Ukraine Military running low on ammo

...which does make a huge difference during asymmetrical warfare.
The onslaught of Ukrainian forces against Russia's forces since Feb, 2022 is "asymmetrical warfare"?

What on earth are you even talking about? sabotage acts, or some British trained commando operations - have no impact whatsoever on the outcome of this war. They are a pain in the ass - that's all.

This war is solely decided via manpower and ammo - off which the Russians have enough and are getting enough - unlike the Ukrainians.
The only thing that gave Ukraine a "considerable" advantage, is and was HIMARS.

And HIMARS is costly as hell - and the Russians have obviously found ways to counter HIMARS quite effectively in the meantime.

BTW - where are these around 500 promised Challenger/Leopards I&II and Abrams? conducting asymmetrical warfare?
Europe gears up to send Western tanks to Ukraine …
Web, Jan 14, 2023
Where are those F-16's?

‘We will get F-16s’: Ukraine aims for NATO’s fighter jets after winning battle for Western tanks

Published Thu, Jan 26, 2023
It's obvious the USA & NATO already gave up on Ukraine - just hoping for Putin to get tired and maybe accept some extra $$$ offers, to end this war, whilst keeping Crimea, Donbas and Luhansk.
It was the Kiev Regime, egged on by BlackRock who promised to buy all the real estate Ukraine was sure to win in a war with the Russians. The CIA ASSURED everyone that Putin was weak, sick and his military was a paper tiger. So they ENCOURAGED Ukraine to provoke Russia into acting including having 40+ US Bioweapons lab on Russia's doorstep. OOPSIES!

When it was pretty clear Ukraine was in WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over their heads they sought a deal with Russia. The Third Obama (Biden) Administration would not allow Kiev to make piece. There was too much money to be made in the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation.

The worse part is that the politicians and backer in DC and Kiev get away scot-free, while Ukraine loses an entire generation of their best and brightest young men. ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CRIMINAL!
Your brain is so full of steaming imaginary shit it could explode!

Where and when did the CIA “ASSURE everyone” that “Putin was weak, sick and his military a paper tiger”?

The fact is the U.S. urged Zelensky to get out of Kiev. The Pentagon and our intelligence agencies assumed like Putin that Russia would conquer Kiev in a day or two and install a puppet government to rule Ukraine in a few weeks at the most.

The U.S. was surprised at the incompetence and total societal corruption that had sapped even the Russian military of strategic effectiveness. Only after the Ukrainian defenses held in Kiev and stopped the Russian offensive elsewhere, after it threw back initial Russian gains and showed that the Russians would have to pay to conquer every foot of Ukraine, did Western military aid really start flowing.

The rest of your screed is equally sheer fantasy taken from RT and rightwing conspiracy fantasists who have been fed Russian disinformation for years.
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EVERY nation's government has corruption within it. Biden obviously has engaged in corruption.
So we have no moral high ground to point a finger at anyone. Government Corruption is a scale...not a "Yes/No" type thing.

Now the Ukrainian government is honestly trying to get rid of some of this entrenched corruption. (And it's slow going to flush them all out)
Everyone tries to stop the corruption...but people are greedy.

And the US gives aide to Ukraine as agreed to with our treaties with Ukraine. Once's no longer ours. It's theirs. We don't tell the Ukrainians how to root out corruption.
... and government has failed to be accountable with how the aid is being used / spent. We've given them billions of dollars and have no idea how this known corrupt country is spending it .. regardless of the diatribe you've provided.
Your brain is so full of steaming imaginary shit it could explode!

Where and when did the CIA “ASSURE everyone” that “Putin was weak, sick and his military a paper tiger”?

The fact is the U.S. urged Zelensky to get out of Kiev. The Pentagon and our intelligence agencies assumed like Putin that Russia would conquer Kiev in a day or two and install a puppet government to rule Ukraine in a few weeks at the most.

The U.S. was surprised at the incompetence and total societal corruption that had sapped even the Russian military of strategic effectiveness. Only after the Ukrainian defenses held in Kiev and stopped the Russian offensive elsewhere, after it threw back initial Russian gains and showed that the Russians would have to pay to conquer every foot of Ukraine, did Western military aid really start flowing.

The rest of your screed is equally sheer fantasy taken from RT and rightwing conspiracy fantasists who have been fed Russian disinformation for years.
So sorry to see that you and reality had a bad break up and are no longer on speaking terms.

