Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

I've been reading the back and fourth....

How many Presidental Birth Certificates have you held in your hands and inspected, held up to the light, checked for typo's....etc?

I'm guessing none.

So if you haven't...you're relying on what exactly to determine that all of the other Presidents were on the up and up? The same institutions that assured you for them are assuring you now, are they not?

Well...whats the difference?

Have I said that all the other Presidents were on the up and up? I certainly don't recall saying that.

All I am saying is that no other President has had these kinds of questioned addressed. The closest to it would be George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both of whom had the rats hunting in all the holes for some kind of personal dirt for the entire eight years of their Presidencies. But I had no questions about either of them nor any other President that I didn't think were adequately answered. We had medical records. We had college papers. We had transcripts. And all the good and bad and ugly (including that which was made up) was aired pretty well.

So the current occupant of the White House has not allowed the curiosity about him to be satisfied. And again, given the power that he holds by virtue of his office, it is not unreasonable to want to know as much about him as possible.

And those who demonstrate astonishing lack of curiosity about Obama and/or regard him as untouchable when they didn't see any other President that way are perhaps telegraphing that they are the most suspicious of all. Otherwise why would they object to curiosity that is quite commonplace regarding any famous person, let alone one as powerful as the President of the United States?

So if we're not paranoid, we're not adequately interested? Strange position.:cuckoo:

Did you call for the State of Connecticut to produce GWB's birth certificate? If so, please refer to the post where you did so please. :eusa_whistle:

So far as I know we know who George W. Bush's parents are and there has never been a question that they were both citizens. And since there was never a question raised about where George W. Bush was born I never had a smidgeon bit of curiosity about his citizenship and therefore was completely disinterested in his birth certificate. Were you curious about his birth certificate? Why?

I was as curious about George W. Bush's military service as the next person though when questions about that were raised. And when the 'evidence' of his military service was falsified, I looked, and I was relieved when it was proved to be bogus. And I was satisfied with the explanations that were subsequently provided proving that was bogus. But I looked. And I bet you did too. Why were you curious about that?

I was curious about Bill and Hillary Clinton's Whitewater caper and wondered how that would all play out. I didn't CARE how that played out particularly, but I sure read the stuff and looked at what was shown as evidence and I was satisfied that there was no criminal activity. Certainly not enough to pursue. I bet you looked to. Why were you curious about that?

So if you think there is something wierd about me being curious about the circumstances of Barack Obama's birth and citizenship, sue me. I will look at whatever evidence regarding that is ever produced. And I bet you will too.

And by the way, being curious about something is not the same thing as calling on anybody to produce anything. I know you Obama disciples have a really hard time grasping that concept, but I bet if you really REALLY tried, you could do it.
Being curious does not rise to threshhold of demanding or coercing information that has already been provided that have met moral, ethical, and legal standards.

Birthers, stand down, because the rest of the nation is laughing at you.
Have I said that all the other Presidents were on the up and up? I certainly don't recall saying that.

All I am saying is that no other President has had these kinds of questioned addressed. The closest to it would be George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both of whom had the rats hunting in all the holes for some kind of personal dirt for the entire eight years of their Presidencies. But I had no questions about either of them nor any other President that I didn't think were adequately answered. We had medical records. We had college papers. We had transcripts. And all the good and bad and ugly (including that which was made up) was aired pretty well.

So the current occupant of the White House has not allowed the curiosity about him to be satisfied. And again, given the power that he holds by virtue of his office, it is not unreasonable to want to know as much about him as possible.

And those who demonstrate astonishing lack of curiosity about Obama and/or regard him as untouchable when they didn't see any other President that way are perhaps telegraphing that they are the most suspicious of all. Otherwise why would they object to curiosity that is quite commonplace regarding any famous person, let alone one as powerful as the President of the United States?

So if we're not paranoid, we're not adequately interested? Strange position.:cuckoo:

Did you call for the State of Connecticut to produce GWB's birth certificate? If so, please refer to the post where you did so please. :eusa_whistle:

So far as I know we know who George W. Bush's parents are and there has never been a question that they were both citizens. And since there was never a question raised about where George W. Bush was born I never had a smidgeon bit of curiosity about his citizenship and therefore was completely disinterested in his birth certificate. Were you curious about his birth certificate? Why?

I was as curious about George W. Bush's military service as the next person though when questions about that were raised. And when the 'evidence' of his military service was falsified, I looked, and I was relieved when it was proved to be bogus. And I was satisfied with the explanations that were subsequently provided proving that was bogus. But I looked. And I bet you did too. Why were you curious about that?

