Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

You are lying again, rabbit head. Give us the links that prove your statement. If you don't, then you are lying.


I asked YOU for YOUR links.

I realize you can't provide any to VALID citations of copies of his birth certificate, since every one of the PROOFS that were offered were FRAUDULENT,

but I was hoping to make you realize that you've been HAD.

Interesting to see that you don't even bother to spend ONE MINUTE trying to find anything...

I guess you already know there ISN"T anything out there that COULD validate his claim.

Nice try at throwing it back on me, but let's see YOUR citations and YOUR research and YOUR study on this subject.




Yeah, well, I won't hold my breath.
rabbithead is losing the argument.

Birthers carry the burden of proof. They must provide evidence that supports their claim that BHO is an alien. They have provided nothing at all except opinions, and then want their opponents to refute their opinions.

That's not how it works and that is why rabbithead is getting upset. Birther fail, again.

You have to produce evidence before we go ahead, rabbithead, it's on you.
Where are your links, rabbit head? Go try to get your next door neighbor's birth record, moron. You will have your ass turned out on the curb.

Am I trying to HIRE my neighbor?

If I was, I'd either SEE the b.c., or they wouldn't be working for me.
In fact, I'd LURVE to see YOU go apply for a job, and REFUSE to fork up any and all records you were asked for,

telling the HR folks to SUE you for them!

I, and THEY, would be laughing our asses off,

as you were escorted from the building!!! :lol:
Where are your links, rabbit head? Go try to get your next door neighbor's birth record, moron. You will have your ass turned out on the curb.

Am I trying to HIRE my neighbor?

If I was, I'd either SEE the b.c., or they wouldn't be working for me.

Please ready, rabbithead. Please, instead of emoting. Your podjo was suggesting that he could get someone else's records from the county clerk because it is public property. I told him try to get a birth certificate from there. You try it. You won't get it.

You are a fail on this subject, as all birthers are. We are laughing at you now.
rabbithead is losing the argument.

Birthers carry the burden of proof. They must provide evidence that supports their claim that BHO is an alien. They have provided nothing at all except opinions, and then want their opponents to refute their opinions.

That's not how it works and that is why rabbithead is getting upset. Birther fail, again.

You have to produce evidence before we go ahead, rabbithead, it's on you.

The burden of proof is on the one holding the evidence in this instance,

so let's see it.

You know what? I'd be willing to bet that even when the democratic party SHUNS this character,

YOU will still be screaming to high heavens about how abused Obama was.

What ARE you going to say when everyone finally takes a breath and realizes that they've been betrayed?

OH, I know! You'll just invent another screen name to hide behind and pretend like none of THIS ever happened.

The one losing any argument is you, pal, and you lost the second you decided to back a liar, cheater and betrayer.

Must suck being you...
You are a fail on this subject, as all birthers are. We are laughing at you now.


All I see is YOU...

Looks like everyone else took a giant step back from your ignorant ravings,

hopefully to listen to some of BOTH sides of this story.

And I can assure you that I'm NOT laughing at you ~

just wishing you'd Open Your Mind, and study up on some of this before opening your mouth/keyboard again.

You are a very credulous individual, and that's OK. Take all kinds to go around. If you ever get any evidence (any credible evidence at all), let us know.
No one has an individual right to another's personal records, foxfyre. You know that if you have been a journalist. What am I missing here? You have no grounds for any of your requests.

Unless you are a Government Puke. Medical Records used to be safe too. What a joke. Privacy should have been protected in The Bill of Rights. Unfortunately our Forefathers did not see this cluster fuck coming. Who knew the damage mid level administrative bureaucrat's would do before the invention of xerox, copy machines, the web, and too much free time. Now a journalist can publish almost anything, National secrets, classified files, personal information on Guantanamo guards, CIA, they get to publish leaked information out of the Pentagon. You really nailed that one Jake.
You are lying again, rabbit head. Give us the links that prove your statement. If you don't, then you are lying.


