UK Election May 2015

This thread is about the forthcoming election, it probably is patently obvious to you that the majority of the British voters are not interested in fundamentalist christian drivel, in fact very few of the have any form of interest in religion at all. So start a separate thread re the drivel and I would be happy to partake.

Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid
This thread is about the forthcoming election, it probably is patently obvious to you that the majority of the British voters are not interested in fundamentalist christian drivel, in fact very few of the have any form of interest in religion at all. So start a separate thread re the drivel and I would be happy to partake.

Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
This thread is about the forthcoming election, it probably is patently obvious to you that the majority of the British voters are not interested in fundamentalist christian drivel, in fact very few of the have any form of interest in religion at all. So start a separate thread re the drivel and I would be happy to partake.

Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
More drivel, UKIP are a simple mid term knee jerk reaction, just like the public response to Shirley Williams and the SDP.
The reason you as a christofascist did not like the BBC coverage is because after the heinous acts of terrorism, millions of people with or without faith joined together in unity to condemn the act and to condemn the fascist who will try to exploit it to create divisions.European people showed their strength yesterday.
Seems the electioneering is about to begin. UKIP are threatening the old 3 party system in the South and the SNP look set to decimate Labour in the North. For the first time in a long time the result appears wide open and it is unclear who will win. It may well be local tactical voting that determines the final result

1) Who do you want to win and why?

2) If no party has a majority what combination of parties would you favour and why?

3) What is the main issue in this coming election - how does that impact your voting preference?

Right wing coalition that is strong enough to legislate against EU laws, and threaten them with loss of the UK's revenue


Immigration, health, crime, education and welfare
3. Wrong. The chief concern among voters is immigration.

Good point.

The economy has gotten much better under the Tories.

And that's why they'll be re-elected with a slim majority.

In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if the Tories were voted back in. But time has begun to tick on the so-called Conservative Party now that their grassroots supporters have seen them for what they are; and now have an alternative that is openly and fiercely hostile towards the European Union: UKIP.

Don't forget that many people in the Industrial heartlands saw first hand the way Labour threw 12 year old girls at immigrants in return for votes. That sort of memory is slow to fade, just as the memory of the crass words by Brown when a woman voiced her opinion in regards to immigration are slow to fade.
This thread is about the forthcoming election, it probably is patently obvious to you that the majority of the British voters are not interested in fundamentalist christian drivel, in fact very few of the have any form of interest in religion at all. So start a separate thread re the drivel and I would be happy to partake.

Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
More drivel, UKIP are a simple mid term knee jerk reaction, just like the public response to Shirley Williams and the SDP.
The reason you as a christofascist did not like the BBC coverage is because after the heinous acts of terrorism, millions of people with or without faith joined together in unity to condemn the act and to condemn the fascist who will try to exploit it to create divisions.European people showed their strength yesterday.

BULLSHIT The people are sick of neo Marxist rule endangering their lives in the quest for more votes. The BNP were a possibility but left a bad taste in the mouth, so the UKIP came to the front. The left don't like them being in tune with the people and have started their dirty tricks to try and smear them. The march in France was just the usual French way of showing their feelings and the only reason it was newsworthy is because it was due to a terrorist attack. Watch the French government start passing laws that go against the EU charter, and start kicking out muslims by the boatload.
This thread is about the forthcoming election, it probably is patently obvious to you that the majority of the British voters are not interested in fundamentalist christian drivel, in fact very few of the have any form of interest in religion at all. So start a separate thread re the drivel and I would be happy to partake.

Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
More drivel, UKIP are a simple mid term knee jerk reaction, just like the public response to Shirley Williams and the SDP.
The reason you as a christofascist did not like the BBC coverage is because after the heinous acts of terrorism, millions of people with or without faith joined together in unity to condemn the act and to condemn the fascist who will try to exploit it to create divisions.European people showed their strength yesterday.

BULLSHIT The people are sick of neo Marxist rule endangering their lives in the quest for more votes. The BNP were a possibility but left a bad taste in the mouth, so the UKIP came to the front. The left don't like them being in tune with the people and have started their dirty tricks to try and smear them. The march in France was just the usual French way of showing their feelings and the only reason it was newsworthy is because it was due to a terrorist attack. Watch the French government start passing laws that go against the EU charter, and start kicking out muslims by the boatload.
Well scrounger as I have said before the truth always hurts.
Ps the BNP left a bad taste in your mouth...............get in touch with Marc Almond he should be able to help you with your technique:smartass:.:tongue-44::tongue-44:
Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
More drivel, UKIP are a simple mid term knee jerk reaction, just like the public response to Shirley Williams and the SDP.
The reason you as a christofascist did not like the BBC coverage is because after the heinous acts of terrorism, millions of people with or without faith joined together in unity to condemn the act and to condemn the fascist who will try to exploit it to create divisions.European people showed their strength yesterday.

