UK : Pakistani men sexually abused 1400 young/minor girls

Increased British white segregation

Increased British white segregation

A fabulous city of diversity, by the way are you the nobhead who believed the fake strap on story:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White British3,669,28444.9
White Irish175,9742.2
Irish Traveller8,1960.1
Other White1,033,98112.6
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White and Black Caribbean119,4251.5
White and Black African65,4790.8
White and Asian101,5001.2
Other Mixed118,8751.5
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White British3,669,28444.9
White Irish175,9742.2
Irish Traveller8,1960.1
Other White1,033,98112.6
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White and Black Caribbean119,4251.5
White and Black African65,4790.8
White and Asian101,5001.2
Other Mixed118,8751.5

Thanks for those statistics but I don't see how they support your claim that everything is ducky in London:

Something quite remarkable happened in London in the first decade of the new millennium. The number of white British people in the capital fell by 620,000 - equivalent to the entire population of Glasgow moving out.

The consequence, as revealed by the latest census, is that white Brits are now in a minority in London, making up just 45% of its residents.​
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White British3,669,28444.9
White Irish175,9742.2
Irish Traveller8,1960.1
Other White1,033,98112.6
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White and Black Caribbean119,4251.5
White and Black African65,4790.8
White and Asian101,5001.2
Other Mixed118,8751.5

Thanks for those statistics but I don't see how they support your claim that everything is ducky in London:

Something quite remarkable happened in London in the first decade of the new millennium. The number of white British people in the capital fell by 620,000 - equivalent to the entire population of Glasgow moving out.

The consequence, as revealed by the latest census, is that white Brits are now in a minority in London, making up just 45% of its residents.​
so what , 100% of my relatives who lived in the east end of London left to form similar ghettos in the suburbs.They live in Edgware, Golders green and Totteridge, why! the made there money from goy like you and wanted big houses with garden and drives to park their mercs and beamers,

Ps where do you live and why are you too embarrassed to answer.
Last edited:
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White British3,669,28444.9
White Irish175,9742.2
Irish Traveller8,1960.1
Other White1,033,98112.6
Ethnic GroupPopulation in London % of London's population[3]
White and Black Caribbean119,4251.5
White and Black African65,4790.8
White and Asian101,5001.2
Other Mixed118,8751.5

Thanks for those statistics but I don't see how they support your claim that everything is ducky in London:

Something quite remarkable happened in London in the first decade of the new millennium. The number of white British people in the capital fell by 620,000 - equivalent to the entire population of Glasgow moving out.

The consequence, as revealed by the latest census, is that white Brits are now in a minority in London, making up just 45% of its residents.​
so what , 100% of my relatives who lived in the east end of London left to form similar ghettos in the suburbs.They live in Edgware, Goldergreen and Totteridge, why! the made there money from goy like you and wanted big houses with garden and drives to park their mercs and beamers,

Ps where do you live and why are you too embarrassed to answer.

You are a good man I.P.Freely. I do not think he is going to answer your question. I have asked him the same question and he did not answer it. I think these bigots/racists tend to be pussies, which is a good news for the humanity.
Thank you Vikrant, would you believe before these yok scum turned their vitriol on the Muslims, my relatives would loved us to come down to protect the synagogues and split a few of their heads open.:badgrin:
Thank you Vikrant, would you believe before these yok scum turned their vitriol on the Muslims, my relatives would loved us to come down to protect the synagogues and split a few of their heads open.:badgrin:

You are welcome my brother.
That is the topic. As with the Partition of India, the forced repatriation of non-Brits to their homeland will make for a more peaceful, safe, prosperous and inviting England.

Giants won the wildcard. That means they are going to the playoffs. That means I am happy. That means I am off to watch the game between Giants and Padre. As far as you are concerned, please take advantage of Obama Care and seek some professional help.

Why can't you answer his question? Seems fair and topical. I wouldn't want to send immigrants who were already there back to their homeland, but there wouldn't be anything wrong with having some tight restrictions on immigrants from certain areas of the world.

Here, I am summarizing it for you so that there should be no room for misunderstanding:

a. Every country has right to enforce immigration check. There is nothing wrong with that.

b. There is a difference between enforcing immigration policies and uprooting citizens or killing them or imprisoning them because of their skin color. The latter is called human rights violation and no civilized country would ever do that.

c. I have no desire to engage in discussion with someone who promotes human rights violation. Those who advocate human rights violations are mentally ill or evil, e.g., Adolf Hitler.

