Uh-ooohh Spaghettios... the US in ten year cooling trend?

Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

Crick doesn't do common sense. He does appeal to authority. That is why he only regurgitates answers given to specifically framed questions. Once you reframe the question he is lost for answers because he cannot think the question through.

What caused the MWP or LIA? His masters say they didn't happen, focus on the last fifty years. What caused the Pause despite 1/3 of all the man-made CO2 ever produced? It never happened. But if it did there are 50 excuses and now one temperature dataset to explain it away.

I defy anyone to get crick into a meaningful debate where he actually responds to points brought up in conversation. He can't do it.
So, the latest evidence indicates that even the US hasn't been in a ten year cooling period. My weather has done nothing but get hotter year after year after year and I've been all over the US. That's proof and proof is what science is based on. And I'm thinkin' I'm ALL OVER that pyrusmism o'yours.
So, the latest evidence indicates that even the US hasn't been in a ten year cooling period. My weather has done nothing but get hotter year after year after year and I've been all over the US. That's proof and proof is what science is based on. And I'm thinkin' I'm ALL OVER that pyrusmism o'yours.
Where's all over the U.S. By the way

So where's your answer as to where you have been "all over the US"
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts,

Which is another way of saying "I have no actual data, so I'll try to bluff my way with BS."

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years

Crazy cult nonsense on your part.

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable

More crazy cult nonsense on your part.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

Flat out wrong. The warmup from the last ice age ended 5,000 - 8,000 years ago. The earth has been slowly cooling ever since. Or at least it was until very recently, when our CO2 emissions caused the earth to suddenly start warming quickly.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be

Yes we do, over and over. The temp should be what human civilization grew up with. Why did you think that's a tough question, and why weren't you smart enough to see the obvious answer?

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

For someone who claims to have street smarts, you certainly fail hard regarding common sense and logic.
Her posts:
Frank, I know the gay marriage thing has emboldened you and many others, but that's not how I swing. I don't care if you call your other boyfriends by female names, please don't address me that way. Your dating life might improve if you didn't fly your racist flag so proudly, as most gay men don't like any symbols of bigotry. Here's a thought. Have your Dark Master Ottmar fix you up with someone. If he can forcibly implement world socialism, then finding a nice guy for you should be a snap.

Before various deniers derailed this thread with all kinds of strange pathologies, did it have a topic? Let me check ... no, not really. Just the same old denier fallacies. The USA represents the whole planet, my backyard represents the whole planet, the fake ice age stories, all the data is faked, the MWP was global...

Denier zombie lies keep rising from grave, over and over. That's the point proven by this thread.
Her posts:
Frank, I know the gay marriage thing has emboldened you and many others, but that's not how I swing. I don't care if you call your other boyfriends by female names, please don't address me that way. Your dating life might improve if you didn't fly your racist flag so proudly, as most gay men don't like any symbols of bigotry. Here's a thought. Have your Dark Master Ottmar fix you up with someone. If he can forcibly implement world socialism, then finding a nice guy for you should be a snap.

Before various deniers derailed this thread with all kinds of strange pathologies, did it have a topic? Let me check ... no, not really. Just the same old denier fallacies. The USA represents the whole planet, my backyard represents the whole planet, the fake ice age stories, all the data is faked, the MWP was global...

Denier zombie lies keep rising from grave, over and over. That's the point proven by this thread.

Like we said, your posts are: 1) Yer Dum and 2) AGW Consensus
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
yea I know you are soooooooo smart, that you couldn't even carry my tool belt. Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.
In the last ten years, we have had three years, 2005, 2010, and 2014, that have matched 1998 for warmth. And this year, 2015, we are flat going to blow the record away. That is what you people are calling a cooling trend. Simply amazing.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
yea I know you are soooooooo smart, that you couldn't even carry my tool belt. Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.
Silly ass, you wouldn't know the technical terms in many other technical fields, either. Not being as stupid as you obviously are, I wouldn't try to make that an indication of your intellect. That you do so, is an indictation of your lack of intellect.

We are not debating the lack of each other's knowledge about the other's technical field here, we are debating whether there has been a cooling for the last ten years. So present some facts that support your hypothesis.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
yea I know you are soooooooo smart, that you couldn't even carry my tool belt. Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.
Silly ass, you wouldn't know the technical terms in many other technical fields, either. Not being as stupid as you obviously are, I wouldn't try to make that an indication of your intellect. That you do so, is an indictation of your lack of intellect.

We are not debating the lack of each other's knowledge about the other's technical field here, we are debating whether there has been a cooling for the last ten years. So present some facts that support your hypothesis.
Its been my whole premises arguing with you, I am highly skilled in the technology of temperature reading instruments for the past 30 years and I know first hand the machines of the 60s till today, it was barbaric , highly un accurate compared till today, that's how I realized they fudged the numbers.
Btw the way it's called street smarts, to question the technology they were using and who was recording it, I know people in manufacturing for the past 30 years plus, college educated and lowly operators and I know 1st hand on how all love to fudge.

If you are going to tell me scientists are any different who rely on grants they never try to fudge? Or make mistakes?

I say bullshit, considering how political it has become.

