uh oh.... democrats going to stop BP from paying dividends??

Uhhh, the government took over GM and AIG. What makes you think they couldn't do it to BP?

Its really quite simple, IMO. You first put together evidence that BP may wind up owing more than its worth as a company. Then you bring this to a federal judge and ask him to freeze BP's U.S. assets pending the resolution of the damages they owe.

Oh....so now it's OK to just let the government take over companies whenever it suits their fancy...are you actually Hugo Chavez but using a fake I.D. here on USMB?
Is BP too big to fail?:lol:

If you don't get the reasons that BP in particular needs to be treated differently then I guess you're just plain stupid and there's nothing more I can do for you.

YOU'RE the one who's stupid...gutting a corporation just to satisfy your little power trip instead of letting them continue to stay in business so they can pay for this spills consequences for the next 50 years. You are certainly in the running for a Doctorate in Buffoonery...better hope none of your professors see your mindless rants or you'll get transferred to the local clown college.
Uhhh, the government took over GM and AIG. What makes you think they couldn't do it to BP?

Its really quite simple, IMO. You first put together evidence that BP may wind up owing more than its worth as a company. Then you bring this to a federal judge and ask him to freeze BP's U.S. assets pending the resolution of the damages they owe.

Oh....so now it's OK to just let the government take over companies whenever it suits their fancy...are you actually Hugo Chavez but using a fake I.D. here on USMB?
Is BP too big to fail?:lol:

If you don't get the reasons that BP in particular needs to be treated differently then I guess you're just plain stupid and there's nothing more I can do for you.

I don't get the reasons that you're falling for the Government's spin of this situation. Show me just one actual quote from anyone at BP saying they are NOT going to pay. Just one quote. Not speculation, not media assumptions, but an actual quote from BP saying that they are refusing to pay for anything. Surely to God, you have some evidence that BP are trying to wiggle out of their responsibility? Because, if there is no evidence of such behavior, why the fuck are you hell bent on destroying the company?
Oh....so now it's OK to just let the government take over companies whenever it suits their fancy...are you actually Hugo Chavez but using a fake I.D. here on USMB?
Is BP too big to fail?:lol:

If you don't get the reasons that BP in particular needs to be treated differently then I guess you're just plain stupid and there's nothing more I can do for you.

I don't get the reasons that you're falling for the Government's spin of this situation. Show me just one actual quote from anyone at BP saying they are NOT going to pay. Just one quote. Not speculation, not media assumptions, but an actual quote from BP saying that they are refusing to pay for anything. Surely to God, you have some evidence that BP are trying to wiggle out of their responsibility? Because, if there is no evidence of such behavior, why the fuck are you hell bent on destroying the company?

Because Obama pointed the way.

Same as with Arizona....or anything else Obama wants to destroy and take over.

Focus on somebody else....never focus on what's going on in the White House.

Obama gave us another "BUSH DID IT" speech yesterday. Guess he feels he can still use that worn out excuse forever.
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I see the local wingnuts are still shouting their slogans. And they are still devoid of facts. They've been reduced to inanity unable to even defend their ideas in any way other than repeating their slogans.

They've got nothing. Like all conservatives, the only honest thing that comes out of their mouth is the foamy spittle. They have no character, no moral center, and the only principle they hold to consistently is temporary convenience. If it helps them not lose an argument, no lie is too absurd to endlessly.

Now, the free market fetishists are demonstrating their total ignorance by arguing that the govt should gaurantee that dividends are distributed. They think if some idiot investor loses money from a stupid investment, our economy will be destroyed. Of course, this is repeated endlessly despite there not being one fact to support it.
I see the local wingnuts are still shouting their slogans. And they are still devoid of facts. They've been reduced to inanity unable to even defend their ideas in any way other than repeating their slogans.

They've got nothing. Like all conservatives, the only honest thing that comes out of their mouth is the foamy spittle. They have no character, no moral center, and the only principle they hold to consistently is temporary convenience. If it helps them not lose an argument, no lie is too absurd to endlessly.

