UK election.

Tom Clancy

Clancy for Ron Paul
May 23, 2009
I'm guessing I'm gonna be the only around here interested in the Upcoming UK Election.. Right? :eusa_eh:

Well anyways, here's a thread dedicated to the UK Election.

Main Election Tab.

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | UK election

Thoughts and Polls on last night's Debate.

BBC News - Parties claim election TV debate verdict

SNAP POLLS ON THE DEBATE As of Thursday, April 15th.

-ITV: Clegg 43%, Cameron 26%, Brown 20%

-YouGov/The Sun: Clegg 51%, Cameron 29%, Brown 19%

-Channel Four: Clegg 58%, Brown 28%, Cameron 13%

-Sky News: Clegg 37%, Brown 32%, Cameron 31%

Clegg: Liberal Democrat.

Brown: Labour.

Cameron: Conservative.
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I watched the debate last night. It was the first time that UK party leaders had debated live on TV, which I find really weird.

Clegg came off really well. Kicked the ass of the big two.

Cameron did well. Brown was definitely the worst of the three, in my opinion.
I watched the debate last night. It was the first time that UK party leaders had debated live on TV, which I find really weird.

Clegg came off really well. Kicked the ass of the big two.

Cameron did well. Brown was definitely the worst of the three, in my opinion.

Is it really? Interesting.. I find it weird that there hasn't been a Live Debate on TV Before..

Clegg seems pretty smart.. But don't agree with his Policies..

In my Opinion, I like Cameron, I still remember watching the UK European Parliament Elections when I was in the UK last summer.. I find BBC one of the most interesting and watchable News around.

Brown, no matter what, is gone.. Labour Party is in such mess..
I watched the debate last night. It was the first time that UK party leaders had debated live on TV, which I find really weird.

Clegg came off really well. Kicked the ass of the big two.

Cameron did well. Brown was definitely the worst of the three, in my opinion.

Is it really? Interesting.. I find it weird that there hasn't been a Live Debate on TV Before..

Clegg seems pretty smart.. But don't agree with his Policies..

In my Opinion, I like Cameron, I still remember watching the UK European Parliament Elections when I was in the UK last summer.. I find BBC one of the most interesting and watchable News around.

Brown, no matter what, is gone.. Labour Party is in such mess..

There isn't that much difference between Labor and Conservative anyway... Lib Dems won't get in but could hold the balance of power. I don't think it really matters that much anyway.

The debates continue... there are more debates scheduled between now and the election so it will be interesting to see how they develop.
As a rule, I don't pass along these "add your name" lists that appear in emails, BUT this one is important. It has been circulating for months and has been sent to over 20 million people.

We don't want to lose any names on the list so just hit forward and send it on.

Please keep it going!

To show your support for Gordon Brown please go to the end of the list below and add your name.

1. Mrs Brown.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.

Lately they've been getting a lot of support from the Younger Crowd..

In my Opinion Cameron will in, Clegg *Maybe second* and Brown Dead Last..

It's gonna be a tough time for the Labour Party to regroup..

Hell, when i was England last summer every morning on BBC I kept hearing; "Mr.___ has decided to resign from Prime Minister's cabinet. Leaving Prime Minister Brown in a very tough spot." and.. so-on.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.

Lately they've been getting a lot of support from the Younger Crowd..

In my Opinion Cameron will in, Clegg *Maybe second* and Brown Dead Last..

It's gonna be a tough time for the Labour Party to regroup..

Hell, when i was England last summer every morning on BBC I kept hearing; "Mr.___ has decided to resign from Prime Minister's cabinet. Leaving Prime Minister Brown in a very tough spot." and.. so-on.

There is no doubt that Brown has been damaged by the recession and economic shit that Britain's suffered from. Mainly because he was Chancellor of the Exchequer during the good times. He should have handled the nation's finances better but Labor love spending taxpayers money 'taking care of everybody'.... so they overspent and now they're in the shit. Brown's responsible for bad financial management.

I'm looking forward to the next debate. I suspect Cameron will be better prepared.... but the pressure is on him, not Clegg... Clegg has nothing to lose because no one expects much of him. Cameron has all the pressure because the election is his to lose. Brown... well, he really should have resigned and let someone else take over the labor party.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.

Lately they've been getting a lot of support from the Younger Crowd..

In my Opinion Cameron will in, Clegg *Maybe second* and Brown Dead Last..

It's gonna be a tough time for the Labour Party to regroup..

Hell, when i was England last summer every morning on BBC I kept hearing; "Mr.___ has decided to resign from Prime Minister's cabinet. Leaving Prime Minister Brown in a very tough spot." and.. so-on.

Labour will be just fine. Because of how the district lines are currently drawn, Labour could come in third and still win a plurality of the seats.
There is no doubt that Brown has been damaged by the recession and economic shit that Britain's suffered from. Mainly because he was Chancellor of the Exchequer during the good times. He should have handled the nation's finances better but Labor love spending taxpayers money 'taking care of everybody'.... so they overspent and now they're in the shit. Brown's responsible for bad financial management.

If only that were true. Labour spend most of it's tenure in office trying to be Tory-lite. He cut personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, and other business taxes.
I watched the debate last night. It was the first time that UK party leaders had debated live on TV, which I find really weird.

Clegg came off really well. Kicked the ass of the big two.

Cameron did well. Brown was definitely the worst of the three, in my opinion.

Is it really? Interesting.. I find it weird that there hasn't been a Live Debate on TV Before..

Clegg seems pretty smart.. But don't agree with his Policies..

In my Opinion, I like Cameron, I still remember watching the UK European Parliament Elections when I was in the UK last summer.. I find BBC one of the most interesting and watchable News around.

