Uh Oh!!: Tim Adams, Chief Elections Clerk in Hawaii says Obama wasn't born there.

The ideologies of folks like Intense and Lib and several others are not compatible with that of the United States. However, that does not mean they cannot participate in the American narrative. So, I suggest, my young friends, that you give the President the same grace you would want.

And note, yet once again, no evidence has been posted for their conspiracies.
Here's something that some might find interesting

Primary Documents

Birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth and Certifications of Live Birth) and Certificates of Hawaiian Birth are the primary documents used to determine native Hawaiian qualification.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands accepts both Certificates of Live Birth (original birth certificate) and Certifications of Live Birth because they are official government records documenting an individual’s birth. The Certificate of Live Birth generally has more information which is useful for genealogical purposes as compared to the Certification of Live Birth which is a computer-generated printout that provides specific details of a person’s birth. Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth.

If the DOH does not have a birth certificate on file for any of your parents or grandparents, you must obtain a "no-record certification." A "no-record certification” tells Department of Hawaiian Home Lands staff that the DOH searched its files and cannot find the records requested. At a minimum, the DHHL asks that applicants produce certified copies of birth certificates, certificates of Hawaiian birth, or no-record certifications for the following people:

Yourself (if your present legal name differs from the name listed on your birth certificate, you must also submit a marriage certificate, a divorce decree, or a legal name change decree to account for this difference);
Your natural father;
Your natural mother;
Your natural father's parents;
Your natural mother's parents; and
Your natural great-grandparents if applicable (submit these if your grandparents were born after the 1920s)


(1) Birth certificates of adopted individuals must be cleared through family court. Please ask DHHL staff for assistance.

(2) Out-of-state and foreign birth records [i.e. FS-240 (“Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America”), DS-1350 (“Certification of Report of Birth”), etc.] must be accompanied by notarized affidavits from the biological parents.
Applying for Hawaiian Home Lands — Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

Certification of Live Birth
•This certification of live birth or birth certificate enables a person to obtain important documents such as social security number and benefits and passports. It gives people permission to attend school, and to obtain such things as life insurance, health insurance, tax credits and child benefits, especially if you are applying for assistance from a state government agency.
Certificate of Live Birth
•The Certificate of Live Birth will include personal, precise and detailed information on both parents and the baby, including ethnicity, birth weight of child and the manner in which the child was born; such as vaginally or C-section. It will also include information on what number rank of birth it is at the time of delivery. Certification of Live Birth just shows the city and state for the place of birth, name of the hospital, the parent's names, ages and job titles, and the signature of the attending physician.

Read more: Certificate of Live Birth Vs. Certification of Live Birth | eHow.com Certificate of Live Birth Vs. Certification of Live Birth | eHow.com

I don't recall seeing a signature of the attending physician

each STATE has their own requirements for what is put on the short form.

look up what hawaiian law is and you will find the specific difference in their certification and certificate.

Didn't you notice? This was from Hawaii.
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Well I'm not a birther and I believe Obama was born in Hawaii. But Factcheck is not exactly an unbiased source for that given its Annenburg connections. They probably don't mention that news accounts of the birth have Obama being born at two different hospitals. (See Snopes on that subject.)

Such just stirs the pot though and keeps the conspiracy theories coming.

how silly foxfyre....if you can show ONE THING that FACTCHECK has not be factual on, i'd appreciate it....

there is NOTHING that they have been wrong on the 7 years i have been reading them, and i don't care who owns them... their record of TRUTH stands on its own.... i'll eat my words if you can show otherwise! :lol:

THAT's from Fact Check and since there IS no original AVAILABLE for ANYONE to "touch,"

I'd have to call them LIARS.

Also, if I remember correctly, Dr. Fukino NEVER said that he was born in Hawaii ~ what she DID say was that she had seen the documents on file.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago...."

A Hawai'i COLB is only one piece of paper in a complicated evidentiary inquiry involving Obama. No one outside two people from the Hawai'i Department of Health has apparently viewed the original 1961 document. Neither of them has any forensic or legal experience. Health Director Chiyome Fukino is a medical doctor.
But that lack of evidence or investigation didn't stop Fukino. She issued a legal and factual opinion based on a document that may or may not be accurate.

And THAT, folks, is why the Birther movement will NOT cease until the BC is SHOWN to an outside party, with the experience and knowledge to make the call on it's authenticity.

There is an original. The State always keeps the original. They give out certified copies. They allow viewing, not photocopying, of the original.
Not even a good try there. Air ball brick.
Wham it zero on set.
AGAIN, you refuse to acknowledge the birth announcement in the local HAWAII paper a couple days after he was born...


