Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

Describe what you want Obama to do.

Well I am as curious as the next person.

I would like for Obama to allow the State of Hawaii to show people of integrity that long form birth certificate so we could know once and for all what is on it.

I would like for Obama to release his medical records as all other president's have done.

I would like for Obama to produce his transcript, registration, and any available writings from Columbia which is one of the most murky periods of his past. All other presidents have released such information.

I would like for Obama to produce his transcript, registration, and any available writings from Harvard as all other presidents have done.

If Obama is who he has represented himself to be, he will survive nicely any substandard grades or other amusing stuff that would show up on those transcripts. He's already President so any imprudent personal opinions expressed in college won't hurt him. He can blow that off easily as all politicians blow off imprudent stuff from their youth.

The only reason I can figure that he is unwilling for us to know any of all that is because it would explode the myth he has built around himself. Possibly it would expose him as a liar on some points. And possibly it would be a huge embarrassment to him on some points. There are no doubt names, dates, etc and other information on those documents that won't stack up against what he wants us to believe.

But we will probably never know.
Do you have links to other presidents doing it? Do you even have links of other presidents even being asked for this? Burfers rule!
I want bush to do the same thing. See how silly I look?

I swear when I get time, I'm going to initiate a USMB remedial reading class.

Bush did all that actually, but that is beside the point.

What anybody else does and what I would like to see are two entirely separate things.

Don't they teach reading comprehension or logical sequence in school at all these days?
Yea well they keep telling us that the New World Order doesn't exist but now i'm seeing that as a big lie. They are moving us towards a One World Government. Putting an Anti-American foreigner in there would be a good start in conditioning the American minds into believing America is bad and that a One World Government really is a better alternative. This President's policies such as apology tours and such,do seem to support this agenda. Too much of this guy's past is so murky. What do we really know about him? It does make you wonder no? Hmm?
Yea well they keep telling us that the New World Order doesn't exist but now i'm seeing that as a big lie. They are moving us towards a One World Government. Putting an Anti-American foreigner in there would be a good start in conditioning the American minds into believing America is bad and that a One World Government really is a better alternative. This President's policies such as apology tours and such,do seem to support this agenda. Too much of this guy's past is so murky. What do we really know about him? It does make you wonder no? Hmm?

Oh. You are one of those NWO/Trilateral Commission/Bilderburger guys?

Well, that explains a lot.
We know.

You've said it 15 fucking times in this thread already.

What is it with you Paul people? You seem to think if you just say it over and over and over and over it will all come true.

Mass effect and all that.

That and if you manipulate a online poll, Ron Paul will become POTUS. :lol:
We know.

You've said it 15 fucking times in this thread already.

What is it with you Paul people? You seem to think if you just say it over and over and over and over it will all come true.

Mass effect and all that.

That and if you manipulate a online poll, Ron Paul will become POTUS. :lol:

If 2008 showed us anything, it showed us that.

Thank God we have President Dr. Paul to de-fibrillate the constitution. Poor bastard is going into AFIB with RVR.
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Yea well they keep telling us that the New World Order doesn't exist but now i'm seeing that as a big lie. They are moving us towards a One World Government. Putting an Anti-American foreigner in there would be a good start in conditioning the American minds into believing America is bad and that a One World Government really is a better alternative. This President's policies such as apology tours and such,do seem to support this agenda. Too much of this guy's past is so murky. What do we really know about him? It does make you wonder no? Hmm?

Oh. You are one of those NWO/Trilateral Commission/Bilderburger guys?

Well, that explains a lot.

Yes and proud of it. The New World Order has clearly begun their psyops campaign. They must destroy the American ego first,hence numerous apology tours and such. America is clearly the last hurdle in achieving their One World Government goal. Putting an Anti-American foreigner in the White House makes perfect sense when you realize what's going on. Look at this guy's policies so far. They do seem to support the New World Order's One World Government agenda. They are moving us towards a One World Government and i'm actually surprised so few see this. America must be humbled and their ego destroyed. An Anti-American foreigner in the White House sure helps this along no? We're their last hurdle. These are conspiracy theories but not all conspiracy theories are just theories. Open your mind and think.
Well I am as curious as the next person.

I would like for Obama to allow the State of Hawaii to show people of integrity that long form birth certificate so we could know once and for all what is on it.