Russia has no interest in Kiev except that whoever takes over when Zelen$ky is ousted they REMAIN NEUTRAL and honor the Minsk Accords
Russia has no interest in Kiev except that whoever takes over when Zelensky is ousted they REMAIN NEUTRAL and honor the Minsk Accords

You are insane. The Russians have already officially abandoned all interest in “the Minsk Accords,” and have officially annexed as an “eternal part of Russia” those territories and much more — in fact three provinces they haven’t even succeeded in occupying completely. You are an idiot who knows absolutely nothing … but you continue to repeat old Russian propaganda. Your touching faith in Putin’s long repudiated lies, and both his and Russia’s totally repressive, authoritarian, chauvinist imperial dictatorship … is astonishing and repulsive.
I am surprised they held out for almost two years. They were expected to fold in a couple of weeks. At least they bloodied the damn Russians and depleted quite a bit of the Russian military stock.
Yes, and if not those incompetent fuckwits from the Biden administration who placed all eggs in 'Ukraine's sweeping counter-offensive that will cut Russian frontline in half and reach Crimea' basket, Ukraine would have built its Surovikin's lines and minefields, and thus the current war (at least in its current phase) would be essentially over.

But, alas, the Ukraine's stance is much worse now than it was in the spring. And no one from those fuckwits seems to know what to do next.
... and government has failed to be accountable with how the aid is being used / spent. We've given them billions of dollars and have no idea how this known corrupt country is spending it .. regardless of the diatribe you've provided.
Well we know what's happening due to the black market. Just like all the Russian Federation rifle scopes and equipment that was available to purchase...(advertised everywhere).

And actually it's not as much as you would think of the donated equipment. (Most of the money given is in the valuations of equipment and not cash itself)

What is happening is that the CIA is snitching directly to officials in Ukraine about every bit of it. Even if it requires telling Zelensky himself of one of his chiefs of Staff. We, in the States, do not hear about any of this because the information is classified, compartmentalized, and contained. EVERY leak is immediately addressed and resolved permanently :salute::Boom2:

So where the last remaining areas of corruption are still being's not anything that we personally can do anything about as it's not donated money or equipment or ammunition, parts, and supplies.
Much of the corruption is holdover from RF influence and administration from 40+ years ago plus several Russian friendly administration's. (As in appointing Russian political operatives to cabinet positions)

Currently, the Russians have been selling Ukrainian Women and children on the sex markets. Every town they "free from captivity" has seen a major portion of the women and children shipped out and they end up in brothels around the world.

Address that!
You are insane. The Russians have already officially abandoned all interest in “the Minsk Accords,” and have officially annexed as an “eternal part of Russia” those territories and much more — in fact three provinces they haven’t even succeeded in occupying completely. You are an idiot who knows absolutely nothing … but you continue to repeat old Russian propaganda. Your touching faith in Putin’s long repudiated lies, and both his and Russia’s totally repressive, authoritarian, chauvinist imperial dictatorship … is astonishing and repulsive.

Maybe Poland will absorb whatever is left of Ukraine west of the Dnieper, it's almost irrelevant at this point. For absolute certain, there will be no more Nazi murders of Russians in Donbass, the Lugar labs are gone and, most unfortunately and unnecessarily, Ukraine lost a generation of their best and brightest young men.

Odd that it's Ukraine that had Nazis killing Russians in Donbass; eliminated a free press, political opposition and the Russian Orthodox Church, yet you rail against "repressive, authoritarian, chauvinist imperial dictatorship"
On a charitable basis our Pain in the Bum and VD John are inadvertent Trolls rather than deliberate numpties .
They simply pass on what they read , never questioning the validity of their sources , and they have become blind and in love with the garbage they churn out .
Now , their pride means they are stuck in the winter mud and freezing conditions , just giving us more and more unbelievable propaganda.
They should have noticed that Toomuchbooze has fled the scene realising that his reports were just plain silly, and the biggest ass of them all , Nazi Litwin, has entirely given up talking about the UAF because even he has read and understood that the war has been decided, regardless of however long the tattered UAF remnants are able to carry on with "resistance in retreat" .

The UAF has run out of fighters and other factors essentially are irrelevant .
Kyiv is stuck with suffering a slow massacre until they shoot the Mad Midget and get down on their knees and hope to retrieve a speck of self respect .
Your brain is so full of steaming imaginary shit it could explode!

Where and when did the CIA “ASSURE everyone” that “Putin was weak, sick and his military a paper tiger”?

The fact is the U.S. urged Zelensky to get out of Kiev. The Pentagon and our intelligence agencies assumed like Putin that Russia would conquer Kiev in a day or two and install a puppet government to rule Ukraine in a few weeks at the most.

The U.S. was surprised at the incompetence and total societal corruption that had sapped even the Russian military of strategic effectiveness. Only after the Ukrainian defenses held in Kiev and stopped the Russian offensive elsewhere, after it threw back initial Russian gains and showed that the Russians would have to pay to conquer every foot of Ukraine, did Western military aid really start flowing.

The rest of your screed is equally sheer fantasy taken from RT and rightwing conspiracy fantasists who have been fed Russian disinformation for years.
You're funny. Russia moved on Kiev to draw troops to the north and pin them there. As soon as that happened they left, while the Ukrainians had to stay. Kiev was virtually undefended. Which is why clown boy Zelensky handed out AKs to anyone who could hold one. The Ukrainians haven't gained anything that Russians weren't willing to give.
On a charitable basis our Pain in the Bum and VD John are inadvertent Trolls rather than deliberate numpties .
They simply pass on what they read , never questioning the validity of their sources , and they have become blind and in love with the garbage they churn out .
Now , their pride means they are stuck in the winter mud and freezing conditions , just giving us more and more unbelievable propaganda.
They should have noticed that Toomuchbooze has fled the scene realising that his reports were just plain silly, and the biggest ass of them all , Nazi Litwin, has entirely given up talking about the UAF because even he has read and understood that the war has been decided, regardless of however long the tattered UAF remnants are able to carry on with "resistance in retreat" .

