Ukraine Military running low on ammo

What a string of childish ideas! You cannot be more than 22 or 23 years old and have a minimum of experience in life.
I have more experience fighting U.S. military adventurism abroad — and outright U.S. imperialism — than anyone else on USMB — which you could easily have ascertained if you had done some research before shooting off your big mouth.

Starting as a student anti- Vietnam War organizer in the 1960s, through actively opposing countless U.S. invasions and occupations abroad, countless U.S.-aided coups, and subsequently becoming an industrial trade union militant defending worker’s rights, I have accumulated more real political experience than anyone I’ve encountered here. I’ve been arrested, beaten by cops and with my union buddies physically defended anti-war & anti-imperialist protests against brainwashed “patriotic” rightwing assholes. Of course I fought for Civil Rights as well, something crucial to all working people and to maintaining national cohesion in society.

My actions won me a fat COINTELPRO file with the FBI and lost me jobs. Now almost 75, it is obvious to me you are a fool and a braggart, and have little or no understanding of history.
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What a string of childish ideas! You cannot be more than 22 or 23 years old and have a minimum of experience in life. Go back to bed. :springbed:
I have more experience fighting U.S. military adventurism abroad — and outright U.S. imperialism — than anyone else on USMB
I am a real War Veteran. Your video game experience and Joan Wayne film collection aren't worth a turd, Pussy Boy. I told you to go to bed. Do it!
You are a Putin boot-licker.

John Wayne, not “Joan” Wayne. Are you even a U.S. citizen?

So how many U.S. invasions and occupations did you support before you decided to switch sides … and support Putin’s invasion of Ukraine?
A "Putin boot-licker"? Does that apply to everyone who puts you in your place? :p

I wouldn’t think so. But since nobody at this wretched site dominated by rightwing ignoramuses has ever “put me in my place” concerning Ukrainian and Russian history, I couldn’t say for sure.

In general, people who simply advocate “peace talks” but still believe it necessary to send aid to Ukraine, in my opinion do not deserve that epithet. But those who want the Russians to win the war and relish every supposed defeat for Ukraine— definitely deserve that epithet and worse,
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