UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy. That means I am off to watch the game between Giants and Padre. As far as you are concerned, please take advantage of Obama Care and seek some professional help.

Why can't you answer his question? Seems fair and topical. I wouldn't want to send immigrants who were already there back to their homeland, but there wouldn't be anything wrong with having some tight restrictions on immigrants from certain areas of the world.

Nastiness is coming to our home towns but it's impossible to predict the timeline here. Might not be in our lifetimes. The reason it is inevitable is because of the combination of Multiculturalism, Free Market and Democracy. All 3 together are unstable. Any two can work, but 3 can't. With 3 in place you get lots of ethnic violence playing out.

We're now multiple generations into Hispanic presence in America. They weren't subjected to Jim Crow. This is what we see:


An elderly white physician who retires from the workforce and is replaced by a Hispanic short order cook creates a taxation and support problem. It would make for an easier society if a Hispanic short order cook retired and was supported from the taxes of a white physician, but that Hispanic short order cook isn't going to generate enough in taxes to support the retired white physician.

The more prosperous and economically vital population is being replaced by a poorer and less economically dynamic population.

On top of this dynamic we have blacks and Muslims, both pulling us downward. The bright spot comes from Asian and South Asian populations, at least on the economic front, but they create their own problems - they create massive ethnic nepotism networks. I've seen university departments and even some corporate departments trend very heavily South Asian or Chinese because the people in power started favoring their own and it just builds on itself. That's very disruptive to good order in society.

Everywhere we see multiculturalism we see ethic loyalty placed above national loyalty. So, this being the case, best to take the pain that comes from reordering the decks and then build on that towards a better society.

I think a lot of the "open borders" liberals would just LOVE to see us become more multicultural until we have no national identity and no unity as a country. I think that is their ultimate goal. Watching what is happening in other countries, we definitely have to be more selective in who we are allowing into the country. If they aren't going to (or cannot due to lack of education or whatever) contribute to the economy, then they should not be allowed to become citizens, and we should purge the ones who are here now collecting services. We only need and want immigrants who are going to ADD to our country, not weaken it, IMO.

Your last sentence. It's sad to read that you feel that you have to add an IMO to close it off. What you wrote used to be the very basis for immigration policy for most nations. The selected immigrant has to ADD value to the host nation, not subtract value. Then liberals got a hold of immigration policy and flipped it, now the purpose of immigration is to uplift the lives of immigrants.

Look everywhere in the West and you see immigrants are massive users of social welfare. Sweden is taking in massive amounts of immigrants and most of them go on welfare for life. What are they adding to Swedish society? They're the equivalent of hanging an anchor around your neck and then going out for a swim. Here in the US we've been fighting a multigenerational war on poverty. The entire increase in poverty since 1990 has been due entirely to Hispanic citizens. If there had been no influx of Hispanics, the poverty situation would have improved drastically.

Another point in reaction to your last sentence. "Need and want" implies that we, society, get to pick and choose. Liberals have upended that too, now the choice rests with the illegal infiltrator and he imposes his presence on the US when he gets Amnesty, we don't get to pick and choose which immigrants to invite, the infiltrator has chosen and imposed. We get the people who couldn't make a go of it in Mexico, hence it's no surprise that they become net burdens on American society.

This leads to the problem with multiculturalism and democracy - parties eventually turn into racial blocs. It used to be the case that whites split evenly between Democrats and Republicans depending on how the various policies appealed to people. Now Democrats are slowly turning into the Party of Color and the Republicans are turning into the Party of Whites who are opposed to Democratic efforts to take wealth away from whites and distribute it to the people of color. This dynamic is toxic to civil order.

So back to my first point - at some point a critical juncture is reached, people simply reject the toxic society created and rebel and try to restore a more civil society. They reject a racialized political arena and want to restore politics to be about ideas and so they work to being about a racially homogeneous society in order to cut out the cancer of racial politics.

Great post! You raise some really interesting points to think about. :)

I feel like I've reached that point already where I am just sick and tired of this racially based nonsense constantly being thrown in my face. I want what's best for my country.

