Uk abortion group reminds women gender selective abortion is legal

Damn right it's legal and maybe trendy. The MTV generation might be thinking about having children for a change and the selfish generation needs choices. Pick a gender and kill the rest and pretend it's a video game.

And how is this not OUR business?

Its not your body, nor your fetus, so butt out.

Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

The vast majority of people who are pro-choice do not believe in aborting a baby because of sex. Your trying to depict is as so or as a reason to outlaw abortions in disingenuous. The only people who would believe such a thing are people of low intelligence or people like you who want to believe it because it furthers your position. Holding up extremists as representative of a whole is pointless. Therefore, you thread is pointless.

As well, the Daily Telegraph is a conservative broadsheet with an agenda. If you want a serious discussion about abortion, don't hold up articles published by biased people with an agenda; only those who already believe in your position and those with limited intelligence who swallow such tripe whole will be influenced by what this kind of paper has to say.

In addition, this is what she said:
"While it is true that the sex of the foetus is not a legal ground for abortion, nor is rape, or incest, or being 13 years old. Nor is being homeless, or abandoned, or just feeling there's no way you can bring a child into the world... yet they are all reasons why a doctor may believe a women has met the legal grounds of abortion."

She added: "The woman gives her reasons, the doctor decides on the grounds as set out in the law ... there is no legal requirement to deny a woman an abortion if she has a sex preference, providing that the legal grounds are still met.

"The law is silent on the matter of gender selection, just as it is silent on rape."

She is in no way promoting abortion based on gender preference. She is simply re-stating what the law states. If people in the UK want to change the law to be more specific about this issue, they will. It is their prerogative.

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And how is this not OUR business?

Its not your body, nor your fetus, so butt out.

Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.
Its not your body, nor your fetus, so butt out.

Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.

So little you know of human biology, Noomi.

The sperm initiates the cell division within the ovum (or the egg). Without the the sperm, the ovum would simply be discarded in the next menstrual cycle. The sperm is what triggers the entire process, Noomi. A father has the same rights as the mother does to that child. He gives one half of his genetic code to help form the child. I pity those fathers who run off on a poor woman when she is pregnant, and I despise rapists who impregnate them against their will. But that is a different discussion.

The man is the father at the moment of conception!

So in relative terms, it is my child, so therefore it is my business.
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The vast majority of people who are pro-choice do not believe in aborting a baby because of sex. Your trying to depict is as so or as a reason to outlaw abortions in disingenuous. The only people who would believe such a thing are people of low intelligence or people like you who want to believe it because it furthers your position. Holding up extremists as representative of a whole is pointless. Therefore, you thread is pointless.

As well, the Daily Telegraph is a conservative broadsheet with an agenda. If you want a serious discussion about abortion, don't hold up articles published by biased people with an agenda; only those who already believe in your position and those with limited intelligence who swallow such tripe whole will be influenced by what this kind of paper has to say.

In addition, this is what she said:
"While it is true that the sex of the foetus is not a legal ground for abortion, nor is rape, or incest, or being 13 years old. Nor is being homeless, or abandoned, or just feeling there's no way you can bring a child into the world... yet they are all reasons why a doctor may believe a women has met the legal grounds of abortion."

She added: "The woman gives her reasons, the doctor decides on the grounds as set out in the law ... there is no legal requirement to deny a woman an abortion if she has a sex preference, providing that the legal grounds are still met.

"The law is silent on the matter of gender selection, just as it is silent on rape."

She is in no way promoting abortion based on gender preference. She is simply re-stating what the law states. If people in the UK want to change the law to be more specific about this issue, they will. It is their prerogative.

In many nations abortion for sex selection IS illegal.
This idea that abortion should be available as a matter of pure convenience is the story.
Here in the US, the laws vary. With the Roe decision, most interpreted that ruling as 'abortion is be unfettered and on demand'..State governments hearing their constituents, have pushed back. Not as a matter of ideology, but as a matter of respect for human life.
This battle will continue.
I believe abortion should remain legal. However there should be limits as to the circumstances under which an abortion should be permitted.
Number one is for birth control. That should not be permitted under the law. Number two, sex selection.
In both cases, these are matter of convenience.
If we go down the road of sex selection, what's next? Eye color, likelihood of intelligence or talent/ability?
Its not your body, nor your fetus, so butt out.

Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.

FALSE!....The man IS the father at the moment of conception.
Where you got this notion that a pregnant woman somehow takes on a set of special rights upon conception is a mystery.
This may be in your mind, but that does not make it true. You may stop insisting now.
No one is listening.
Instead of posting here, why aren't you busy chewing out your boss at Mickey D's for not paying you enough or kissing your pinky ring. Sheesh!
Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.

So little you know of human biology, Noomi.

The sperm initiates the cell division within the ovum (or the egg). Without the the sperm, the ovum would simply be discarded in the next menstrual cycle. The sperm is what triggers the entire process, Noomi. A father has the same rights as the mother does to that child. He gives one half of his genetic code to help form the child. I pity those fathers who run off on a poor woman when she is pregnant, and I despise rapists who impregnate them against their will. But that is a different discussion.

The man is the father at the moment of conception!

So in relative terms, it is my child, so therefore it is my business.

Noomi is just as hard headed as the far right wing ideologues she and those on her side insist to which they bear no similarities.
Its not your body, nor your fetus, so butt out.

Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.

That's insane. The only crazier thing I've read is a sociopathic woman say its not a human until I say it is

The vast majority of people who are pro-choice do not believe in aborting a baby because of sex. Your trying to depict is as so or as a reason to outlaw abortions in disingenuous. The only people who would believe such a thing are people of low intelligence or people like you who want to believe it because it furthers your position. Holding up extremists as representative of a whole is pointless. Therefore, you thread is pointless.

As well, the Daily Telegraph is a conservative broadsheet with an agenda. If you want a serious discussion about abortion, don't hold up articles published by biased people with an agenda; only those who already believe in your position and those with limited intelligence who swallow such tripe whole will be influenced by what this kind of paper has to say.

In addition, this is what she said:
"While it is true that the sex of the foetus is not a legal ground for abortion, nor is rape, or incest, or being 13 years old. Nor is being homeless, or abandoned, or just feeling there's no way you can bring a child into the world... yet they are all reasons why a doctor may believe a women has met the legal grounds of abortion."

She added: "The woman gives her reasons, the doctor decides on the grounds as set out in the law ... there is no legal requirement to deny a woman an abortion if she has a sex preference, providing that the legal grounds are still met.

"The law is silent on the matter of gender selection, just as it is silent on rape."

She is in no way promoting abortion based on gender preference. She is simply re-stating what the law states. If people in the UK want to change the law to be more specific about this issue, they will. It is their prerogative.

In many nations abortion for sex selection IS illegal.
This idea that abortion should be available as a matter of pure convenience is the story.
Here in the US, the laws vary. With the Roe decision, most interpreted that ruling as 'abortion is be unfettered and on demand'..State governments hearing their constituents, have pushed back. Not as a matter of ideology, but as a matter of respect for human life.
This battle will continue.
I believe abortion should remain legal. However there should be limits as to the circumstances under which an abortion should be permitted.
Number one is for birth control. That should not be permitted under the law. Number two, sex selection.
In both cases, these are matter of convenience.
If we go down the road of sex selection, what's next? Eye color, likelihood of intelligence or talent/ability?

You cannot control the rest of the world, especially not on this matter. They have their own cultural, religious and world view. It is not up to you to dictate the morals of others.
The vast majority of people who are pro-choice do not believe in aborting a baby because of sex. Your trying to depict is as so or as a reason to outlaw abortions in disingenuous. The only people who would believe such a thing are people of low intelligence or people like you who want to believe it because it furthers your position. Holding up extremists as representative of a whole is pointless. Therefore, you thread is pointless.

As well, the Daily Telegraph is a conservative broadsheet with an agenda. If you want a serious discussion about abortion, don't hold up articles published by biased people with an agenda; only those who already believe in your position and those with limited intelligence who swallow such tripe whole will be influenced by what this kind of paper has to say.

In addition, this is what she said:

She is in no way promoting abortion based on gender preference. She is simply re-stating what the law states. If people in the UK want to change the law to be more specific about this issue, they will. It is their prerogative.

