UH OH !! Something real screwery Wrong with Polls !! UH OH !!

That guy does not understand his own lies to himself

He is clueless

No lies from me. YOu are the one taking polls concerning political support and claiming they mean the military will break their oath and will open fire on American citizens.
Huh? How do you think we ended slavery? Helloooooooo reeeeetard

Slavery was officially ended by the 13th amendment to the US Constitution.

And FYI, the Union soldiers did not open fire on US citizens. The Confederate States of America was a separate nation.
/----/ Well, actually Union Soldiers did open fire on civilians in 1863.
A drawing from a British newspaper showing armed rioters clashing with Union Army soldiers in New York City.

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia

True. The New York State Militia was used to quell a massive riot. I stand corrected.

But it is hardly the same as the claims by GreenAndBlue that the US military will use armed force to prevent women from voting.
/—-/ Not the militia- the Union Army, read the link.
Again this shows a big problem with fake polls

Seems to now try to hide the white mens vote as well as the military’s votes


To help energize the crooked democrats

This poll here shows Hispanics

41 % approval and 48% disapproval of trump

After factoring in the high female disapproval of trump that mean Hispanic men approve of trump which then makes their men approval of 46 to 47 disapproval as BOGUS !

That looks like they are hiding the white mens vote and not counting them correctly

With Hispanic men favoring trump and white men in a landslide there is no way that men are 46 for and 47 against trump

And since the last military poll showed women strong against trump and the men strong for trump It seems the news is hiding that also

But trump has the real power like Andrew Jackson had and will now totally destroy the crooked deep state
No lies from me. YOu are the one taking polls concerning political support and claiming they mean the military will break their oath and will open fire on American citizens.
Huh? How do you think we ended slavery? Helloooooooo reeeeetard

Slavery was officially ended by the 13th amendment to the US Constitution.

And FYI, the Union soldiers did not open fire on US citizens. The Confederate States of America was a separate nation.
/----/ Well, actually Union Soldiers did open fire on civilians in 1863.
A drawing from a British newspaper showing armed rioters clashing with Union Army soldiers in New York City.

New York City draft riots - Wikipedia

True. The New York State Militia was used to quell a massive riot. I stand corrected.

But it is hardly the same as the claims by GreenAndBlue that the US military will use armed force to prevent women from voting.
/—-/ Not the militia- the Union Army, read the link.

The union army had more white men than the south and won the war

The south killed more north soldiers than the north killed south soldiers

But because of more white men the north won

With this trump has the white men in a landslide similar to Andrew Jackson who took the military out of the hands of congress and courts and hauled the Indians to reservations

Now trump has the power to haul the crooked congress to prison
Unemployment rate drops to 3.5 %. Record low number

This screwy poll here does show the Hispanics rising fast for trump .. that means they know they were helped by trump

But But their numbers don’t add up from that

It seems they are in a PANIC to hide the men’s vote .. to hide the white mens vote and to hide the military vote

They are in a panic afraid trump will now do like Andrew Jackson did with that real power

Fake lying media

Fake lying educators

Fake lying everybody that is getting their money from the crooked system which could bring us to world war 111

Really stoopid corrupt deep state
Record low unemployment for both Hispanics and blacks

The polls are fake because they lie by omission and hides the men’s numbers

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