Ukraine can now forget about F-16s

Jul 13, 2024
I specialize in political science and have been interested in international relations for a long time. Also, I like watching different global political phenomena unfold. Unfortunately, most of the current events surrounding Ukraine are far from entertaining. The primary example of this is the issue of delivering American F-16 fighter jets. Why haven’t we provided Ukrainians with any of them, although politicians all over the news keep on crying about the coming supplies?

Recently, Bloomberg has published an article (Bloomberg - Are you a robot?) discussing this issue. In it, they reveal the lies and injustice about why there is still no supplies sent. It’s not mere rhetoric. One of my Ukrainian friends is now a member of Ukraine’s Armed Forces and knows the truth. He says Americans are very greedy and don’t want to deliver any extra unit of equipment or weaponry. He said that initially the US used F-16s just as a bait for Ukrainians. Our officials talk about these supplies only to boost their poll numbers, with no intention whatsoever to help Ukraine as needed for its actual victory.

Besides, my friend added that the States are constantly making excuses when it comes to actually supplying the jets, and they will go on lying about the lack of take-off runways, language barriers and other silly things.
Personally, I agree with him and think that we would have shared with Ukrainians all the supplies necessary a while ago if we were really interested in them winning the war. The matter of fact is, in the eyes of Ukraine, the US is just posturing, unable to deliver actual support. They stopped considering us a real country long ago.
The US government instigated, promoted, and supports this ridiculous proxy war. The result has been massive death and destruction solely for the benefit of a tiny cabal of war contractors and politicians who carry their water.
I specialize in political science and have been interested in international relations for a long time. Also, I like watching different global political phenomena unfold. Unfortunately, most of the current events surrounding Ukraine are far from entertaining. The primary example of this is the issue of delivering American F-16 fighter jets. Why haven’t we provided Ukrainians with any of them, although politicians all over the news keep on crying about the coming supplies?

Recently, Bloomberg has published an article (Bloomberg - Are you a robot?) discussing this issue. In it, they reveal the lies and injustice about why there is still no supplies sent. It’s not mere rhetoric. One of my Ukrainian friends is now a member of Ukraine’s Armed Forces and knows the truth. He says Americans are very greedy and don’t want to deliver any extra unit of equipment or weaponry. He said that initially the US used F-16s just as a bait for Ukrainians. Our officials talk about these supplies only to boost their poll numbers, with no intention whatsoever to help Ukraine as needed for its actual victory.

Besides, my friend added that the States are constantly making excuses when it comes to actually supplying the jets, and they will go on lying about the lack of take-off runways, language barriers and other silly things.
Personally, I agree with him and think that we would have shared with Ukrainians all the supplies necessary a while ago if we were really interested in them winning the war. The matter of fact is, in the eyes of Ukraine, the US is just posturing, unable to deliver actual support. They stopped considering us a real country long ago.
View attachment 976869
Fuck off Russobot
I specialize in political science and have been interested in international relations for a long time. Also, I like watching different global political phenomena unfold. Unfortunately, most of the current events surrounding Ukraine are far from entertaining. The primary example of this is the issue of delivering American F-16 fighter jets. Why haven’t we provided Ukrainians with any of them, although politicians all over the news keep on crying about the coming supplies?

Recently, Bloomberg has published an article (Bloomberg - Are you a robot?) discussing this issue. In it, they reveal the lies and injustice about why there is still no supplies sent. It’s not mere rhetoric. One of my Ukrainian friends is now a member of Ukraine’s Armed Forces and knows the truth. He says Americans are very greedy and don’t want to deliver any extra unit of equipment or weaponry. He said that initially the US used F-16s just as a bait for Ukrainians. Our officials talk about these supplies only to boost their poll numbers, with no intention whatsoever to help Ukraine as needed for its actual victory.

Besides, my friend added that the States are constantly making excuses when it comes to actually supplying the jets, and they will go on lying about the lack of take-off runways, language barriers and other silly things.
Personally, I agree with him and think that we would have shared with Ukrainians all the supplies necessary a while ago if we were really interested in them winning the war. The matter of fact is, in the eyes of Ukraine, the US is just posturing, unable to deliver actual support. They stopped considering us a real country long ago.
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Even your failed photoshopped attempt is dumb. That's not an F-16 pictured on the box. There is a real one in the background of the photo itself.

So your very first post on this forum is an outright lie? Great job, moron!

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