BULLSHIT The people are sick of neo Marxist rule endangering their lives in the quest for more votes. The BNP were a possibility but left a bad taste in the mouth, so the UKIP came to the front. The left don't like them being in tune with the people and have started their dirty tricks to try and smear them. The march in France was just the usual French way of showing their feelings and the only reason it was newsworthy is because it was due to a terrorist attack. Watch the French government start passing laws that go against the EU charter, and start kicking out muslims by the boatload.
Well scrounger as I have said before the truth always hurts.
Ps the BNP left a bad taste in your mouth...............get in touch with Marc Almond he should be able to help you with your technique:smartass:.:tongue-44::tongue-44:
Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
More drivel, UKIP are a simple mid term knee jerk reaction, just like the public response to Shirley Williams and the SDP.
The reason you as a christofascist did not like the BBC coverage is because after the heinous acts of terrorism, millions of people with or without faith joined together in unity to condemn the act and to condemn the fascist who will try to exploit it to create divisions.European people showed their strength yesterday.

BULLSHIT The people are sick of neo Marxist rule endangering their lives in the quest for more votes. The BNP were a possibility but left a bad taste in the mouth, so the UKIP came to the front. The left don't like them being in tune with the people and have started their dirty tricks to try and smear them. The march in France was just the usual French way of showing their feelings and the only reason it was newsworthy is because it was due to a terrorist attack. Watch the French government start passing laws that go against the EU charter, and start kicking out muslims by the boatload.
Well scrounger as I have said before the truth always hurts.
Ps the BNP left a bad taste in your mouth...............get in touch with Marc Almond he should be able to help you with your technique:smartass:.:tongue-44::tongue-44:

Yes it does, and the fact that the BNP had so much support at one time that the neo Marxists had to arrest its members on trumped up charges and threaten to change the law to convict them of "crimes" that never happened. I leave Marc Almond to you he is more your type, I will stick with Myleene Claas or Sarah Brightman.

Still waiting for your evidence yappy dog to show I am a scrounger, specially when I pay more tax than most of the great left wing unwashed rent a mob. So time to put up or shut up
This thread is about the forthcoming election, it probably is patently obvious to you that the majority of the British voters are not interested in fundamentalist christian drivel, in fact very few of the have any form of interest in religion at all. So start a separate thread re the drivel and I would be happy to partake.

Freedom of religion is an issue. These examples have nothing to do with fundamentalism - that is you forcing your own interpretative framework on the British scene. We have no church state separation here and 70% of voters say they are Christians. Various religious issues will strongly figure in this election albeit not for the majority of voters- such as Islamic based terrorism, freedom of faith for Christians and recent gay marriage legistlation which split the Tory party in 2 and caused the flight of a great many members to UKIP. This election will come down to a constituency by constituency fight in many cases where a few votes might swing it. People who hold a view are far more passionate on these issues than on things like the economy for instance and politicians ignore this at their peril.
Its the ECONOMY stupid

Normally yes but this time even with the British economy riding high the Tories are not significantly ahead in the polls. They have the right economic policies and Labour was a disaster last time. The rise of UKIP requires a more intelligent explanation. There is a deep dissatisfaction with the political elite in Westminster and Brussels and unsustainably high levels of immigration is also regarded as an issue. The BBC has been obsessed this weekend with the Charlie incident in which atheists were killed for mocking religion but the massacre of 2000 Christians in Nigeria went unmentioned. People are fed up with the lies and liars that rule the nation
More drivel, UKIP are a simple mid term knee jerk reaction, just like the public response to Shirley Williams and the SDP.
The reason you as a christofascist did not like the BBC coverage is because after the heinous acts of terrorism, millions of people with or without faith joined together in unity to condemn the act and to condemn the fascist who will try to exploit it to create divisions.European people showed their strength yesterday.

That well known "Christofascist" organisation OffCom appear to disagree that UKIP are a flash in the pan and they are giving them TV time in the debates. 31% of Brits would vote UKIP if they thought they had a chance of winning. The first past post the system will limit the numbers but you conveniently forget they won the European elections in the UK. Personally I will not be voting for them but you clearly underestimate their appeal and do not have a clue for the reasons behind that.
Was interested to read about where UKIP might gain seats. In many cases voters could make choices to vote out the incumbent in favour of UKIP.

