Ukraine kicking ass, 3500 ruskies killed, 200 captured

Reuters and Al Jazeera are using the same numbers.

If it wasn't true Russia would have the country already. The media has been saying Ukrainians are fighting much harder than Putin expected. So much much higher death numbers are expected too.
I'm not necessarily attributing it to propaganda (although this is common amongst enemy combatants in any war, on both sides) but even if this is an attempt to portray accurate numbers, I highly doubt they have this information verified.

No way do I believe anywhere close to that number of Russians have been killed already.
I hope that's right and not just propaganda.
Ah, poor worthless anti-American POS.

Fuck off back to Russia, pro-Putin rube.
Fuck off, you worthless disgusting piece of shit.

I know your leftist type, you are nothing but lazy worthless scum.
Where are you all seeing this. None of the sites I’ve looked at have the casualties anywhere near that for either side
A very rational post! But probably not true for Ukraine losing tens of thousands. It only will be true if Russia has lost over 3000.

Most here aren't considering how different this war is from all the other wars between the US and Russia in which both sides had proxies as the pawns to slaughter. This time it's Russia straight on.

If Russia is being restrained then it's only because of world sentiments being against them.

People on this board should restrain their sentiments against Russia. Russia will very quickly win this war if it becomes a situation of 'no holds barred'!

Then what? Nato comes to the aid of the Ukraine?.

And then what?

That's a scenario nobody wants to consider!
Then what? NATO mobilizes 3 million troops and pushes the Russian army back to Moscow and forces Putin to sign an armistice and force him to disarm.
Where are you all seeing this. None of the sites I’ve looked at have the casualties anywhere near that for either side


Look it up, dumbass.


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We may never know the true number of dead Ruskies because Putin brought in a mobile crematory. He's burning the bodies right there on the spot so the Russian people won't see the death and destruction.
i did fucktard and NO outlets are saying that on their sites.

But I see from your screenshot that they are all just Reporting what one guy said. It’s interesting that no one is carrying that on their pages anymore.

Those screen shots were about 2 minutes old when posted. They are all current links.


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