Ukraine Military running low on ammo

10% for the Big Guy

Unlike Trump who was owned by the Deep State; Biden is owned by the Obama guys (Barry and Mikey) the WEF, the Deep State and China
10% means what?

Exactly, since no financial records can prove that.

And that word salad Frank, WTF are you posting about.
10% means what?

Exactly, since no financial records can prove that.

And that word salad Frank, WTF are you posting about.
'I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.' -- Not influence peddling, uh huh, sureeeeeeeee
what deal is possible?
I don't know but they are politicians and they make deals. Whether its a good or bad deal will be determined by history. People in the present really can only state their opinions if it is a good or bad deal.
I don't know but they are politicians and they make deals. Whether its a good or bad deal will be determined by history. People in the present really can only state their opinions if it is a good or bad deal.
Politicians make deals?

Have you followed maga omes?
russia is not really communist any more
That's the most ludicrous statement that I've read on this board yet.

Since the institution of sanctions by THE WHOLE WORLD except for other communist nations Russia has become even more Communist by nationalizing more industry and privately held businesses than they did before. They have conscripted the workers in these businesses so they now get longer hours for less pay and forced others, holding other occupations, to work in these businesses.

I don't think that you understand the meaning of communism.
Indeed. Because most modern Ukrainians know the Russian language and culture intimately, have their own views of Russian & Ukrainian history, and now once again are experiencing bloody invasion and occupation by the Kremlin, they want nothing more to do with it.

They have shown the world, even when they lacked sufficient weapons, that they would fight. They no longer want to be under the boot of despotism. They rejoiced when they won independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, and know that with Western support they can drive back Russia further, or at least prevent a Putin victory.

But Putin wants to make them pay the maximum price for their gumption, sort of the way we reacted in Vietnam and elsewhere. It is Russian imperial grandeur he craves. He is gambling that Trump will win, that he can divide “the decadent West.” He doesn’t care of the price paid either by common Russians or Ukrainians.

Putin ignores the desires of Ukrainians especially, and believes that pure power and Russia’s oil wealth and greater numbers, in combination with Western failure of will, will ultimately crush Ukrainian aspirations entirely. Right now he wants no compromise, as he sees Trump rising in the polls.
Please get informed before posting your lengthy uninformed posts.
That's the most ludicrous statement that I've read on this board yet.

Since the institution of sanctions by THE WHOLE WORLD except for other communist nations Russia has become even more Communist by nationalizing more industry and privately held businesses than they did before. They have conscripted the workers in these businesses so they now get longer hours for less pay and forced others, holding other occupations, to work in these businesses.

I don't think that you understand the meaning of communism.
I remember when you used to Troll regularly on the Ukraine threads and tell us how the UAF was advancing and heading south to the Azov Sea and then on to Crimea .
So entertaining .
Then you and toomuchbooze used to tell us about flattened and abandoned villages which your ex fighters had captured .Except there was nothing and nobody there . Just rubble .
Next day the UAF were wiped out by Russian artillery .

So when you talk about Russia, do you actually know where it is ?
Yeah like you believing everything put out by the CIA and Mossad.
This guy you linked to is some random internet crank. He’s been predicting doom and gloom for years, but never seems to show up.

Some people are addicted to contrarian bullshit like this. Makes them feel superior. I think.
This guy you linked to is some random internet crank. He’s been predicting doom and gloom for years, but never seems to show up.

Some people are addicted to contrarian bullshit like this. Makes them feel superior. I think.
It’s rather doom in gloom in Gaza. Haven’t you heard?
I remember when you used to Troll regularly on the Ukraine threads and tell us how the UAF was advancing and heading south to the Azov Sea and then on to Crimea .
So entertaining .
Then you and toomuchbooze used to tell us about flattened and abandoned villages which your ex fighters had captured .Except there was nothing and nobody there . Just rubble .
Next day the UAF were wiped out by Russian artillery .

So when you talk about Russia, do you actually know where it is ?
The similarities between the supporters of the Biden proxy war in Ukraine and his genocide in Gaza are numerous. These fools will accept whatever their told by the establishment.