I asked YOU for YOUR links.

I realize you can't provide any to VALID citations of copies of his birth certificate, since every one of the PROOFS that were offered were FRAUDULENT,

but I was hoping to make you realize that you've been HAD.

Interesting to see that you don't even bother to spend ONE MINUTE trying to find anything...

I guess you already know there ISN"T anything out there that COULD validate his claim.

Nice try at throwing it back on me, but let's see YOUR citations and YOUR research and YOUR study on this subject.




Yeah, well, I won't hold my breath.

Shit,.... I would be satisfied just knowing how much he paid Governor Blagojevich for that Senate seat. Who did he out bid??? Which Chicago crime family claimed him??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Scary shit here. Accusations with no evidence.
Would not want any of you birthers on a jury ever. You do not require any evidence, rely on hearsay as solid evidence and are biased to the core.
The Founders are rolling in their graves. You folks would break the core foundation of the judicial system.
You do not have to prove you are innocent morons. The burden is ON YOU dumbasses to prove without a doubt that Obama is not an American citizen. The evidence is against you because you have ZERO evidence.
Scary as hell. You folks claim to be American citizens yourself and have no clue as to the foundation of America, innocent until proven guilty. NO ONE has to prove they are innocent. You makea claim YOU have toprove it. Not the other way around.
Do not like it? Move to Iran. They operate your way there. Delta is ready when you are.
Scary shit here. Accusations with no evidence.
Would not want any of you birthers on a jury ever. You do not require any evidence, rely on hearsay as solid evidence and are biased to the core.
The Founders are rolling in their graves. You folks would break the core foundation of the judicial system.
You do not have to prove you are innocent morons. The burden is ON YOU dumbasses to prove without a doubt that Obama is not an American citizen. The evidence is against you because you have ZERO evidence.
Scary as hell. You folks claim to be American citizens yourself and have no clue as to the foundation of America, innocent until proven guilty. NO ONE has to prove they are innocent. You makea claim YOU have toprove it. Not the other way around.
Do not like it? Move to Iran. They operate your way there. Delta is ready when you are.

We are asking questions you don't have the answer to while Napoleon is destroying the Republic, and you are worried about the jury. :eek: :eek: :eek:
You have no legitimate questions, Obama is not Napoleon, and you are all junior McCarthy wannabees.

No, you will never get power again while good Americans in their scores of millions will oppose you.

And try to take power by force, and don't be surprised at what your future will be.

In other words, we are not intimidated by any of you.
You have no legitimate questions, Obama is not Napoleon, and you are all junior McCarthy wannabees.

No, you will never get power again while good Americans in their scores of millions will oppose you.

And try to take power by force, and don't be surprised at what your future will be.

In other words, we are not intimidated by any of you.

It's not about power Jake, you mid level wanna be administrative clone. It's about Liberty, Voice, Free will. Stop pissing on the charcoal. Statist pukes trying to manipulate and run everyone's lives. Live your own life and when you find something original to say, say it. I'm glad to hear your ideas. Do you know the difference between ideas and conclusions Jake.
The difference between premises and conclusions? Sure. But you don't. You leave out the evidence.

You are a wannabee, son.
Care, I've said again and again I believe Obama is a U.S. citizen. I simply don't believe he would ever have gotten through the process if he was not.

But those things I am curious about, I am curious about. I started out in life to be an investigative reporter. My life worked out in a different direction, but I remain an investigator, researcher, and historian at heart.

Condemn me if you wish for being curious about stuff that a President of the United States seems almost desperate to keep secret. But I am curious.

And I bet if somebody figures out a way to crack the code and find out about some of that stuff, you're curious enough to want to see it too.

Again, I ask....WHAT information on the long form birth certificate, do YOU want to know, that relates to him NOT BEING a natural born citizen?