A fantastic book published by Harvard University Press -


Private Truths, Public Lies
The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification

Here's the key point:

A common effect of preference falsification is the preservation of widely disliked structures. Another is the conferment of an aura of stability on structures vulnerable to sudden collapse. When the support of a policy, tradition, or regime is largely contrived, a minor event may activate a bandwagon that generates massive yet unanticipated change.
You being sick of PC is a widely held view, people's private truths are very aligned with yours but what they say in public, the Public Lie, hides the truth and people have to lie because there are severe social consequences to telling the truth.

The Soviet Union collapsed very quickly because everyone was holding a pretty common private truth while uttering public lies and then suddenly most everyone realized that their private truth was very widely held and so they broke from the fear of social shaming and started uttering their private truths and boom, the script flipped in a matter of months.

Here the social convention is held in place by the social consequences of being accused of racism. Once whites no longer fear the consequences and disable the punishment mechanism then the script is flipped. We see that a lot of people think like you by how they act, rather than by what they say. Whites vote overwhelming against Affirmative Action, whites congregate to the Republicans because the Republicans don't support race-based policies, whites seek to live in neighborhoods with schools that have low minority proportions, liberals flock to Vermont and Portland because these all-white locations have have levels of social capital and are places where liberals can let their freak fly and create their trendy,socialistic cultures. They're not flocking to multicultural heavens like Detroit and Birmingham.

Look for the thread about Robert Reich and his comments on Detroit. Obama is already making noises about taxing suburbs in order to send money to inner cities. Government won't allow whites to escape the social wreckage caused by minorities. This pressure to transfer wealth from whites to minorities is only going to increase as the voting power of minorities increases. This dynamic is going to make race relations worse. As time passes and more wealth gets transferred and more Affirmative Action programs sprout up to create equal outcomes in unfair ways, the pressure on the social fabric will increase. Something is going to snap. The Soviet Union's collapse caught many Soviet experts by surprise in that they really didn't see such a sudden event coming and didn't think it was even possible. The trick is to understand and pay attention to the very fundamental aspects in play and then the situation becomes clearer.

Multiculturalism in Europe is headed for a big crack-up. France has already experimented with paying immigrants to leave. Denmark is creating a two-tier benefits system. Norway suffered from the Breivik massacre, when he took out the kids at the socialist training camp, and now the party he belonged to is the 3rd largest in Norway and actually part of the government. Norway actually deported some refugees.

The problem for Western nations is that liberals block popular movements. In Sweden, the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats came in 3rd place but the other parties won't work with them. Meanwhile Sweden is boosting the number of immigrants it takes in, following the UK Labour Party strategy, and US Democratic Party strategy, of importing a new voting class. When you give votes to the immigrants, they vote to give themselves benefits, vote to bring in more immigrants (their relatives) and won't vote to deport immigrants. Leftists push the issue right to the brink and want to create legal stalemates - the multicultural class becomes so large that the problem they create can't be resolved politically because they use their power to block reforms. Once a society gets to that point then it's primed to seek problems outside of the political arena, through revolution or coup.

Look at Norway:

A far wealthier social democracy than Sweden, Norway spends a greater share of gross domestic product on humanitarian assistance than any other country in the world. It also has the lowest unemployment in Europe and, like Sweden, several decades of experience with immigration.

Yet Norway is not encouraging asylum-seekers. When I recently asked one of the very few Syrians I met in Oslo why he had chosen Norway, he said, “I thought Oslo was in Sweden.” And while the Norwegian government has agreed to resettle 1,000 United Nations-selected Syrian refugees, this summer it rejected 123 of them because of medical conditions deemed too serious for local health services to manage.

This has put Sweden and Norway on opposite sides of an emerging debate: whether advanced welfare states designed for small and homogeneous societies in the mid-20th century are capable of absorbing large numbers of non-European foreigners.​

In Sweden, a closely patrolled pro-immigration “consensus” has sustained extraordinarily liberal policies while placing a virtual taboo on questions about the social and economic costs. In Norway, a strong tradition of free speech and efficient administration has produced a hard-nosed approach about which refugees, and how many, to take in.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry has calculated that because of all the social, health, housing and welfare benefits mandated by the state, supporting a single refugee in Norway costs $125,000 — enough to support some 26 Syrians in Jordan. And the Norwegian press has reported that following an alleged terrorist threat from abroad in July, Norway’s immigration authorities deported asylum seekers who raised security concerns.