You look like a fool.

That is not my issue. Your champion is worse than Kerry with his Military records. Release the School Transcripts. What are you pussies afraid of????? God you are pussies.

Divert! OH and I am still hunting down transcrips from McCain's Acedemy days. Cant find them dammit and i will stick on this point so I can divert on everything else.

Now back to how, in Hawaii in a local paper ....IN 1961...they announced the birth of a Barrack Hussein Obama! How can this be? lol

Too bad you didn't get McCain along with Specter. Care to make an offer??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
The ideologies of folks like Intense and Lib and several others are not compatible with that of the United States. However, that does not mean they cannot participate in the American narrative. So, I suggest, my young friends, that you give the President the same grace you would want.

And note, yet once again, no evidence has been posted for their conspiracies.

Who died and made you God??? You pathetic freak of nature. You are not compatible with Liberty, Free Speech, or Free will. You have been employed by the Government for too long you Statist, Party, Union Puke. Talk about wasted tax dollars and incompetence. God, spare us the bureaucratic bullshit. Here is my Ideology Dirt bag, "Life, Liberty, Property, and The Pursuit of Happiness". What is yours??? Living off of other peoples money, while telling them what they can and cannot do. Live your own life and stop pissing on everyone else's parade.
We very well could have a New World Order foreign plant in the White House. This notion scares most people so much that they refuse to even consider this possibility. They are moving us towards a One World Government. They must first destroy the American spirit and ego. This is where an Anti-American foreigner in the White House comes into play. This current President is surely helping in the demoralization of our country and is clearly in support of a One World Government. His policies indicate this. Remember his "God damn America" indoctrination? America is clearly their last hurdle in achieving their One World Government goal. You have to demoralize the American People first. I believe this psyops process is well underway. So much is still unknown about this President. That should bother all Americans. I know it bothers me.
Now everybody has connectsion in Hawaii? Yeah right. Neither you nor theother jackass are telling the truth because if you were telling the truth you would have made that information known on page one.

Why would we? It didn't seem proximately relevant until you tried to claim some sort of expertise on the Hawaii Birth Certificate issue due to the fact that one of your grandsons was born there.

Because if you had connections with anyone who has a Hawaiian birth certifacte you would let everybody know about it.

Obviously I wouldn't. Why not? Because it's completely un-germane to the issue at hand.

My mother was born in Hawaii, but I brought it up to poke fun at your notion that your grandson being born in Hawaii made you an expert on the Hawaiian birth certificate issue.

Hence the fractions.

Lord. Are you really this dense?
Why would we? It didn't seem proximately relevant until you tried to claim some sort of expertise on the Hawaii Birth Certificate issue due to the fact that one of your grandsons was born there.

Because if you had connections with anyone who has a Hawaiian birth certifacte you would let everybody know about it.

Obviously I wouldn't. Why not? Because it's completely un-germane to the issue at hand.

My mother was born in Hawaii, but I brought it up to poke fun at your notion that your grandson being born in Hawaii made you an expert on the Hawaiian birth certificate issue.

Hence the fractions.

Lord. Are you really this dense?

I look at it this way if you had a connection with anyone with a birth certifacte from Hawaii and being as outspoken as you are against anyone who may question the validity of obama's birth records, yes you woulkd have mentioned that little fact. You only said something after I mentioned my grandson.
Because if you had connections with anyone who has a Hawaiian birth certifacte you would let everybody know about it.

Obviously I wouldn't. Why not? Because it's completely un-germane to the issue at hand.

My mother was born in Hawaii, but I brought it up to poke fun at your notion that your grandson being born in Hawaii made you an expert on the Hawaiian birth certificate issue.

Hence the fractions.

Lord. Are you really this dense?

I look at it this way if you had a connection with anyone with a birth certifacte from Hawaii and being as outspoken as you are against anyone who may question the validity of obama's birth records, yes you woulkd have mentioned that little fact. You only said something after I mentioned my grandson.

Fine believe what you want. FWIW, I think bringing your grandson's Hawaiian birth into this matter was idiotic.
Obviously I wouldn't. Why not? Because it's completely un-germane to the issue at hand.

My mother was born in Hawaii, but I brought it up to poke fun at your notion that your grandson being born in Hawaii made you an expert on the Hawaiian birth certificate issue.

Hence the fractions.

Lord. Are you really this dense?

I look at it this way if you had a connection with anyone with a birth certifacte from Hawaii and being as outspoken as you are against anyone who may question the validity of obama's birth records, yes you woulkd have mentioned that little fact. You only said something after I mentioned my grandson.