Now, the free market fetishists are demonstrating their total ignorance by arguing that the govt should gaurantee that dividends are distributed. They think if some idiot investor loses money from a stupid investment, our economy will be destroyed. Of course, this is repeated endlessly despite there not being one fact to support it.

Who is arguing that the govt should guarantee dividends?
I see the local wingnuts are still shouting their slogans. And they are still devoid of facts. They've been reduced to inanity unable to even defend their ideas in any way other than repeating their slogans.

They've got nothing. Like all conservatives, the only honest thing that comes out of their mouth is the foamy spittle. They have no character, no moral center, and the only principle they hold to consistently is temporary convenience. If it helps them not lose an argument, no lie is too absurd to endlessly.

Now, the free market fetishists are demonstrating their total ignorance by arguing that the govt should gaurantee that dividends are distributed. They think if some idiot investor loses money from a stupid investment, our economy will be destroyed. Of course, this is repeated endlessly despite there not being one fact to support it.

Who is arguing that the govt should guarantee dividends?

You moron

Here's where the idiot does what I've said wingnuts do all the time - run away from their own words. Their arguments are so absurd that even they wont defend them
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I see the local wingnuts are still shouting their slogans. And they are still devoid of facts. They've been reduced to inanity unable to even defend their ideas in any way other than repeating their slogans.

They've got nothing. Like all conservatives, the only honest thing that comes out of their mouth is the foamy spittle. They have no character, no moral center, and the only principle they hold to consistently is temporary convenience. If it helps them not lose an argument, no lie is too absurd to endlessly.

Now, the free market fetishists are demonstrating their total ignorance by arguing that the govt should gaurantee that dividends are distributed. They think if some idiot investor loses money from a stupid investment, our economy will be destroyed. Of course, this is repeated endlessly despite there not being one fact to support it.

Who is arguing that the govt should guarantee dividends?

You, moron

Here's where the idiot does what I've said wingnuts do all the time - run away from their own words. Their arguments are so absurd that even they wont defend them

Just for entertainment purposes, quote where I said that Govt should guarantee dividends. Idiot.

And, for the record....I'm an individual.... not a 'they. Moron.
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Who is arguing that the govt should guarantee dividends?

You, moron

Here's where the idiot does what I've said wingnuts do all the time - run away from their own words. Their arguments are so absurd that even they wont defend them

Just for entertainment purposes, quote where I said that Govt should guarantee dividends. Idiot.

Just for entertainment purposes, tell me where it says a puke like you deserves anything?

Only a coward would run away from their own words. Only a conservative bed wetting whiny coward.

You're pimping for BP, and like a retarded whore, you're not even getting paid for it. You think BP will go bankrupt if they don't pay a dividend even though it has never happened before in all of history. Never

And your puny excuse for a brain cant comprehend that you're devoid of facts and reason. That's why you have to post lies, and then deny you ever said them
You, moron

Here's where the idiot does what I've said wingnuts do all the time - run away from their own words. Their arguments are so absurd that even they wont defend them

Just for entertainment purposes, quote where I said that Govt should guarantee dividends. Idiot.

Just for entertainment purposes, tell me where it says a puke like you deserves anything?

Only a coward would run away from their own words. Only a conservative bed wetting whiny coward.

You're pimping for BP, and like a retarded whore, you're not even getting paid for it. You think BP will go bankrupt if they don't pay a dividend even though it has never happened before in all of history. Never

And your puny excuse for a brain cant comprehend that you're devoid of facts and reason. That's why you have to post lies, and then deny you ever said them

So, I can take that as a 'I can't back up my claim about you'. I don't run from jack shit - particularly not from a fool who claims I said something that I didn't. Not only are you a moron, you are a liar.
Senate Democrats to BP: Suspend dividend payment | NOLA.com

not sure I can agree with punishing the share holders and I wonder where the senate would get authority to do this

Just for entertainment purposes, quote where I said that Govt should guarantee dividends. Idiot.

Just for entertainment purposes, tell me where it says a puke like you deserves anything?

Only a coward would run away from their own words. Only a conservative bed wetting whiny coward.

