Ukraine Military running low on ammo


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
There have been many reports in the news of Ukraine been in dire need of ammo and weapons to continue fighting the Russian Federation. Why can't all the NATO countries not supply Ukraine with what it needs. It seems that the USA is the country providing the most help to the Ukrainians.
There have been many reports in the news of Ukraine been in dire need of ammo and weapons to continue fighting the Russian Federation. Why can't all the NATO countries not supply Ukraine with what it needs. It seems that the USA is the country providing the most help to the Ukrainians.
Germany is going to double their commitment. It is months away though.
There have been many reports in the news of Ukraine been in dire need of ammo and weapons to continue fighting the Russian Federation. Why can't all the NATO countries not supply Ukraine with what it needs. It seems that the USA is the country providing the most help to the Ukrainians.
Russian propaganda. I heard they are even retaking the sea from Russia. Quietly Russia is going to win this war like when we won viet nam.
Actually it's due to a holdup at the border with the truck drivers. Kinda like the mafia and the dock workers during WW2...but a lot more complicated and no real centralized voice causing the slowdowns and outright blockages.

Ukraine drivers are less expensive, pay fewer taxes, always have a return cargo (no dead heads) and have no border inspections. This is causing the Polish, German, and Slovakia drivers to go they are causing blockades.
well unfortunately Ukraine is also losing men which is also a problem. Victory is slipping and it might be time to make a deal with your enemy.

Russia on the other hand has to depend on Iran and NK for support. which is sad state of affairs for a so called super power.
Shoot 'em with yachts?

I'm here to help....

well unfortunately Ukraine is also losing men which is also a problem. Victory is slipping and it might be time to make a deal with your enemy.

Russia on the other hand has to depend on Iran and NK for support. which is sad state of affairs for a so called super power.
NK and Iran both have serious trade embargoes in place...

I don't see this actually working for Russia.
Russia is also seriously short on munitions for their normal style of war craft. (Spray and pray they hit something) They are firing minimally these days and EVERY offensive they take costs them serious amounts of manpower and equipment. (Which supplies of both are running very tight)

Yes, Ukraine is always going to be short on manpower. No one can claim anything else.
However, an important detail is that Ukraine's troops are much better trained in many ways miles over and above RF troops....which does make a huge difference during asymmetrical warfare.

No one ever thought that this should be a head-to-head war...despite the urging of Biden's idiots at the State Department to engage in such things. (And of course the RF cheerleaders)
Biden has already provided billions of dollars of aid to a known corrupt country .. and on top of .. the democrats have declined to audit how the aid is being used / spent. Fuck Ukraine.
Are you a Russian apologist?
Do you support communism?
Are you opposed to free speech?
Are you opposed to free trade?
Which treaties should we keep?
Which treaties should we ignore?

Are you losing literally billions by not trading with Russia? (Like a few republican leaders are)

Do you subscribe to independent thought at all?
There have been many reports in the news of Ukraine been in dire need of ammo and weapons to continue fighting the Russian Federation. Why can't all the NATO countries not supply Ukraine with what it needs. It seems that the USA is the country providing the most help to the Ukrainians.

Make Peace, you fools!

March 2022 there was a peace deal on the table, Obama nixed it.

Ukrainian people need to overthrow the Kiev Regime and hold them and their enablers accountable for War Crimes and every soldier killed since March 2022
Are you a Russian apologist?
Do you support communism?
Are you opposed to free speech?
Are you opposed to free trade?
Which treaties should we keep?
Which treaties should we ignore?

Are you losing literally billions by not trading with Russia? (Like a few republican leaders are)

Do you subscribe to independent thought at all?
What do these things have to do with supporting and providing aid to a known corrupt country? Only an idiot would think opposing aid to a known corrupt country without accountability equates to supporting Russia.
Make Peace, you fools!

March 2022 there was a peace deal on the table, Obama nixed it.

Ukrainian people need to overthrow the Kiev Regime and hold them and their enablers accountable for War Crimes and every soldier killed since March 2022
This is b.s. propaganda and a sign of shear cowardice. The “Make Peace Not War” bullshit of … cowards and apologists for Putin and capitulators to Russian “imperial” aggression. It was the fucking Russians who invaded sovereign and pro-Western democratic Ukraine!

There will be peace — a lasting peace — only when the bloody Russian invaders are defeated. You are a cowardly liar and apologist for a totalitarian imperialist and now essentially fascist power that aims to destroy the very national existence of Ukraine.

