Ukraine kicking ass, 3500 ruskies killed, 200 captured

Ukrainian terrorist groups, fire mortars at their own local population, then accusing the Russian army. Nazi provocateurs commit any crimes to delay the inevitable hour of reckoning.
Guess you can't believe everything the media tells us.

The Ukrainian government was more than happy announce the deaths of these folks as fact. Puts into question what else they are lying about.
he gave examples of ONLY Ukrainian and Western fakes, but he convinces that everyone is lying, including Russians... Decades of Russophobia are making themselves felt.
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he gave examples of ONLY Ukrainian and Western fakes, but he convinces that everyone is lying, including Russians... Decades of Russophobia are making themselves felt.

Guess you can't believe everything the media tells us.

The Ukrainian government was more than happy announce the deaths of these folks as fact. Puts into question what else they are lying about.
Maria Zakharova is the one to be following.
Ukrainian terrorist groups, fire mortars at their own local population, then accusing the Russian army. Nazi provocateurs commit any crimes to delay the inevitable hour of reckoning.
You wept bitter, bitter tears when the Wall came down, didn't you?
Zelenskiy's short-lived limelight begins to pale. These are Putin's bad boys, who represent a major boost to Russian morale in Ukraine. Make no mistake, they are good at what they do.

2022 Feb 26 Chechen Leader, A Close Putin Ally, Says His Forces Have Deployed to Ukraine
'...."The president (Putin) took the right decision and we will carry out his orders under any circumstances." '
Putin's still has access to SWIFT requesting transfer of his billions to whichever nation will take him in.
We have some stats from the Russian side of the media.

2022 Feb 27 Izvestia
'....Sredi nikh: "27 punktov upravleniia i uzlov sviazi vooruzhennykh sil ukrainyi, 38 zenitnykh raketnykh komplexov protivov vozdushnoi oborony: C-300, "Buk M-1" i "Osa," a takzhe 56 radiolokatsionnykh statsii.
Koneshnikov: "27 command posts and communications centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 38 anti-aircraft missle systems of air defense: S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa, as well as 56 radar stations."

Tol'ko segodniia unichtozeny 7 zenitnykh raketnykh komplexov v tom chisle odin c-300 raione goroda Kramatorsk.
Today alone, 7 anti-aircraft missle systems were destroyed, including one S-300 near the city of Kramatorsk.

Sbito 3 udarnykh bespilotnykh letatel'nykh apparata, "Bairaktar TB-2" v prigorodakh Chernigova," otmetil general-maior.
3 attack unmanned aerial vehicles "Bayraktar TB-2" were shot down in suburbs of Chernigov, the Major-General said.'
Give 'em hell, boys!!!!! Go Ukraine!!!

The resolve of a people protecting their Homeland is far greater than the resolve of anyone who would dare attack that Homeland. The Russians are going to pay dearly for this, even if they get the upper hand and take over the country, the guerrilla warfare can go on for years. The Russians fought the Afghans for 10 years in Afghanistan. They used guerrilla warfare and managed to kill 15,000 Russian soldiers and wound 35,000 more. Yes it came at a high cost, 2 million Afghans were murdered by the Russians. But in the end the Russians finally gave up and left. I hope the Russian people take out Putin themselves before it gets that bad. This is a war between Cain and Abel, Russians and ukrainians are brothers. Fraticide is one of the harshest murders there is.
1) This is exaggerated.

2) Russians and Ukrainians have the same Ethnicity and Religion. They do not need The West to escalate their conflict.

3) People of Taiwan are Hun Chinese. They may also become part of China.
When the Soviet Union dissolved. The Ukraine got out from under 69 years of Russian domination. They declare themselves an independent nation that would remain neutral. They stayed in a mutual defense pack with Russia and wanted to join NATO also, which is the right to do so. putin was going to have none of that, now he's gone completely mad. The psychopath actually believes can dictate what a free people do. He can never do that. He will not break their resolve to be free and they will definitely join NATO after this disaster, and no one in the world can blame them for doing so.

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