I would like for Obama to release his medical records as all other president's have done.

I would like for Obama to produce his transcript, registration, and any available writings from Columbia which is one of the most murky periods of his past. All other presidents have released such information.

I would like for Obama to produce his transcript, registration, and any available writings from Harvard as all other presidents have done.

If Obama is who he has represented himself to be, he will survive nicely any substandard grades or other amusing stuff that would show up on those transcripts. He's already President so any imprudent personal opinions expressed in college won't hurt him. He can blow that off easily as all politicians blow off imprudent stuff from their youth.

The only reason I can figure that he is unwilling for us to know any of all that is because it would explode the myth he has built around himself. Possibly it would expose him as a liar on some points. And possibly it would be a huge embarrassment to him on some points. There are no doubt names, dates, etc and other information on those documents that won't stack up against what he wants us to believe.

But we will probably never know.
Do you have links to other presidents doing it? Do you even have links of other presidents even being asked for this? Burfers rule!
I want bush to do the same thing. See how silly I look?

I swear when I get time, I'm going to initiate a USMB remedial reading class.

Bush did all that actually, but that is beside the point.

What anybody else does and what I would like to see are two entirely separate things.

Don't they teach reading comprehension or logical sequence in school at all these days?

but you SAID ''all writings....from the school of his released'' and that 'ALL presidents have done' such....WHERE and WHEN has other presidents released all their ''writings''?

Did president bush release all that he wrote in college, i do not remember reading any of them or the media cover them??????? was this demanded of clinton, or reagan or carter or nixon? why the demand NOW?

and you listed all the NEGATIVE things you anticipate to find so you can critic him on them...and even mention obama could make them roll over? Is this REAL investigative curiosity or a witch hunt or vendetta?

Smells like a witch hunt to me...that serves no purpose but to make this country even more hateful and more divided?

i usually agree with you on most things fyrefox, but on this....let's just say, i don't.
Many of his College records are still sealed. Why would they remain sealed? What do people really know about this guy? How did he become President? It does seem like the whole thing was a rig-job. This stuff is much bigger than the two American political parties and their petty squabbles. This guy just seems like a New World Order foreign plant to me. People need to open their minds. There is a much bigger picture than most would ever believe.
I found Proof !

Obama was not Born, he was hatched

Here is a picture of BO's Acorn Egg :lol::lol::lol:


Many of his College records are still sealed. Why would they remain sealed? What do people really know about this guy? How did he become President? It does seem like the whole thing was a rig-job. This stuff is much bigger than the two American political parties and their petty squabbles. This guy just seems like a New World Order foreign plant to me. People need to open their minds. There is a much bigger picture than most would ever believe.

most all but not all of president bush's transcripts were released 4 years in to his presidency....when they became a hot spot in his race against john kerry. none of president bush's writings were released that i am aware of...?


maybe that was his naval acadamy transcripts?
i have a wife from Hawaii and she explained it better than your grandson I am sure...

Expert indeed. :lol:

Now everybody has connectsion in Hawaii? Yeah right. Neither you nor theother jackass are telling the truth because if you were telling the truth you would have made that information known on page one.

Why would we? It didn't seem proximately relevant until you tried to claim some sort of expertise on the Hawaii Birth Certificate issue due to the fact that one of your grandsons was born there.

Because if you had connections with anyone who has a Hawaiian birth certifacte you would let everybody know about it.
My wife is second generation filipina from Hawaii. (Her father retired there from the army) She went to Campbell high, went to Aiea community college (Eventually got her degree from SDSU with me in San Diego) lived in Honolulu for 19 years. If you have any..ANY questions about Hawaii, I can ask her for ya.

(By the way, you look silly again).

Yeah right it's a little late to mention that after I mentioned my grandson. Not happening

Am I really in Arizona? Was I born in Philly? Did I do 20 in the navy? You are a funny little fella you know that...no matter what, you wont believe anything you dont want to believe.

My wife is from Hawaii, Obama was born there as well. But continue...this is funny to watch.

Faked microfiche? Faked news clipping with 61 font? lol

You are a funny guy.