Brown, no matter what, is gone.. Labour Party is in such mess..

Yep, first time there's been a TV debate.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.

Lately they've been getting a lot of support from the Younger Crowd..

In my Opinion Cameron will in, Clegg *Maybe second* and Brown Dead Last..

It's gonna be a tough time for the Labour Party to regroup..

Hell, when i was England last summer every morning on BBC I kept hearing; "Mr.___ has decided to resign from Prime Minister's cabinet. Leaving Prime Minister Brown in a very tough spot." and.. so-on.

If the Lib Dems come second it will represent a seismic change in the voting habits of the British public.

Traditionally, while the Lib Dems show well in polls and in local and by elections, they drop into a distant third place (in terms of the number of seats they win) in general elections because a Lib Dem vote is seen as a wasted vote.

Their share of the vote (in terms of ballots cast) does not translate into seats because of the first past the post electoral system. This is the reason the Lib Dems always want to introduce Proportional Representation. While Lab or Con are in power they are unlikely to agree to this because it suits them to maintain the status quo. Thus, there hasn't been a Liberal government for nearly 100 years.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.

Odd that Scotland gets so much money from Westminster, considering that it contributes relatively little. Oh, hang on, Gordon is a scot isn't he.
I Brown as lame as John Major? Been years since I paid attention to what was going on over there. Of course, the fact they have elections so seldom makes it hard to keep up interest

Odd that the conservative leader is a scot. They get so little support up there.

Lately they've been getting a lot of support from the Younger Crowd..

In my Opinion Cameron will in, Clegg *Maybe second* and Brown Dead Last..

It's gonna be a tough time for the Labour Party to regroup..

Hell, when i was England last summer every morning on BBC I kept hearing; "Mr.___ has decided to resign from Prime Minister's cabinet. Leaving Prime Minister Brown in a very tough spot." and.. so-on.

If the Lib Dems come second it will represent a seismic change in the voting habits of the British public.

Traditionally, while the Lib Dems show well in polls and in local and by elections, they drop into a distant third place (in terms of the number of seats they win) in general elections because a Lib Dem vote is seen as a wasted vote.

Their share of the vote (in terms of ballots cast) does not translate into seats because of the first past the post electoral system. This is the reason the Lib Dems always want to introduce Proportional Representation. While Lab or Con are in power they are unlikely to agree to this because it suits them to maintain the status quo. Thus, there hasn't been a Liberal government for nearly 100 years.

I figure a Cameron victory, Labour second with no clear majority. A hung parliament I think you call it. That'll be tricky, will it not? Because the LibDems will hold the balance of power and they are not, to my understanding, the traditional friend of the Conservatives. I think they were originally a break away group from Labour?
There is no doubt that Brown has been damaged by the recession and economic shit that Britain's suffered from. Mainly because he was Chancellor of the Exchequer during the good times. He should have handled the nation's finances better but Labor love spending taxpayers money 'taking care of everybody'.... so they overspent and now they're in the shit. Brown's responsible for bad financial management.

If only that were true. Labour spend most of it's tenure in office trying to be Tory-lite. He cut personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, and other business taxes.

Labour tried to appear to be Tory lite.

In reality, they introduced a huge number of new taxes (dubbed "stealth taxes") so that while Brown / Blair could claim to have reduced the tax on certain headline items, the overall tax burden actually went up.
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Lately they've been getting a lot of support from the Younger Crowd..

In my Opinion Cameron will in, Clegg *Maybe second* and Brown Dead Last..

It's gonna be a tough time for the Labour Party to regroup..

Hell, when i was England last summer every morning on BBC I kept hearing; "Mr.___ has decided to resign from Prime Minister's cabinet. Leaving Prime Minister Brown in a very tough spot." and.. so-on.

If the Lib Dems come second it will represent a seismic change in the voting habits of the British public.

Traditionally, while the Lib Dems show well in polls and in local and by elections, they drop into a distant third place (in terms of the number of seats they win) in general elections because a Lib Dem vote is seen as a wasted vote.

Their share of the vote (in terms of ballots cast) does not translate into seats because of the first past the post electoral system. This is the reason the Lib Dems always want to introduce Proportional Representation. While Lab or Con are in power they are unlikely to agree to this because it suits them to maintain the status quo. Thus, there hasn't been a Liberal government for nearly 100 years.

I figure a Cameron victory, Labour second with no clear majority. A hung parliament I think you call it. That'll be tricky, will it not? Because the LibDems will hold the balance of power and they are not, to my understanding, the traditional friend of the Conservatives. I think they were originally a break away group from Labour?

Actually, the Liberal Party has been around much longer than Labour, but was strengthened (supposedly) when it joined forces with a Labour breakaway group called the SDP in the 80s. The SDP was formed by 4 senior Labour MPs (David Owen, Shirley Williams, Roy Hattersley and Roy Jenkins). At the time, it was considered by some that this could be the Libs' big chance to regain power. Of course nothing ever came of it,

Well nothing politically significant anyway. In entertainment terms the show Spitting Image had some great fun with David Owen (SDP) and David Steel (Liberal leader), always showing Owen to be the 'dominant' partner.

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]
For those of you that want to understand better how Britain's electoral process works, I'm about to confuse you.

The BBC has set up an Election Seat calculator, which allows you to predict the number of seats each party will win based on what you feel will be their share of the vote.

BBC News - Election seat calculator

To hold an absolute majority, one party needs to win a minimum of 326 seats. I just set the share of vote for the 3 main parties at equal levels. The result of this is that:

.............................................Share of Vote................# of seats
Labour..........................................30 %.........................315
Conservatives................................30 %.........................209
Lib Dems.......................................30 %........................100

Weird, huh?

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