Ukraine, Losing In Donbass...

Tell that to Titlose .
He lives in an alternative Universe where Ukey Land still belongs to the Kyiv Nazis.

Soledar and Bakhmut are now in Russian hands and the US Nazi led Ukey force will need to retreat to establish a new defence line .
That will not last long .
It should be a relentless Russian advance with the US and NATO being humiliated .

There are more than 500 000 Russian troops waiting to be involved and the prospect of a new front opening from a move out of Belarus .
The Donbas oblasts Donetsk and Luhansk seceded from Ukraine in 2014 after the U.S. orchestrated a bloody coup against the democratically elected government in Ukraine and became independent. And recently the people voted to join the Russian Federation. And recently the Russian Duma let them join the Russian Federation.

Those areas are part of the Russian Federation now.
Is this thread supposed to be a playground for Putinsuckers in their rejoicing?
I now see Vastator has updated you .

Yes , this is a one sided fight going on which the US led forces are predictably losing .

And give me any sensible reason why winners should not rejoice and the more so when the cause was good and right .

But perhaps you are one of the Nazi followers-- feeling let down and cheated .

Wagner group is crushing Uke resistance...
Crushing? They won part of a town after months of fighting? Um... not sure that's "crushing"...

Looks like it's not actually "just the facts".
12 Jan 2023 RIA
'....Rossiiskie voennye prodolzhaiut uspeshnoe nastuplenie na Donetskom napravleni, soobshchilo Minoborony v ezhednevnoi svodke o khode spetsial.noi voennoi operatsii of 12 ianvaria.
12 Jan The Russian military continues a successful offensive in the Donetsk direction, the Ministry of Defense reported.

Sostavili do 70 ukrainskikh voennoshuzashchikh, a takzhe odni tank, tri voevye bronirovannye mashiny i chetyre avtomobilia.
Amounted to 70 Ukrainian servicemen, as well as one tank, three armoured vehicles and four vehicles.'
Just the facts ma'am. Just the facts.
Facts, okay. So, the Russians took the town, or what is left of it after heavy fighting, after almost six months of siege.

And now tell me Putinboy why were you so fast in reporting this, even while Putin mercenaries still fighting there for western outskirts, but was silent when Ukraine liberated Kharkiv oblast and Kherson?
I now see Vastator has updated you .

Yes , this is a one sided fight going on which the US led forces are predictably losing .

And give me any sensible reason why winners should not rejoice and the more so when the cause was good and right .

But perhaps you are one of the Nazi followers-- feeling let down and cheated .
Yeah, the first town taken by Russia since July. It is worth rejoicing, of course. How is offensive on Odesa going, honey?
Facts, okay. So, the Russians took the town, or what is left of it after heavy fighting, after almost six months of siege.

And now tell me Putinboy why were you so fast in reporting this, even while Putin mercenaries still fighting there for western outskirts, but was silent when Ukraine liberated Kharkiv oblast and Kherson?
Every Western Media outlet shouts from the hills, any perceived Ukranian victory. Everytime. Posting them is beyond redundant. The media typically however is nearly dead silent on the matter of Ukrainian losses, and often down plays them. Much like your conditioned response. Just like the media isnt publishing tallies of the deaths of NATO mercenaries, Americans included. And trust me, someone is keeping track. If they can count the Russians mercenaries losses, they most certainly know how many NATO mercenaries have been dispatched. But youll never hear about it from Western Media. Because they arent giving you the news. They are giving you THE NARRATIVE.

You know how to tell when the Ukraine is suffering losses, and casualties? The Western Media talks about anything but Ukraine.
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Every Western Media outlet shouts from the hills, any perceived Ukranian victory. Everytime. Posting them is beyond redundant. The media typically however is nearly dead silent on the matter of Ukrainian losses, and often down plays them. Much like your conditioned response. Just like the media isnt publishing tallies of the deaths of NATO mercenaries, Americans included. And trust me, someone is keeping track. If they can count the Russians mercenaries losses, they most certainly know how many NATO mercenaries have been dispatched. But youll never hear about it from Western Media. Because they arent giving you the news. They are giving you THE NARRATIVE.

You know how to tell when the Ukraine is suffering losses, and casualties? The Western Media talks about anything but Ukraine.
Well, I can't tell definitely about Western media because I rarely read them. As some say our times can be called 'post-truth era', and I agree with that. All media corporations, including Western ones, are following some agenda. What can be done with that? Not much. Using several sources with opposing views is the way I try to follow.
As long as Russia has it's nuclear card and various other modern destructive weapon's of annihilation , the whole thing has been an excersize in why war is not winnable against a modern Nuclear nation unless God is against that nation, otherwise once it has been set in motion.

Just my opinion... Once the smoke and destruction of war finally clears, people will say what was it all for ?? We have no homes, no cities, no town's, hundred's of thousands's dead, and for what ?

Was it to protect a few at the top who said to the people "you must fight, you must fight, you must fight", but fight for who or what cause truly ?

That's the huge question people have got to ask themselves before or after it's all done. Was it worth it, and what exactly set it off, and what actually was the cause, and who reeps the benefit's truly in the end ???

The biggest question is, was the fight worthy and a righteous one that has been or is being conducted by men in the eye's of God, otherwise in accordance to the one's doing the fighting that believe it is just that (a fight for justice and righteousness in the eye's of God) ??

Men better check themselves before conducting war, because hell enlarges itself daily.
As long as Russia has it's nuclear card and various other modern destructive weapon's of annihilation , the whole thing has been an excersize in why war is not winnable against a modern Nuclear nation unless God is against that nation, otherwise once it has been set in motion.

Just my opinion... Once the smoke and destruction of war finally clears, people will say what was it all for ?? We have no homes, no cities, no town's, hundred's of thousands's dead, and for what ?

Was it to protect a few at the top who said to the people "you must fight, you must fight, you must fight", but fight for who or what cause truly ?

That's the huge question people have got to ask themselves before or after it's all done. Was it worth it, and what exactly set it off, and what actually was the cause, and who reeps the benefit's truly in the end ???

The biggest question is, was the fight worthy and a righteous one that has been or is being conducted by men in the eye's of God, otherwise in accordance to the one's doing the fighting that believe it is just that (a fight for justice and righteousness in the eye's of God) ??

Men better check themselves before conducting war, because hell enlarges itself daily.
The war is "winnable" because Russia will deplete its resources before the West will. That's the gamble.
The war is "winnable" because Russia will deplete its resources before the West will. That's the gamble.
Ukraine is already losing.......Media is full of it.
Problem with that is that the China card isn't in play yet. What then ?
Iran and NK have already been more than willing to help out. Putin has loads of petro dollars. Ukraine will not last.
Like Tucker said "A lot of people are getting very rich here"....and not just the Uke oligarchs

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