Norwegians have this quaint notion that Norway exists to make life pleasant for Norwegians. Sweden has the notion that Sweden exists for Swedes to make life pleasant for Muslims who come to Sweden. Time will tell which is the more stable model for society. Also look at the cost, $125,000 to support a Syrian in Norway. How is that good for Norway?

Bad times are coming and it's all due to traitorous liberals.
The way I look at it, there are multiple groups of people who need to be brought to justice in the order laid out below:

- The principals that run the racket
- The customers who are actually engaging in forceful sex
- Social services staff under whose care the girls are
- The boys aka baits if they are old enough to know better

You forgot the Labour Party politicians who voted to allow the demographic transformation of society in order to import a new Labour Party voting class. They should bring back some old-school punishment for those traitors.
FactCheck Enoch Powell s 1968 speech - Channel 4 News

AND! ! ! ! was he proved right all these years later

It's not PC for you to say stuff like that.

And therein lies the problem of our times. You can't open your mouth.

We can now as the UAF/ANL/hopenotsoap scum have had their claws trimmed right back. The thug arm of the Labour party has been caged and it cant stop freedom of speech anymore, shown by the numbers now speaking openly about Islamic intolerance
The way I look at it, there are multiple groups of people who need to be brought to justice in the order laid out below:

- The principals that run the racket
- The customers who are actually engaging in forceful sex
- Social services staff under whose care the girls are
- The boys aka baits if they are old enough to know better

You forgot the Labour Party politicians who voted to allow the demographic transformation of society in order to import a new Labour Party voting class. They should bring back some old-school punishment for those traitors.
FactCheck Enoch Powell s 1968 speech - Channel 4 News

AND! ! ! ! was he proved right all these years later

It's not PC for you to say stuff like that.

And therein lies the problem of our times. You can't open your mouth.

There is a big room between promotion of genocide and letting someone walk all over you. There is nothing wrong with implementing law and order to protect your citizens but you do not have to commit genocide to implement law and order in your country. That simply is madness. I am not saying that you are personally proposing gross human-right violations of people of color because I have not seen any such post from you but there are lots of people on this forum who are essentially saying that and that is VERY wrong.

You already have a good PM in David Cameron. You need to strengthen his hands instead of encouraging hate mongers from fringe parties. BTW, there was a raid yesterday on the extremists in London. I think about 9 of them were arrested. That is a welcoming news. These are the kind of steps that need to be taken not hysteria driven cries that some of you are outpouring.

Islamic terror Raids across London Anjem Choudary held - The Times of India

Those people who have made Britain their home, they are your people regardless of their color. Treat them with respect and fairness.

Treat then as the terrorist scum they are and execute them, then burn their remains and scatter then to the four winds. They are not British but still tied to their nations of first alliegance
There is a big room between promotion of genocide and letting someone walk all over you. There is nothing wrong with implementing law and order to protect your citizens but you do not have to commit genocide to implement law and order in your country. That simply is madness. I am not saying that you are personally proposing gross human-right violations of people of color because I have not seen any such post from you but there are lots of people on this forum who are essentially saying that and that is VERY wrong.

Voluntary and forced repatriation of people is not genocide.

If one group (Labour Party) walks around with a syringe of Ebola and injects a person then it's wrong to blame the physician for all of the trauma he has to inflict on you to cure you of what the other party (Labor Party of UK) has inflicted upon you.

Those people who have made Britain their home, they are your people regardless of their color. Treat them with respect and fairness.

They're not wanted by many. The British people were NEVER ASKED, this was imposed on them. They have a right to restore their society back to the condition before multiculturalism was imposed on them.

You need to be repatriated to the nearest mental hospital. That is all I have to say about the crazy post of yours.

When these scum start integrating and stop preaching hatred then they might be accepted, until then they are foreign terrorist scun.
You need to be repatriated to the nearest mental hospital. That is all I have to say about the crazy post of yours.

