Ukraine kicking ass, 3500 ruskies killed, 200 captured

Can't even read the snews article because they block it with some sort of stupid stuff. But, nonetheless, for all you tech gurus, go ahead and believe what you want. Tsar Putin is bringing down the Prince of Gog and all his Gog & Magog nations such as USA.
And, if He can't or won't, the KIng of His Universe will do it.
You are one sick puppy. Go back to Russia.
It is essentially what I said, " Putin hasn't got the opportunities or timing like Stalin had, otherwise he'd be worse. " You seem to see what you want to see. What I see is I'm saying " if " putin have the opportunities Stalin had, he would be worst. Like I said I never said he was worse. You are the liar.
I just wanted to add the person I responded to was the one who said Putin was worse than Stalin or Lenin. You can look that up if you want to it has to be right before my post.
I don't think that ukrainians would agree with you they're the ones who are being murdered by a crazy man. I do not blame the Russian people, all the blame like squirrely on putin, he has gone completely psychotic obviously.
America always demonizes the other side's leader in their wars.
Ukrainian Authorities Thwart Zelensky Assassination Plot.

A top Ukrainian official revealed on Tuesday that authorities in the country thwarted an alleged assassination plot against President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During a briefing, Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council chief Oleksiy Danilov disclosed that Ukrainian forces stopped a plan to kill Zelensky, according to a Telegram post by Ukrainian authorities.

Danilov said the Kadyrovites — made up of elite Chechen special forces, according to Axios — had a plot to “eliminate our president.”

And the kicker in this is the fact that it was sources in the Russian Federal Security Service that told Ukrainian Authorities about the plot.
America always demonizes the other side's leader in their wars.

Nothing says Denazifaction like shelling one of most revered Holocaust Memorials in world. Babi Yar was shelled by Russian Forces.

Fuck Putin.

Fuck the Cons who defend and support Putin
Ukrainian Authorities Thwart Zelensky Assassination Plot.

A top Ukrainian official revealed on Tuesday that authorities in the country thwarted an alleged assassination plot against President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During a briefing, Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council chief Oleksiy Danilov disclosed that Ukrainian forces stopped a plan to kill Zelensky, according to a Telegram post by Ukrainian authorities.

Danilov said the Kadyrovites — made up of elite Chechen special forces, according to Axios — had a plot to “eliminate our president.”

And the kicker in this is the fact that it was sources in the Russian Federal Security Service that told Ukrainian Authorities about the plot.
First the 13 brave Ukrainians died heroic deaths on The Snake Island now they thwarted the plot, what a country!!!
Ukrainian Authorities Thwart Zelensky Assassination Plot.

A top Ukrainian official revealed on Tuesday that authorities in the country thwarted an alleged assassination plot against President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During a briefing, Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council chief Oleksiy Danilov disclosed that Ukrainian forces stopped a plan to kill Zelensky, according to a Telegram post by Ukrainian authorities.

Danilov said the Kadyrovites — made up of elite Chechen special forces, according to Axios — had a plot to “eliminate our president.”

And the kicker in this is the fact that it was sources in the Russian Federal Security Service that told Ukrainian Authorities about the plot.
I understand Western outlets are propping up this story, but it really doesn't make sense. Much like a few other stories the Western outlets are pushing. We are to believe that Putin is sending armed Chechens into a city under siege, which has curfews, to allegedly kill Zelensky, oh and they were tipped off by Russian intelligence. Wow.
Nothing says Denazifaction like shelling one of most revered Holocaust Memorials in world. Babi Yar was shelled by Russian Forces.

Fuck Putin.

Fuck the Cons who defend and support Putin
Good one! Putin should be personally giving his assurance that all Jewish memorials and all Jewish people are given immunity from Russia's bombs.

And Biden could at least let the Ukrainians know that all Russian ww2 memorials are out of bounds for shelling and bombing.