Fine believe what you want. FWIW, I think bringing your grandson's Hawaiian birth into this matter was idiotic.

Why I never mentioned his name or gave out any personal information. So why was it idiotic?
I look at it this way if you had a connection with anyone with a birth certifacte from Hawaii and being as outspoken as you are against anyone who may question the validity of obama's birth records, yes you woulkd have mentioned that little fact. You only said something after I mentioned my grandson.

Fine believe what you want. FWIW, I think bringing your grandson's Hawaiian birth into this matter was idiotic.

Why I never mentioned his name or gave out any personal information. So why was it idiotic?

Because it doesn't give you any sort of special dispensation over the technicalities/legalities of this matter.

In case you haven't figured this out, I was mocking you in my response thread.
Fine believe what you want. FWIW, I think bringing your grandson's Hawaiian birth into this matter was idiotic.

Why I never mentioned his name or gave out any personal information. So why was it idiotic?

Because it doesn't give you any sort of special dispensation over the technicalities/legalities of this matter.

In case you haven't figured this out, I was mocking you in my response thread.

In case you haven't figured it out I know you lied.
Ok let's go back to reply # 325 page number 22
This part of a comment made to me by zona

Psssst, you look like a fool here. You have no idea what they do with "birth certificates" in hawaii, do you? lol
The comment was an attack and I posted what needed to be said. so yes I have a little knowledge of Hawaiian Birth certificates about 40 lbs worth and 2 and a half feet tall blonde hair cute little fellow
Just to clarify some comments made earlier in the thread, here is a copy of a Certificate of Live Birth produced roughly in the same era that President Obama was born, along with the Certification of Live Birth as posted on FactCheck:


So now if I was still an investigative reporter assigned to dig into this, another question I would want answered is why is the certification number on the certification blacked out?

And the conspiracy theorists would of course come up with the theory that this is a bogus certification created for dishonest purposes. They couldn't very well use the right number already assigned to somebody else at the time the birth allegedly occurred.

I don't have a clue and probably there is a logical and satisfactory answer to the question. But it is a legitimate question. And it is fair to ask it.

Meanwhile, I remain curious.
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Once again give us solid evidence that Obama is a foreigner. None exists. 1/3rd of the GOP beleives this silliness. As long as the party allows wacko heads any voice in its matter, it will remain in the minority.

In case this point has flown over your head,



As stated, EVERY other presidential nominee has WILLINGLY provided these records,

so the fact that he continues to HIDE THEM behind a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo?

Smacks of deceit.

Let's see YOUR solid, valid, not-from-biased-sources EVIDENCE, pal.

Oh, oops! THERE IS NONE!

So, since EVERYONE else who has aspired to the postition of POTUS HAS released their records,

his actions regarding this can ONLY be logically explained by the fact that HE HAS NONE that would validate his claims.
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No one has an individual right to another's personal records, foxfyre. You know that if you have been a journalist. What am I missing here? You have no grounds for any of your requests.
Once again give us solid evidence that Obama is a foreigner. None exists. 1/3rd of the GOP beleives this silliness. As long as the party allows wacko heads any voice in its matter, it will remain in the minority.

In case this point has flown over your head,



As stated, EVERY other presidential nominee has WILLINGLY provided these records,

so the fact that he continues to LEGALLY HIDE THEM?

Smacks of deceit.

Let's see YOUR solid, valid, not-from-biased-sources EVIDENCE, pal.

Oh, oops! THERE IS NONE!

So, since EVERYONE else who has aspired to the postition of POTUS HAS released their records,

his actions regarding this can ONLY be logically explained by the fact that HE HAS NONE.

You are lying again, rabbit head. Give us the links that prove your statement. If you don't, then you are lying.
The ideologies of folks like Intense and Lib and several others are not compatible with that of the United States. However, that does not mean they cannot participate in the American narrative. So, I suggest, my young friends, that you give the President the same grace you would want.

And note, yet once again, no evidence has been posted for their conspiracies.

You got it, pal!

When applying for a college?

I had to provide my birth certificate and all of the transcripts from other colleges that I attended.

When applying for a job?

I had to provide my birth certificate and all of the references from my previous jobs, as well as my college transcripts.

He can have ALL of the Grace I've had.

Now, let's see him provide what he's LEGALLY been asked for.
No one has an individual right to another's personal records, foxfyre. You know that if you have been a journalist. What am I missing here? You have no grounds for any of your requests.

Any record in the clerk of courts is open to the public.
Where are your links, rabbit head? Go try to get your next door neighbor's birth record, moron. You will have your ass turned out on the curb.

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