You're pimping for BP, and like a retarded whore, you're not even getting paid for it. You think BP will go bankrupt if they don't pay a dividend even though it has never happened before in all of history. Never

And your puny excuse for a brain cant comprehend that you're devoid of facts and reason. That's why you have to post lies, and then deny you ever said them

So, I can take that as a 'I can't back up my claim about you'. I don't run from jack shit - particularly not from a fool who claims I said something that I didn't. Not only are you a moron, you are a liar.

Typical wingnut denial. Run away and turn your head to shout "I'm not running away"

You're the one who claimed BP is in financial trouble, so it was YOU who indicated that BP can't pay. And the other side of your mouth claimed that BP could and would pay.

You're a moron. Every day the courthouse is open (and that's every day) a business is having their assets frozen. It's been done thousands of times, and not once has a company left the US because of it.

Like I said, you've got nothing but lies and hateful spew.

Now try and focus on the topic, which is about stopping BP from paying dividends. Maybe, if you could ever kickstart that lump of fat you call a brain, you might give us a factual example of a company that left the country because another company wasn't allowed to pay out dividends.

Stop running away like some spoiled little wussy and address the issue with some facts, instead of your lies. Give us one real-world example of a company that left the country because another company wasn't allowed to pay out dividends.

All I ask for is just one, and I know you will fail because you are full of lies and hate. There's nothing else there.

on edit: And just to prove what a complete moron you are, I never said that you said you want to gaurantee dividends. You're just a self-centered moron who thinks the world revolves around her fat ass.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUaY3LhJ-IQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries[/ame]

It’s time for the federal government to put BP under temporary receivership, which gives the government authority to take over BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico until the gusher is stopped. This is the only way the public know what’s going on, be confident enough resources are being put to stopping the gusher, ensure BP’s strategy is correct, know the government has enough clout to force BP to use a different one if necessary, and be sure the President is ultimately in charge.

Robert Reich
YouTube - Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries

It’s time for the federal government to put BP under temporary receivership, which gives the government authority to take over BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico until the gusher is stopped. This is the only way the public know what’s going on, be confident enough resources are being put to stopping the gusher, ensure BP’s strategy is correct, know the government has enough clout to force BP to use a different one if necessary, and be sure the President is ultimately in charge.

Robert Reich

Reich is a far left wing loon...you cannot take receivership of a company that's foreign owned...you can freeze their bank accounts and nationalize their U.S. based assets but you cannot take over a foreign owned company...Reich is a dope.
Just for entertainment purposes, tell me where it says a puke like you deserves anything?

Only a coward would run away from their own words. Only a conservative bed wetting whiny coward.

You're pimping for BP, and like a retarded whore, you're not even getting paid for it. You think BP will go bankrupt if they don't pay a dividend even though it has never happened before in all of history. Never

And your puny excuse for a brain cant comprehend that you're devoid of facts and reason. That's why you have to post lies, and then deny you ever said them

So, I can take that as a 'I can't back up my claim about you'. I don't run from jack shit - particularly not from a fool who claims I said something that I didn't. Not only are you a moron, you are a liar.

Typical wingnut denial. Run away and turn your head to shout "I'm not running away"

You're the one who claimed BP is in financial trouble, so it was YOU who indicated that BP can't pay. And the other side of your mouth claimed that BP could and would pay.

You're a moron. Every day the courthouse is open (and that's every day) a business is having their assets frozen. It's been done thousands of times, and not once has a company left the US because of it.

Like I said, you've got nothing but lies and hateful spew.

Now try and focus on the topic, which is about stopping BP from paying dividends. Maybe, if you could ever kickstart that lump of fat you call a brain, you might give us a factual example of a company that left the country because another company wasn't allowed to pay out dividends.

Stop running away like some spoiled little wussy and address the issue with some facts, instead of your lies. Give us one real-world example of a company that left the country because another company wasn't allowed to pay out dividends.

All I ask for is just one, and I know you will fail because you are full of lies and hate. There's nothing else there.

on edit: And just to prove what a complete moron you are, I never said that you said you want to gaurantee dividends. You're just a self-centered moron who thinks the world revolves around her fat ass.