I was curious about Bill and Hillary Clinton's Whitewater caper and wondered how that would all play out. I didn't CARE how that played out particularly, but I sure read the stuff and looked at what was shown as evidence and I was satisfied that there was no criminal activity. Certainly not enough to pursue. I bet you looked to. Why were you curious about that?

So if you think there is something wierd about me being curious about the circumstances of Barack Obama's birth and citizenship, sue me. I will look at whatever evidence regarding that is ever produced. And I bet you will too.

And by the way, being curious about something is not the same thing as calling on anybody to produce anything. I know you Obama disciples have a really hard time grasping that concept, but I bet if you really REALLY tried, you could do it.

then my best advice to you is look at and examine all of the evidence that is there for Obama's birth certificate....search the laws of the state to see if there is any way possible that obama's birth certificate could list honolulu as his birth place, if he was not born there. Search Obama's mother's passport to see if she traveled to kenya and was there during the time of his birth, and also check the american embassy records to see if obama's mother was there in Kenya when he was born....the find the airline rosters for those airlines that flew out of kenya and see if you can find her name on the passenger's list....

there are many many legitimate things that the Birthers can do to get their answers and satisfy their curiosity....giving them the long form, only gives them access to private information that is none of their business, like his mother's doctor's name or how many children his mother had before him....THAT'S IT.....and frankly, you have NO RIGHTS to that kind of information from ANYONE.

Please tell me fyre....how could hawaii have a birth certificate on file for Obama IF he was not born there? Do you know something that i don't about this process?
Have I said that all the other Presidents were on the up and up? I certainly don't recall saying that.

All I am saying is that no other President has had these kinds of questioned addressed. The closest to it would be George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both of whom had the rats hunting in all the holes for some kind of personal dirt for the entire eight years of their Presidencies. But I had no questions about either of them nor any other President that I didn't think were adequately answered. We had medical records. We had college papers. We had transcripts. And all the good and bad and ugly (including that which was made up) was aired pretty well.

So the current occupant of the White House has not allowed the curiosity about him to be satisfied. And again, given the power that he holds by virtue of his office, it is not unreasonable to want to know as much about him as possible.

And those who demonstrate astonishing lack of curiosity about Obama and/or regard him as untouchable when they didn't see any other President that way are perhaps telegraphing that they are the most suspicious of all. Otherwise why would they object to curiosity that is quite commonplace regarding any famous person, let alone one as powerful as the President of the United States?

So if we're not paranoid, we're not adequately interested? Strange position.:cuckoo:

Did you call for the State of Connecticut to produce GWB's birth certificate? If so, please refer to the post where you did so please. :eusa_whistle:

So far as I know we know who George W. Bush's parents are....
What? Is there a question about who Mr. Obama's parents are? How do you really know who GWB's parents are?

and there has never been a question that they were both citizens.
Because you haven't asked it....amazingly when Mr. Obama becomes President, you become Columbo....I wonder what the difference is. I'm sure its as obvious as black and white.

And since there was never a question raised about where George W. Bush was born I never had a smidgeon bit of curiosity about his citizenship and therefore was completely disinterested in his birth certificate.
Amazing how you become interested in pedigree when its a horse of a different color so to speak.

Were you curious about his birth certificate? Why?

I simply like to highlight the birther's double standard when it comes to Mr. Obama.
So if we're not paranoid, we're not adequately interested? Strange position.:cuckoo:

Did you call for the State of Connecticut to produce GWB's birth certificate? If so, please refer to the post where you did so please. :eusa_whistle:

So far as I know we know who George W. Bush's parents are and there has never been a question that they were both citizens. And since there was never a question raised about where George W. Bush was born I never had a smidgeon bit of curiosity about his citizenship and therefore was completely disinterested in his birth certificate. Were you curious about his birth certificate? Why?

I was as curious about George W. Bush's military service as the next person though when questions about that were raised. And when the 'evidence' of his military service was falsified, I looked, and I was relieved when it was proved to be bogus. And I was satisfied with the explanations that were subsequently provided proving that was bogus. But I looked. And I bet you did too. Why were you curious about that?

I was curious about Bill and Hillary Clinton's Whitewater caper and wondered how that would all play out. I didn't CARE how that played out particularly, but I sure read the stuff and looked at what was shown as evidence and I was satisfied that there was no criminal activity. Certainly not enough to pursue. I bet you looked to. Why were you curious about that?

