Uk abortion group reminds women gender selective abortion is legal

Yeah, clearly we need more of THIS in the world.


Have a problem with black people Joe?

I have a problem with children starving to death becuase they are born into places that can't support them.

I'm just not sure why you don't.

Or do you just live in fear of women controlling their lady parts.

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

Fetuses aren't babies, they aren't people, they aren't lives.

The reason why 1st world countries ARE first world countries is because birth control is practiced.

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

Fetuses aren't babies, they aren't people, they aren't lives.

The reason why 1st world countries ARE first world countries is because birth control is practiced.

Fetuses are lives, no matter what you want to think to make abortion for birth control justifiable in your mind.

and those 1st world countries will no longer be that in 100 years if thier birth rates dont improve. But for a nihilist like yourself that isnt a bug, its a feature.
Oh, you had a question? I thought it was just more of your usual crazy talk.

Yeah, negative procreation rates are wonderful. The planet has too many humans on it now.

and this is unassailible proof that JoeB is a human hating genocidal douchbag.

I know one human who's removal from this planet can only improve things....

Yeah, clearly we need more of THIS in the world.


Weren't you the one saying before that we needed to help the poor and starving kids by keeping their parents of food stamps and welfare? Remember how I handed your backside to you for your hypocrisy? First of all, how can you care for any child when you advocate their destruction in the womb? Can you answer that? I guess they don't mean much to you when they are part of a political agenda. If you really do care about children, Joe, stop being a hypocrite, okay?

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

Fetuses aren't babies, they aren't people, they aren't lives.

The reason why 1st world countries ARE first world countries is because birth control is practiced.

Life begins at conception.
admittedly I couldn't read this sick shit all the way through. How do you not see the comparison with Hitler and Mrs Furedi? Both are in favor of extermination of people they don't think valuable.
The 'wrong sex' is when the woman find that her fetus is a girl when she wanted a boy, or vice versa. She should be happy with any sex, but I can understand her frustration if she desperately wants a daughter and already has five sons.
And the life developing in her womb? In your view, that does not count.
Just get the old vacuum and let the Doc do his or her thing.
Is that how it works? No compassion. No thoughts of the unborn child...

I'm sorry, did you want to adopt it? Oh wait, you don't want to help with the problem of abortion and adopt the unwanted babies, you just want to treat women like brood mares. My bad.

That's Koala shit...Nice try at a lame ass excuse, skippertte..
Why is it your pro abortionists fall back position always "It"..."Unwanted" and other impersonal labels?
I guess it allows you to look upon the unborn as less than human...
Shame on you.

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

Fetuses aren't babies, they aren't people, they aren't lives.

The reason why 1st world countries ARE first world countries is because birth control is practiced.

Kinda funny how rabid liberal lefties are pro-abortion and at the same time anti-death penalty. .. :cool:

No, not at all.

I'm just pragmatic.

If a woman doesn't want a baby growing inside of her, she's going to find a way to get rid of it. Unless you place her under house arrest or something. It's not a matter of being "pro-Abortion" as realizing the reality of the thing.

On the other hand, the Death Penalty is a choice. It has no real value. It doesn't deter, it costs a lot more than just locking them up, and the real problem is, we can't count on it's reliability.

Since it was reintroduced we've executed 1345 people. But 142 people have been exonerated- they didn't do what they were condemned to death for. 1 out of 10? I'm not sure I like those odds and I'm not sure why you do.

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

Fetuses aren't babies, they aren't people, they aren't lives.

The reason why 1st world countries ARE first world countries is because birth control is practiced.

Life begins at conception.

Life began 4 billion years ago and is an ongoing process.

A fetus isn't a person unless it's mother wants it to be.

Weren't you the one saying before that we needed to help the poor and starving kids by keeping their parents of food stamps and welfare?

No, I don't remember that at all. Perhaps if you pointed out the conversation we were having so I can figure out which one you are mischaraterizing.


Remember how I handed your backside to you for your hypocrisy?

Nope. Usually I spank you so bad it isn't even funny. The problem is you are too retarded to realize when you are bested, and think you win when people get bored with trying to pound some sense into your thick skull.

First of all, how can you care for any child when you advocate their destruction in the womb? Can you answer that?

I've answered that a BUNCH of times. Fetuses aren't "children". No woman who ever walked into an abortion clinic ever thought of it as ANYTHING but "that problem I need to take care of."

They aren't children in the law, in medical science, or even in the Bible.

I guess they don't mean much to you when they are part of a political agenda. If you really do care about children, Joe, stop being a hypocrite, okay?

I do. I don't want children brought into this world because REligious assholes like you are sexually frustrated they can't get none.

What does this have to do with failing birth rates in 1st world countries, countries where people can actually support thier children?

So JoeB goes with the mantra "better dead than underfed"

Fetuses aren't babies, they aren't people, they aren't lives.

The reason why 1st world countries ARE first world countries is because birth control is practiced.

Fetuses are lives, no matter what you want to think to make abortion for birth control justifiable in your mind.

and those 1st world countries will no longer be that in 100 years if thier birth rates dont improve. But for a nihilist like yourself that isnt a bug, its a feature.

Don't worry, guy, in 100 years, the world will be in such bad straights that this will truly be the least of our problems. But I'm sure the Koch Brothers are woking on that orbital habitat you won't be invited to unless they need a janitor.
Not funny at all. I'm sorry you think babies who have done nothing to anyone are deserving of death.

But that's to be expected of a woman who thinks that men and women who are convicted of torturing and killing (post birth) children should receive "treatment" rather than punishment.
Not funny at all. I'm sorry you think babies who have done nothing to anyone are deserving of death.

But that's to be expected of a woman who thinks that men and women who are convicted of torturing and killing (post birth) children should receive "treatment" rather than punishment.

Koch-er Girl, no one is saying murderers shouldn't be punished.

Just executing them is a really bad idea when 1 out of 10 end up being innocent of what you've accused them of. Because you don't get a do-over after that.

Oh, yeah, fetuses still aren't babies.
Not funny at all. I'm sorry you think babies who have done nothing to anyone are deserving of death.

But that's to be expected of a woman who thinks that men and women who are convicted of torturing and killing (post birth) children should receive "treatment" rather than punishment.

Koch-er Girl, no one is saying murderers shouldn't be punished.

Just executing them is a really bad idea when 1 out of 10 end up being innocent of what you've accused them of. Because you don't get a do-over after that.

Oh, yeah, fetuses still aren't babies.

Of course they are babies. They should be given all the same rights as adults - all those fetuses who didn't vote in the last election should be fined!

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