In many nations abortion for sex selection IS illegal.
This idea that abortion should be available as a matter of pure convenience is the story.
Here in the US, the laws vary. With the Roe decision, most interpreted that ruling as 'abortion is be unfettered and on demand'..State governments hearing their constituents, have pushed back. Not as a matter of ideology, but as a matter of respect for human life.
This battle will continue.
I believe abortion should remain legal. However there should be limits as to the circumstances under which an abortion should be permitted.
Number one is for birth control. That should not be permitted under the law. Number two, sex selection.
In both cases, these are matter of convenience.
If we go down the road of sex selection, what's next? Eye color, likelihood of intelligence or talent/ability?

You cannot control the rest of the world, especially not on this matter. They have their own cultural, religious and world view. It is not up to you to dictate the morals of others.

Using your logic slavery should have never been opposed. The abolitionist should have minded their own business and not dictate the morals of others.

You libturds are a strange bunch.
The vast majority of people who are pro-choice do not believe in aborting a baby because of sex. Your trying to depict is as so or as a reason to outlaw abortions in disingenuous. The only people who would believe such a thing are people of low intelligence or people like you who want to believe it because it furthers your position. Holding up extremists as representative of a whole is pointless. Therefore, you thread is pointless.

As well, the Daily Telegraph is a conservative broadsheet with an agenda. If you want a serious discussion about abortion, don't hold up articles published by biased people with an agenda; only those who already believe in your position and those with limited intelligence who swallow such tripe whole will be influenced by what this kind of paper has to say.

In addition, this is what she said:

She is in no way promoting abortion based on gender preference. She is simply re-stating what the law states. If people in the UK want to change the law to be more specific about this issue, they will. It is their prerogative.

In many nations abortion for sex selection IS illegal.
This idea that abortion should be available as a matter of pure convenience is the story.
Here in the US, the laws vary. With the Roe decision, most interpreted that ruling as 'abortion is be unfettered and on demand'..State governments hearing their constituents, have pushed back. Not as a matter of ideology, but as a matter of respect for human life.
This battle will continue.
I believe abortion should remain legal. However there should be limits as to the circumstances under which an abortion should be permitted.
Number one is for birth control. That should not be permitted under the law. Number two, sex selection.
In both cases, these are matter of convenience.
If we go down the road of sex selection, what's next? Eye color, likelihood of intelligence or talent/ability?

You cannot control the rest of the world, especially not on this matter. They have their own cultural, religious and world view. It is not up to you to dictate the morals of others.

Holy shit..You either have no control of your emotions or have a reading comprehension issue.
Nowhere did I state or imply that we here in the US should 'control the rest of the world'...
Define 'world view"..
Cut the bullshit. At least here in the US , fathers have equal rights.
So that makes it HIS business.
This idea that there is some expectation of privacy regarding pregnancy is 100% false.
So unless there was some kind of miracle and a woman became pregnant without a male sperm delivered indirectly or directly, it IS someone else's business.
Your view is invalid here.

Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.

That's insane. The only crazier thing I've read is a sociopathic woman say its not a human until I say it is

It is not insane at all. That is how it is. You have no rights to the fetus until the woman chooses to give birth.
In many nations abortion for sex selection IS illegal.
This idea that abortion should be available as a matter of pure convenience is the story.
Here in the US, the laws vary. With the Roe decision, most interpreted that ruling as 'abortion is be unfettered and on demand'..State governments hearing their constituents, have pushed back. Not as a matter of ideology, but as a matter of respect for human life.
This battle will continue.
I believe abortion should remain legal. However there should be limits as to the circumstances under which an abortion should be permitted.
Number one is for birth control. That should not be permitted under the law. Number two, sex selection.
In both cases, these are matter of convenience.
If we go down the road of sex selection, what's next? Eye color, likelihood of intelligence or talent/ability?

You cannot control the rest of the world, especially not on this matter. They have their own cultural, religious and world view. It is not up to you to dictate the morals of others.

Holy shit..You either have no control of your emotions or have a reading comprehension issue.
Nowhere did I state or imply that we here in the US should 'control the rest of the world'...
Define 'world view"..
This thread is about the law concerning abortion in another country. There was mention of what other countries, beyond the UK, do, countries, for example, that value male children above female children.

There is no discussion that I am aware of in which people in the US are considering doing abortions based on gender selection. Our law may read the same as the one in the UK, which does not specify that abortion based on gender selection is illegal. By and large, in the US, parents are not really concerned about the sex of the child as they are in other cultures.

