Ukraine Military running low on ammo

It was the Kiev Regime, egged on by BlackRock who promised to buy all the real estate Ukraine was sure to win in a war with the Russians. The CIA ASSURED everyone that Putin was weak, sick and his military was a paper tiger. So they ENCOURAGED Ukraine to provoke Russia into acting including having 40+ US Bioweapons lab on Russia's doorstep. OOPSIES!

When it was pretty clear Ukraine was in WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over their heads they sought a deal with Russia. The Third Obama (Biden) Administration would not allow Kiev to make piece. There was too much money to be made in the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation.

The worse part is that the politicians and backer in DC and Kiev get away scot-free, while Ukraine loses an entire generation of their best and brightest young men. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CRIMINAL!
You’re a maga fuckup moron.

Still mad that Zelenskyy didn’t do the political favor for your fuckup. Now you’re hoping that the Ukrainian people lose their freedom to pootin.

You don’t desire freedom.
You’re a maga fuckup moron.

Still mad that Zelenskyy didn’t do the political favor for your fuckup. Now you’re hoping that the Ukrainian people lose their freedom to pootin.

You don’t desire freedom.

^ coming from a frothing Fascist

Zelen$ky is as crooked as Biden
well unfortunately Ukraine is also losing men which is also a problem. Victory is slipping and it might be time to make a deal with your enemy.

Russia on the other hand has to depend on Iran and NK for support. which is sad state of affairs for a so called super power.
what deal is possible?
Make Peace, you fools!

March 2022 there was a peace deal on the table, Obama nixed it.

Ukrainian people need to overthrow the Kiev Regime and hold them and their enablers accountable for War Crimes and every soldier killed since March 2022
what kind of peace?
Are you a Russian apologist?
Do you support communism?
Are you opposed to free speech?
Are you opposed to free trade?
Which treaties should we keep?
Which treaties should we ignore?

Are you losing literally billions by not trading with Russia? (Like a few republican leaders are)

Do you subscribe to independent thought at all?
russia is not really communist any more
I am surprised they held out for almost two years. They were expected to fold in a couple of weeks. At least they bloodied the damn Russians and depleted quite a bit of the Russian military stock.
i am also surprised
they all know Russian …..
Indeed. Because most modern Ukrainians know the Russian language and culture intimately, have their own views of Russian & Ukrainian history, and now once again are experiencing bloody invasion and occupation by the Kremlin, they want nothing more to do with it.

They have shown the world, even when they lacked sufficient weapons, that they would fight. They no longer want to be under the boot of despotism. They rejoiced when they won independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, and know that with Western support they can drive back Russia further, or at least prevent a Putin victory.

But Putin wants to make them pay the maximum price for their gumption, sort of the way we reacted in Vietnam and elsewhere. It is Russian imperial grandeur he craves. He is gambling that Trump will win, that he can divide “the decadent West.” He doesn’t care of the price paid either by common Russians or Ukrainians.

Putin ignores the desires of Ukrainians especially, and believes that pure power and Russia’s oil wealth and greater numbers, in combination with Western failure of will, will ultimately crush Ukrainian aspirations entirely. Right now he wants no compromise, as he sees Trump rising in the polls.
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There have been many reports in the news of Ukraine been in dire need of ammo and weapons to continue fighting the Russian Federation. Why can't all the NATO countries not supply Ukraine with what it needs. It seems that the USA is the country providing the most help to the Ukrainians.
Indeed. Because most modern Ukrainians know the Russian language and culture intimately, have their own views of Russian & Ukrainian history, and now once again are experiencing bloody invasion and occupation by the Kremlin, they want nothing more to do with it.

They have shown the world, even when they lacked sufficient weapons, that they would fight. They no longer want to be under the boot of despotism. They rejoiced when they won independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, and know that with Western support they can drive back Russia further, or at least prevent a Putin victory.

But Putin wants to make them pay the maximum price for their gumption, sort of the way we reacted in Vietnam and elsewhere. It is Russian imperial grandeur he craves. He is gambling that Trump will win, that he can divide “the decadent West.” He doesn’t care of the price paid either by common Russians or Ukrainians.

Putin ignores the desires of Ukrainians especially, and believes that pure power and Russia’s oil wealth and greater numbers, in combination with Western failure of will, will ultimately crush Ukrainian aspirations entirely. Right now he wants no compromise, as he sees Trump rising in the polls.
well said!
So it's Xmas and the women and old men in the UAF trenches have had to resort to throwing frozen peas at the Russian Peacekeepers who nevertheless try to keep them alive now that the freezing weather has arrived and the Ukeys have run out of ammunition to chew on .

Where is Troll Nazi Winkle to hand out little food parcels and Chistmas cards?
Several weeks ago Trolls VD John and Toomuchbooze surrendered .
The job is now simply too much for the Titty Winkle and his little brain .

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