So if you think there is something wierd about me being curious about the circumstances of Barack Obama's birth and citizenship, sue me. I will look at whatever evidence regarding that is ever produced. And I bet you will too.

And by the way, being curious about something is not the same thing as calling on anybody to produce anything. I know you Obama disciples have a really hard time grasping that concept, but I bet if you really REALLY tried, you could do it.

then my best advice to you is look at and examine all of the evidence that is there for Obama's birth certificate....search the laws of the state to see if there is any way possible that obama's birth certificate could list honolulu as his birth place, if he was not born there. Search Obama's mother's passport to see if she traveled to kenya and was there during the time of his birth, and also check the american embassy records to see if obama's mother was there in Kenya when he was born....the find the airline rosters for those airlines that flew out of kenya and see if you can find her name on the passenger's list....

there are many many legitimate things that the Birthers can do to get their answers and satisfy their curiosity....giving them the long form, only gives them access to private information that is none of their business, like his mother's doctor's name or how many children his mother had before him....THAT'S IT.....and frankly, you have NO RIGHTS to that kind of information from ANYONE.

Please tell me fyre....how could hawaii have a birth certificate on file for Obama IF he was not born there? Do you know something that i don't about this process?

Care, you're smarter than the lefty loonies who don't read or comprehend much of anything. How many times and how many ways can I say that I am NOT a birther? I believe Obama was most likely born in Hawaii. I believe he is absolutely legally eligible to be President of the United States. I've said that now at least dozens of times on these threads and most people are able to read and comprehend that. The honest ones actually acknowledge that they have read and comprehended that.

At no time have I ever said or even hinted otherwise. Why is it so difficult for you and others to believe that?

Now if you honestly think I'm a bad and evil person for being curious about all the questions that remain unanswered, then so be it. That would make me really sad, but there's not much I can do about it.

I do think almost all who pretend they aren't curious about these things are hypocrites though.
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Fyrefox....for goodness sakes!

I do not think you are an evil person....and I never will! you are by far one of the :thup:'s around here to me, even though we differ politically.... we agree on much of everything else...

If you do believe he was born there and all you want to know is the "other" private information on his birth certificate, like his mother's doctor's name or if she had a child before Obama, or what hospital he was born in then your curiosity has lead you to where you don't belong...that is paparazzi type of info seeking in my humble opinion that does not deserve answering....it is private information that people have the RIGHT to keep private....and also, it does not have anything at all to do with Obama's capability or eligibility to being or becoming president....it is snooping in to the private life of Mrs Stanley Ann Obama.... Certainly it could be great fodder to find out obama's mother had another child before him, but what the heck does that have to do with the tea in China and WHY would you really be so persistent to find out this kind of information?

I am with you on wanting to know more about this President, but personal information that is on ones original birth certificate, IS NOT IT.

His college records and transcripts and even writings will come out AFTER his presidency or in the latter half of his second term like GWB with his controversial air national guard record etc... and even then STILL INCOMPLETE.... Patience is a virtue....you will get this college info eventually....he did not do too well in college, a 3.3 average at one of the schools that did release information....think it was occidental college....first 2 years, and columbia probably wasn't much better is what i presume....what we do know is at Harvard, he was in the very top of his class....so he improved a great deal.

People speculate it was affirmative action that got him in to Harvard, due to his lower grades....and some far righties think it was the backing of some secret muslim or the new world order....neither of which I believe to be true, but we will see.... ;)

but again, how does this relate to his presidency....

I would not be so against all of this if it were not for the FACT that 24/7 bashing, MOSTLY WITH LIES....(and I say that honestly)has been going on for almost 2 straight years....

I did NOT vote for President Obama, but I do NOT want to see our President fail or be a failure nor will I ever bash to the point of beyond reason our President and this is where the right side of the aisle has gone with this President....at least in my opinion. Nearly 2 years in to president Bush's term, he still had a near 80% approval rating...democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt, especially after 911....the republicans have done NO SUCH THING with Obama and I will never support the kind of bashing they have done to obama or against ANY PRESIDENT.....my father would have my ass with the GI BELT if I ever did. That's just the way I was brought up.

You will get your information soon enough, but probably not soon enough to change the results of the next election with it....and I would say that is pretty much the situation with any president that has something he doesn't want us to know....it always comes out eventually...and that is what historians are for....to get in to the nitty gritty.

so let me end with.......where I began....you are not some evil thing because you are curious.... ;)

Fyrefox....for goodness sakes!