I think you must be getting me confused with another poster. I have not once made any of the claims that you keep referring to! Not once!

You're either completely stupid, totally delusional, or just wrong.

And now I see you fall back to the usual leftie rants of 'hate' and 'lies'. Where have I lied? Show me where the 'hate' is in my posts?

Give me fucking evidence of any of your ridiculously laughable claims, you fucking idiot. You make the accusation - back it up or withdraw it.
YouTube - Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries

It’s time for the federal government to put BP under temporary receivership, which gives the government authority to take over BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico until the gusher is stopped. This is the only way the public know what’s going on, be confident enough resources are being put to stopping the gusher, ensure BP’s strategy is correct, know the government has enough clout to force BP to use a different one if necessary, and be sure the President is ultimately in charge.

Robert Reich

No, that isn't Neo-National Socialism, not at all, nope, no siree.
YouTube - Maxine Waters threatens to nationalize U.S. oil industries

It’s time for the federal government to put BP under temporary receivership, which gives the government authority to take over BP’s operations in the Gulf of Mexico until the gusher is stopped. This is the only way the public know what’s going on, be confident enough resources are being put to stopping the gusher, ensure BP’s strategy is correct, know the government has enough clout to force BP to use a different one if necessary, and be sure the President is ultimately in charge.

Robert Reich

Robert Reich speaking for the Obama Reich

So, I can take that as a 'I can't back up my claim about you'. I don't run from jack shit - particularly not from a fool who claims I said something that I didn't. Not only are you a moron, you are a liar.

Typical wingnut denial. Run away and turn your head to shout "I'm not running away"

You're the one who claimed BP is in financial trouble, so it was YOU who indicated that BP can't pay. And the other side of your mouth claimed that BP could and would pay.

You're a moron. Every day the courthouse is open (and that's every day) a business is having their assets frozen. It's been done thousands of times, and not once has a company left the US because of it.

Like I said, you've got nothing but lies and hateful spew.

Now try and focus on the topic, which is about stopping BP from paying dividends. Maybe, if you could ever kickstart that lump of fat you call a brain, you might give us a factual example of a company that left the country because another company wasn't allowed to pay out dividends.

Stop running away like some spoiled little wussy and address the issue with some facts, instead of your lies. Give us one real-world example of a company that left the country because another company wasn't allowed to pay out dividends.

All I ask for is just one, and I know you will fail because you are full of lies and hate. There's nothing else there.

on edit: And just to prove what a complete moron you are, I never said that you said you want to gaurantee dividends. You're just a self-centered moron who thinks the world revolves around her fat ass.

I think you must be getting me confused with another poster. I have not once made any of the claims that you keep referring to! Not once!

You're either completely stupid, totally delusional, or just wrong.

And now I see you fall back to the usual leftie rants of 'hate' and 'lies'. Where have I lied? Show me where the 'hate' is in my posts?

Give me fucking evidence of any of your ridiculously laughable claims, you fucking idiot. You make the accusation - back it up or withdraw it.

In post #65 You claimed that not letting BP distribute dividends would cause other companies to flee to other nations. You made the claim - back it up or withdraw

You can run away from the issue, but I will keep asking you to provide one single example of this happening in the real world (and not in your delusional fantasy land)
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but I will keep asking you to provide one single example of this happening in the real world (and not in your delusional fantasy land)

We have never lived in a obama fueled fantasy land , no telling what will happen as the fascism grows .
Oh....so now it's OK to just let the government take over companies whenever it suits their fancy...are you actually Hugo Chavez but using a fake I.D. here on USMB?
Is BP too big to fail?:lol:

If you don't get the reasons that BP in particular needs to be treated differently then I guess you're just plain stupid and there's nothing more I can do for you.

YOU'RE the one who's stupid...gutting a corporation just to satisfy your little power trip instead of letting them continue to stay in business so they can pay for this spills consequences for the next 50 years. You are certainly in the running for a Doctorate in Buffoonery...better hope none of your professors see your mindless rants or you'll get transferred to the local clown college.

Not paying a dividend won't put BP out of business. Please, please stop being so stupid.

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