UKIP Seats now
Rochester & Strood *
Clacton *

Conservative 2010
Boston & Skegness
Great Yarmouth
South Thanet
Wyre Forest

Liberal 2010
St Austell and Newquay

Labour 2010
Dudley North
Great Grimsby
Heywood & Middleton
Rother Valley

Opinion polling in United Kingdom constituencies 2010 15 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Not impossible that to form a government after the next election might require a three-way coalition. But would it be:


or would it be:

1. Labour, though probably the Conservatives will win again. UKIP will troll the political system as usual but not get anywhere.

2. Meh. Basically all the parties will unite against UKIP. Should be easy enough to put together a government.

3. Will be the economy and immigration.
Not impossible that to form a government after the next election might require a three-way coalition. But would it be:


or would it be:

Not impossible that to form a government after the next election might require a three-way coalition. But would it be:


or would it be:

Labour would never join with UKIP, it would be political suicide. Could see the conservatives doing it, but they would lose a lot of votes to Labour the election after this one.
Not impossible that to form a government after the next election might require a three-way coalition. But would it be:


or would it be:

Not impossible that to form a government after the next election might require a three-way coalition. But would it be:


or would it be:

Labour would never join with UKIP, it would be political suicide. Could see the conservatives doing it, but they would lose a lot of votes to Labour the election after this one.

Not if the voters are reminded how Labour treated the schoolgirls in the industrial heartlands, the very places that labour had the most support. Rochdale and Rotherham will never forgive the labour politicians for what happened on their watch, nor will they be soothed by cries of we did not know either
In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if the Tories were voted back in. But time has begun to tick on the so-called Conservative Party now that their grassroots supporters have seen them for what they are; and now have an alternative that is openly and fiercely hostile towards the European Union: UKIP.

Cameron was quoted earlier today as saying he would not rule out a coalition with UKIP. I do not believe for a minute that Conservatives can get enough votes to form a government unaided.

As to Scotland, they have unleashed a drive for English Independence - something they will likely come to regret.

It is unfortunate that England has found ethnic nationalism and sure my daughter was worried that we would need to build a wall to keep the neo nazi's out. However I still trust the majority of English will keep these losers at bay. They (UKIP) are losing in the polls and last I looked not expected to get any seats.
Labour lead falls as Greens hit 20-year high in Guardian ICM poll Politics The Guardian

Seems the most favourite coalition is Labour/SNP/Greens. (above article) Fine with me.
In Scotland the rise of the SNP looks likely to displace a lot of Labour MPs north of the border. Ironically this might benefit the Tories. The SNP may well want a Tory government as it is the most likely to sway the hearts of Scottish voters to consider independence next time round.

The rise in the SNP for a Westminster is due to Labour being perceived as letting down it's heartlands at the Independence vote. The are now called the red tories.

The SNP do not want a Tory Government. They intend on being in a coalition with Labour. I will be quite happy if the Greens also are in it - that way we may at last have an opportunity to pull the UK back from her ever further move to the right.

There would be a vote on Independence again if the UK voted to come out of the EU but the majority of Scot's voted to stay in which is expected.
In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if the Tories were voted back in. But time has begun to tick on the so-called Conservative Party now that their grassroots supporters have seen them for what they are; and now have an alternative that is openly and fiercely hostile towards the European Union: UKIP.

Cameron was quoted earlier today as saying he would not rule out a coalition with UKIP. I do not believe for a minute that Conservatives can get enough votes to form a government unaided.

As to Scotland, they have unleashed a drive for English Independence - something they will likely come to regret.

It is unfortunate that England has found ethnic nationalism and sure my daughter was worried that we would need to build a wall to keep the neo nazi's out. However I still trust the majority of English will keep these losers at bay. They (UKIP) are losing in the polls and last I looked not expected to get any seats.
Labour lead falls as Greens hit 20-year high in Guardian ICM poll Politics The Guardian

Seems the most favourite coalition is Labour/SNP/Greens. (above article) Fine with me.

Might be fine with you but many English no longer trust any of these parties, we need a strong nationalist party to stand up for English/British rights. Far too long we have been at the mercy of neo Marxists who sold our souls and innocents for a hand full of votes. They destroyed the NHS, Education, Police and such like by cronyism. The people will remember that the greens want everyone to run around barefoot in homes with no heating or lighting while turbines destroy the countryside. They will also remember the threats made by the SNP when it looked like they were not going to get their own way. Why should M.P's elected for Scotland be voting on matters that only concern England, when English M.P's cant vote on Scottish matters. Labour has no idea on how to run a charity bookstall never mind a country, and they will just raise taxes until everyone is unemployed and destitute. Then give the country to the immigrants to destroy as they want.

We had 13 years of living under a nanny state we don't want it again. Just as we don't want the country to end up like Greece and be bankrupt because that is what will happen. Under the Tories we have seen a light that is getting brighter, under your coalition we would see darkness and no way out

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