I do not think you are an evil person....and I never will! you are by far one of the :thup:'s around here to me, even though we differ politically.... we agree on much of everything else...

If you do believe he was born there and all you want to know is the "other" private information on his birth certificate, like his mother's doctor's name or if she had a child before Obama, or what hospital he was born in then your curiosity has lead you to where you don't belong...that is paparazzi type of info seeking in my humble opinion that does not deserve answering....it is private information that people have the RIGHT to keep private....and also, it does not have anything at all to do with Obama's capability or eligibility to being or becoming president....it is snooping in to the private life of Mrs Stanley Ann Obama.... Certainly it could be great fodder to find out obama's mother had another child before him, but what the heck does that have to do with the tea in China and WHY would you really be so persistent to find out this kind of information?

I am with you on wanting to know more about this President, but personal information that is on ones original birth certificate, IS NOT IT.

His college records and transcripts and even writings will come out AFTER his presidency or in the latter half of his second term like GWB with his controversial air national guard record etc... and even then STILL INCOMPLETE.... Patience is a virtue....you will get this college info eventually....he did not do too well in college, a 3.3 average at one of the schools that did release information....think it was occidental college....first 2 years, and columbia probably wasn't much better is what i presume....what we do know is at Harvard, he was in the very top of his class....so he improved a great deal.

People speculate it was affirmative action that got him in to Harvard, due to his lower grades....and some far righties think it was the backing of some secret muslim or the new world order....neither of which I believe to be true, but we will see.... ;)

but again, how does this relate to his presidency....

I would not be so against all of this if it were not for the FACT that 24/7 bashing, MOSTLY WITH LIES....(and I say that honestly)has been going on for almost 2 straight years....

I did NOT vote for President Obama, but I do NOT want to see our President fail or be a failure nor will I ever bash to the point of beyond reason our President and this is where the right side of the aisle has gone with this President....at least in my opinion. Nearly 2 years in to president Bush's term, he still had a near 80% approval rating...democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt, especially after 911....the republicans have done NO SUCH THING with Obama and I will never support the kind of bashing they have done to obama or against ANY PRESIDENT.....my father would have my ass with the GI BELT if I ever did. That's just the way I was brought up.

You will get your information soon enough, but probably not soon enough to change the results of the next election with it....and I would say that is pretty much the situation with any president that has something he doesn't want us to know....it always comes out eventually...and that is what historians are for....to get in to the nitty gritty.

so let me end with.......where I began....you are not some evil thing because you are curious.... ;)


Just for the record, I did not vote for President Obama either; I didn't vote in the General Election because the candidate I supported did not make it out of the primaries.
Fyrefox....for goodness sakes!

I do not think you are an evil person....and I never will! you are by far one of the :thup:'s around here to me, even though we differ politically.... we agree on much of everything else...

If you do believe he was born there and all you want to know is the "other" private information on his birth certificate, like his mother's doctor's name or if she had a child before Obama, or what hospital he was born in then your curiosity has lead you to where you don't belong...that is paparazzi type of info seeking in my humble opinion that does not deserve answering....it is private information that people have the RIGHT to keep private....and also, it does not have anything at all to do with Obama's capability or eligibility to being or becoming president....it is snooping in to the private life of Mrs Stanley Ann Obama.... Certainly it could be great fodder to find out obama's mother had another child before him, but what the heck does that have to do with the tea in China and WHY would you really be so persistent to find out this kind of information?

I am with you on wanting to know more about this President, but personal information that is on ones original birth certificate, IS NOT IT.

His college records and transcripts and even writings will come out AFTER his presidency or in the latter half of his second term like GWB with his controversial air national guard record etc... and even then STILL INCOMPLETE.... Patience is a virtue....you will get this college info eventually....he did not do too well in college, a 3.3 average at one of the schools that did release information....think it was occidental college....first 2 years, and columbia probably wasn't much better is what i presume....what we do know is at Harvard, he was in the very top of his class....so he improved a great deal.

People speculate it was affirmative action that got him in to Harvard, due to his lower grades....and some far righties think it was the backing of some secret muslim or the new world order....neither of which I believe to be true, but we will see.... ;)

but again, how does this relate to his presidency....

I would not be so against all of this if it were not for the FACT that 24/7 bashing, MOSTLY WITH LIES....(and I say that honestly)has been going on for almost 2 straight years....

