Ukraine: Putin recognizes independence of pro-Russian territories

Is this Putin's thinly disguised reason to move into Ukraine and if so, WHY THE ---- DO WE CARE?

In case you missed the emphasis, the last six words are the entire point of the thread.
America is locked in a reality that is a lie. Know that America is Gog and Magog against a falsely accused Russia/America’s Blood Brother that is a Syro, Aryan Christian Israel Nation in Laban’s position as Judge according to Russia’s Tribes of Dan & Benyamin heritage; And He is following YahwehShua’s Perfect Word and Logic to take the sword out of Gog-America’s hand, and break the bow out of Prince Gog’s arm, and reduce the American Gog down to nothing because of America’s haughtiness, joy and pleasure in doing wrong; And, the more she does wrong the more pleasure, drunkenness & excitement she gets being against all life, plant, animal & human, and against every valid Principle.
Putin is attempting to reestablish the old USSR, fully understands how weak Biden is, wants to diminish the standing of NATO, has Germany where he wants them, and Western Europe dependent upon natural gas to fuel their energy sector. This is simply a power game of leverage being conducted by a second class world power that has nuclear capabilities with the abundance of natural gas to play as a wild card. In many ways history is repeating itself with the very same weak players calling the shots. Biden has and will step aside, Putin smells the prize.
Putin warned western war-whores 15 years ago what would happen if NATO continued its eastward expansion. The current violence is largely due to US meddling in the affairs of one of the most corrupt states on the planet in order to stimulate US arms sales in Europe.

NATO expansion — Yugoslavia to Ukraine

"Since 1995, the year NATO waged its first aggressive war against Yugoslavia, NATO has expanded into nine countries of Eastern Europe and three former republics of the former Soviet Union."
America is locked in a reality that is a lie. Know that America is Gog and Magog against a falsely accused Russia/America’s Blood Brother that is a Syro, Aryan Christian Israel Nation in Laban’s position as Judge according to Russia’s Tribes of Dan & Benyamin heritage; And He is following YahwehShua’s Perfect Word and Logic to take the sword out of Gog-America’s hand, and break the bow out of Prince Gog’s arm, and reduce the American Gog down to nothing because of America’s haughtiness, joy and pleasure in doing wrong; And, the more she does wrong the more pleasure, drunkenness & excitement she gets being against all life, plant, animal & human, and against every valid Principle.
:disbelief: :disbelief: :aug08_031: :aug08_031: :aug08_031: :itsok::itsok:
Putin warned western war-whores 15 years ago what would happen if NATO continued its eastward expansion. The current violence is largely due to US meddling in the affairs of one of the most corrupt states on the planet in order to stimulate US arms sales in Europe.

NATO expansion — Yugoslavia to Ukraine

"Since 1995, the year NATO waged its first aggressive war against Yugoslavia, NATO has expanded into nine countries of Eastern Europe and three former republics of the former Soviet Union."
Ukraine should not have give up its nukes in exchange for Russia's promise to respect its borders. Personally, I think we should have helped Israel and Greece connect a sea pipeline beginning back in 2014, but Trump would not have had that happen. But BushI knew that letting Ukraine keep nukes (and they were the #3 holder after Russia and the US) probably would have guaranteed a terrorist bought one or two. And imagine the Sunni terrorists who predated BushII's Great Misadventure.

Still, if it weren't for the US guaranteeing Ukraine security .... they'd have the nukes to call Putin's "bluff" that is no longer a "bluff."
America is locked in a reality that is a lie. Know that America is Gog and Magog against a falsely accused Russia/America’s Blood Brother that is a Syro, Aryan Christian Israel Nation in Laban’s position as Judge according to Russia’s Tribes of Dan & Benyamin heritage; And He is following YahwehShua’s Perfect Word and Logic to take the sword out of Gog-America’s hand, and break the bow out of Prince Gog’s arm, and reduce the American Gog down to nothing because of America’s haughtiness, joy and pleasure in doing wrong; And, the more she does wrong the more pleasure, drunkenness & excitement she gets being against all life, plant, animal & human, and against every valid Principle.
This is who the GOP is aligning themselves with

Still, if it weren't for the US guaranteeing Ukraine security .... they'd have the nukes to call Putin's "bluff" that is no longer a "bluff."
Ukraine would still have physical control of "their" nuclear weapons, but the operational control might still lie with Putin?

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances - Wikipedia

"As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Until then, Ukraine had the world's third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical, but not operational, control.

"Russia alone controlled the codes needed to operate the nuclear weapons[4][5] via Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system."

Along with Islamic terrorists, Ukraine has its own home-grown example I wouldn't trust with WMDs:

Militaristic and anti-democratic, Ukraine's far-right bides its time
"As a result, between 1994 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons. Until then, Ukraine had the world's third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile,[2][3] of which Ukraine had physical, but not operational, control.

