Ukraine jails and tortures US journalist for criticizing Zelensky, faces 5-8 years in a prison labor camp

It's a video produced by a progressive, Jimmy Dore. One would think you'd jump at the opportunity to watch it. But lazy is as lazy does.

candycorn is a well programmed NPC. She can’t click on the video because she knows it goes against the Zelensky Regime which she must support 100%, because her programmers said so.
Instead she has to distract, belittle, and make excuses to try to derail the thread.
candycorn is a well programmed NPC. She can’t click on the video because she knows it goes against the Zelensky Regime which she must support 100%, because her programmers said so.
Instead she has to distract, belittle, and make excuses to try to derail the thread.

Candy is a low end Mossad whose job is to attack anyone telling truth about Zionist Fascism and frauds of Zionist Fascism like the Co2 fraud and 911.
Here is a sad, feckless media casualty with no ability to reflect in a nuanced manner.

You're like W. in 2003: "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists."

The 2023 Democrat Party are basically the neocons of yesteryear with a smattering of woke bullshit to keep the dumbasses in line.

So it makes sense, I suppose.
LOL. Retard. Ukraine is at war. A war they did not want. A war forced on them by Russia and you want them to play nicey nicey with traitors?

Are you usually this stupid or did we catch you at a bad time? :itsok:
If Ukraine is to preserve its statehood in any meaningful form, the era of 'McCarthyism' in one or another form is inevitable there.
In the broader context of Nazi Zelensky and his huge force of propagandists , where is the coverage of the alleged blood bank destruction in eastern Kharkov? Not a word . Still born .Absolute silence .Seems a likely Fake and attempted False Flag could have gone badly wrong .
candycorn is a well programmed NPC. She can’t click on the video because she knows it goes against the Zelensky Regime which she must support 100%, because her programmers said so.
Instead she has to distract, belittle, and make excuses to try to derail the thread.
I detected exceptionally low brainwave activity from candycorn the day I joined the forum. I knew then that I'd have to play the role of babysitter from time to time.
Gee just asked for the name of the Journalist. I'm detecting that nobody watched the video...including the OP....if they can't tell us the name of the journalist.

We'll just chalk this up to another PizzaGate Q-Anon nothing-burger.
No, but clearly your ignorance of recent history, say the last 10 years or so, is profoundly lacking.
Ok. Prove it. Prove that I am wrong by giving a history lesson. Go.

I will bet you won't because retards like you can never back up your words, but hey, prove me wrong. Go.

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