But, if it is something you are concerned about, I'd suggest you look up the law and see what it says, and if there is a potential for gender selection to be a legal basis for abortions, work against in a political way instead of bitching about it on the internet.

As far as women using abortion as birth control: this is a myth that anti-abortion people have created. There may be a tiny minority of women who do that; the vast majority of women don't. I don't have first hand, personal experience of it, but everything I've read and heard about the experience of having an abortion makes it clear it is a horrendous, horrible, painful experience (emotionally painful and traumatic) which no women goes into lightly.
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Fathers do not have equal rights at all. You cannot prevent your girlfriend from having an abortion. You are not a father until she gives birth.

That's insane. The only crazier thing I've read is a sociopathic woman say its not a human until I say it is

It is not insane at all. That is how it is. You have no rights to the fetus until the woman chooses to give birth.

You cannot control the rest of the world, especially not on this matter. They have their own cultural, religious and world view. It is not up to you to dictate the morals of others.

Holy shit..You either have no control of your emotions or have a reading comprehension issue.
Nowhere did I state or imply that we here in the US should 'control the rest of the world'...
Define 'world view"..
This thread is about the law concerning abortion in another country. There was mention of what other countries, beyond the UK, do, countries, for example, that value male children above female children.

There is no discussion that I am aware of in which people in the US are considering doing abortions based on gender selection. Our law may read the same as the one in the UK, which does not specify that abortion based on gender selection is illegal. By and large, in the US, parents are not really concerned about the sex of the child as they are in other cultures.

But, if it is something you are concerned about, I'd suggest you look up the law and see what it says, and if there is a potential for gender selection to be a legal basis for abortions, work against in a political way instead of bitching about it on the internet.

As far as women using abortion as birth control: this is a myth that anti-abortion people have created. There may be a tiny minority of women who do that; the vast majority of women don't. I don't have first hand, personal experience of it, but everything I've read and heard about the experience of having an abortion makes it clear it is a horrendous, horrible, painful experience (emotionally painful and traumatic) which no women goes into lightly.
Liar only about 2 percent of abortions are for rape, to save the life of the mother or even birth defects. The rest are because she doesn't want to have a kid. Fucking liar
Holy shit..You either have no control of your emotions or have a reading comprehension issue.
Nowhere did I state or imply that we here in the US should 'control the rest of the world'...
Define 'world view"..
This thread is about the law concerning abortion in another country. There was mention of what other countries, beyond the UK, do, countries, for example, that value male children above female children.

There is no discussion that I am aware of in which people in the US are considering doing abortions based on gender selection. Our law may read the same as the one in the UK, which does not specify that abortion based on gender selection is illegal. By and large, in the US, parents are not really concerned about the sex of the child as they are in other cultures.

But, if it is something you are concerned about, I'd suggest you look up the law and see what it says, and if there is a potential for gender selection to be a legal basis for abortions, work against in a political way instead of bitching about it on the internet.

As far as women using abortion as birth control: this is a myth that anti-abortion people have created. There may be a tiny minority of women who do that; the vast majority of women don't. I don't have first hand, personal experience of it, but everything I've read and heard about the experience of having an abortion makes it clear it is a horrendous, horrible, painful experience (emotionally painful and traumatic) which no women goes into lightly.
Liar only about 2 percent of abortions are for rape, to save the life of the mother or even birth defects. The rest are because she doesn't want to have a kid. Fucking liar

You have such a pleasant manner. I obviously interpret using abortion as birth control in a different way than you do. Many women who used birth control get pregnant anyway. They aren't using abortions as birth control, but may choose abortion for various reasons: they may be too young, they may already have too many children to take care of, they may be unable financially to care for a child, they may have emotional or mental problems, they may be in an abusive relationship; i.e., there are a multitude of reasons why a woman uses the option for an abortion. What I was saying is that a women does not use the option of abortion lightly, doesn't use it instead of traditional birth control methods, and does suffer emotionally and psychologically because of going through an abortion.

You appear to be an abusive person. Anyone who got pregnant by you would justifiably choose to have an abortion rather than to bring up a child with you. You think like a 5 year old, thinking life is so simple and black and white, and instead of being able to use civil discourse in discussing an issue, resort to abuse. Anyone who had to consider the proposition of raising a child with you as the father would justifiably opt for abortion.
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