Time to undo the Partition of India. Right?

Stick to the topic.
That is the topic. As with the Partition of India, the forced repatriation of non-Brits to their homeland will make for a more peaceful, safe, prosperous and inviting England.

Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy. That means I am off to watch the game between Giants and Padre. As far as you are concerned, please take advantage of Obama Care and seek some professional help.

Why can't you answer his question? Seems fair and topical. I wouldn't want to send immigrants who were already there back to their homeland, but there wouldn't be anything wrong with having some tight restrictions on immigrants from certain areas of the world.

YES very tight restrictions like a doctors report detailing every ailment they have and an insurance certificate to cover housing, education, health and unemployment. Then a return ticket valid for 20 years lodged with the British government so if their insurance is fake or does not pay out they can be put on a plane back home.
Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy.

You will be happy as long as Madbum is on his game.

Without Pagan in the lineup, they are not the same team as when he's in it, though, so I wouldn't expect them to get far.
I just wanted to mention here, folks, that the multicultists are NOT liberal. If they were liberal, they would evaluate according to liberal values, and seek to protect the weak against the strong here, as well as stand up for women's rights that are so absent among those they routinely defend.

At its heart, multiculturalism seeks to preserve knuckle dragging, backwards ways that existed before the enlightenment, so it is actually an extreme conservative approach to politics since it seeks to conserve the entrenched cultural values of troglodytes. Sure, idiots on the left have embraced it so thoroughly it is often confused with liberalism, but it really represents just a mindless devotion to political conformity much resembling the most ardent religious fundamentalist on the right. Multiculturalism = leftist fundamentalism and not liberalism.
many hundreds of kids abused by christians

With the full cooperation of the government in return for votes. Forcing the police to sit back and let it happen under their noses

I just wanted to mention here, folks, that the multicultists are NOT liberal. If they were liberal, they would evaluate according to liberal values, and seek to protect the weak against the strong here, as well as stand up for women's rights that are so absent among those they routinely defend.

At its heart, multiculturalism seeks to preserve knuckle dragging, backwards ways that existed before the enlightenment, so it is actually an extreme conservative approach to politics since it seeks to conserve the entrenched cultural values of troglodytes. Sure, idiots on the left have embraced it so thoroughly it is often confused with liberalism, but it really represents just a mindless devotion to political conformity much resembling the most ardent religious fundamentalist on the right. Multiculturalism = leftist fundamentalism and not liberalism.

Let me take a wild guess. You're a liberal and you're dumb as a box of rocks. Did I use the clues you provided and guess correctly?
I just wanted to mention here, folks, that the multicultists are NOT liberal. If they were liberal, they would evaluate according to liberal values, and seek to protect the weak against the strong here, as well as stand up for women's rights that are so absent among those they routinely defend.

At its heart, multiculturalism seeks to preserve knuckle dragging, backwards ways that existed before the enlightenment, so it is actually an extreme conservative approach to politics since it seeks to conserve the entrenched cultural values of troglodytes. Sure, idiots on the left have embraced it so thoroughly it is often confused with liberalism, but it really represents just a mindless devotion to political conformity much resembling the most ardent religious fundamentalist on the right. Multiculturalism = leftist fundamentalism and not liberalism.

Let me take a wild guess. You're a liberal and you're dumb as a box of rocks. Did I use the clues you provided and guess correctly?

No, I am an independent and the kind folks at Stanford thought enough of my intelligence to admit me in 1972.
I just wanted to mention here, folks, that the multicultists are NOT liberal. If they were liberal, they would evaluate according to liberal values, and seek to protect the weak against the strong here, as well as stand up for women's rights that are so absent among those they routinely defend.

At its heart, multiculturalism seeks to preserve knuckle dragging, backwards ways that existed before the enlightenment, so it is actually an extreme conservative approach to politics since it seeks to conserve the entrenched cultural values of troglodytes. Sure, idiots on the left have embraced it so thoroughly it is often confused with liberalism, but it really represents just a mindless devotion to political conformity much resembling the most ardent religious fundamentalist on the right. Multiculturalism = leftist fundamentalism and not liberalism.