I did NOT vote for President Obama, but I do NOT want to see our President fail or be a failure nor will I ever bash to the point of beyond reason our President and this is where the right side of the aisle has gone with this President....at least in my opinion. Nearly 2 years in to president Bush's term, he still had a near 80% approval rating...democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt, especially after 911....the republicans have done NO SUCH THING with Obama and I will never support the kind of bashing they have done to obama or against ANY PRESIDENT.....my father would have my ass with the GI BELT if I ever did. That's just the way I was brought up.

You will get your information soon enough, but probably not soon enough to change the results of the next election with it....and I would say that is pretty much the situation with any president that has something he doesn't want us to know....it always comes out eventually...and that is what historians are for....to get in to the nitty gritty.

so let me end with.......where I began....you are not some evil thing because you are curious.... ;)


((((Care))))) thanks. I love you too. :)

But anyone reading my posts with an open mind will see that I'm not out to GET President Obama. The poor guy has got himself big time without my help this last 17 months. And it gave me absolutely no pleasure when he has screwed up though my anger has been steadily building at his incompetence and his willingness to hurt so many in the name of ideology or worse. But that is another subject completely unrelated to what I have been discussing here.

The birith certificate is just one of many curious things about President Obama. Other things that have been mentioned are transcripts, college admissions, writings, passport information, medical records, etc. all of which are sealed and unavailable for public scrutiny. And because these things have been sealed and are unavailable for any public scrutiny, it is only natural that there is curiosity about what is in them that the President does not want us to see or know. And because he obviously doesn't want us to know, that leaves him wide open for speculation that there is stuff there that would be embarrassing to him; possibly stuff that would blow up the whole myth he has built around himself.

The speculation could be wrong. But he has done absolutely nothing to dispel it.

This man holds more power than any other individual in the world. He holds more power over you and me than any other person in the world does. Not only is there normal and natural curiosity about a popular public figure at stake here, but a very compelling reason to want to know all we can know about the man we hand such power.

There is nothing sinister or nefarious about people's natural curiosity or them wanting to know if they have entrusted their country to an honest and honorable man.

Sure there are people who want to GET Obama just as there were lots of people who wanted to GET Clinton or GET Bush. I am not one of them though and I think there are lots and lots like me who are just simply curious enough to keep digging for some of theis stuff.
are you suggesting that the hawaiian elected officials who have already attested to the existence of his birth certificate are NOT people of integrity??????

Nope. But nobody knows them. And the fact that they can't tell us what is on the long form only increases the curiosity about what is on it that Obama doesn't want us to know.

Edit: Remember that trip Obama took to Hawaii before the election. His grandmother was dying and he wouldn't let the press come along on that trip. But the few members of the press that continued to track his movements on that trip anyway say that he spent only a few minutes with his grandmother. But he spent some time with the keepers of the birth certificate. And it was then that he ordered the records sealed and they were not to be shown or released to anybody or discussed with anybody.

are you suggesting that the hawaiian elected officials who have already attested to the existence of his birth certificate are NOT people of integrity??????

Nope. But nobody knows them. And the fact that they can't tell us what is on the long form only increases the curiosity about what is on it that Obama doesn't want us to know.

Edit: Remember that trip Obama took to Hawaii before the election. His grandmother was dying and he wouldn't let the press come along on that trip. But the few members of the press that continued to track his movements on that trip anyway say that he spent only a few minutes with his grandmother. But he spent some time with the keepers of the birth certificate. And it was then that he ordered the records sealed and they were not to be shown or released to anybody or discussed with anybody.

There won't be a legitimate link, cause it's bullshit.
Fyrefox....for goodness sakes!

I do not think you are an evil person....and I never will! you are by far one of the :thup:'s around here to me, even though we differ politically.... we agree on much of everything else...

If you do believe he was born there and all you want to know is the "other" private information on his birth certificate, like his mother's doctor's name or if she had a child before Obama, or what hospital he was born in then your curiosity has lead you to where you don't belong...that is paparazzi type of info seeking in my humble opinion that does not deserve answering....it is private information that people have the RIGHT to keep private....and also, it does not have anything at all to do with Obama's capability or eligibility to being or becoming president....it is snooping in to the private life of Mrs Stanley Ann Obama.... Certainly it could be great fodder to find out obama's mother had another child before him, but what the heck does that have to do with the tea in China and WHY would you really be so persistent to find out this kind of information?

I am with you on wanting to know more about this President, but personal information that is on ones original birth certificate, IS NOT IT.

