UK politicians ran pedophile ring

I know and you get some really good news reports to us!
Reporting sectarian violence in a western country tars the image of the western country. Therefore it is a big No. Things like sectarian violence are supposed to only happen in non-white countries. However, reality does not conform to this wishful thinking. So they create their version of reality by selective reporting of news.

It also has to do with ratings. They air the stories they think are going to garner the most attention. I imagine that is why we haven't heard much about this particular case in America. Sadly, a lot of people would not care because it is happening in another country.

Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

You know, Vikrant, there was a time when a journalist was a journalist. Not this nonsense you see today. Mediocrity is their middle name - many cannot even spell correctly - but there was a sense of duty to the American public to report the news. The good - the bad - the ugly - they would even risk their lives to get that story to the people - nothing was too much. Today? Today you have sellouts - narcissists who want their name in the headlines and care nothing for the truth. They are the first ones to throw truth under the bus because at the end of the day it is all about them. These same journalists will be the first to go when Communism takes over so what have they gained for all their bowing down to the left? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They have sold their own souls for filthy lucre'. That is what they have done.

Media is not about news anymore. It is about making money and spreading propaganda. You have to read news from various sources to actually get to the bottom of things.

You are right about that!. You get some truly great articles, Vikrant. I really appreciate how much you are ahead of things and get the news out there for us. Thank you. I appreciate it.

It just takes a little bit of common sense to notice the propaganda. It is surprising though how many people fall for it. Some people are so brainwashed that they get angry when they come across facts that undermine their false belief.
That is true, Vikrant. I encounter it with Christians who listen year after year to some minister telling them they must make a vow to do this and this and join their church - none of it in scripture mind you - they listen to the prosperity gospel and have come to believe their reward is on the earth - not heaven - it's all nonsense. They will be judged for financing a false gospel not rewarded for it! When I tell them the truth it doesn't sit well with them - what? Should I lie instead? No. I'll tell it like it is.

People invest a lot of time in their false belief systems and some have invested a good sum of money too! Still what good will it do them to remain in a place of ignorance over the matter?
Well jesus is not doing a very good job protecting from sexual predators. Does he not hear their screams as their rectums are ripped asunder.
Satanic's? show me the evidence that will match the constant abuse doled out by Gods very own possessions, the christian priesthood.

Two safe ways to defame a person, one wait till he is dead, two in the house of commons under parliamentary privilege

I still have enough faith in British Justice to wait for the various police investigations and inquiries to end, then if charges are brought I will wait for justice to be dispensed..
I'm not sure why they filter news. I know they do their level best not to report most of the crimes by Muslims in the UK and throughout Europe - when France was set on fire there was not as much reported about it as I thought there should have been. In France it was out of fear they didn't report too much - but what was America's excuse? Who knows.

Reporting sectarian violence in a western country tars the image of the western country. Therefore it is a big No. Things like sectarian violence are supposed to only happen in non-white countries. However, reality does not conform to this wishful thinking. So they create their version of reality by selective reporting of news.

It also has to do with ratings. They air the stories they think are going to garner the most attention. I imagine that is why we haven't heard much about this particular case in America. Sadly, a lot of people would not care because it is happening in another country.

Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

You know, Vikrant, there was a time when a journalist was a journalist. Not this nonsense you see today. Mediocrity is their middle name - many cannot even spell correctly - but there was a sense of duty to the American public to report the news. The good - the bad - the ugly - they would even risk their lives to get that story to the people - nothing was too much. Today? Today you have sellouts - narcissists who want their name in the headlines and care nothing for the truth. They are the first ones to throw truth under the bus because at the end of the day it is all about them. These same journalists will be the first to go when Communism takes over so what have they gained for all their bowing down to the left? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They have sold their own souls for filthy lucre'. That is what they have done.

Media is not about news anymore. It is about making money and spreading propaganda. You have to read news from various sources to actually get to the bottom of things.
BBC news is the best in the world. The Guardian is still a wonderful investigative organ, it even brought Rupert Murdoch the owner of Fox and various other pieces of dross to his knees.
Hack Attack How the Truth Caught Up With Rupert Murdoch by Nick Davies review Books The Guardian
I'm not sure why they filter news. I know they do their level best not to report most of the crimes by Muslims in the UK and throughout Europe - when France was set on fire there was not as much reported about it as I thought there should have been. In France it was out of fear they didn't report too much - but what was America's excuse? Who knows.

Reporting sectarian violence in a western country tars the image of the western country. Therefore it is a big No. Things like sectarian violence are supposed to only happen in non-white countries. However, reality does not conform to this wishful thinking. So they create their version of reality by selective reporting of news.

It also has to do with ratings. They air the stories they think are going to garner the most attention. I imagine that is why we haven't heard much about this particular case in America. Sadly, a lot of people would not care because it is happening in another country.

Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

That's not true at all. There are PLENTY of negative stories about white people, as well as other ethnic groups. You are starting to get a little silly about this.

That statement really angers me because it is bogus!

Don't get angry. Imagine how a dark skinned person feels who is constantly a target of propaganda.
You can understand the hypocrisy of rabid bigots like Phoenall , they dont give a shit for the abused if there are not any Muslims involved.
Reporting sectarian violence in a western country tars the image of the western country. Therefore it is a big No. Things like sectarian violence are supposed to only happen in non-white countries. However, reality does not conform to this wishful thinking. So they create their version of reality by selective reporting of news.

It also has to do with ratings. They air the stories they think are going to garner the most attention. I imagine that is why we haven't heard much about this particular case in America. Sadly, a lot of people would not care because it is happening in another country.

Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

That's not true at all. There are PLENTY of negative stories about white people, as well as other ethnic groups. You are starting to get a little silly about this.

That statement really angers me because it is bogus!

Don't get angry. Imagine how a dark skinned person feels who is constantly a target of propaganda.
You can understand the hypocrisy of rabid bigots like Phoenall , they dont give a shit for the abused if there are not any Muslims involved.

Are you okay? I think you could be delirious or something. Maybe you are crushing on Phoenall or something? Sorry, I think he's married or something, so you probably aren't really his type. :)
Last edited:
I know and you get some really good news reports to us!
It also has to do with ratings. They air the stories they think are going to garner the most attention. I imagine that is why we haven't heard much about this particular case in America. Sadly, a lot of people would not care because it is happening in another country.

Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

You know, Vikrant, there was a time when a journalist was a journalist. Not this nonsense you see today. Mediocrity is their middle name - many cannot even spell correctly - but there was a sense of duty to the American public to report the news. The good - the bad - the ugly - they would even risk their lives to get that story to the people - nothing was too much. Today? Today you have sellouts - narcissists who want their name in the headlines and care nothing for the truth. They are the first ones to throw truth under the bus because at the end of the day it is all about them. These same journalists will be the first to go when Communism takes over so what have they gained for all their bowing down to the left? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They have sold their own souls for filthy lucre'. That is what they have done.

Media is not about news anymore. It is about making money and spreading propaganda. You have to read news from various sources to actually get to the bottom of things.

You are right about that!. You get some truly great articles, Vikrant. I really appreciate how much you are ahead of things and get the news out there for us. Thank you. I appreciate it.

It just takes a little bit of common sense to notice the propaganda. It is surprising though how many people fall for it. Some people are so brainwashed that they get angry when they come across facts that undermine their false belief.

Because it's lies. If what you said was anything NEAR being true, then of course EVERY pedophile scandal that has ever occurred here in the US would have been covered up and the media would have remained silent on it, but that is NOT the case, is it? Some of you people are so full of it, you aren't even funny. Your hatred of the US and perhaps white people is pretty clear, though not unexpected.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the reason why we don't hear about this in the news here in America (although my world news viewing is actually kind of limited, as there has been so MUCH going on here in States to worry about), is because a lot of people here in America would just not care enough. The low interest and amount of traffic in this thread kind of proves that much. :rolleyes-41: But no, it couldn't be about ratings and money, it MUST be about racism. So, our police AND our media are racists now. God, our whole country is just a big racist cesspool according to some people I suppose.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the reason why we don't hear about this in the news here in America (although my world news viewing is actually kind of limited, as there has been so MUCH going on here in States to worry about), is because a lot of people here in America would just not care enough. The low interest and amount of traffic in this thread kind of proves that much. :rolleyes-41: But no, it couldn't be about ratings and money, it MUST be about racism. So, our police AND our media are racists now. God, our whole country is just a big racist cesspool according to some people I suppose.
you said it. Bloomberg Politics Poll Finds Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama s Election - Bloomberg Politics
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the reason why we don't hear about this in the news here in America (although my world news viewing is actually kind of limited, as there has been so MUCH going on here in States to worry about), is because a lot of people here in America would just not care enough. The low interest and amount of traffic in this thread kind of proves that much. :rolleyes-41: But no, it couldn't be about ratings and money, it MUST be about racism. So, our police AND our media are racists now. God, our whole country is just a big racist cesspool according to some people I suppose.
you said it. Bloomberg Politics Poll Finds Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama s Election - Bloomberg Politics

Yes, the gap of "understanding" so to speak is widening between us. It's sad that there are so many people who seem to derive JOY from it. OF course, nobody of sound mind understands why people would riot and loot and think they are making some kind of valid point, but this thread is NOT about the US. Vikrant is going to scold you. :)
It also has to do with ratings. They air the stories they think are going to garner the most attention. I imagine that is why we haven't heard much about this particular case in America. Sadly, a lot of people would not care because it is happening in another country.

Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

That's not true at all. There are PLENTY of negative stories about white people, as well as other ethnic groups. You are starting to get a little silly about this.

