Ukraine "Or" Israel?

E. Pluribus

Senior Member
Nov 29, 2023
Which country's survival is more important to U.S. interests? If Ukraine goes down, Russia will re-arm and start looking at the rest of eastern Europe. If Israel goes down, so what? Iran will go back to minding its own business.
Compromise and a negotiated settlement for both conflicts are in America’s interest.

The CCP is the primary danger to the USA.

US foreign policy should focus on depriving the CCP of allies. There are good reasons for Russia and various Muslim countries to avoid a Chinese alliance.
When you mention "American interests'' whose interests in particular are we talking about here?

Are we talking about the interests of the average American electorate who are being put on the hook for all of this at the barrel of their own government's gun while they are forced to choose between putting food on the table for their families or to put gas in their car to get to work as a consequence of the regressive policies of the very same government gun?

Or are we talking about the interests of the imperialist oligarchs who couldn't care less about America either way?

So...yeah. What interest? Whose interests specifically are you equating to ''American interests?"
I don't know where you got this idea Russia is going to take over all of Europe. It sounds like msm spin to help justify throwing hundreds of billions at Ukraine no one seems to know where the money goes.

But really we shouldn't be involved in either one. America has too many of its own problems right now for us to worry about other countries. We need to fix our shit first.

Besides why does it have to be us? Those places are on the other side of the world. It's their neighbors business, not ours.

Shit we can't even secure our own border, why should we care about the border of other countries?
Which country's survival is more important to U.S. interests? If Ukraine goes down, Russia will re-arm and start looking at the rest of eastern Europe. If Israel goes down, so what? Iran will go back to minding its own business.

I don't believe Russia ever crashed three American Jetliners full of people and knocked down two buildings in NYC, killing thousands more.
Would be nice if Americans themselves had lobbyists.

But alas...we only get the bill.

As always, the new boss is the same as the old boss...
And people still have the audacity to defend our government. And then gaslight the decent people for questioning everything..
Compromise and a negotiated settlement for both conflicts are in America’s interest.

The CCP is the primary danger to the USA.

US foreign policy should focus on depriving the CCP of allies. There are good reasons for Russia and various Muslim countries to avoid a Chinese alliance.
Why is China a threat?

They haven't attacked us, haven't attacked their neighbors, and they are being much to tolerant of incursions on their territorial sovereignty.
1. Both are important.

2. If Ukraine falls, the evil Kremlin "leaders" will pick on more victims.

3. If Israel is defeated, the Jewish people throughout the world will be in peril.

4. So if the United States were to defend only one, then it would have to be Israel.

(Besides, Western Europe has NATO to fight the evil Russian empire.)
I don't know where you got this idea Russia is going to take over all of Europe. It sounds like msm spin to help justify throwing hundreds of billions at Ukraine no one seems to know where the money goes.
The money says here, the bombs and bullets go to Ukraine.
1. Both are important.

2. If Ukraine falls, the evil Kremlin "leaders" will pick on more victims.

Will they, though? While there's no excuse for what Putin did, there was an underlying grievance. The areas that Russia has claimed are ethnically Russian, not Ukrainian. ANd there was an accord in place - the Minsk Agreement, that required Ukraine to respect the rights of Ethnic Russians. Zelensky ignored this agreement.

3. If Israel is defeated, the Jewish people throughout the world will be in peril.

4. So if the United States were to defend only one, then it would have to be Israel.
That's a dubious position.

If anything the US would be better off if the Zionist Entity were pushed into the sea. We wouldn't have new reasons for the Arabs to hate us.

Here's a neat idea. If we are so concerned about the World's Jews, let's give them one of our states that we are barely using. Like Wyoming. More room than they currently have in Palestine and no one will want to kill them. (At least until they antagonize their neighbors, anyway.)

(Besides, Western Europe has NATO to fight the evil Russian empire.)
And we are part of NATO. It should be pointed out the only time NATO has acted in defense of one of its members is when we were attacked on 9/11, and they all helped out.
The State of Israel is prophesied to draw the Christian west into an Armageddon like conflict. We can forestall this event by helping Israel defend itself. A weakened Israel would invite an attack.
Why is China a threat?

They haven't attacked us, haven't attacked their neighbors, and they are being much to tolerant of incursions on their territorial sovereignty.
I’ll sign you up for one of the CCP’s re-education camps.

Haven’t you been paying attention?

1. Both are important.

2. If Ukraine falls, the evil Kremlin "leaders" will pick on more victims.

3. If Israel is defeated, the Jewish people throughout the world will be in peril.

4. So if the United States were to defend only one, then it would have to be Israel.

(Besides, Western Europe has NATO to fight the evil Russian empire.)

Russia has had a lot of trouble holding the SE corner of Ukraine. Do you think they are now going to invade NATO?

Israel is in no danger of being defeated by Hamas. Israel has billions of $ worth of weapons thanks to the U.S. taxpayer.

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