Ukraine: Russia at fault

A picture is worth a thousand words...

NATO: These new satellite images show Russian troops in and around Ukraine
August 28,`14 ~ NATO released satellite images on Thursday of what it said were Russian artillery, vehicles and troops in and around eastern Ukraine, just as Ukrainian officials said Russian troops in armored vehicles captured the Ukrainian town of Novoazovsk, along its southeastern coastline.
The satellite photos appear to show Russian vehicles and troops in numerous locations. NATO officials said that the first image below shows a convoy with self-propelled artillery in the area of Krasnodon, Ukraine, inside territory controlled by Russian-backed separatists on Aug. 21. The Ukrainian military has not moved this far inside separatist-controlled territory, so NATO officials said they are confident the equipment is Russian:


This second image shows Russian artillery units setting up positions in Krasnodon, NATO officials said. Vehicles believed to be carrying ammunition and supplies are alongside them. “This configuration is exactly how trained military professionals would arrange their assets on the ground, indicating that these are not unskilled amateurs, but Russian soldiers,” NATO officials said.


The image below shows shows a staging area for military equipment on the Russian side of the border, near Rostov-on-Don, NATO said. It appears to be about 31 miles from the border crossing in Dovzhansky, Ukraine. The photo below, to the left, was taken June 19, and shows the area mostly empty. The photo to the right was taken Aug. 20, and shows Russian tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks and tents, NATO officials said. Russia is said to have set up similar encampments on other areas of the border:


NATO says this next photo, taken July 23, appears to show six Russian 153mm artillery guns in Russian near Kuybyshevo. It’s four miles south of the Ukrainian border, within range of dropping shells over the border. The guns are pointed north, toward Ukraine, NATO says.


Russia invadin' Ukraine - again...

Ukraine: Unauthorized Convoy Crosses Border From Russia
November 30, 2014 ~ Ukraine accused Moscow on Sunday of again using alleged aid shipments to send weapons and ammunition to the separatist rebels as a Russian convoy entered its eastern region without permission.
Russian media reported that the convoy was delivering food and building materials to residents of rebel-held Donetsk. Armed guards watched as the trucks, sent from the Rostov region of Russia, were unloaded in a rebel-held warehouse in the Makiivka suburb of Donetsk. Ukrainian military spokesman Andriy Lysenko said in a televised briefing, "The lion's share of humanitarian supplies find their way to the rebels partly in the form of food, but mostly it is ammunition, equipment and other things for combat operations."

Insufficient food, medical supplies

Months of fighting in Ukraine's separatist regions have left many without sufficient food and medical supplies. Russia has regularly dispatched shipments of aid to the region, a move denounced by pro-Western Kyiv. Elsewhere in Donetsk, fighting intensified at the local airport, a Reuters witness said. There has been continued shelling from both government forces and the rebels, even after a peace deal was signed on Sept. 5. Lysenko told Reuters that three Ukrainian servicemen and an 82-year-old civilian had been killed in the past 24 hours.


A Russian convoy transporting what Moscow said is humanitarian goods for pro-Russian separatists enters the eastern rebel-held city of Donetsk

He also said Ukrainian positions in Mariupol, a strategic city on the Sea of Azov, were once again coming under attack from rebel shelling. A United Nations report earlier this month said more than 4,300 people have been killed and more than 9,900 wounded in the conflict-affected areas from mid-April to November 18. U.N. monitors also reported the number of internally displaced people had sharply increased to nearly 467,000, including 19,000 from Crimea. The monitors noted almost a half-million other people have crossed into Russia.

Ukraine Unauthorized Convoy Crosses Border From Russia
Obama's Administration has made a lot of noise about having satellite pictures the shoot down of MH17. However they have never shown those pictures to the public. And Ukraine has never published the negotiations between the Malaysian pilot and Ukrainian air traffic controller. The silence of both countries who do have evidence but prefer to hide it raises a lot of doubts about credibility of those statements. It's been almost 5 months since the tragedy has occurred and one can't see too many efforts to investigate the tragedy, Malaysia has not been included into the number of countries, officially investigating it.

And below is a link to Malaysian investigation of a tragedy with their Boeing:
This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a fighter that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.

MH17 Pockmarks look like from very very heavy machine gun fire says first OSCE monitor on-scene New Straits Times
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Propaganda wars continue.
I guess you can call it propaganda. But when at presidential level one claims to have "irrefutable evidence",makes promises to publish it and never does it sounds like he's trying to hide something. Those, who shot the plane, no matter who's interests they represent, should be found and punished, and the world needs to see the evidence. If Obama has evidence then he owes it to the world to show it.

Besides, Obama is known from the past for hiding facts about Obamacare, IRS scandal, Benghazi and even his grades, among other things. Sounds like if somebody is hiding something he has pretty strong reasons for hiding it.
Who is at fault? Can you spell O-B-A-M-A? He practically invited the Russians into Ukraine when he unilaterally canceled our missile defense system in Eastern Europe and promised Putin that he would be "more flexible after the (2012) election."

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