The Russian “empire” is now mostly a Potemkin village of criminals, lunatics and chauvinists. Russian state domestic propaganda is completely different than what you read in RT. Its hysterical threats, even to nuke the West, only shows that it is not confident it can hold its own against an increasingly well-armed Ukrainian nation.

The Ukrainians, for their part, have done infinitely better than anyone had a right to expect. For the first time last month they actually surpassed the Russians in artillery shells fired (the Ukrainians fire with much greater accuracy too).

Of course the Ukrainians are suffering heavy casualties. They are outnumbered by the Russians who will continue to throw their soldiers into the meat grinder they created … until they mutiny or die. But the Ukrainians at least see clearly they are facing a Russian totalitarian regime that is utterly degenerate. Russia’s soldiers are already utterly demoralized. Their training sucks and their weapons are increasingly old and shitty. Its soldiers don’t want to fight and have no reason to die in Ukraine.

The war will continue, even if a temporary ceasefire is reached at some point. So long as the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom it is absolutely necessary for the Western democracies to arm them and aid them. It is the least we can do.

For Ukraine, this remains a crucial war of self defense. For Russia, it is a war of aggression and empire.
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What do these things have to do with supporting and providing aid to a known corrupt country? Only an idiot would think opposing aid to a known corrupt country without accountability equates to supporting Russia.
EVERY nation's government has corruption within it. Biden obviously has engaged in corruption.
So we have no moral high ground to point a finger at anyone. Government Corruption is a scale...not a "Yes/No" type thing.

Now the Ukrainian government is honestly trying to get rid of some of this entrenched corruption. (And it's slow going to flush them all out)
Everyone tries to stop the corruption...but people are greedy.

And the US gives aide to Ukraine as agreed to with our treaties with Ukraine. Once's no longer ours. It's theirs. We don't tell the Ukrainians how to root out corruption.
This is b.s. propaganda and a sign of shear cowardice. The “Make Peace Not War” bullshit of … cowards and apologists for Putin and capitulators to Russian “imperial” aggression. It was the fucking Russians who invaded sovereign and pro-Western democratic Ukraine!

There will be peace — a lasting peace — only when the bloody Russian invaders are defeated. You are a cowardly liar and apologist for a totalitarian imperialist and now essentially fascist power that aims to destroy the very national existence of Ukraine.

The Russian “empire” is now mostly a Potemkin village of criminals, lunatics and chauvinists. Russian state domestic propaganda is completely different than what you read in RT. Its hysterically threats, even to nuke the West, only shows that it is not confident it can hold its own against an increasingly well-armed Ukrainian nation.

The Ukrainians, for their part, have done infinitely better than anyone had a right to expect. For the first time last month they actually surpassed the Russians in artillery shells fired (the Ukrainians fire with much greater accuracy too).

Of course the Ukrainians are suffering heavy casualties. They are outnumbered by the Russians who will continue to throw their soldiers into the meat grinder they created … until they mutiny or die. But the Ukrainians at least see clearly they are facing a Russian totalitarian regime that is utterly degenerate. Russia’s soldiers are already utterly demoralized. Their training sucks and their weapons are increasingly old and shitty. Its soldiers don’t want to fight and have no reason to die in Ukraine.

The war will continue, even if a temporary ceasefire is reached at some point. So long as the Ukrainians are willing to fight for their freedom it is absolutely necessary for the Western democracies to arm them and aid them. It is the least we can do.

For Ukraine, this remains a crucial war of self defense. For Russia, it is a war of aggression and empire.

It was the Kiev Regime, egged on by BlackRock who promised to buy all the real estate Ukraine was sure to win in a war with the Russians. The CIA ASSURED everyone that Putin was weak, sick and his military was a paper tiger. So they ENCOURAGED Ukraine to provoke Russia into acting including having 40+ US Bioweapons lab on Russia's doorstep. OOPSIES!

When it was pretty clear Ukraine was in WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over their heads they sought a deal with Russia. The Third Obama (Biden) Administration would not allow Kiev to make piece. There was too much money to be made in the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation.

The worse part is that the politicians and backer in DC and Kiev get away scot-free, while Ukraine loses an entire generation of their best and brightest young men. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CRIMINAL!
I am surprised they held out for almost two years. They were expected to fold in a couple of weeks. At least they bloodied the damn Russians and depleted quite a bit of the Russian military stock.

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