Uh oh, the week not starting well for the Orange Turd

It was released 2 days after a whistleblower filed a complaint that it was being held up until the president of Ukraine announced an investigation into Biden.
No matter how much you try to spin your fable. The facts remain!

The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.

Sounds like a lot of after the fact BS from OMB spokesman from the administration that feels no obligation to be truthful.

Have them sit in front of the Representatives, under oath, and see how long this little story stands up to scrutiny.
OMB just cuts the checks. They repeated what the officials from the WH told them. There's no "secrets" there, I'm guessing.

Mick Mulvaney can clear this up in a minute. He’s the chief of staff and head of OMB.

He’s also in defiance of a subpoena to answer questions after having made some inadvisable comments about politics invading foreign policy. Wonder why he isn’t interested in helping the American people understand what happened?
Executive privelege...obomanation used it with Holder!

Why is he using executive privilege?
Calm yourself snowflake, this is fake news spin.

Fake spin your ass

The WB complaint reached Congress Sept 9.

The aid was released Sept 11

The complaint was originally filed in early August and by law SHOULD have reached Congress within 7 days.


Lets just """presume""" what you say is true, so what. That doesn't prove it was released for any other reason than it was scheduled to be released that day. Dem's want to skip past the investigation, skip past a trial and cross examination, and right to sentencing. That's how desperate they are.
Trump and his crime family look guilty as fuck. They did it and were caught. The test for the US is are there enough decent patriotic Republicans around to form a firing squad.
The left just doesn't get it, we are fine with Trump investigating the Biden's corruption. That's his job. And holding up hundreds of millions in aid to fore the Ukraine to come clean is also a reasonable request.

Look we can't have VP's laundering US taxpayer money to line their own pockets via these schemes.
He's not doing that.... Amb sondland testified, the release of the military aid and WH meeting just depended on Velensky going on CNN to make the announcement of an investigation in to the Biden's/ Burisma....


Are you really going to claim this was all about corruption knowing that, really?

And WHY would it not be the legal route of investigation of Americans abroad involved in corruption, throughout the DOJ who protects our citizen's rights overseas, while still investigating with the Foreign govts Prosecutor General?

Why not follow the law on it, instead of a Giuliani With the two felon charged goons?

I'm sorry, it's simply willful ignorance and allegiance to your fake Messiah that is blinding you all!

Investigate the Biden's for criminality, but use the DOJ and their guidelines on predicate, to investigate criminal matters, and use their investigative arm to do it, as per our legal agreement, with the Ukraine.

Lib please its all over the news today how at the bare minimum how inappropriate and wrong it was for the Bidens to do what they did. :eusa_hand:
And why
No matter how much you try to spin your fable. The facts remain!

The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.

Sounds like a lot of after the fact BS from OMB spokesman from the administration that feels no obligation to be truthful.

Have them sit in front of the Representatives, under oath, and see how long this little story stands up to scrutiny.
OMB just cuts the checks. They repeated what the officials from the WH told them. There's no "secrets" there, I'm guessing.

Mick Mulvaney can clear this up in a minute. He’s the chief of staff and head of OMB.

He’s also in defiance of a subpoena to answer questions after having made some inadvisable comments about politics invading foreign policy. Wonder why he isn’t interested in helping the American people understand what happened?
Executive privelege...obomanation used it with Holder!

Why is he using executive privilege?
To do what The Surrender Monkey did!
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
Fake news/TDS.
In late July, the Pentagon also alerted the White House that if the funding wasn’t released in time, the Pentagon would be at risk of violating the Impoundment Control Act, which punishes the executive branch when it doesn’t spend money that Congress has appropriated, the sources said.
Exclusive: White House Ignored Pentagon Warning on Ukraine Funding

Actually, there are protocols in place requiring by law the WH notify Congress if the admin is withholding the dispersal of appropriated funds.
But asshole it was released 20 days BEFORE IT EXPIRED....Apparently this left wing talking points moron doesn't look at the news and only has tunnel hearing when it comes to the truththe Senate even extended the Ukraine aid bill and signed by Trump!
It was released because he got caught.

Don’t forget that they couldn’t come up with a legal justification to hold it up any longer.
It was released 2 days after a whistleblower filed a complaint that it was being held up until the president of Ukraine announced an investigation into Biden.
No matter how much you try to spin your fable. The facts remain!

The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.
The funds were appropriated in February. Trump released them in September. It doesn't take 7 months to determine if Ukraine would succumb to Trump's favors. Meanwhile, on September 9th, a whistleblower filed a complaint that Trump was holding up the funds for favors and wouldn't you know, on September 11th, Trump finally releases the funds from February.
Don’t forget that they couldn’t come up with a legal justification to hold it up any longer.
It was released 2 days after a whistleblower filed a complaint that it was being held up until the president of Ukraine announced an investigation into Biden.
No matter how much you try to spin your fable. The facts remain!

The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.

Sounds like a lot of after the fact BS from OMB spokesman from the administration that feels no obligation to be truthful.

Have them sit in front of the Representatives, under oath, and see how long this little story stands up to scrutiny.
OMB just cuts the checks. They repeated what the officials from the WH told them. There's no "secrets" there, I'm guessing.

Mick Mulvaney can clear this up in a minute. He’s the chief of staff and head of OMB.

He’s also in defiance of a subpoena to answer questions after having made some inadvisable comments about politics invading foreign policy. Wonder why he isn’t interested in helping the American people understand what happened?
Mulvaney has already said Trump held up the money until Zelensky wpuld investigate the DNC server.
Withholding military aid is “illegal”?

Bullshit. We are under NO obligation to provide military aid to anyone.
If congress has by law, appropriated the money, and the President signs the bill....

There is nothing More of a legal obligation than that....
Last edited:
Rudy on the possibility of Trump throwing him under the bus, "I've seen things written like he's going to throw me under the bus. When they say that, I say he isn't, but I have insurance."
House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas
House Intel Committee possesses video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate

*The statement goes on to say, "His evidence and potential testimony is non-partisan, and not intended to be part of a battle between the left and the right, but rather an aid in the determination by our government of what is in the best interests of our nation."*

Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Emails Reveal WH’s Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact
WaPo: Emails Reveal WH's Scramble To Explain Ukraine Aid Delay After The Fact

"Internal emails reportedly reveal how the White House had to come up with a legal justification for delaying the congressionally-approved military aid to Ukraine after President Donald Trump had frozen the funds in July."

It has already been reported Pentagon officials had concluded the withholding of military aid was illegal. That crime could be added to the crime of soliciting foreign aid in a US election as articles of impeachment. Along with abuses of power, witness tampering, lying to Mueller, and obstructing both the impeachment inquiry and the Mueller investigation. Don may have the dubious distinction of setting a record for the number of impeachable offenses to be included in the articles of impeachment.
Nothing burger
Parnas, isn't he the guy Don claims he doesn't know. President Shithole also made the same claim about Sondland. The guy who his inauguration committee a cool $1M. The guy he appointed to be ambassador to the EU. The guy who called Baby Donald to update him about how the extortion of Ukraine was going. It's a thing with Individual 1. When an associate presents a problem he forgets he knows them.

More emotional liberal goo with no substance.

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