Btw again I have had an interest in this, subject since I had my first subscriptions to popular mechanic and popular science in around 72 when I was 7 years old.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.

yea I know you are soooooooo smart,

That's not the problem.

that you couldn't even carry my tool belt.

I might be smart enough to know that I don't want to, but, as I said, that's not the problem.

Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.

You think I need to Google "potentiometer"? You think it's impressive that you know what they are? My goodness. I may have underestimated the situation.

Look, Bear, I'm glad you're a master of your trade, but as I hope you can see from the reaction you've gotten, walking in the door swinging your tool belt isn't going to advance your cause much. That you suspect the world's scientists are pushing AGW (anthropogenic (man-made) global warming) for political reasons - reasons you don't identify - is not a particularly impressive argument. I have to say, it's not all that different from similar arguments made by most of the deniers here, but that doesn't add to its impressiveness. At all.

Why don't you explain what you think is wrong with the science that finds AGW valid? You can review the "warmist" position at IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The IPCC's Assessment Reports may be found there. The most recent is number 5, or AR5. It is rather large (reviewing, as it does, several years of the world's scientific output on climate) but it is broken into sections. Those most appropriate to your needs may be Working Group I, the Physical Science Basis, or The Summary for Policy Makers. Have a look and let us know what you think.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
In the last ten years, we have had three years, 2005, 2010, and 2014, that have matched 1998 for warmth. And this year, 2015, we are flat going to blow the record away. That is what you people are calling a cooling trend. Simply amazing.
No we have not. The temperature data sets have all been adjusted and they were not adjusted in 1998.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.

yea I know you are soooooooo smart,

That's not the problem.

that you couldn't even carry my tool belt.

I might be smart enough to know that I don't want to, but, as I said, that's not the problem.

Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.

You think I need to Google "potentiometer"? You think it's impressive that you know what they are? My goodness. I may have underestimated the situation.

Look, Bear, I'm glad you're a master of your trade, but as I hope you can see from the reaction you've gotten, walking in the door swinging your tool belt isn't going to advance your cause much. That you suspect the world's scientists are pushing AGW (anthropogenic (man-made) global warming) for political reasons - reasons you don't identify - is not a particularly impressive argument. I have to say, it's not all that different from similar arguments made by most of the deniers here, but that doesn't add to its impressiveness. At all.

Why don't you explain what you think is wrong with the science that finds AGW valid? You can review the "warmist" position at IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The IPCC's Assessment Reports may be found there. The most recent is number 5, or AR5. It is rather large (reviewing, as it does, several years of the world's scientific output on climate) but it is broken into sections. Those most appropriate to your needs may be Working Group I, the Physical Science Basis, or The Summary for Policy Makers. Have a look and let us know what you think.
Shun, if I may interject, I believe CrusaderFrank has already posted several times in other threads that the IPCC is nothing more than money redistribution Foundation, so it is political and not scientific.
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
yea I know you are soooooooo smart, that you couldn't even carry my tool belt. Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.
Silly ass, you wouldn't know the technical terms in many other technical fields, either. Not being as stupid as you obviously are, I wouldn't try to make that an indication of your intellect. That you do so, is an indictation of your lack of intellect.

We are not debating the lack of each other's knowledge about the other's technical field here, we are debating whether there has been a cooling for the last ten years. So present some facts that support your hypothesis.
So can you present data that has not been manipulated and adjusted?
Crick, I am coming at you with pure street smarts, what I know about temperature reading instruments in manufacturing for the past 30 years, what I know about history of the thermometer, what I know about computers, programing robotics, what I know about core samples and the history of earth, what I know about politics.

Your ilk has a agenda, how can we believe you now after you cried wolf so many Times in the past 40 years?

Your ilk manipulates data in computer models, your ilk ignores we only have like 130 years of day to day data of earths temperature and any data before 1990 is extremely questionable.

You ignore the fact we are still leaving the Ice age of 12,000 years ago.

You won't tell us what the temperature of earth should be.

And yet you tell us the debate is over.

I'm sorry, I gave it a shot... I tried to put something together for you; but your ILK is just too stupid to waste my time on. Maybe later, when I'm not busy drinking a cup of coffee... or breathing.
yea I know you are soooooooo smart, that you couldn't even carry my tool belt. Let alone know with out googling what a potentiometer is, or what is the difference between a J thermocouple and a K thermocouple and what to use real fast on how to tell the difference between the two.
Silly ass, you wouldn't know the technical terms in many other technical fields, either. Not being as stupid as you obviously are, I wouldn't try to make that an indication of your intellect. That you do so, is an indictation of your lack of intellect.

We are not debating the lack of each other's knowledge about the other's technical field here, we are debating whether there has been a cooling for the last ten years. So present some facts that support your hypothesis.
So can you present data that has not been manipulated and adjusted?
do you have a time machine? The scientist of today think they do
And travel back in history with computer models of today, THAT THEY INPUT THE DATA

Don't you think it is confusing?

Its like believing in a sun God or the book 1984,.

They don't have the data, only SPC only unrealble here say what the real global temperature was like in 1884.

Why don't you man made climate change alarmist have real data?

Because you don't

Because you don't know.

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