UK gun laws to be tightened after Plymouth mass shooting

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.
I don't care about England's gun laws, and they don't have an enumerated right to bear arms like we do in the United States.

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.
But wait, i thought that no one was allowed to have a gun in Britstain? So now will they cut off the heads of people carry guns?

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.
Well then get rid of all your leftist leaders and you wont have a lawless state like the US has now.

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Lawless state?
Glad you can finally admit that Democrat policies cause crime, not prevent it. Only thing you're doing is making the problems worse. Quickest way to end the lawlessness in America would be to get rid of every Democrat in every large city in America. You wouldn't believe the change that would make.

It's also funny that you woke-ass liberals think the only murder that happens in your country that matters is those committed with a gun.

Tightening up already tight gun laws will only assure that nobody will have the ability to defend themselves from criminals, or authoritarian governments.
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The problem with you ring kissers is that you think the fucking government can protect you.
Well I disagree. What you are seeing is a process taking place in a country that is civilised.
A tragedy happens.The facts are established. We find out the causes and take action. That is the civilisd way.
Gun control is not a political issue here. Primarily because there is no gun lobby buying up our politicians.
If you support gun control, raise your right hand

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Lawless state?
Glad you can finally admit that Democrat policies cause crime, not prevent it. Only thing you're doing is making the problems worse. Quickest way to end the lawlessness in America would be to get rid of every Democrat in every large city in America. You wouldn't believe the change that would make.

It's also funny that you woke-ass liberals think the only murders that happen in your country that matter is those committed with a gun.

Tightening up already tight gun laws will only assure that nobody will have the ability to defend themselves from criminals, or authoritarian governments.
Nobody needs a gun.

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.
So, no Minutemen to resist Government tyranny to take away the right to keep and bear arms? Must be that all the men with balls were killed during the World Wars and only pussies left to breed.

No citizens, only subjects.

This happened in 2021 when an incel went crazy and shot 5 people. Incredibly he owned a shotgun.

He was given a license through lax policing and poorly drafted legislation. This will change now and it will be a lot harder to get a gun.

The inquest has highlighted many issues around the process and they should be easy to sort out. For instance you will have to prove why you need a gun. It is a privilege not a right.

Nobody wants to see us turn into a lawless state like the US.

So sayeth Pakistan on the Thames . . .
Well I disagree. What you are seeing is a process taking place in a country that is civilised.
A tragedy happens.The facts are established. We find out the causes and take action. That is the civilisd way.
Gun control is not a political issue here. Primarily because there is no gun lobby buying up our politicians.

You have traded your liberty for the false promise of safety provided by politicians
Well I disagree. What you are seeing is a process taking place in a country that is civilised.
A tragedy happens.The facts are established. We find out the causes and take action. That is the civilisd way.
Gun control is not a political issue here. Primarily because there is no gun lobby buying up our politicians.
Gun laws don't stop shootings.....cutting down on gun free areas and arresting kooks before they kill....stops them.
Nobody needs a gun.
You would think that if you lived in a city and locked your doors and didn't go anywhere at night.
But here in America there are people who don't live in the city and have to worry about cougars attacking their livestock or roving bands of illegals trying to steal their truck so they can make it to the nearest town.
In those cases you have to own a gun, or it becomes the wild West of the 1800s.

Eventually this country is going to be split up into little communities that defend their people without the help of the government. Any strangers will be questioned and only allowed to go thru with the good graces of the armed militias controlling those districts. The police will have become so woke that they're more a hindrance to peace and tranquility than a help.
Well I disagree. What you are seeing is a process taking place in a country that is civilised.
A tragedy happens.The facts are established. We find out the causes and take action. That is the civilisd way.

We Americans very well understand what you British mean by “civilised”. We fought and won two wars against your degenerate nation, to protect ourselves from your notions of “civilised”.

By the way…

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that causes you to delusionally imagine that you're in any position to look down on me for my profession?

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