"Russia alone controlled the codes needed to operate the nuclear weapons[4][5] via Russian-controlled electronic Permissive Action Links and the Russian command and control system."
I think Ukraine would have been able to reconfigure the codes in the last 35 years
I think Ukraine would have been able to reconfigure the codes in the last 35 years
Would that have been a good thing if some of Ukraine's nukes had fallen into these hands?

Militaristic and anti-democratic, Ukraine's far-right bides its time

"Though few in number overall, far-right groups operate with a high degree of impunity in Ukrainian society, allowing them to harass and attack minorities and human rights advocates without repercussions.

"Some worry that such groups, given their anti-democratic ideals, paramilitary discipline, and freedom to operate, could have an outsize influence should Ukraine return to political instability."
Would that have been a good thing if some of Ukraine's nukes had fallen into these hands?

Militaristic and anti-democratic, Ukraine's far-right bides its time

"Though few in number overall, far-right groups operate with a high degree of impunity in Ukrainian society, allowing them to harass and attack minorities and human rights advocates without repercussions.

"Some worry that such groups, given their anti-democratic ideals, paramilitary discipline, and freedom to operate, could have an outsize influence should Ukraine return to political instability."
They look like Trumpers
They look like Trumpers
"Stand back and stand by"?

Militaristic and anti-democratic, Ukraine's far-right bides its time

"'During the Maidan there was a context that was comfortable for [the radical right]. During the war [with rebels in the east], it was very comfortable,' says Vyacheslav Likhachev, a historian and expert on Ukraine’s right-wing movements.

"'Today we do not have a context in which a small minority, with street fighting skills, have the means to create instability. But in case there is instability, they are a very dangerous factor.'"
"Stand back and stand by"?

Militaristic and anti-democratic, Ukraine's far-right bides its time

"'During the Maidan there was a context that was comfortable for [the radical right]. During the war [with rebels in the east], it was very comfortable,' says Vyacheslav Likhachev, a historian and expert on Ukraine’s right-wing movements.

"'Today we do not have a context in which a small minority, with street fighting skills, have the means to create instability. But in case there is instability, they are a very dangerous factor.'"
Did they raid their Capitol?
Never figured out this right Hand vs Left hand stuff that folks like to throw around. As for "democracy" it has been a fraud since it was invented by the Rich dudes in ancient Greece to make the peasants vote the Richman way. They used great talkers in market places, Americans use equally great con artists today. On top of that America has been controlled by the Prince of Gog since Lincoln's Communist revolution of 1860-1865 & beyond up to now. Welcome to Prince Gog's American Babylon,Sodom puppet regime.
Tsar Putin has a Divine Commission to disarm USA on top of the current Isaiah 5 invasion.
Never figured out this right Hand vs Left hand stuff that folks like to throw around. As for "democracy" it has been a fraud since it was invented by the Rich dudes in ancient Greece to make the peasants vote the Richman way. They used great talkers in market places, Americans use equally great con artists today. On top of that America has been controlled by the Prince of Gog since Lincoln's Communist revolution of 1860-1865 & beyond up to now. Welcome to Prince Gog's American Babylon,Sodom puppet regime.
Tsar Putin has a Divine Commission to disarm USA on top of the current Isaiah 5 invasion.
So how many of you Trumpers line up with Putin's guy here?

How many of you hate America and democracy?
So how many of you Trumpers line up with Putin's guy here?

How many of you hate America and democracy?
Democracy is and has been a fraud since it was invented by the rich guys in ancient Greece. They hired top speakers to persuade the peasants into voting the way the Rich man wanted. Now a days, those top speakers are the liar News Media. Democracy remains the same today as it was then.
Democracy is and has been a fraud since it was invented by the rich guys in ancient Greece. They hired top speakers to persuade the peasants into voting the way the Rich man wanted. Now a days, those top speakers are the liar News Media. Democracy remains the same today as it was then.
Isn't it amazing how much Russian trolls like this clown sound like what the Republican Party has become?
Did they raid their Capitol?
Some of them may be part of their government.

Commentary: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem

"Ukraine is not the only country that must contend with a resurgent far right.

"But Kiev’s recent efforts to incorporate independent armed groups into its regular armed forces, as well as a continuing national sense of indebtedness to the militias for their defense of the homeland, make addressing the ultranationalist threat considerably more complicated than it is elsewhere.

"According to Schaaf and the Institute Respublica, Ukrainian extremists are rarely punished for acts of violence. In some cases — such as C14's January attack on a remembrance gathering for two murdered journalists — police actually detain peaceful demonstrators instead."

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