
Lost: Soldiers, equipment, inclusion in the Western world, money, Putin's air of invincibility, new NATO countries on its borders, travel restrictions, weakened support of oligarchs, and political freedoms within Russia to name a few.

Gained: ???
They’ve gained a lot. The ruble is as strong as ever and their energy exports are generating huge profits. They’re likely to do even better when the idiots running the EU are thrown out of power, and the Euros beg Russia for oil and gas this winter.

Russia has also gained a lot of territory.
Never say never. Or do you know something the rest of us don't? In fact that battle may have already begun.
I know the Ukrainians have no chance of recovering territory lost to the Russians, unless they negotiate terms and end this stupid unnecessary war.
Reading what?

You know for certain they're most likely? Aside from the obvious contradiction, how do you know any of this or are you just regurgitating what you've read on some website?
Independent news sources.

The western media has lied or failed to report the truth about Ukraine. Americans don’t know anything about the coup of 2014, the thousands killed in the Donbas by Ukraine, Russia’s redline, etc.
Independent news sources.
I'm always looking for independent news sources, got a list or links?

The western media has lied or failed to report the truth about Ukraine. Americans don’t know anything about the coup of 2014,
Don't know or don't care? Not caring about foreign countries is very American. Don't forget, one man's coup is another man's Revolution of Dignity

the thousands killed in the Donbas by Ukraine, Russia’s redline, etc.
How many Ukrainians have been killed in the Donbas by Russian troops since 2014?
I'm always looking for independent news sources, got a list or links?

Don't know or don't care? Not caring about foreign countries is very American. Don't forget, one man's coup is another man's Revolution of Dignity

How many Ukrainians have been killed in the Donbas by Russian troops since 2014?
I don’t have list. Sorry.

I do care about that our corporate media lies and misrepresents. They are doing the bidding of the oligarchy and consistently push a divisive narrative. This causes problems in our society.

The number reported is 14,000.
I don’t have list. Sorry.

I do care about that our corporate media lies and misrepresents. They are doing the bidding of the oligarchy and consistently push a divisive narrative. This causes problems in our society.
Your narrative is not divisive?

The number reported is 14,000.
Wrong, the number reported is 14, according to my sources (which I won't provide).
Fortunately for Ukraine the war will not be decided on social media.

I've seen more footage of Russian POW's in the last week than I've seen in 6 months.

Russian defenses in the north are collapsing faster than the UA can clear the liberated territory. The uncontested UA crossings of the S-D near Lyman was a tell. The incursion into Belgorod Oblast was another.

Kupyansk is the key logistical hub for rail traffic to the Donbas and that MSR is now under UA control. Last week Kupyansk was 60km behind the front lines. Today the UA is in the center of the city.

Izium held the theater command and control base. The forces that fled Balakliya fled to Izium, lol. That was 2 days ago, and now they are trying to escape through Oskil under UA fires.

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