Is there not a need for uprooting or killing certain citizens when they turn feral and want to take over the country. It is called defending against terrorism and violence and is defending your human rights against violation.

You show you want to engage in human rights violations when they are done to the indigenous, does this make you evil or mentally ill like Mohamed ?
Drivel and drool from sick note:badgrin:

Only because you cant handle the reality of ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM, when gangs of grown men rape, humiliate and degrade 11 and 12 year old girls in a racist manner.
I love the United Kingdom and our next king "Islam this ancient and noble religion".

Nope he has already been told he will have to kill the Queen and then surround himself with a ring of steel before he will be King.

No one is claiming that other people don't molest children too. The point is, it is not acceptable and is a crime in our country, in our culture. In their culture (the ones who immigrate from ME countries anyways), it is an acceptable part of their culture. Child marriages are common in many of those countries in the ME.

No one is claiming that other people don't molest children too. The point is, it is not acceptable and is a crime in our country, in our culture. In their culture (the ones who immigrate from ME countries anyways), it is an acceptable part of their culture. Child marriages are common in many of those countries in the ME.

I have condemned every barbaric act against children whether it be by a Muslim or Christian.
It is claimed that sadomasochism and flagellation have been an enduring part of English male culture for centuries.I dont care as long as they stay within the law.
Gay marriage is now part of our culture. I dont care its legal..
The minimum age for marriage in the UK is 16.
The minimum age for sexual consent in the UK is 16, it is now part of our culture that this is broken frequently.
The lowest minimum age for sexual consent in Europe is catholic Spain at 13, Muslim Turkey has the highest at 18yrs .
I come from a standpoint that all religions are an evil load of bollocks, but singling only one group of religious criminal goes against the wonderful culture of fair play in Great Britain.
Any legal resident of the UK who commits any form of crime should be prosecuted.
I would like to see the culture of the Catholic Confessional banned for obvious reasons, how about you?

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.

The Jews are not a problem, and have not been for thousands of years, but from day one of muslim migration they have been a problem. They caused two riots that resulted in deaths within 50 miles of were I live and these happened last century. Remove islam from the civilised world and let them kill each other and good luck to them. Why should we be expected to pick up the pieces and take in the cowards who ran when they were beat.

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.
Thank you again, always remember Vikrant this is only an American notice board. The reason the British fascist scum arrives here is because they get there arses kicked on a UK board.
Rabbis throughout the UK warned some years ago, that the notorious anti Semitic parties of the right were trying to cosy up to Jews for help in attacking Muslims.British Jews are not stupid.

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.

The Jews are not a problem, and have not been for thousands of years, but from day one of muslim migration they have been a problem. They caused two riots that resulted in deaths within 50 miles of were I live and these happened last century. Remove islam from the civilised world and let them kill each other and good luck to them. Why should we be expected to pick up the pieces and take in the cowards who ran when they were beat.
But Goy those Icons of British traditions and culture the Royal family disagree with a snotty benefit cheat like you. I take my hat off to the late Diana mother of two heirs to the throne for banging Dodi al Fayed, I believe Wills and Harry liked him a lot.

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.
Thank you again, always remember Vikrant this is only an American notice board. The reason the British fascist scum arrives here is because they get there arses kicked on a UK board.
Rabbis throughout the UK warned some years ago, that the notorious anti Semitic parties of the right were trying to cosy up to Jews for help in attacking Muslims.British Jews are not stupid.

But muslims pretending to be Jews are, and they are the ones stirring up the trouble for the Jews.

You are a wise man for not supporting these Nazis. After they are done with Muslims, they will come after Jews. These people are haters and they will always find someone to hate.

The Jews are not a problem, and have not been for thousands of years, but from day one of muslim migration they have been a problem. They caused two riots that resulted in deaths within 50 miles of were I live and these happened last century. Remove islam from the civilised world and let them kill each other and good luck to them. Why should we be expected to pick up the pieces and take in the cowards who ran when they were beat.
But Goy those Icons of British traditions and culture the Royal family disagree with a snotty benefit cheat like you. I take my hat off to the late Diana mother of two heirs to the throne for banging Dodi al Fayed, I believe Wills and Harry liked him a lot.

Why do you think the men in Grey Suits had her eliminated, could it have something to do with she was pregnant and did not know which muslim knocked her up. By the way I am not a "snotty benefit cheat" unlike the vast majority of you muslims that only come here for the jizya seekers allowance

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