Here is a hint for you...WE LOVE BIRTHERS..it absolutely hurts your party when they actually have legitimate gripes really. Continue.
You asked where did the advertisement come from I showed you a possible way one could be forged. You don't like the answer don't ask the question.
Do you have links to other presidents doing it? Do you even have links of other presidents even being asked for this? Burfers rule!
I want bush to do the same thing. See how silly I look?

I swear when I get time, I'm going to initiate a USMB remedial reading class.

Bush did all that actually, but that is beside the point.

What anybody else does and what I would like to see are two entirely separate things.

Don't they teach reading comprehension or logical sequence in school at all these days?

but you SAID ''all writings....from the school of his released'' and that 'ALL presidents have done' such....WHERE and WHEN has other presidents released all their ''writings''?

Did president bush release all that he wrote in college, i do not remember reading any of them or the media cover them??????? was this demanded of clinton, or reagan or carter or nixon? why the demand NOW?

and you listed all the NEGATIVE things you anticipate to find so you can critic him on them...and even mention obama could make them roll over? Is this REAL investigative curiosity or a witch hunt or vendetta?

Smells like a witch hunt to me...that serves no purpose but to make this country even more hateful and more divided?

i usually agree with you on most things fyrefox, but on this....let's just say, i don't.

As a journalism major and one that worked in the university administration, there was a ton of stuff I published during my college years. I presume it is all still there in the archives somewhere, and I would guess if I ever ran for high office, a lot of folks would be going after it to find out more about me. If I want to see my daughter's Master's Thesis or her PhD dissertation, it is right there at the university for anybody to look at. I have had employers who wanted my college transcript and they got it. (And believe me, there IS some embarassing stuff in that. I flunked Art Appreciation for instance. :)) But there is little or no paper trail of any of that for President Obama. It has all been expunged or is sealed and under lock and key somewhere.

So why is that? What is there that he is ashamed or afraid for the people to see?

And I don't recall listing a single negative that I would expect re Barack Obama because I have none in mind. I did say that there must be something very embarrasing there or such unprecedented secrecy wouldn't be so rigidly enforced. What I also suggested is that folks like you seemed terrified that there WILL be negative things and therefore you defend such unprecedented secrecy for this President alone. I would bet a steak dinner you thought George Bush should be forthcoming about stuff in his past no matter how embarassing that might have been. But so far as I know, he didn't hold any of it back.

As previously said, I don't think a person in high office with great power over those who put him there should have many, if any, secrets. We should know the kind of person we are trusting with that kind of power.

And again if I am evil or a witch :))) for being curious about why a famous figure would be so anxious to keep so much hidden and wondering what there is to hide, then I'll just have to be stuck with those labels I guess. Because I am curious. And given a chance to see, I'll absolutely look.

And I still think the astonishing lack of curiosity on the part of the Obama supporters is really interesting too. :)
Here's something that some might find interesting

Primary Documents

Birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth and Certifications of Live Birth) and Certificates of Hawaiian Birth are the primary documents used to determine native Hawaiian qualification.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands accepts both Certificates of Live Birth (original birth certificate) and Certifications of Live Birth because they are official government records documenting an individual’s birth. The Certificate of Live Birth generally has more information which is useful for genealogical purposes as compared to the Certification of Live Birth which is a computer-generated printout that provides specific details of a person’s birth. Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.

If the DOH does not have a birth certificate on file for any of your parents or grandparents, you must obtain a "no-record certification." A "no-record certification” tells Department of Hawaiian Home Lands staff that the DOH searched its files and cannot find the records requested. At a minimum, the DHHL asks that applicants produce certified copies of birth certificates, certificates of Hawaiian birth, or no-record certifications for the following people:

Yourself (if your present legal name differs from the name listed on your birth certificate, you must also submit a marriage certificate, a divorce decree, or a legal name change decree to account for this difference);
Your natural father;
Your natural mother;
Your natural father's parents;
Your natural mother's parents; and
Your natural great-grandparents if applicable (submit these if your grandparents were born after the 1920s)


(1) Birth certificates of adopted individuals must be cleared through family court. Please ask DHHL staff for assistance.