His college records and transcripts and even writings will come out AFTER his presidency or in the latter half of his second term like GWB with his controversial air national guard record etc... and even then STILL INCOMPLETE.... Patience is a virtue....you will get this college info eventually....he did not do too well in college, a 3.3 average at one of the schools that did release information....think it was occidental college....first 2 years, and columbia probably wasn't much better is what i presume....what we do know is at Harvard, he was in the very top of his class....so he improved a great deal.

People speculate it was affirmative action that got him in to Harvard, due to his lower grades....and some far righties think it was the backing of some secret muslim or the new world order....neither of which I believe to be true, but we will see.... ;)

but again, how does this relate to his presidency....

I would not be so against all of this if it were not for the FACT that 24/7 bashing, MOSTLY WITH LIES....(and I say that honestly)has been going on for almost 2 straight years....

I did NOT vote for President Obama, but I do NOT want to see our President fail or be a failure nor will I ever bash to the point of beyond reason our President and this is where the right side of the aisle has gone with this President....at least in my opinion. Nearly 2 years in to president Bush's term, he still had a near 80% approval rating...democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt, especially after 911....the republicans have done NO SUCH THING with Obama and I will never support the kind of bashing they have done to obama or against ANY PRESIDENT.....my father would have my ass with the GI BELT if I ever did. That's just the way I was brought up.

You will get your information soon enough, but probably not soon enough to change the results of the next election with it....and I would say that is pretty much the situation with any president that has something he doesn't want us to know....it always comes out eventually...and that is what historians are for....to get in to the nitty gritty.

so let me end with.......where I began....you are not some evil thing because you are curious.... ;)

Just for the record these are the things that I would like to know about the President of the United States of America.
1. What are their views on the Constitution of the United States of America?
2. Voting History/ the issues
3. Their Health/ Mental health/ age
4. Jobs history
5. Who are their associates/ Friends?
6. What country's if any have they been too and how frequent do they go there?
7. What type of educational system have they received their education from?
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Just sayin'...............

Fyrefox....for goodness sakes!

I do not think you are an evil person....and I never will! you are by far one of the :thup:'s around here to me, even though we differ politically.... we agree on much of everything else...

If you do believe he was born there and all you want to know is the "other" private information on his birth certificate, like his mother's doctor's name or if she had a child before Obama, or what hospital he was born in then your curiosity has lead you to where you don't belong...that is paparazzi type of info seeking in my humble opinion that does not deserve answering....it is private information that people have the RIGHT to keep private....and also, it does not have anything at all to do with Obama's capability or eligibility to being or becoming president....it is snooping in to the private life of Mrs Stanley Ann Obama.... Certainly it could be great fodder to find out obama's mother had another child before him, but what the heck does that have to do with the tea in China and WHY would you really be so persistent to find out this kind of information?

I am with you on wanting to know more about this President, but personal information that is on ones original birth certificate, IS NOT IT.

His college records and transcripts and even writings will come out AFTER his presidency or in the latter half of his second term like GWB with his controversial air national guard record etc... and even then STILL INCOMPLETE.... Patience is a virtue....you will get this college info eventually....he did not do too well in college, a 3.3 average at one of the schools that did release information....think it was occidental college....first 2 years, and columbia probably wasn't much better is what i presume....what we do know is at Harvard, he was in the very top of his class....so he improved a great deal.

People speculate it was affirmative action that got him in to Harvard, due to his lower grades....and some far righties think it was the backing of some secret muslim or the new world order....neither of which I believe to be true, but we will see.... ;)

but again, how does this relate to his presidency....

I would not be so against all of this if it were not for the FACT that 24/7 bashing, MOSTLY WITH LIES....(and I say that honestly)has been going on for almost 2 straight years....

I did NOT vote for President Obama, but I do NOT want to see our President fail or be a failure nor will I ever bash to the point of beyond reason our President and this is where the right side of the aisle has gone with this President....at least in my opinion. Nearly 2 years in to president Bush's term, he still had a near 80% approval rating...democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt, especially after 911....the republicans have done NO SUCH THING with Obama and I will never support the kind of bashing they have done to obama or against ANY PRESIDENT.....my father would have my ass with the GI BELT if I ever did. That's just the way I was brought up.