That statement really angers me because it is bogus!

Don't get angry. Imagine how a dark skinned person feels who is constantly a target of propaganda.
You can understand the hypocrisy of rabid bigots like Phoenall , they dont give a shit for the abused if there are not any Muslims involved.

Are you okay? I think you could be delirious or something. Maybe you are crushing on Phoenall or something? Sorry, I think he's married or something, so you probably aren't really his type. :)

Straight, happily married for 30 years, 2 children and 1 grand daughter. So definitely not my type, him being a champagne socialist or Bolshevik as they were called in Russia
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the reason why we don't hear about this in the news here in America (although my world news viewing is actually kind of limited, as there has been so MUCH going on here in States to worry about), is because a lot of people here in America would just not care enough. The low interest and amount of traffic in this thread kind of proves that much. :rolleyes-41: But no, it couldn't be about ratings and money, it MUST be about racism. So, our police AND our media are racists now. God, our whole country is just a big racist cesspool according to some people I suppose.
you said it. Bloomberg Politics Poll Finds Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama s Election - Bloomberg Politics

What do you expect, he is getting his own back for all people of colour and will destroy America given half a chance. Just waiting for him to make an executive desicion and declare himself KING of the USA
All you bigots,

Take it easy. This thread is here to discuss a valid issue. I totally understand that some people think that we should not discuss any negative issues when it involves a white country. I disagree. I think we ought to be able to discuss negative issues about both white and non-white countries. Negative issues are not an exclusive domain of non-white countries as we are witnessing. Therefore threads like these are a necessity. Now, if it hurts your pride and you are losing sleep because of it then simply stay out of the thread. I will continue to post the new updates as they are available.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the reason why we don't hear about this in the news here in America (although my world news viewing is actually kind of limited, as there has been so MUCH going on here in States to worry about), is because a lot of people here in America would just not care enough. The low interest and amount of traffic in this thread kind of proves that much. :rolleyes-41: But no, it couldn't be about ratings and money, it MUST be about racism. So, our police AND our media are racists now. God, our whole country is just a big racist cesspool according to some people I suppose.
you said it. Bloomberg Politics Poll Finds Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama s Election - Bloomberg Politics

Yes, the gap of "understanding" so to speak is widening between us. It's sad that there are so many people who seem to derive JOY from it. OF course, nobody of sound mind understands why people would riot and loot and think they are making some kind of valid point, but this thread is NOT about the US. Vikrant is going to scold you. :)
you brought it up idiot
Media knows that negative stories about white folks does not sell well.

That's not true at all. There are PLENTY of negative stories about white people, as well as other ethnic groups. You are starting to get a little silly about this.

That statement really angers me because it is bogus!

Don't get angry. Imagine how a dark skinned person feels who is constantly a target of propaganda.
You can understand the hypocrisy of rabid bigots like Phoenall , they dont give a shit for the abused if there are not any Muslims involved.

Are you okay? I think you could be delirious or something. Maybe you are crushing on Phoenall or something? Sorry, I think he's married or something, so you probably aren't really his type. :)

Straight, happily married for 30 years, 2 children and 1 grand daughter. So definitely not my type, him being a champagne socialist or Bolshevik as they were called in Russia
you left out racist, welfare cheat and homophobe.
That's not true at all. There are PLENTY of negative stories about white people, as well as other ethnic groups. You are starting to get a little silly about this.

That statement really angers me because it is bogus!

Don't get angry. Imagine how a dark skinned person feels who is constantly a target of propaganda.
You can understand the hypocrisy of rabid bigots like Phoenall , they dont give a shit for the abused if there are not any Muslims involved.

Are you okay? I think you could be delirious or something. Maybe you are crushing on Phoenall or something? Sorry, I think he's married or something, so you probably aren't really his type. :)

Straight, happily married for 30 years, 2 children and 1 grand daughter. So definitely not my type, him being a champagne socialist or Bolshevik as they were called in Russia
you left out racist, welfare cheat and homophobe.

That would be you, still waiting for you to provide the evidence.................
Don't get angry. Imagine how a dark skinned person feels who is constantly a target of propaganda.
You can understand the hypocrisy of rabid bigots like Phoenall , they dont give a shit for the abused if there are not any Muslims involved.

Are you okay? I think you could be delirious or something. Maybe you are crushing on Phoenall or something? Sorry, I think he's married or something, so you probably aren't really his type. :)

Straight, happily married for 30 years, 2 children and 1 grand daughter. So definitely not my type, him being a champagne socialist or Bolshevik as they were called in Russia
you left out racist, welfare cheat and homophobe.

That would be you, still waiting for you to provide the evidence.................
When did you last work?, how old are you? and if as you claimed your pension puts you in the 40% tax bracket, why as you also claim do you visit the post office weekly to pay a class 2 stamp?

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