The UAF has run out of fighters and other factors essentially are irrelevant .
Kyiv is stuck with suffering a slow massacre until they shoot the Mad Midget and get down on their knees and hope to retrieve a speck of self respect .
All you have is ad hominem attacks of name calling and some of the most shallow propaganda available?

Expected more from you than this. Are the Russian trolls going unpaid or something?

This is even below your normal low standards.
Well we know what's happening due to the black market. Just like all the Russian Federation rifle scopes and equipment that was available to purchase...(advertised everywhere).

And actually it's not as much as you would think of the donated equipment. (Most of the money given is in the valuations of equipment and not cash itself)

What is happening is that the CIA is snitching directly to officials in Ukraine about every bit of it. Even if it requires telling Zelensky himself of one of his chiefs of Staff. We, in the States, do not hear about any of this because the information is classified, compartmentalized, and contained. EVERY leak is immediately addressed and resolved permanently :salute::Boom2:

So where the last remaining areas of corruption are still being's not anything that we personally can do anything about as it's not donated money or equipment or ammunition, parts, and supplies.
Much of the corruption is holdover from RF influence and administration from 40+ years ago plus several Russian friendly administration's. (As in appointing Russian political operatives to cabinet positions)

Currently, the Russians have been selling Ukrainian Women and children on the sex markets. Every town they "free from captivity" has seen a major portion of the women and children shipped out and they end up in brothels around the world.

Address that!
Notice I specified "aid" and not money .. I get this ...

What I am uncertain about is your assertion that every leak is immediately addressed and resolved permanently .. how do you know this? What evidence is there?

Yes .. we can address the corruption by minimizing the assets we freely provide to Ukraine .. On the sex market .. I'm more concerned with the active sex trafficking openly occuring at our southern border and nothing being done to address this catastrophe .. sex trafficking, illegal immigration, drug importation, etc...
Are they really low on ammo? Or is this "were low on ammo, we need 5 billion more dollars".
Are they really low on ammo? Or is this "were low on ammo, we need 5 billion more dollars".
Modern national wars, which is what the Russian invasion of Ukraine has morphed into, are not small anti-insurgency operations. They require whole industrial economies to provide immense amounts of ammunition as well as high tech weaponry and communications.
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Modern like what we now see in Ukraine are not small anti-insurgency operations. They require whole industrial economies to provide immense amounts of ammunition as well as high technology weaponry and communications.

Since my post was too vague I'll rephrase it.

Are they really low on ammo?

Or is this another excuse to bilk billions of dollars of donations out of other countries in a giant scam?
Since my post was too vague I'll rephrase it.

Are they really low on ammo?

Or is this another excuse to bilk billions of dollars of donations out of other countries in a giant scam?
I pointed out in an earlier comment on this thread that the Ukrainians last month for the first time actually fired more artillery shells than the Russians did. The Russians have been using North Korean shells that are so old they often misfire and destroy their own howitzers. Both sides often run “short” of ammunition, especially artillery shells, and have to take that into consideration in waging offensives, strikes, etc.

Fuck, the Russians even ran short of gasoline and quality rubber tires for their army trucks during their initial invasion — recall the chaos of their 40 mile long logistical nightmare in the early days of their invasion? Now the war is more bogged down behind defensive lines, and simple artillery and longer distance missiles and drone strikes are playing a big role as well, especially for the Russians — but not particularly effectively. Most of the bigger Russian drones come from Iran …
I pointed out in an earlier comment on this thread that the Ukrainians last month for the first time actually fired more artillery shells than the Russians did. The Russians have been using North Korean shells that are so old they often misfire and destroy their own howitzers. Both sides often run “short” of ammunition, especially artillery shells, and have to take that into consideration in waging offensives, strikes, etc.

Fuck, the Russians even ran short of gasoline and quality rubber tires for their army trucks during their initial invasion — recall the chaos of their 40 mile long logistical nightmare in the early days of their invasion? Now the war is more bogged down behind defensive lines, and simple artillery and longer distance missiles and drone strikes are playing a big role as well, especially for the Russians — but not particularly effectively. Most of the bigger Russian drones come from Iran …
Two with one shot. Ain't that a clever way to cope with the ammo shortage?
There have been many reports in the news of Ukraine been in dire need of ammo and weapons to continue fighting the Russian Federation. Why can't all the NATO countries not supply Ukraine with what it needs. It seems that the USA is the country providing the most help to the Ukrainians.
Can you post the breakdown of aid given so far.

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