You will get your information soon enough, but probably not soon enough to change the results of the next election with it....and I would say that is pretty much the situation with any president that has something he doesn't want us to know....it always comes out eventually...and that is what historians are for....to get in to the nitty gritty.

so let me end with.......where I began....you are not some evil thing because you are curious.... ;)

Just for the record these are the things that I would like to know about the President of the United States of America.
1. What are their views on the Constitution of the United States of America?
2. Voting History/ the issues
3. Their Health/ Mental health/ age
4. Jobs history
5. Who are their associates/ Friends?
6. What country's if any have they been too and how frequent do they go there?
7. What type of educational system have they received their education from?

and just for the record, you should, by all means, work within your political party structure to make sure that anyone who you might nominate does indeed provide answers to all those questions. However, the Constitution does not require anything that stringent, so you should be ready to accept the fact that the other party's candidate might very well pass constitutional muster but not pass yours. Don't vote for them in that case.
Nope. But nobody knows them. And the fact that they can't tell us what is on the long form only increases the curiosity about what is on it that Obama doesn't want us to know.

Edit: Remember that trip Obama took to Hawaii before the election. His grandmother was dying and he wouldn't let the press come along on that trip. But the few members of the press that continued to track his movements on that trip anyway say that he spent only a few minutes with his grandmother. But he spent some time with the keepers of the birth certificate. And it was then that he ordered the records sealed and they were not to be shown or released to anybody or discussed with anybody.

There won't be a legitimate link, cause it's bullshit.

I provided links elsewhere and won't bother hunting them up again. So I'll just say that this is my understanding of what happened despite the fact that it was quite prominent in the news when it happened. There was a big flap over his using campaign funds to make the trip. It is an undisputable fact, however, that it was right after Obama went to Hawaii to see his grandmother that the State of Hawaii announced that the records were sealed and would be shown to nobody.

So, you can believe whatever you want about it. Whether it is bullshit or not, it does add fuel to the curiosity meter.
You're wasting your time if you think that these peeps are capable of any sort of critical thinking.

To them? Critical Thinking is mulling over the Bush years.

Sad, but true.
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Fyrefox....for goodness sakes!

I do not think you are an evil person....and I never will! you are by far one of the :thup:'s around here to me, even though we differ politically.... we agree on much of everything else...

If you do believe he was born there and all you want to know is the "other" private information on his birth certificate, like his mother's doctor's name or if she had a child before Obama, or what hospital he was born in then your curiosity has lead you to where you don't belong...that is paparazzi type of info seeking in my humble opinion that does not deserve answering....it is private information that people have the RIGHT to keep private....and also, it does not have anything at all to do with Obama's capability or eligibility to being or becoming president....it is snooping in to the private life of Mrs Stanley Ann Obama.... Certainly it could be great fodder to find out obama's mother had another child before him, but what the heck does that have to do with the tea in China and WHY would you really be so persistent to find out this kind of information?

I am with you on wanting to know more about this President, but personal information that is on ones original birth certificate, IS NOT IT.

His college records and transcripts and even writings will come out AFTER his presidency or in the latter half of his second term like GWB with his controversial air national guard record etc... and even then STILL INCOMPLETE.... Patience is a virtue....you will get this college info eventually....he did not do too well in college, a 3.3 average at one of the schools that did release information....think it was occidental college....first 2 years, and columbia probably wasn't much better is what i presume....what we do know is at Harvard, he was in the very top of his class....so he improved a great deal.

People speculate it was affirmative action that got him in to Harvard, due to his lower grades....and some far righties think it was the backing of some secret muslim or the new world order....neither of which I believe to be true, but we will see.... ;)

but again, how does this relate to his presidency....

I would not be so against all of this if it were not for the FACT that 24/7 bashing, MOSTLY WITH LIES....(and I say that honestly)has been going on for almost 2 straight years....

I did NOT vote for President Obama, but I do NOT want to see our President fail or be a failure nor will I ever bash to the point of beyond reason our President and this is where the right side of the aisle has gone with this President....at least in my opinion. Nearly 2 years in to president Bush's term, he still had a near 80% approval rating...democrats gave him the benefit of the doubt, especially after 911....the republicans have done NO SUCH THING with Obama and I will never support the kind of bashing they have done to obama or against ANY PRESIDENT.....my father would have my ass with the GI BELT if I ever did. That's just the way I was brought up.

You will get your information soon enough, but probably not soon enough to change the results of the next election with it....and I would say that is pretty much the situation with any president that has something he doesn't want us to know....it always comes out eventually...and that is what historians are for....to get in to the nitty gritty.

so let me end with.......where I began....you are not some evil thing because you are curious.... ;)

Just for the record these are the things that I would like to know about the President of the United States of America.
1. What are their views on the Constitution of the United States of America?
2. Voting History/ the issues
3. Their Health/ Mental health/ age
4. Jobs history
5. Who are their associates/ Friends?
6. What country's if any have they been too and how frequent do they go there?
7. What type of educational system have they received their education from?

and just for the record, you should, by all means, work within your political party structure to make sure that anyone who you might nominate does indeed provide answers to all those questions. However, the Constitution does not require anything that stringent, so you should be ready to accept the fact that the other party's candidate might very well pass constitutional muster but not pass yours. Don't vote for them in that case.