After all, why invite WW3 even more than has already been done? Russia is still playing by US/Nato rules so why push Putin into a war with America?
America always demonizes the other side's leader in their wars.
I'm not demonizing him I'm staying facts. He invaded another country that was no threat to him. And now he's threatening the entire world with nuclear warfare. Thesr are the acts of a madman.
I'm not demonizing him I'm staying facts. He invaded another country that was no threat to him. And now he's threatening the entire world with nuclear warfare. Thesr are the acts of a madman.
Russians believe that Ukraine attacked DPR&LPR recognized by them, and allied with them.
I mean, the USA will fight Serbs if they attack Kosovo (recognized by the USA, but not recognized by Serbia and Russia).
And no, they are not threatening the entire world with nuclear warfare. Only NATO countries. The Russians believe that they can win such a war (with a bit of luck, of course), and they have pretty good reasons to think so.
Russians believe that Ukraine attacked DPR&LPR recognized by them, and allied with them.
I mean, the USA will fight Serbs if they attack Kosovo (recognized by the USA, but not recognized by Serbia and Russia).
And no, they are not threatening the entire world with nuclear warfare. Only NATO countries. The Russians believe that they can win such a war (with a bit of luck, of course), and they have pretty good reasons to think so.
The threat of nuclear war affects the entire world what kind of idiot are you. And I don't care how you want to look at it, putin invaded another country.
The threat of nuclear war affects the entire world what kind of idiot are you. And I don't care how you want to look at it, putin invaded another country.
Literally everything affects the entire world, even an insignificant trade conflict may cause really significant consequences. But there is a difference between tragical but distinguishable post-war states -
1) The USA lost 30 million of men, women and transgender and Russia lost nobody. The peace treaty was written by the Russians.
2) The USA lost 300 million and leftovers were occupied by Cubans and Mexicans, the Russian lost 3 million and the new UN was established by Russians, Indians and Chineses.
3) The USA lost 3 million, Russia lost 150 million, China and India - 1 billion each and the USA still control the world.

Yes, Putin invaded another country as well as the USA have been invaded many countries before. But the issue is that the Russians believe that it is self-defense, and if the USA or EU want to find a diplomatical solution - they must try to understand why do they think so.
Literally everything affects the entire world, even an insignificant trade conflict may cause really significant consequences. But there is a difference between tragical but distinguishable post-war states -
1) The USA lost 30 million of men, women and transgender and Russia lost nobody. The peace treaty was written by the Russians.
2) The USA lost 300 million and leftovers were occupied by Cubans and Mexicans, the Russian lost 3 million and the new UN was established by Russians, Indians and Chineses.
3) The USA lost 3 million, Russia lost 150 million, China and India - 1 billion each and the USA still control the world.

Yes, Putin invaded another country as well as the USA have been invaded many countries before. But the issue is that the Russians believe that it is self-defense, and if the USA or EU want to find a diplomatical solution - they must try to understand why do they think so.
The Russians believe ? Or a single madman believes and is blocking his people from the truth. There's a big difference. I will repeat NATO is a defensive pack, every member state protects the other from aggression. I am only sorry the Ukraine was not already admitted to NATO. If it had been putin would not have invaded.
I'm not demonizing him I'm staying facts. He invaded another country that was no threat to him. And now he's threatening the entire world with nuclear warfare. Thesr are the acts of a madman.

Putin's ongoing wet dream of reestablishing the old Soviet Era Empire. The problem being, Ukraine does not want any part of that wet dream.

One thing Pute should always remember and never forget, Ukrainian Partisans tied down something 20-German Divisions during WWII. Divisions that could have been used against Russia and in France.

We've already seen Ukrainians standing up to Russian Troops, blocking Russian Tanks. Russian soldiers are punching holes the gas tanks and surrendering without firing a shot.