Let me take a wild guess. You're a liberal and you're dumb as a box of rocks. Did I use the clues you provided and guess correctly?

No, I am an independent and the kind folks at Stanford thought enough of my intelligence to admit me in 1972.
Too bad they never taught you to refrain from trotting out the No True Scotsman fallacy.
I just wanted to mention here, folks, that the multicultists are NOT liberal. If they were liberal, they would evaluate according to liberal values, and seek to protect the weak against the strong here, as well as stand up for women's rights that are so absent among those they routinely defend.

At its heart, multiculturalism seeks to preserve knuckle dragging, backwards ways that existed before the enlightenment, so it is actually an extreme conservative approach to politics since it seeks to conserve the entrenched cultural values of troglodytes. Sure, idiots on the left have embraced it so thoroughly it is often confused with liberalism, but it really represents just a mindless devotion to political conformity much resembling the most ardent religious fundamentalist on the right. Multiculturalism = leftist fundamentalism and not liberalism.

I don't think I would classify them as either. Having said that, I note that it is mostly liberals who believe in multiculturalism. They don't understand that a nation cannot excel when it is composed of people with entirely different beliefs, morals and ethics, and it cannot possibly make for a strong united nation.

Like I said earlier, I think these are the same people who believe in "open borders," one of the most STUPID ideas in the world.
Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy.

You will be happy as long as Madbum is on his game.

Without Pagan in the lineup, they are not the same team as when he's in it, though, so I wouldn't expect them to get far.

I think Pagan has not been fielding well. His defense was particularly bad in the game against Dodgers where Giants lost 17-0. That was a pain to watch. I watched that game at AT&T Park. It was such a high scoring game that for a moment I thought I was watching cricket :)

BTW, did you watch the fight between Bumgarner and Puig. That was funny.

Indians deserve india
The British deserve Brition.


... and you deserve basic education. Instead of focusing on getting education and making your life better, you waste way too much time on spreading hate. That is the root cause of your misery.
You need to be repatriated to the nearest mental hospital. That is all I have to say about the crazy post of yours.

Time to undo the Partition of India. Right?

Stick to the topic.
That is the topic. As with the Partition of India, the forced repatriation of non-Brits to their homeland will make for a more peaceful, safe, prosperous and inviting England.

Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy. That means I am off to watch the game between Giants and Padre. As far as you are concerned, please take advantage of Obama Care and seek some professional help.

Why can't you answer his question? Seems fair and topical. I wouldn't want to send immigrants who were already there back to their homeland, but there wouldn't be anything wrong with having some tight restrictions on immigrants from certain areas of the world.

Here, I am summarizing it for you so that there should be no room for misunderstanding:

a. Every country has right to enforce immigration check. There is nothing wrong with that.

b. There is a difference between enforcing immigration policies and uprooting citizens or killing them or imprisoning them because of their skin color. The latter is called human rights violation and no civilized country would ever do that.

c. I have no desire to engage in discussion with someone who promotes human rights violation. Those who advocate human rights violations are mentally ill or evil, e.g., Adolf Hitler.
Time to undo the Partition of India. Right?

Stick to the topic.
That is the topic. As with the Partition of India, the forced repatriation of non-Brits to their homeland will make for a more peaceful, safe, prosperous and inviting England.

Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy. That means I am off to watch the game between Giants and Padre. As far as you are concerned, please take advantage of Obama Care and seek some professional help.

Why can't you answer his question? Seems fair and topical. I wouldn't want to send immigrants who were already there back to their homeland, but there wouldn't be anything wrong with having some tight restrictions on immigrants from certain areas of the world.

Here, I am summarizing it for you so that there should be no room for misunderstanding:

a. Every country has right to enforce immigration check. There is nothing wrong with that.

b. There is a difference between enforcing immigration policies and uprooting citizens or killing them or imprisoning them because of their skin color. The latter is called human rights violation and no civilized country would ever do that.

c. I have no desire to engage in discussion with someone who promotes human rights violation. Those who advocate human rights violations are mentally ill or evil, e.g., Adolf Hitler.

Having tighter immigration standards is NOT a human rights violation. Where on EARTH do you get that crazy nonsense? You're weird. :lol:

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