Ukraine jails and tortures US journalist for criticizing Zelensky, faces 5-8 years in a prison labor camp

Most of those are ZPF frauds...

I would accept that as true. The IDF troops who deliberately missed the USS Liberty qualified fully.

But the whole Iraq 911 War on Terror is 100% about THIS...

4From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast

According to Gawd, half of Iraq belongs to Israel....

So, yeah, religion is 100% the motive, the bias, the fraud, the lies, the shouting down of truth.... and the murders and wars and corruption of DoJ

So you argument is the Jews are to blame for everything.

And you're entitled to it.

But don't scratch your head when you're marginalized as a crackpot by most of us MAGA.

We're OK with them.
It's a video produced by a progressive, Jimmy Dore. One would think you'd jump at the opportunity to watch it. But lazy is as lazy does.

He's a Progressive who drew different conclusions than were sanctioned as permissible by the Leftist Democrat commies.

So naturally he must be maligned as "DISINFORMATION".

And if you concur with his individual thought process, you are a bigoted criminal who needs to be more contrite about your own departures from Maoist orthodoxy.
So you argument is the Jews are to blame for everything.

And you're entitled to it.

But don't scratch your head when you're marginalized as a crackpot by most of us MAGA.

We're OK with them.
For clarification ... with some of them.

Just say no to:

Karl Marx
Ruth Ginsberg

And many other far leftist Jews who hate the Constitution, Nationalism, and American Patriotism.
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For clarification ... with some of them.

Just say no to:

Karl Marx
Ruth Ginsberg

And many other far leftist Jews who hate the Constitution, Nationalism, and American Patriotism.


And also the Koch Bros., Chamber of Commerce and Club For Growth.

All of who are supposed "Christians".

It's the fallacy of identity politics.

Judge a man by what he does, not our own sordid misconceptions of what he supposedly "is".
So you argument is the Jews are to blame for everything.

And you're entitled to it.

But don't scratch your head when you're marginalized as a crackpot by most of us MAGA.

We're OK with them.

"Jews" is inaccurate.

Einstein phrased it as Zionist Fascism. I see no reason to dispute that term. Personal guess is that is 10-30% of Jews worldwide.

These people have a history and patterns of behavior.

This is a great example, the USS Liberty. Here you have Zionist Fascists in LBJ and the top of IDF, but the rank and file IDF deliberately missed.

Always another HATE HOAX to bait the US to send troops to the Middle East for the cause of "Greater Israel" and we pay for it in lives and $$$....
All of who are supposed "Christians".

You are learning.

They pretend to be Christians but they are really Zionist Fascist Jews

Mitch McConnell
Traitor Joe
Rupert Murdoch
Mike Huckabee
Dick Cheney

The purpose of Faux "News" was always to chase out the fiscal conservatives, libertarians, and America First types and pack the GOP with Pro Israel Christians who are the only demographic on the planet too stupid to figure out that 911 was a hate hoaxed fraud...
"Jews" is inaccurate.

Einstein phrased it as Zionist Fascism. I see no reason to dispute that term. Personal guess is that is 10-30% of Jews worldwide.

These people have a history and patterns of behavior.



That's fair.

Now we're getting somewhere.

So your emphasis is on Zionism, the belief in a particular Nation State's unfettered self-perceived superiority as being a destructive element.

The ethnicity of the believers is then secondary, no?

I still completely disagree.

I believe America, Britain, and Israel were all forged from the same origin story.

And I'm not even religious. ;)

Zionism is the belief that it is "Gawd's will" that Israel obtain all land defined in Ch1 Book of Joshua, by any means necessary, including LBJ having the IDF sink and murder USS Liberty to hate hoax a US war on Egypt...
Zionism is the belief that it is "Gawd's will" that Israel obtain all land defined in Ch1 Book of Joshua, by any means necessary, including LBJ having the IDF sink and murder USS Liberty to hate hoax a US war on Egypt...

So your objection is to a particular foreign policy, and its designation as an ethno-state is only secondary.

Am I reading this correctly?
Just the right amount of bullshit the RWingers love to believe and twist the crap out of. Dore says "Is he American?" LOL.

"Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) has arrested Gonzalo Lira—a dual citizen of the United States and Chile, who has been living in Kharkiv—on charges of producing pro-Russian propaganda"

"Lira, a prolific and controversial online personality, is accused of creating and disseminating materials that justify Putin’s armed aggression against Ukraine. He is facing the possibility of being imprisoned for five to eight years"

Just the right amount of bullshit the RWingers love to believe and twist the crap out of. Dore says "Is he American?" LOL.

"Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) has arrested Gonzalo Lira—a dual citizen of the United States and Chile, who has been living in Kharkiv—on charges of producing pro-Russian propaganda"

"Lira, a prolific and controversial online personality, is accused of creating and disseminating materials that justify Putin’s armed aggression against Ukraine. He is facing the possibility of being imprisoned for five to eight years"


Well, fuck.

I guess any countenances to the contrary are hereby rendered pointless.

Because, after all, THE DAILY BEAST.

So your objection is to a particular foreign policy, and its designation as an ethno-state is only secondary.

Am I reading this correctly?

US foreign policy should be 100% about US national interest and nothing else. That 2000 year old book should have ZERO influence.
Just the right amount of bullshit the RWingers love to believe and twist the crap out of. Dore says "Is he American?" LOL.

"Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) has arrested Gonzalo Lira—a dual citizen of the United States and Chile, who has been living in Kharkiv—on charges of producing pro-Russian propaganda"

"Lira, a prolific and controversial online personality, is accused of creating and disseminating materials that justify Putin’s armed aggression against Ukraine. He is facing the possibility of being imprisoned for five to eight years"

And Democrats supported sending US taxdollars to Ukraine to build "bio labs" that are one of the stated reasons for Putin's invasion.

Democrats support sending US taxdollars abroad to elect fraud "leaders" to start wars and enable massive kickbacks. What do Americans get from that? A Russian nuke?

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