Ukraine Frontline Collapse, Ukraine loses Orlivka, Tonenke, Berdychi line


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Well this doesn't look good!

So now does the Biden administration/EU drag us into WWIII to save face and their globalist honey pot Ukraine? This must be why we are hearing rumblings of late about NATO "boots on the ground".

Even if the House Republicans bend over and allow the continuing theft of tax payer monies for Ukraine, will it be enough to prevent America's children from being sent to Ukraine to die for Zelensky?

I know Fake News! The Ukes are on the outskirts of Moscow, the Orgs have collapsed, and Putin has fled to St. Petersburg.
Well this doesn't look good!

So now does the Biden administration/EU drag us into WWIII to save face and their globalist honey pot Ukraine? This must be why we are hearing rumblings of late about NATO "boots on the ground".

Even if the House Republicans bend over and allow the continuing theft of tax payer monies for Ukraine, will it be enough to prevent America's children from being sent to Ukraine to die for Zelensky?

I know Fake News! The Ukes are on the outskirts of Moscow, the Orgs have collapsed, and Putin has fled to St. Petersburg.



The leader of Democrats in the U.S. Senate Chuck Schumer warned that without american help Vladimir Zelensky will lose the war.
And after Kiev's defeat, NATO will split.

Will there be downsides?

Macron is on the verge of being Marie Antionetted by his own farmers. How do you believe that farmers will react when he tells them "don't worry about farming, we're going to send you to fight in Ukraine"
When I repeatedly stick my neck out and tell you that there is a continuing massacre of the UAF and they are out of men , food , winter clothes , ordnance and ammunition, I do so based on numerous independent sources .

It is just a matter of days before Donetsk and Kharkiv are under full control and then it is likely "full speed ahead" for Odessa and the nearby ports for controlling entry into west Ukraine via river .

And that just gives you the sanitised version for American consumption . The full situation is TOTALLY LOST FOR THE UAF , NOW .
Macron is on the verge of being Marie Antionetted by his own farmers. How do you believe that farmers will react when he tells them "don't worry about farming, we're going to send you to fight in Ukraine"
Macron thinks he is Napoleon, he should remember what happened in 1812 when the Grand Army had to run from Moscow, two hundred thousand never saw Paris again, like all Imperialists and Colonialists the Napoleon rabble looted churches and stole everything they could carry.
Well this doesn't look good!

So now does the Biden administration/EU drag us into WWIII to save face and their globalist honey pot Ukraine? This must be why we are hearing rumblings of late about NATO "boots on the ground".

Even if the House Republicans bend over and allow the continuing theft of tax payer monies for Ukraine, will it be enough to prevent America's children from being sent to Ukraine to die for Zelensky?

I know Fake News! The Ukes are on the outskirts of Moscow, the Orgs have collapsed, and Putin has fled to St. Petersburg.


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