(2) Out-of-state and foreign birth records [i.e. FS-240 (“Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America”), DS-1350 (“Certification of Report of Birth”), etc.] must be accompanied by notarized affidavits from the biological parents.
Applying for Hawaiian Home Lands — Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

Certification of Live Birth
•This certification of live birth or birth certificate enables a person to obtain important documents such as social security number and benefits and passports. It gives people permission to attend school, and to obtain such things as life insurance, health insurance, tax credits and child benefits, especially if you are applying for assistance from a state government agency.
Certificate of Live Birth
•The Certificate of Live Birth will include personal, precise and detailed information on both parents and the baby, including ethnicity, birth weight of child and the manner in which the child was born; such as vaginally or C-section. It will also include information on what number rank of birth it is at the time of delivery. Certification of Live Birth just shows the city and state for the place of birth, name of the hospital, the parent's names, ages and job titles, and the signature of the attending physician.

Read more: Certificate of Live Birth Vs. Certification of Live Birth | eHow.com Certificate of Live Birth Vs. Certification of Live Birth | eHow.com

I don't recall seeing a signature of the attending physician
The New World Order powers are much bigger than the two American political parties. They can destroy anyone at any time. So Tim Adams better watch his back. The fact is we have never had a President we knew so little about. What about those College records? Something is definitely wrong with this picture and i can't be the only American who sees this. Weird stuff.
Birthers do prove that all opinions are not equal with their silly posturing, their dancing and prancing, their antics. I have asked for one single shred of solid evidence. They can't doit.

Name a Presidential Candidate in the last 50 years other than Obama that has not made that information available???

Describe what you want Obama to do.

Honestly, retire after his first term. There are ideologies not compatible with Federalist Constitutional Government. He's not the first to violate the sacred trust, nor will he be the last. Were we educated rather indoctrinated, we would understand the "We The People" perspective of representative government. Civic responsibility is not limited, as Hamilton thought, to showing upon election day and voting how your party or union instructed you to vote. Voice and action motivated by conscience, individual perspective, is the best that each of us has to offer, regardless of the lines in the sand.
Here's something that some might find interesting

Primary Documents

Birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth and Certifications of Live Birth) and Certificates of Hawaiian Birth are the primary documents used to determine native Hawaiian qualification.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands accepts both Certificates of Live Birth (original birth certificate) and Certifications of Live Birth because they are official government records documenting an individual’s birth. The Certificate of Live Birth generally has more information which is useful for genealogical purposes as compared to the Certification of Live Birth which is a computer-generated printout that provides specific details of a person’s birth. Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.

If the DOH does not have a birth certificate on file for any of your parents or grandparents, you must obtain a "no-record certification." A "no-record certification” tells Department of Hawaiian Home Lands staff that the DOH searched its files and cannot find the records requested. At a minimum, the DHHL asks that applicants produce certified copies of birth certificates, certificates of Hawaiian birth, or no-record certifications for the following people:

Yourself (if your present legal name differs from the name listed on your birth certificate, you must also submit a marriage certificate, a divorce decree, or a legal name change decree to account for this difference);
Your natural father;
Your natural mother;
Your natural father's parents;
Your natural mother's parents; and
Your natural great-grandparents if applicable (submit these if your grandparents were born after the 1920s)


(1) Birth certificates of adopted individuals must be cleared through family court. Please ask DHHL staff for assistance.

(2) Out-of-state and foreign birth records [i.e. FS-240 (“Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America”), DS-1350 (“Certification of Report of Birth”), etc.] must be accompanied by notarized affidavits from the biological parents.
Applying for Hawaiian Home Lands — Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

Certification of Live Birth
•This certification of live birth or birth certificate enables a person to obtain important documents such as social security number and benefits and passports. It gives people permission to attend school, and to obtain such things as life insurance, health insurance, tax credits and child benefits, especially if you are applying for assistance from a state government agency.
Certificate of Live Birth
•The Certificate of Live Birth will include personal, precise and detailed information on both parents and the baby, including ethnicity, birth weight of child and the manner in which the child was born; such as vaginally or C-section. It will also include information on what number rank of birth it is at the time of delivery. Certification of Live Birth just shows the city and state for the place of birth, name of the hospital, the parent's names, ages and job titles, and the signature of the attending physician.

Read more: Certificate of Live Birth Vs. Certification of Live Birth | eHow.com Certificate of Live Birth Vs. Certification of Live Birth | eHow.com

I don't recall seeing a signature of the attending physician

each STATE has their own requirements for what is put on the short form.

look up what hawaiian law is and you will find the specific difference in their certification and certificate.

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