If you just want him to release the long form so you can find out HIS MOTHER'S doctor's name or the hospital he was born in, (VERY PRIVATE INFORMATION for/with NO REASON relating to the presidency AT ALL) then your investigative curiosity serves NO purpose unless you wanted to work for the national Enquirer....and I seriously doubt this was the kind of reporter you wanted to be...

so STATE your purpose....not a fishing expedition, but your purpose....what you plan to accomplish, what you want to know about obama that is on the standard long form birth certificate, THAT TRULY MATTERS in your investigative curiosity quest...???

And another question for you....why not just ask him? What was your mother's doctor's name? What hospital were you born at? Why jump on board on these birther threads, SAYING you know they are wrong and he was born here, while then posting, what appears to be the opposite?


My purpose is to satisfy my curiosity about a famous person. I am interested in interesting people and like to know as much as possible about them. So I read lots of news accounts and biographies and such as that.

If you see me as evil for having such curiosity, then so be it.

The astonishing lack of curiosity among the Obama worshipers is almost as fascinating to me. I can guarantee there was no lack of curiosity from the same people about other folks in the public realm and the screams of 'cover up' are always loud and clear if anybody presumes to conceal almost anything.

I've been reading the back and fourth....

How many Presidental Birth Certificates have you held in your hands and inspected, held up to the light, checked for typo's....etc?

I'm guessing none.

So if you haven't...you're relying on what exactly to determine that all of the other Presidents were on the up and up? The same institutions that assured you for them are assuring you now, are they not?

Well...whats the difference?
Again, I ask....WHAT information on the long form birth certificate, do YOU want to know, that relates to him NOT BEING a natural born citizen?

If you just want him to release the long form so you can find out HIS MOTHER'S doctor's name or the hospital he was born in, (VERY PRIVATE INFORMATION for/with NO REASON relating to the presidency AT ALL) then your investigative curiosity serves NO purpose unless you wanted to work for the national Enquirer....and I seriously doubt this was the kind of reporter you wanted to be...

so STATE your purpose....not a fishing expedition, but your purpose....what you plan to accomplish, what you want to know about obama that is on the standard long form birth certificate, THAT TRULY MATTERS in your investigative curiosity quest...???

And another question for you....why not just ask him? What was your mother's doctor's name? What hospital were you born at? Why jump on board on these birther threads, SAYING you know they are wrong and he was born here, while then posting, what appears to be the opposite?


My purpose is to satisfy my curiosity about a famous person. I am interested in interesting people and like to know as much as possible about them. So I read lots of news accounts and biographies and such as that.

If you see me as evil for having such curiosity, then so be it.

The astonishing lack of curiosity among the Obama worshipers is almost as fascinating to me. I can guarantee there was no lack of curiosity from the same people about other folks in the public realm and the screams of 'cover up' are always loud and clear if anybody presumes to conceal almost anything.

I've been reading the back and fourth....

How many Presidental Birth Certificates have you held in your hands and inspected, held up to the light, checked for typo's....etc?

I'm guessing none.

So if you haven't...you're relying on what exactly to determine that all of the other Presidents were on the up and up? The same institutions that assured you for them are assuring you now, are they not?

Well...whats the difference?

Have I said that all the other Presidents were on the up and up? I certainly don't recall saying that.

All I am saying is that no other President has had these kinds of questioned addressed. The closest to it would be George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both of whom had the rats hunting in all the holes for some kind of personal dirt for the entire eight years of their Presidencies. But I had no questions about either of them nor any other President that I didn't think were adequately answered. We had medical records. We had college papers. We had transcripts. And all the good and bad and ugly (including that which was made up) was aired pretty well.

So the current occupant of the White House has not allowed the curiosity about him to be satisfied. And again, given the power that he holds by virtue of his office, it is not unreasonable to want to know as much about him as possible.

And those who demonstrate astonishing lack of curiosity about Obama and/or regard him as untouchable when they didn't see any other President that way are perhaps telegraphing that they are the most suspicious of all. Otherwise why would they object to curiosity that is quite commonplace regarding any famous person, let alone one as powerful as the President of the United States?

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