And there is the fact of the attempted Assassination President Zelensky by Russian Forces, which was prevented after the Russian Federal Security Service informed the Ukrainian Government.
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Here's something else to remember, the Russian Army is NOT trained to fight Counter-Insurgency Warfare. Afghanistan proves that. The Afghans fought the old Soviet Army into surrender. In fact, as the last Soviet Military Personnel were leaving Afghistan forever, a Soviet Colonel was shot in back. He was last man out.

The Russian Army is just much a set piece army as the U.S. Army is. Occupying Ukraine will be a losing proposition for Putin.

Resistance to tyranny and defending your own Freedom is how OUR Country came into being.


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Putin's ongoing wet dream of reestablishing the old Soviet Era Empire. The problem being, Ukraine does not want any part of that wet dream.

One thing Pute should always remember and never forget, Ukrainian Partisans tied down something 20-German Divisions during WWII. Divisions that could have been used against Russia and in France.

We've already seen Ukrainians standing up to Russian Troops, blocking Russian Tanks. Russian soldiers are punching holes the gas tanks and surrendering without firing a shot.

And there is the fact of the attempted Assassination President Zelensky by Russian Forces, which was prevented after the Russian Federal Security Service informed the Ukrainian Government.
In 1991 with the Soviet Union dissolved itself. Ukrainians greeted the fact and quickly claimed their right to be an independent country. They stated they were neutral, signing a mutual defense pack with the Russian Nations but also allowing themselves to join NATO. In 1994 they began that process. They have tasted freedom and there's no going back. Before this invasion 70% of the Ukrainians saw Russians as their friends. Now because of putin's acts of war and aggression on them 90% considered the Russians the enemy now. Putin has opened the Pandora's box that will allow not only the Ukraine to become part of NATO but every other former Soviet state.
The Russians believe ?
Yes, the Russians believe. His approval rating since the begging of the operation increased significantly.

Or a single madman believes and is blocking his people from the truth. There's a big difference.
Putin isn't Sauron, and the Russians are not Orks. A single person can't block all his people from the truth, especially in the age of internet.

I will repeat NATO is a defensive pack, every member state protects the other from aggression. I am only sorry the Ukraine was not already admitted to NATO. If it had been putin would not have invaded.
You say, that NATO is a defensive alliance, but the Russians did see operations in Serbia, in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, etc... You sorry, that the Ukraine "was not admitted to NATO", but from their point of view - you sorry, that Russia finished genocide of the Russians in Donbass, and they get pretty good reasons to consider you as a direct threat to their lives, or even as an actual enemy.

If your position (however sincere) is "You guys are blind morons, controlled by an evil super-monster, and we are valiant knights in shining armour, who never attacked another state" - they won't take it seriously. Actually they take it as an insult.
Yes, the Russians believe. His approval rating since the begging of the operation increased significantly.
View attachment 609713

Putin isn't Sauron, and the Russians are not Orks. A single person can't block all his people from the truth, especially in the age of internet.

You say, that NATO is a defensive alliance, but the Russians did see operations in Serbia, in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, etc... You sorry, that the Ukraine "was not admitted to NATO", but from their point of view - you sorry, that Russia finished genocide of the Russians in Donbass, and they get pretty good reasons to consider you as a direct threat to their lives, or even as an actual enemy.

If your position (however sincere) is "You guys are blind morons, controlled by an evil super-monster, and we are valiant knights in shining armour, who never attacked another state" - they won't take it seriously. Actually they take it as an insult.
I don't know where you get your information Putin's popularity has been dropping ever since 2013, then it was at 85% if you could believe a Russian poll or people fear putin. 3 years ago it was 59%. January of 2021 it was down to 35%. And right now it's hovering around 25% and dropping quickly more and more people are becoming brave and speaking out against putin at serious risk to themselves. As for all the rest of your ranch I don't care what you think anymore you could you love putting so much you should go over to Russia and join him if you're not already there for all I know you could be a Russian plant there's plenty of them in this country already.

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