Ukraine war crimes: from large city cut off from water to execution of wounded


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Parallel scripts - this time not deliberate
March 2014 - the script had an "election" in Syria June 3, while millions are cut off from water after being bombed by the airforce of what the UN recognizes as their government.
The reason: Assad's sponsor now knows that the only way to defeat the people is to TOTALLY destroy Syria, to commit EVERY practicable war crime.
What was not scripted: by June 3 the same would be already ongoing in the Ukraine.

May 11, 2014 - Assad's airforce bombs the water supply to rebel held part of Aleppo.
As always the facts are rewritten as black is white by media: "Syrian rebels cut off water supply to both halves of Aleppo".

Jun 4, 2014 - Two days before "Putin" celebrates with Kiev's "democratically elected Poroshenko" the 70th anniversary of D-Day at Normandy, France:
Ukraine war crimes: from large city cut off from water to execution of all wounded fighters in bombed hospitals
June 4, 2014 - Ukraine army artilltiery destroyed water pipeline in Slavyansk . The town remains without water supply

Krasny Liman Hospital: Destroyed by Artillery. 03.06.2014

Evacuation ended with 25 wounded fighters slaughtered

May 11, 2014 Aleppo - Qatar media rewrites it in black is white:
Syrian rebels cut off water supply to both halves of Aleppo | The National
The same Qatar that media from CNN to RussiaToday sells as "supporter of the syrian rebels".
Example of how two lies are packaged in one line and "coincidentally" it's what became reality in Ukraine at Krasny Liman Hospital:
"US trains Syrian rebels in Qatar to ‘ambush' soldiers and 'finish off' the wounded".
Lie #1: rebels are the ones who commit war crimes.
Lie #2: rebels are the ones who are sponsored by NATO and allies, in this case Qatar.
US trains Syrian rebels in Qatar to ?ambush' soldiers and 'finish off' the wounded ? report ? RT News

Last Prophet's words from 2012, updated with the Ukraine "revolution":
Make no mistake: what happens in Syria is what will happen in [East Ukraine and shortly after in the rest of] Europe, USA, Australia, Canada:
Terror and Global genocide: first targets are children on school playgrounds or at hospitals, water supply reservoirs, ...
Make no mistake: this (2 examples from Syria, May 16, 2014) is what will happen first in East Ukraine and shortly after in the rest of Europe, US
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