Thing is when the establishment turns as they’re doing in Ukraine and will in Gaza, these dumb MFers will deny they supported the mass murdering.
This guy you linked to is some random internet crank. He’s been predicting doom and gloom for years …

Some people are addicted to contrarian bullshit like this. Makes them feel superior. I think.
Indeed, the author of this gipper link — Gerald Celente — back when Obama’s team was bringing the country back from the 2008 fiscal crisis (and making some all-but-inevitable concessions to Wall Street in the process) was not merely preaching economic doom, but allying with Alex Jones and his like.

In 2009 Celente predicted "Obamageddon", and he was a popular guest on conservative cable-TV shows such as Fox News Sunday and Glenn Beck's television program.

Celente is a long time master of "pessimism porn" and folks like gipper actually feel superiority sharing his constant predictions of the collapse of civil society and economic catastrophe. All these fools actually are doing is aiding the Putins and XiJinpings of the world, and bringing disinformation to our own society … which may eventually lead to a political catastrophe.

Not that there isn’t some truth in all their ravings, just as there is truth in some of their criticisms of Israel’s savage retaliation toward Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and Netanyahu’s old policies of building up Hamas to make a “two-state solution” impossible.

But ideologues and conspiracists who mainly or always attack the U.S. and Israel show no understanding of the realities and difficulties involved in resolving problems of mutually hostile interpenetrated peoples in different contexts. They cannot examine them carefully and realistically, or differentiate internal and international forces at work in creating the tragic wars that arise out of them.

Over the past decade, for example, Celente has become one of the loudest voices calling for the end of the State of Israel and has rebuked the legitimacy of Israel via his Youtube channel. Seems to me gipper has done much the same here.
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Indeed, the author of this gipper link — Gerald Celente — back when Obama’s team was bringing the country back from the 2008 fiscal crisis (and making some all-but-inevitable concessions to Wall Street in the process) was not merely preaching economic doom, but allying with Alex Jones and his like.

In 2009 Celente predicted "Obamageddon", and he was a popular guest on conservative cable-TV shows such as Fox News Sunday and Glenn Beck's television program.

Celente is a long time master of "pessimism porn" and folks like gipper actually feel superiority sharing his constant predictions of the collapse of civil society and economic catastrophe. All these fools actually are doing is aiding the Putins and XiJinpings of the world, and bringing disinformation to our own society … which may eventually lead to a political catastrophe.

Not that there isn’t some truth in all their ravings, just as there is truth in some of their criticisms of Israel’s savage retaliation toward Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and Netanyahu’s old policies of building up Hamas to make a “two-state solution” impossible.

But ideologues and conspiracists who mainly or always attack the U.S. and Israel show no understanding of the realities and difficulties involved in resolving problems of mutually hostile interpenetrated peoples in different contexts. They cannot examine them carefully and realistically, or differentiate internal and international forces at work in creating the tragic wars that arise out of them.

Over the past decade, for example, Celente has become one of the loudest voices calling for the end of the State of Israel and has rebuked the legitimacy of Israel via his Youtube channel. Seems to me gipper has done much the same here.
Again a lengthy post and entirely off topic.

You made inaccurate statements and I exposed you. Be a man and accept you were wrong. Do better next time, but please try to be concise. No one likes reading lengthy meaningless posts.
Not one inaccurate statement from me. From you we have constant babble, conspiracy theories shared with Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, and one-sided Trump and Putin propaganda. You are so one-sidedly anti-Zionist, your comments verge on being anti-Semitic. You love boasting you are “well-informed” because you think being “well-informed” means swallowing the anti-American internet propaganda of people like Gerald Celente and his friends.

You blame everything on the U.S. and Israel — including Putin’s bloody invasion of Ukraine and the Hamas’ bloody attack on Israel. You might as well praise the Iranian regime and North Korea too — they are after all bitterly hostile to Western liberal-democratic norms and (weakening) “U.S. hegemony.” Maybe you think the Houthis (and their Iranian arms suppliers) are right to target Israeli shipping in the Red Sea & Indian Ocean? Should Hezbollah attack Israel from Southern Lebanon will you rally behind them for showing “solidarity with Palestinians” and fighting the “Zionist enemy”?
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