconduct.

$17 MILLION in American Citizen Tax Dollars went to pay off the victims of federal politician sexual harassers.
-- As one of those tax payers, I WANT MY D@MN MONEY BACK, either in CASH or in these SOBs going to prison!

Watchdog Group Asks for Names Tied to $17 Million in Congressional Settlement Funds for Harassment

"The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), an ethics watchdog group, asked Monday for “the immediate release of the names of all Members of Congress who have been connected to the $17 million in taxpayer funds that the Office of Compliance (OOC) has paid out to victims of sexual harassment and other forms of harassment and discrimination over the past 20 years.”

NO WAY Congress agrees to release this information.....if it does get released, THE FIT IS GOING TO HIT THE SHAN!
Sadly, it has just come to light that for years the government spent millions in taxpayer dollars to try and quietly make sexual misconduct by lawmakers go away.

That is an egregious affront to all the victims, as well as taxpayers,” said Kendra Arnold, Executive Director, Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT).

We don’t need speeches and public posturing—we need the internal policy to change and immediate transparency.

Congressional leaders need to name names and each day that goes by without action is another day more innocent people are put at risk of becoming victims of predatory behavior in the workplace.”

....especially in Congress / by politicians being ... protected by the 'Band of Brother / Sister ENABLERS' in Congress who have kept the crimes of Sexual Harassment by their fellow members secret and have used tax dollars to pay off the victims.
Abject FEAR Runs Through Congress As Watch Dog Group Asks For NAMES

...And that appears to be what voters are teed up to watch and revel in when what voters should be concerning themselves with is that they've given (or will yet/again give) their approbation to curs who've visited sexual harassment or worse on others.
I wonder how many of those curs will immediately resign or announce they won't run again. Especially if they are granted anonymity, which I hope is refused.They need to be exposed and run out of DC on a rail.With much fanfare and TV exposure.


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