Ukraine is being Annihilated -- Douglas McGregor

"Kakhovka Hydro Electric Station can no longer be restored."
Ukraine will not be able to restore the hydropower plant. The station was a gift from a more industrialized civilization, and that is a fact.

If it could be restored by painting it in the colors of the flag or changing the coat of arms, then, of course, they could, but....
Serves them effing right . It is almost 100% certain that this was another of mad dog Budonov's ideas to gain world sympathy when they were desperate for replacements .
Keep track John VD .You are blathering again .
You are posting in a Ukraine War Topic -- not about some airy fairy nonsense re. your religious opinions or about morals .
Why is it you seem to post EVERY Kremlin approved talking point?

Out of original ideas?
Somalia is small and dry....Ukraine is huge by comparison.
Bombs and bullets are the same no matter how dry the climate is, or how big the country is.
We had to bulldoze a road around Mogadishu to keep from being blown up or shot at by the locals.
Then we posted guards on that road every 100 meters to keep the skinnies from planting IEDs.
They actually are....every single last one of them are helping with equipment, money, and allowing people from Ukraine in and retired military personnel to go into Ukraine. There are even Belarusian brigades of troops that absolutely despise Lukashenko and Russia both...of course Russian Brigades looking to replace Putin...

Slovakia has their own brigade....Polish and Finnish fighters are there as well. The entire world has answered the Ukranians call for help. The EU has the biggest amount of help...but just about everyone has stepped up except for the usual suspects of evildoing on the world stage.
Yes, sounds just like Hitlers foreign SS volunteers, the bastards will end up the same way, and many of the foreign mercenaries are running from Ukraine because they found out what a real war looks like, not some Hollywood bullshit.
The Blood of patriots is required to be refreshed from time to time to keep tyrants at bay.
Who's blood are you referring to? Are you willing to spill American blood for Ukraine? How about your blood?
He is quoting Thomas Jefferson. If you were an American patriot, you would know that.
Yes, I know all about watering the tree of liberty. This thread is about Ukraine, not Thomas Jefferson. The Ukrainians can decide how much of their blood they want to spill, but why should we help them do it?
Yes, I know all about watering the tree of liberty. This thread is about Ukraine, not Thomas Jefferson. The Ukrainians can decide how much of their blood they want to spill, but why should we help them do it?
If you are not a complete idiot by now you know why, so why ask the same questions again?
Why is it you seem to post EVERY Kremlin approved talking point?

Out of original ideas?
A bit like little Albert Einstein who was always chatting about his Special Relativity theory. He had to endlessly repeat hard facts to try and help Gullibles with no real news sources .And facts always infuriate Deniers and the Cognitively Rigid . Let alone Trolls like yourself .
A bit like little Albert Einstein who was always chatting about his Special Relativity theory. He had to endlessly repeat hard facts to try and help Gullibles with no real news sources .And facts always infuriate Deniers and the Cognitively Rigid . Let alone Trolls like yourself .
If Russia ever told the truth it would have been on accident.
They have never told the truth before....why would they start now?
Let's start with small truth eh?

In what year did Russia begin invading Ukraine?
If Russia ever told the truth it would have been on accident.
They have never told the truth before....why would they start now?
Actually Putin did tell the truth about what he in doing in Ukraine, but the Putinheads lie about what he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute on Thursday to Tsar Peter the Great on the 350th anniversary of his birth, drawing a parallel between what he portrayed as their twin historic quests to win back Russian lands.

"Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned (what was Russia's)," Putin said after a visiting an exhibition dedicated to the tsar.

In televised comments on day 106 of his war in Ukraine, he compared Peter's campaign with the task facing Russia today.

"Apparently, it also fell to us to return (what is Russia's) and strengthen (the country). And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face."

In response, a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed what he called any attempt to legalise the theft of land.

"The West must draw a clear red line so the Kremlin understands the price of each next bloody step ... we will brutally liberate our territories," Mykhailo Podolyak said in an online post.

Putin has repeatedly sought to justify Russia's actions in Ukraine, where his forces have devastated cities, killed thousands and put millions of people to flight, by propounding a view of history that asserts Ukraine has no real national identity or tradition of statehood.

In this speech, Putin is perfectly clear that the only reason for the war is his ambition to recapture all the lands he believes Russia lost with the dissolution of the USSR.
Actually Putin did tell the truth about what he in doing in Ukraine, but the Putinheads lie about what he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin paid tribute on Thursday to Tsar Peter the Great on the 350th anniversary of his birth, drawing a parallel between what he portrayed as their twin historic quests to win back Russian lands.

"Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. It would seem that he was at war with Sweden, he took something from them. He did not take anything from them, he returned (what was Russia's)," Putin said after a visiting an exhibition dedicated to the tsar.

In televised comments on day 106 of his war in Ukraine, he compared Peter's campaign with the task facing Russia today.

"Apparently, it also fell to us to return (what is Russia's) and strengthen (the country). And if we proceed from the fact that these basic values form the basis of our existence, we will certainly succeed in solving the tasks that we face."

In response, a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed what he called any attempt to legalise the theft of land.

"The West must draw a clear red line so the Kremlin understands the price of each next bloody step ... we will brutally liberate our territories," Mykhailo Podolyak said in an online post.

Putin has repeatedly sought to justify Russia's actions in Ukraine, where his forces have devastated cities, killed thousands and put millions of people to flight, by propounding a view of history that asserts Ukraine has no real national identity or tradition of statehood.

In this speech, Putin is perfectly clear that the only reason for the war is his ambition to recapture all the lands he believes Russia lost with the dissolution of the USSR.
I am pleasantly admittedly wrong....

Putin wants the USSR back and stated it clearly.
Why on earth we should allow this sort of thing is beyond me.
Does nobody remember the Holomodor (potato famine) where Ukranians were literally starving to death while their potatoes were rotting in Russian warehouses? And yet even though it's obvious to everyone, except for the UN, that Russia is again committing genocide some people want the WHOLE WORLD to stop supporting Ukraine.
It's kind of hard for Zelensky to say they're winning the war when the country they're fighting is rebuilding cities inside of what Ukraine still claims is their territory

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