I did not say those were required by the Constitution. My apologies if I mislead you to think that. Thats just my preference. Believe me when I say I didn't vote for obama. If he had been running in 2004 instead of being the keynote speaker for the DNC I may have voted for him and been blinded like the rest of the people who did. Here's a blast from the past.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWynt87PaJ0]YouTube - Barack Obama Speech at 2004 DNC Convention[/ame]
There won't be a legitimate link, cause it's bullshit.

I provided links elsewhere and won't bother hunting them up again. So I'll just say that this is my understanding of what happened despite the fact that it was quite prominent in the news when it happened. There was a big flap over his using campaign funds to make the trip. It is an undisputable fact, however, that it was right after Obama went to Hawaii to see his grandmother that the State of Hawaii announced that the records were sealed and would be shown to nobody.
No, earlier you wrote this bizarre and hilariously cryptic narrative:

But he spent some time with the keepers of the birth certificate

As if it is was some sort of artifact. :cuckoo:

So, you can believe whatever you want about it. Whether it is bullshit or not, it does add fuel to the curiosity meter.

Figures you can't back up what you stated although the retreat away from the "keepers" red herring is noted. Why am I not surprised?

It only adds to your conspiracy err... I mean curiosity meter because its you want to believe there is some sort "savior" from this perceived abomination (i.e. black man becomes President). I didn't vote for Obama but whenever my candidates lost in the past, I didn't seek to disqualify them through--all smack aside--the cheapest means possible. You birthers need to get a life.

I will say that you do serve a purpose, you take the spotlight off of the idiots in the 9/11 truth movement for a brief shining moment. :lol::clap2:
There won't be a legitimate link, cause it's bullshit.

I provided links elsewhere and won't bother hunting them up again. So I'll just say that this is my understanding of what happened despite the fact that it was quite prominent in the news when it happened. There was a big flap over his using campaign funds to make the trip. It is an undisputable fact, however, that it was right after Obama went to Hawaii to see his grandmother that the State of Hawaii announced that the records were sealed and would be shown to nobody.
No, earlier you wrote this bizarre and hilariously cryptic narrative:

But he spent some time with the keepers of the birth certificate

As if it is was some sort of artifact. :cuckoo:

So, you can believe whatever you want about it. Whether it is bullshit or not, it does add fuel to the curiosity meter.

Figures you can't back up what you stated although the retreat away from the "keepers" red herring is noted. Why am I not surprised?

It only adds to your conspiracy err... I mean curiosity meter because its you want to believe there is some sort "savior" from this perceived abomination (i.e. black man becomes President). I didn't vote for Obama but whenever my candidates lost in the past, I didn't seek to disqualify them through--all smack aside--the cheapest means possible. You birthers need to get a life.

I will say that you do serve a purpose, you take the spotlight off of the idiots in the 9/11 truth movement for a brief shining moment. :lol::clap2:

I'm backing up my opinions and perceptions every bit as well as you are backing up yours my friend. Every bit as well as you are.

Again the phenomenon that so many of you are so desperate to protect the privacy of this President, when you haven't demonstrated any such passion about any other public figures, most particularly conservative ones, does fuel the suspicion that he has much to hide, doesn't it? What are you so terrified we might find out? Do you have so little faith in him yourselves that you can't afford to take the risk?
There won't be a legitimate link, cause it's bullshit.

I provided links elsewhere and won't bother hunting them up again. So I'll just say that this is my understanding of what happened despite the fact that it was quite prominent in the news when it happened. There was a big flap over his using campaign funds to make the trip. It is an undisputable fact, however, that it was right after Obama went to Hawaii to see his grandmother that the State of Hawaii announced that the records were sealed and would be shown to nobody.

So, you can believe whatever you want about it. Whether it is bullshit or not, it does add fuel to the curiosity meter.
No, there won't be any links forthcoming, because outside of loopy birther fantasy land, there aren't any.

And it is NOT an indisputable fact Lingle sealed the records. The governor herself even called that story bullshit.

Try a little harder to investigate and recognize a FACT when you see it.

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